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Hon. George Bradburn

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We have before menlioned tliat ibis gentlemaii had left the Oíd Orgntiisatiunist, and joiued the Liberty party. He wns a prominent wbig of ihe ■ Legislatiire of .Vlassncbiisetts for severa! ycars; and is an Mie speaker and wriier. Ho wrilten a loiii) letter, giving: h!s reasons forjonmg the Liberty party, fróm whicli we extract the foJIowingft 'Though originally oppoepd lo thepolicy of an miepen.ieut in;i -slnvcry pplilical prgan ization, I have, for the lost two or lijree years, feit the need? o groVpjng, of euch n organization. And however inodcratelv I may once have estimateH even tbo poteíítid eíTicieucyoftde Liberty Pnny,'I found, diirmíj my tour, last year, th'onjrh Verruout, New York, Ohm, Indiana, imrl IVnnsyWna, when ï-fenoved large opportunities of witfieseing i)e doino-s, aml cpmintming wiih many of jts spirits, tbat il had already 'become, actuully, a most efficiënt anti-slnvery ifistnimentally; and efficiënt, I wil! add, morally, as ve!l aspolitically?í now, tliough, I cannot Iiero statc thc reasoha of this conclusión, fnrther than T mny have already indicaied them, reg .rd thc Líber, ty party as ike most efficiënt anti-slovery inslrumeiifality; as the graiiíl instrument, indecd. by which sluvciy, íi country, is lo be overrhrown; whúe I olí oihet abo litinn nitrumentalities ps clnefly uecIuI, u so faronly as ibey shall lend lo esLubliáb a rght 6ys{.om of pnlitical action: such a systpoi, as U is Iheaim of tliat party to carry out. There fore. if I bavo not. 'joined the Liberty party,' I s.'mllcertainlv nvai! myself of the earliest opportunity of joiniüg it. The perfect lu(irod with which it has cone tobe rrgarded, as wetl by pro-skvery religioniets as liy proslavery politiciuns, who pqually affect tobe horrificd at ita havinpr mnde nli-slavery 'a politicnl matter,4' tells me plainly enouph, llial its blows are feit, and feit in the rigln quarter."OThe fullowintf paragraph is publi?iiing in the East er on"oiisly crediied lo the Sijrnal of Liberty. Il is í'rom a Vermom pkpèr ttbB appües to tïiat State: 'If wo rnay ji$gè of the incrense of the Liberty Party, by the numher that ottend, and tiie interest tnnilts'ed ut the County Convenventions, il .will not merely doublé its voce at che nexlelpction, hut be tliroe or four times as Jarge as it was last yoar." O?-Mr. G. W. Wisner, the Wbí nominee for Congress in the third District, apppars to have a verv good opinión of himself. In a late speech, accnrdir)L to s report in the ?ree Press, a! ter chaíin? Rlr. Biiuey wilh political dichoncsty, 'be declaroii íhat he (Wiener) was as good an Abolí; ion wt, nnd as smart, n mnn as James G. Bimey, nud dared the Third Congrcsstonal District nf the Si ate f Mirhigan to (dl kim to the conlrary. Here a murmer a'rose in the congreg-stion, in th niidst ofwluch Mr. Wisnor look his ueal." {fchiist as our firwss iTïng1 to pres?, we.repjbiyed otne Communications froYjj Mr. Bïrnry, irivinof his vípws in reference to the TaiifT, Natiorml Hank, &cc., in aruwerto inquires addreejBc; to hinrj on tfmse eubjects Tiiv ahali npponr as early npn.-sible next weekc ttTOur pnper of this week was dolsyed one day by tha sickness of the composers. Axs Arb'ïr. i-;epr. 7, Ii!44. Wheat hos ndvaticed a litilp, binersofForin!T from 58 to 60cen?s.


Signal of Liberty
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