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State Liberty Convention

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lu com;liance wïth the earnest request of oiBhy of tlie most epirited friends of Fiikrdom in different pnrfs of the State, whose r;eckd are free from POLKS, and whose eyes are free from CLAY, rhere wil! bo a STATE LIBERTY CONVENTION, held at the Court House in Ann Arbor, o Wedripsday, the 9th day of Octobcr, cominencing at IC o'clock A. M. Lm all men, and all woinüi) n Uje State who ihiitk more of the FRKruoM of 3.000,000 of thcir (cjlow being?, thun of the comparatively trijlng diffprence in the isêucs boi.ween the pro-Slavery perueF, be sure to oismifest it, if rof=sibie,'by thtjir preeeuce on the occesiou. It wijl doubtles be much tlie largpst Liberty Convention over lield in tliie State, as we ere iufurmed there will be a laige tuin out from many countiee. Two thouBand irue Liberty men ond -00101! thus aapembled, would of itsflf make 500 o r 1.000 Liberty voters more in Michigan. A number of noicd speaker, fijj] of the Honl-insprinpf spirit of Liberty will be there.Our wol! known Ann Arbnr friends wsureus, tlipy abaj] raceive 1 thejr diëisnt friends with opgn hearts and opon 1ioíifc.- Comfort ble seats wülbe mered for the kñies, tir.d no pains sháJÍ be spareo to rsnder heir Btíendance pleasant for thera. We have rained vvirh munh pieaenre, fhat snel) is the spirit ainong some of our esteemed LiLerty ladirs n m'atíy towna, thit thev are géltipe: p LIBERTY BANNERS fbr tb noble BÍRNEY nd MORRks to pteSèöt to thc LÍBER [Y MEN lor th-e public occasions - tbr tíie cause of suffefiiW iiimanitv.


Signal of Liberty
Old News