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Wilt bepublished cvery Monday morning, in Anu Arbor, Michigan, ly BECKLEY & FOSTER, For the Michigan State Anti-Slaveby Society. TEltMS. One copy, paid n adyance, or as ncarly soas mny bc, Two Dollars, Fivk or more copies, to one Post Oflice, if paid in advance, at one time, Okü Dollar and twkn tï-fivk cents each. Ten or more copies, to onePost Office, if paid in advance, and at one timo One Dollar each. Cr.KnGYMEN, on pnying nrrearagés, can have the Sigtial for one year for Okk Dollau, in advance. UTAH old subscribers, on payingarrpacages. can join ihe clubs oí'Five or Ten at nny time, by forwarding: the advance price. N. B. - All Club papers will bc stopped as oon as the advance pay símil lie exhausted. A1Í ■others will be forwurded until ordereddiscontinucd. All subscribers will bo expectsd to pay within the ycar. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. r or one square, one insertion, 50 cents. " " each subrequentinsenion, 25 cents. Logal Advertising by the lolio. Terms of Advertising by the yéar or quarter tnade known at theoffije. IHF Manufacturers, Booksellers, Machinists, Wholesale Mcrchnals, and all others doing_ an extensiva business, who wisli lo advertise, will find the Signa! ihebest possible medium of communieation in the State. D7 AH Reinittiinces and Communications should bcaddieseed, Post paid, USignalof Libkrty; Ann Arbor, Mich.,LD


Signal of Liberty
Old News