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Lenawee Liberty Convention: For The Signal Of Liberty

Lenawee Liberty Convention: For The Signal Of Liberty image
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At a conveiition of the Liberty party of the county of Lena wee, held at Aririan, on Saturday the ffth iost., pursuant t.o nublic notice; was cailed to order by nominnüng Ilenry Tripp Chnirman, and appoinüng L. P. Perkins Secretory. Wherean, it wa3 Reaolved, That trïe name of delego tes from each town represented in the county be The folio wing was the resiilt: Adrián- S. G. Rice, L. P. Perkina, J. L. Peters, I). Barber, Comslock and olher6. Franklin- Tripp, Dtidley, Beebe, 'A. Beebe, DaviF, Ball. Colemau, JBarna, ïlampden, John Whelan, Eli Whelan and Jennings. Blistjield-A. Wellman, A. Huyes, N. Ayres, J. II. Thornton, Harvey Tunie, F. North, D. Carper.ter, J. Carpenter, J. C. Dickenson, M. Sione. Riga- H. Willey. Palinyra - Jessee Williams, B. H. Lews, L. Hocjtsey, ïïocksey. Rome- 3. H Pdrkerand Newell. Ogdcn- E. C. Huhbard. Madison- Stephen Allen, J. Gavett, G. L. Crane, J. Thomas, D. Porter, Ira Weight, J. Pansh. Woodsiock - George K. McDiarmid. Rtiisin - Reuben L. Hall. The abo ve issimply the nnmes of delegates that there were taken immediately after the conventionwae organizad. A good part carne in aflerwards. On mot ion, A commitiee of ten were appóinted on nominations, consistmg of B. II. bewis, Wm. B. Newell, J. M. Earrows, L. P. Perkins, J. Carpenter, H# Wiüovj E. C. Hnbbard, George L. Crane. George K. McDiarmid, R. L. Hal! T!e commutee retired, and afler a ahort absence presented the folk wing named genilemeu for oflicers, who were unauimouslvnomitrated by the Convention - For Representativa - Stephen Alen, of Madison, Henrick Wil ley, of Riga, Reuben L. Hall, of Raisin, and N. B. Peierson, of Cambridge. Associate Judges- Elisha C. Hubbard, of Ogden, Jainfts II. Parker, of Rome. Jtidge of Probate- Lyinan P. Perkins, of Addison. Sheriff- David Carpenter, of Blisificld. Couniy Clerk - Paul Gedilis, of Cambridge. Register - Benjamin i'. Lewis, of Palmyra. Treasarer - Thomas Tabor, of Adrián. Surveyor - Georg-e L. Crane, of Madison. Coroners - Josse Treadwellr of Madison,Ctosar Bradioh, of Madison. On motion, A committce of tbree wereappoinfeci, consisting of Stephen Alle, R. L. Uall and J, S. Kees, to present socne plan of a more thorouo-h org-anization of the Liberty party in Lenawee county, and some plan of nn'sing funds for tlie purpose of purchasing tracto, payiugr a iecturer, fee. The committee preseuted ihe fpllowing-, which was unauimously adopted by the convention - That vte appoint ji ooimly correspondinir committee consisfií of thrse, and a commiitee of one in each lownship - (bat we u;ke measures to suBtahi a lecturer and procure and diötribule tracts, and to take all other useiul means for the udvimcement of Üm cause tliro'out the county and eleewhere. On motion, A county correSponding committee was appointed consiting of Thomas Tabor, Sulocnon G. Rice and James Fielc's- also, a cornmitteo of one was appointed in ech townsliip. It wns moved and carricd, That a Biibscriptiun be eiicuíatod to pae liow mt'ich could be ntised to sAéYai'n kS. B. Treadvvell, Eq. Sometliing like tliiriy dollars was Sübcribed, beeides funtis were raUed io pay for baHots. The wasthen addressod by Messrs. Joel Carpenter, H. Tripp ond orhers upon tiio ioiporfance of Liberty men toking a c'eckled stand, and support ing tiieir own candidafes. The meeting was also addressed by L. P. Perkins upon the importance of our susltiihirig 3 lecturer, and of raising a sufficient amourit of funds nmply to pay the same. It will be sufficient to say that onr convention was unusually larje and interestintr.


Signal of Liberty
Old News