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Jackson County Liberty Meeting: For The Signal Of Liberty

Jackson County Liberty Meeting: For The Signal Of Liberty image Jackson County Liberty Meeting: For The Signal Of Liberty image
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Tiie fïuMuls of impartí 1 Libcriy held a masa ta in tlio Couii ilouae,oh the 4th of Sept. ipnd [niporariïy organized by appoiniing the f jliovrina persons oOicers of the Convemion: President, èimpn Holland; Vice Presidents, Thomas McGee, lm JYjukiiia, and Wm. BradiorJ, Secretan, Lonaun Wikvx, Homer A. Horige. S. B Treud.wefl. 11. B. Re.xford, Rcv. Mr. Jonca. C. H. Fifield, an j Mr. Keeler weru appoiiKcd a Coriimitiee to draf: Rtsolutioiis expreesia of ine sense of the meeíipgí D. M. Bagïe, N. AUttn, U. Austin, F. Johnson, ond.D. Srnalley vrcra appoinied a conmiittco to reporífío the Convemion i plan ot'organïzati'qq ;jnd utiier bu.sinczi nuiticrs. The Conyeption üi'journed to meet the Deleaiion, under ilic direct ion of ii. B. Rcxford as Míirsha!. nssisted by i]r. Towusund, the officers of the Cunvemion actiug a a cojíi(Tiittèe of lecepüon. The Liberty' men reiurned ir procesaion to tho Court IIüüsc, anJ adjournüJ till half past 2 P. M. Convcntioa met pursuant to odjournment. - Pr'jyer by Roy. Mr. Muruue. Mr. aglfcy trom tho Cornmitico üppuinted for tho purpose, rcpotted tlio follpwing plan oí tovru organization. il is well knowrv that the Libeny Party has been grorttiy retarded in its progresa by tlio absonco of thorough oriiiizuuon, vhich a!oneonsure3 aciivo and eifieient co-operatibn. IIowevur Erna!! uur bé#mnihgp,nnd howevcr great may 'Se tho óbstacléi yet to be eurmoantcd, it is now moridly certain thatourcaubc will speedily trinniph i tha fnende of liberfy comiiuie to pregB forward. Th'attbey will do so, who can doubt? 'í'he tnaitíatforís froru every port-on of our country, whero irue heirted abolilionists are engiiged n the work, are of the most cheering cliáracfery From the Atlantic to the Mississippi. our liiends are (iiaking great eacïüices the Liberty cause, and lnboring with a zeal whicTi it would be woll (oV us to ad.ipt und praeticc, it we v.-Uh to ba iound in the van of the contest. Jackson Couutycan poll 700 Liberty votes, if the proper means are uscd. Shull they beput in remiisition? Or are we content to remain in idlene?s while ot!iers bcar the heat and buiden of the daj ? Toiai,er is lo rain our cause- to ad vanee is glorious succeös; Friendë of Liherty: we ask your aid and co-operation. Every citizen should take an eïicentpan in ihe Lü.eny cause, which is emphriically the cause of iha peop!e. For the furtherance of ihese ofojects, we recommend to tha Contention the foliusving plan of oranizution and action. 1, Thai llie Liberty men present of the scveral ovvria aj,-point a Centra! Cornmitieeof llnte persons lor their respective towñs, ihetown of Jackson appointing five on accoutrt of ita size ani populiuion. '2. The Ceinrnl Town Committee should cali mceiinga of the Libeny men ol their respectiva' ;owns;-ithout dehy. Let ttfetn' form a town Liberty Association, and neigliborhooü Asaocia-liona in every neigdbarhowd containing Liberty men, for the purpose of frequemly meeting to üiscuw our principies.. A Vigilante Comimtteo chwuld be appoiuted a every district wbere it cao bc done, who ehould report u tiio TownConjiujitee froui -time to time the álate oí ;iie Lílierty cause in their rcópectiye neighborhoode. tbat auitiible nieoaures niay bo adopted. 3. The Tov.n Commitiee of each towu should maie a Jiat ci'ail ihcir. voters whh their poliiical claesirlentions, anJ iurvvard a copy to the County Ccnual Cotninittee at the earüeat opportunity. ;Doubtful votes thouM be placad in a separate column.1. The Town Comnjitiees, nided by the.Vigilancc Coniiniuees alioüld.sceevery voierin tlicir towns. with ü;em. and use all honorable meana to induce Uien to voie thu hibcny ticket. 5. Süitable mensures should be taken by the Town nnd Vigilancé Committeea to ensuro tha aitendance of every Liberty voser at the polla. 6. Wheu notice ia "givcn for addressos ih any town. the Town Coinrniiteo should give it aa thorougli a circulation a9 posbibls to ensurc a full altendaticc. 7. The Catnmittces s-bould endeavor to ex-' tcnd the circu!;ition ui" the S:nal ofLibeny, and cspecifilly to obfain su6dcn6óri for thê 12 week Sigiiní, which íá now oíFeied fot 2o cents. "s& Report iiccepied and ndoptcd. - m [The Town Cotnmittcca werc aiterwards appoiiHed.} . Tiie Business Committcc d ihat $13,25 8bould be.raiscd io pay for piituing olectioa tickcis, and the handbiJI calïinj this convemiun, and $8 were fileriged lor thepurposö. S. B. Treadwoll from the Coniniitteo on Rcsolutions reponed (h'é folUnvins;1. Resolved, Tliat from the most hiírnftihtíng fapt tliat slnyery; ás nsüáí, hrfs rigáin forced upon as, n cholee Iiciv.-cen ti' noted slavehulders for í'ríi.-lcnt, onífWo weü-hnown stror. proslavery mcn for Vice l'rcsidc-n-, Cali of te choosings) wu are more fhtm evcr eontirmed in onr lony esíab-f li.slud opinión ihat the Nonh. throaph the servile ftction oí the rivnl pro-f-luvcry partios Tur powor. a but a mere lrilutary provinco co the yeuTH, and that i!io orfinization of the Liberty pnrty cjrigiualed frutit the very nature and ncceseity of (he cnsc. tinJ is foimJod in wisdom, injusnce,fc rightoousiiea? tq meet and overiurn síapvy and the jS'Zíjíj.: Facer.- and in thíg on!y wny rcl f.n Uio siavo, íind save ihe notion from the jusí j idn ::ionis of íícaven on account of its groat and j. i' opprcsíions. 2. Resolved, That e very new deveJoptnent of the piihlished viewa of ííenry Clay, and alinóst thc entire poruun oí' (he So;.t'icrn Whigs. as welf íb some of the Noit'tr.rn ones on the Texas queation, !)ít the moro and more conf;rm9 us tbat wa wero rightfrom ihe bezinning, in decbrítig thnt Mr. Cluy and iho 'VViiigiyarty would bo no moro likely to prevent nnnexation oí Teaa to the U. S. ihnn .Mr. Polk. and the Democratie party, and hat the last hope of prevé:) i ing so fearful a cnlarniiy to thu Slave and our couniry, 3 to einbody" qs largo an expreaaion as possibie of the moat de'f-nnined and principieel opposinoh to slaverrand tTékaè) in tiiat .MOST CONSISTENT. MOST' APPRECIATi.D. AND MOST JOFFCTIVEFORM OF THE ! LIBERTY PARTY. 3, Resolved, Tlmt n-liilc the whig party is sup-poriing vvith rinentliusiiáói approaching io idnlatry.i notable ioi PrcsJtleutifc a strong pro-slavery tnan for Vico President, and w'hile a vV.biíj Sonate Confirmed by accluinnüon a largo porüon of tiie principal üflieer of the Ge.;ul


Signal of Liberty
Old News