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State Liberty Convention

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i In anotW column will be fonnd a cali of iho : Cenital ComntiHee for a Stnte Meering at Anrt' Arbor. on (hc'nimh'of Oktober, h is is expsct-' 'o( ihat tliis will be the la'rgést' Liberty meeting overheid' ril Miéliighn. f H'E TÍME is welf adaptei for geneftil atteh'dance by all ■ classes. The prcssüre óf ngriciillürál business will theri be past THE PLACE: is cónvenieiit for a full assemblage' from all quárV icrs. Thé railroad aflbrds thé best possible faciU" iiies lor travel from the Enst and West, while'. Anri' A'rbnr' is the centre of the mosit pópülouíí portioii:óftllb State. THE SPEAKERS' will be numeróos, and thábest that canbe'pro4 cured in the State, orout of il.' DELEGATICXNS should be sent from eacli courity? towi, aWtf neighborhood. A litile córiöert' o( piifposé'and action among'thosé wishiri' to a tiend ffbm the 8ntïie vierhity, will dnablé them tó cóhielilli more eáse, plemsure artd edonömy1. The Ladios are expected to öde'nd, tó' eriliVcd and encöiJrage by their presence.' Tlieiiosp'itality of the Liberty men of Ann Arbor wid be extended to all thefriends whó may altend. Lkt them ml cimb!ICF A friend remming Trom a visif1 to Sk .loseph county sends us ninie subscribera wítíí Ihe pay, and' adds! 'I' firfd ]j:irr Oafc', w'hcfe f spent only two days. wide awakö on the subject o huinnn liberiy'. We liavc many staunch friendi there nnd ponie thot hav nevel" yen yotd the Liberty ilcRet sny iliat Birney must have their ivote this fall. Yoi may look for a fargi'inère'a8ö n St. Josepl) county." Mr. E. W. Shvw. our agent for Jackson Co,, (wili cali on all the subecribers of tbc Signnl in tliat couh'ty iminedfately. Those whd arfe'in ai 'renrs will'greatl oblige us by adjustirig iheSr ac connt with him. OU The official vote of Indiana shows ar'Drfmocratic majority of 2,129: bilt thè Wlíigs'haveí majority in the Leerislature. OU' The notice of the discussion at' tnè Liberty Hall, in Detroit betweeiiC. H.StoVatt'antl C. M. Clay, shall appoar next week. :


Signal of Liberty
Old News