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POLLARD . TE3I PESA'IYCE HOUSL, ' BY L. D. &, O. VV HYBUIi.V. Near the SÏcaniboat and Packet 'Landing Buffaio. r lHÏS establishment has, during the' past win-á. ter. been eonsiderably enlargedyand improved witli aow furniture, etc, uiii is now ready 10 make the Travelior at hume, at üie moderate charges of 25 cents per menl. and S7 por dny - pusseiigeis and baggage conveyed ca and frum the Efoitsë free of' charge. N. B. Passenger trom the, East will find n .Siga for the House, in the Depot, viiider which lo p'ace theirbuggage We, the s'jKscnbers. tnké plensur in recom mendmg the a'iove „house to me tripuda oí' the cause, as being we!l wo'rthy pf p-Uroimgè. C. T. RAND, Pres't FoTiard Temp. Soc. H. MiLX-AHD. Sec'y do ;dv do E. D; ROBliSSOiV. Pres't Y. JVfs T. S. O. A FOBES. Seu'y cío do Bufljlo, July. 1844. 21-fw". SINCLAIR & CHASE, - TTOliJS'EiS AM COUA'SIÏLLORÜ AT LAtV, (office loweb. towx, anx avíüok.) Will, tieni 'p all business in their proiession with alidciity an4%dcspaich. . Paricuíar uttentlön will be given to collecting. ROBEKTP. 8INCr.AIR, XDWARD R. CH VSE Marc!i20. 1844. 4Ö-ly. L. B. WAS2LBS'S PATENT SMÜT MACHINK. Til L iubscribers. take this mc.hyd o; iiiforminïj nll such ns are efigad m the Milling )usines3 tri ibe of Miehiinn. tlint ihey ure now manufnciuring in Aun Aibor,' Wasiiluiiaw County, Michigan. Ij. B. Wolksr'ti Patent Snuit Iflaeliihe, which tliey woulJ reuomnieii'J to tike liie iSmut )fT ot jvheat as wetl or beller tbñn any orher This' tnaclu'ne is if horizontal machine - it retains al! the fiiciion ol ilie wheat, an1 uniting simpliciiy wiih dnraliihiy, il com)iues the ïenting,' öcouring, and blowidg principies, dis charging thé duat nnd sima as fast ds sep.irated rom" the whêat. This niachine 3 perfectly seeuro frpm fire, an,d run? much. liiTluer ilian hhv )ther maclmie ín use. For farther iulonnatioi). sec lorge bilis. Sliop in Lower Tou-ri. Priceito agree with tlie times. All orders lor Machines wi'l be proniptly aiiendcd ti Addiess. E. O. & A. (; R ! TT E N O RN. Ann Arbor. Washlennw Co., Mich. July 8.1844. HGm antí-iñb'lammatory and riieüwatic plaster, A'N efficiënt remedy or Rhennlatism, Fever Sores. White Swellinss. Felona'. Pain or weakneesr'in ihe Back, Breast, Side ór' L'mbs, 3urns. Bruises, Crainps. Ciiill)l;iins". Iiver nnd Liuig aflcctions. Indolent Tuinois, Spitte) affeciosn, Jnflamed Eye.?. fcc. &. Tt is unsiiipasseii n all InflUniinatory disenses.. either Chionic or cie. asit operutes by couniè-ucting and redüetig lnflamation. aJlaying Pain. Sweating the parts aH'e'cted, nnd by its streug-hening ánd Anodyne propertieia ving speedy reliof. Also invaluable as an anii-mercurial piasier. ■ Price.5 cents per Bx. - For further particulars,.see circulating Pnmphlet.) For, sale si Moseley's Bookstore, Ann Arbor. and J. T. Stocking, travelling agent for Michigün. i - 16-ly fANN AKUÜU ÖJL J1ILL. TFli; áúliábfibers would g&o norifce ihnt thcy engaiied in innnutacturing LI.NSEED OL,. and are pr-pnred to forn.jsij oii ot' the best jualtty to riieryhahis and paimt-i, cbeaji as it ■au ue obtained froni the East. Óil exchanged or FJa? eeecl at the ráie oí a gaílqn oí' uil lor a ushel oí i' ia.v aced. Cush at aü times paid for 1 iax accu. PULCIPHER & JÜDSON. Anti Arbor, (Lower Vtnage,)'S'epi 6 1841.' , ____ 20-Iy. WRIftHT'S ;- POOR ' RlAfiTS PILS,' Ai) excellent vegetable lamily Medicine, n cnsea ol JniJiíitótion. Dispepsia. Livur Comlaints or Jaimdtcv, AgMe unJ Fevcr. Coated longue. Sick.iuss at the Stomarb. tíick HedChe Remitta;Huu-i Ínter, i.hí-ijt Feve.s,CWh Golds, Catarrh, &c. cc. Entirely vegetatie, hey are eiiiplvitioally, onduoing to bealth and couritcinriing riiasè y puriiyuig tbc bloo.l; cleanaiii ihe systrin of lotèd ;faumofs, rèmoyiijg ebstructions. stimuiiiik the organs o séerëiion, mingiing with the ooil and acting evory way i„ hnrmotty with tho For Infitum.iory dispos cd in oonnectioii vith the '■Mieumatie .I'.'.-.siir" wil] be foiind V}y Io ' n the rerötjtai Óf dfseases for vhtch the Piaster is ahrivé MoWmiéüdèdi nnd nrticiilnrly ére they, calciilan-d for :.!1 deranuiïentaoMfieyjVrsi j,3 „nJ ;;;„,,, Or-ans, lbo ntusry or.em of a mijUifudè of dJseaoéS Pnce- 2o cent fitïa L'ox For sale at M,?ely'S Êtoakaidfe, önd byj T Stocking, Travelling Ageat (ot Niétigan. Certijficatcs. Wuoi;srocK. Lk.vavvkk Co., Aug. 20. 14X C For twelveyeare I have. been trouhled wuh a lieuinatie affeptiwo in my back. o ihat 1 hrtve .ardly feverbeen Iree irojit pain during the whola une, and wiihm uvelva hours a.'ier I had-optied Bonie ..J Wriiilü's RtíeriHfc Plü 1 was erlectiy easy, and have hnf n pniji since STJBgötEN CARY: Jacso Co.. CoruMJHA, ? Mg. 2i, Id44. ( Tina may certily ihat I kave used Wright's 'tlls in my ("nmily in violent ottacks óffcbïll-kiui jíllious fever. nrrd have found ifiem to be (he' est Pilis tbxt lever aken. and would recomnend cvery lamily to keep theiñ on hand. JAMES AVVAUTOUT. TiioMrsN-, Gy.Aicx Co.. Orno, ) April iipih, ]8!4. ' ( This may certify that Í have used Wright's oor Man's Pilis and Rhcuuiatic Plaöter Ui mf ptactice, and would say to the public that tliey can rely ypon their ríotopjóftáadbji witli the mnoai ermfidence; in shyit. thcy only need tryng io recommend themselvc. REV. R. R.. SCOTT. M. t). LöRlttrè Cr... Gftf:;;N-, JVfay J 0. Í843J ' Tbia may ccruiy ih;n 1 have u'bed Wright'á Poor ManJs Pilis in my practice. and find TheDr to bt ohe or, il'not intirely. tjié best pills now in use; and would recommend every fainjly to' keep ilmm on, hand, especially tliosewholie tiear lo.w, mnrshy land, or niiil ponds, or in au unhealthy climnié. JOSHUA BASC0MB; M. D. Without addiug viiore teumony ol the efficacr pfihe apóifi memioned medicine, we do noi-hesitate to say that we are not aliaid io l,;,vö is virtues teated by the eido of nuf vthcr oi tjis kind ihnt ever has, been öfferèd tó uii American public, and v.ill lel i' aiahd upou its own merits. For sale at Moslcy'a Booksiore. Ann ArbflML liy Kellogg &. ÜioiIkts. U hite Pigeon. R.VVitlian s, Jr.. tCo.. Sturges Prairie. Simeón G.igei, Quiney, Binnch councy. A. K. JHall, W. A. Bliss, Jamestown, Jnd. Elisha Steer. Angola, Cbester Moss. Albion, Michigan. A. P. Marín &.R. Sib'k-y, Marsbaiï, Mcb A. Callencler. , '.' ' .( i E. Paclier, Battie' Creêk, . : C. W. Vinirig. Giilesburgh, ; Capt. Brown, Prairievillë,. D. H. Medwood, Adrián, ' Quackenboss, & More. Tecumseh ' S. A. liowiey. Jonesviilp, i H. Oilbert. Manchester, V. H. Pauergon. Saline, Harmon fc Cook, Bfooklyn. . " Pierre Teller, Wholesale Agent for Detroit. - Geo. P. VV.-ight & Co., sule proprietors for the United States, and Upper and Lower Crnada. AU orders and b:isine&s. letters for ihe present may be directed.tu. Geo. J'. AVngkt, Coluaibiá P. O., Jackson Co., Mich. It is for tae ajso ar Moñ'rae, Mt. Cíomens, Luca. Püütmc. and by Piibois 4'gbt, Jefler;son_. Agents for t!ie Siate of Alïdii Kilgore. Carrol Co., O:. Jaru .3. 184,J4 . Ten years since, I wns taken with the Scrofn■ la, so that I had no relief day or ni-hr. my lirphs beingnjtfch swelled and eovcud.wiLh Ulcess. iv breast and bqfck in great pain. an] necyés tnuch' '.shaitcred. . I, applied to diOerent Physicians. ali of whorn said theic was no lr.4p for me. nr:d uil. ;the remedies J-tried pioved unavaüinV until I ,!iude use of Wfi&ht!a An;i Infia.n. and Rhcum.-Plnstcr.. whn-h reiiuced the iiulamaiion. heuled ;the Brougfii tfie kin to iia natural color, nnd leheved the pnin. Í would recommend il to all struilarly aiflicted, awl a sure they will be satisíien áftef gívms it a fair rifd ■ CATHARINK ALLICaSVVORTII. Tuo:,vry,s: (Scnügá Co . Ohio. ? r certify tbat iny little bdftfiul hls arma intr, boiltug wa'er, nearly to :h eiboM. eo thnt whenhe diess wai taken ofF tboVlwn cniü with u iUer applying several rcnifdi.-s to no piirposn- the arm becoiijing niuch swollen and (lip cbiM n great pain. 1 appfh d Wtighx% Anti Inflnm.-' matory and Rheurnaiic Pbistcr." atwi within two hours he wad peifeaffy esy. and went to skep. Alter to oj; thrse days f rcmovd plnsier. and ipplied anbtbfer, a-nrf whn ;h-i wn.s romovci! the urn wns benled, excepta plnce ü,n eize of n ehiling which -waa'soon well. I believe il to he tho best nKicie for a burn that cun .be pron'ucrd. and vould recommend dl to keep it on fiünd in' casa of accidems. ■ ELIZABETH BJ10UGHT0N NF.RVOUSDJSEASESare èreatfy be.efited l?y the use oí these jiills;- ?is Nervou Head-ïcbe, Tic Doloroux, tjt. Vims' Djihcè. &C.. their léüdéncy Oeing to soortie the ii!'it.ility óf the system. ullmj pïift, and huhie qirfèt an3 repose. Tbose affiicted wit'h Coiigh?. C.olds, In'iuenza. &c, will find relief frotn the uáe of hese jills. Exposureto cold doses the poies of the he skin. cliecks perspirntion. r'et;ud&the circuntíon, and produces varions itiílainni.itory diseases. Does any one percetvc n cold coming ipon htm? Let hjlm oh going tobed, take suiTtent to. ope-rate smnrtly, and ihcn every mVht. tnke enoi.üh to prodtce-a miliï operation tilfthe isease abates. In case Worms let a tea of Pink bc laken freey.fóf$S hours. and then administerPüts suílfcient to produce a brisk cathaxin opera' ion. 20-1 v. Fealhers & Paper Mang-inr TIJ Ksubscr.iber will kt-ep n eiipply ol GeeeO Feathers fi.onstanily on hand. Also an asort of Paper Hangings. Borders. Fire-bonrd Paers, &c. W! A . RATMOÑJD, v 148 Je fl'. Avenue. Detroit. May,20; 4 JE.ROME M. TREADWELL, ATTORNJET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 1 And General Land Agent, ■ WILL attend to rhe salo nnd exchange of :Lünds. paymenr of Tnxes. and redenip-' ion f Lnnds sald for Tuxes in . ackson ancl adolniñg countins. exnminijttioñ of Tilles, Gonveyncing. and nll business pertníning'to 'ílenl Esate. Office in the Court House. Jackson, Michigan. 17-tf. 1 Sec ds. WANTD.-l-The following; Sceds. to be de.; üvercd Ijefore the lst October 'next, for" which a fair p rice will be paid in Fruit Trees Shrubbefi;. or Goods: 5 H)s. Cucumber Seeda, "20 do M.i-k and Watnrmclou do fiO. do Red nnd Blood Beet do 25.. do Red, and White Onion do 2,0 do Cobbage do 5 bush. Enrly June Pens, 3 do Ivirly Murrow'at do 2 do Large do S. B. NOBLF.. Ann Arbor. Auj: 19. 1841; J7-6V


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