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New Jersey

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The Liberty Electoral Ticket of ihia State is 13 folio we: DARIUS WELLS, JAMES HO WE, THOMAS V JOHNSON, ALEXANDER H. TREMAN, STEPHEN GKIMES. ALEXANDER DLACK SAMUEL HALL. A State Convention was to be held at Newirk. Augi 25, to nominate a candidate for Gov .■mor. Notiestilflo appear for meetinas in je '■".jurtli ani Fiitli Cü nares-eional Disiricls, andn, .lorris onii KVex for the nominntio: 'Í libf-rty crindtIates. Ari anti elavety inee'tino wás held at Allamuchy, Warren Co. wlïich lasted ihree days.; O" In the conclusión of Mr. Clny's tliird !et'eron Texns. he eums up tlieprincipes'by whicli jies-.höuld be governcd Annexation :lius: 'In th&cbntirfgéncy oT my cleciion, to wliich ■v-.ii l=iye d verted, i f ihe nf% o( ncquiiiiif.' fI should hecome ti BÚTjjeci of consideraiion snould bo governed bj ifie gfeté (acr. an, ..■e state of public ojimn, qxiatiiïg at the ijnie I might be callèd upon to et ABove II. 1 ,-hould he governed hy ,jie p,irnm(,u.u fiu.v ,,, :.rescrvmc thte Union entirc, .-.nd in ii.imony " Thus. nccrirdi'nor t0 hiö'o'.vn showioi', f -;puduc opinio" ahouWVe for Annxiiiion. hewoul-i. 'be irovcrnA" by ii! And if a' '-'respectable . Tri. m" of tbeslnve sne? ahould th enten to Uaye -.lio Union, uñiese Txaa ehoult! l.nnnnx4?J. !u wniilfl go for AniK-xrion 'jtq preserve th '(fuion c.ntlri-y The rcns.n is just ns etrong for .nnr-xaiinn. ns (ïffoirTel SeveiJ mfiss meetings hre ndverfised in )ur pnperof this v eek. Take much pains to noii y all the poorile. Be rngre anxious to ge hoa r ";s ih:m n''ikfJ'is. Tiie a'nount of goód .'itícoiii plished (lepenrJsas much on thoee who hea-, as úponihose vho sp'eak.


Signal of Liberty
Old News