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C. M. Clay's Opinions: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Mkssrs. Editors: - t On the fitst appearance of Mr. Cassius M. Clay in Detroit, he addressed the Whigs at their Clay room. I was present and tcok" notes of lm speech. Th ree fourths of it were ón topics connected with Slavery. From my notes, I extracted fourteen points'wherèin' Mr. Clny and the Liberty party ngrecd. On the öubsequent discussio'n with Mr. Clay at the Liberty Hall, ï réad aloud for that gentleman my noiés, and the statements of our coinciding opinions, and wiili mie ór two trifiing exceptions as to the ibrmér, bo(h the holes and the statement received hls saction.Although these coincidences are already recordecf in Mr. Clay's many admirable and eloquent letters, stil 1 it may be desirablé t'o have lhem in a coñoise and iphhy table,' espècialJy for the review of members of that' party," whose advocate he ■W3L8, and who would naturally pay greatér respect to his southern opinions,' than t'o our Liberty ones of thé north. PoiNTS ÓF COINCÍd'ÉncK BETWEEnCaséiü8 M.' Clat and the LibertV PaIIty. lst.' 't ha't' oiir National" existénce depends upon thé principie of ju'stice. 2. That ifwé disregard' t'his principie, ánarchy must ensue. 3. ThatSlavery violatés Justicé.' 4'. That the three fifth' slavè provisión lor consti'tutional represeiitation, (based óh slavé propeVfyj) is unrepublicah' and wrong .5'. That thls provisión can constitutionálly be alt'e'red,' and that it ought to bealteréd, when possible." 6. Thaf CÖngresVrfever had power lo reate Slavery- nor adinit slave States- ia'n'id of co'urse, ought not noW to admit nèvv ones.' 71.' Thaï art unriaturaï slavé dominion does ex'isf over the Nation. 8. Th'nt' th1 'e' rifht óf petitioh' is of inestimable valué' and ought to be vindicatod.9. Thatthere is ño'cbtostitutionaí pöwèr to annex Texas. 10. That annexatiori w'oulá saddle us with debt - 11. AnJ with perpetuity af Slavery - 12. And with a great increase af the Sla've póSver. 13. That there was a fatal prevalence of the Mob Spirit in the Nation. 14. That citïzèns ought to disregard the trammels of party.' Most of the above is word' for wórd as it was read to and approvèd by Mr. Clny. Some trifling additions are iñ'trodúced to enable the matter to be properly únderstoorf; My present object is but to augment the beneficial pubï'ióity of these sentiments: - in a word, but to rfrinister to frmh, an èbject in which I feel.siffè the respected gentleman himself would gta'diy acquiesce.-Noti. - How strange to draw f rom ench prerñ ases :he conclusión, that it is wise fir Filéifièi to vote for one moro SlnvelioIUer ard Annex jtionisi! - Kd.


Signal of Liberty
Old News