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0PP0S1TÏÖN ia COMBINATION. BUFF.-'.LO.aÑO. DETROIT STEAM BCttT JULIA PALMER, T. J. TITUS, MA8TER. The undersigned, qitizens of our com: mon country, in ke this métfefof expressing tb" Capt. Titus, and the offioersof the "Julia Palmer," their gratefui acknowledgemsntsfor the kind and gentleman iy treatment tliey liave received while trav■fling upon the neat, comfortable, and 'richly furnished Sfearn Boat with which they are connected. Dated, Lake Erie. ; Sppti 4, 1844. and signed by G. Beckley 'and 34 others.' Whereas, The Jolia Palmer is among Jhe most safe and wel! conducted boason Lake Erie performing her regular trips from BufFaJo lo Detroit, to'uching at the intermedíate ports, leaving Buflalo ai 8 o'clock, P. M. oFFriday evening eacli week, and Detroit at 6J, P. Af. on Tuesdays, with f ar e very much reduced - iherefore, Resolved, By ihe faUr hundred passongers on board, fhat we recommend to the travelingcomnuinity generally to patronize tTie Julia Palmer iñ preference to the rogulnr comhination' bonts. Resolved, That the proceedings ofthis meeting be signed by the Chairman and Secretnrv, nnd puhlished in all those public Journals that are opposed fo all comhinatióris that are at war with the interésts of the neonie.


Signal of Liberty
Old News