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Clekk's Okkck Wntliten iw Ce. } Akh Akbor. Sept. 0. A. D. N41 ( BOARD OF Süi'KRVISOftS." nPIlE recular nnnnal nieenng oí tlije b ,nrd o: X Supervisóla Ibr Wusliicnaw Couiuy'. víll ' held pursuunt to Tnw at me Cmrt tícese n he villnte of Ann Arbor, on Mondiiy i)e 14i lay of October next. Uif, the .purpose of "équaJifeing :he oesessmems. utliiing,aCciinit8. and atendmg to the general busine.-s ot tliecoiftiy. Tiis, Superinïcridants of ilie P.or lor ea;d ■ 'HJiry' wilt h.eei. lor the purpose of audi-iii a-cniiïLs at the County poor House, on Wtdlusdny the 2d day of Ocfobcr next at ten of the doek tn the forenoon. E. T. GARDINER. Co. Clerk, 29. StaTjK ok Michigan, Wnslu uavv Couuiy, y ?" Til E Cicuit Coiiri for ifie county of Wanc nuw il the lerm -.f June. A. IJ. one thou■u,d efghi lutndred and lorty fuur, 10 wit. ttu 6 irieeutli day of Sepreinber, in theyear cightcen i niied and forry four. In the matior of lbo petition of Caroline E ' fTrard, prayïhgf for dtrorcé from her hu.-b-tnd. Dliver O. Willard. for ;he cniis of eVeit7 rujity, and for nol providing a suitable innmeuntie f.r peiitioner. and it apnêJtring t'rojn sa(d :eti t.oji ihal ihe s:iid Ohver O. is nol a reeidt-ni o: thia Sire, so as to be personally perved with n 'ce of the films of said petition, on motion öl J bn Allen, Attomey for snid pi-titioner.. ii i? ■ 'fleied Iy the Court, tht. iho, lid Oiivc-r O Willard do nppivir nnd ojjswer unto t'ic s-aid pe 'lionon or before thefirsi dy of the next 'IVrm "f ibis Court. and tbal a nry of tliis order bt pubMshed in the Siymu of Liberty, a newspape'i 'iibjjsbed in Ann Arbor, six times snccessivcly. n e in e.ic i weck. tbc last pnblic-iiion to he m !3iii ihiny ónvs befo-re the first é of the nrv "■ii of mis Court. vvhich will be on th5 firi "iK-od -.y of next. and ihat a pSipcr n ii'Minino éaid noiice be som by mail to tin rvni oí Windsor. ,in the State of Vermunt. ü-vced Ki tiit? snid Oliver O. Willard. A copv of order. Attest. E( P. OARDTNER, Clerk, dr. Courl. Johj it.KN. Aiforneif for Petitioner.LI X F. V Si! i .KTINtt. uvo yards nnd a quar icr, air' threc vernis wi.lp.'nt 11AYMOXD S CA.ri STORE. 148 JefK Avenue, Detroit. MnvO. 4 FORW.ARDIXO MF.RCHANTS, DEALERS IJS' DRY GOODSy GROCERJES, $-e. ATTÍTT: R.lI'.r!O,v0 DKl'OT, GR.VSS r.AKT.. yrcn. H. H. BIXGHAM. O. CHAPMA.V. 43-3m.CAiVTBSí íBEáTi YEWBOOT, SH0EJ1.YD LEATHER STORE, Ann Arbor, Loicer Tcncn. Q FELCH haa removed l-D !i8 establishment i'roin (he l'puer i the Lower Vilfctge. Nö 4. Jlumn Block, ";'Uk&& wi't-ie he huid hiir.fell iu SgÜS1 i end mees lo Mr. bs '? errtnitwo-s" oí eveiy Man. Wó'mnn and Diild who will &fr giveliima cali. in ilie nenies!. nnd lpgt nmnncrtlrtt he tune in Mich!nn LEAM;í;n knd FI.DLGS of all k.nds constáhtly pn hnnd. U A.N'I'K'D, CV'7i nnd líVe?. in nny quantiÚes. lor wliich he hihwl piic68 will I; given. (CTLet ri'jne nureh-ise nniil ihey have ealled ai Felch's. .o. 4. H.uron Blobk. Aun Ail..)r. M ly 4. 7814. 3-Iy "T5"llard TEMPÍEKAilíCE HOUSE, BV i-. . $ U. W r YBUitN', Ncar the Sicamboat and Pactcet Landing, Muf alo. rTHIIS estahÜsluiHuii u s. dnrin the past win.1, icr. leen c.jiiiiJ(.-r;i:i y rn.nrged. and ni.roved witli new fiunituti-, etc., and is now rendy to iiiwke ihe Travt'ü.ii ;n h .(no, ai i Moderate Chnrgre ü( 25 cpjj'ís per mwl. pn'rl tífL:'-r áw - passender? nrnl naggo cStiveyed lo uñd frorii the House free oí' cliurge. _íí. Ji. Pas?engera frorn ihe Enst will find n Sjíjn for tlie Hmise. in the L)epoi? under whiclv W p'jice tlieir bnepae We, the 8iibserib-rs. tnke plensure n recom mending the house tiï the friends of thé cause, nu heing vt] worthy oi'p.-itnmaae. C. T. RAND. Pica't'PülInrd Teif.p. Soc. H. MILLA KD. Sec'y do ö, do E. D. Rf)BI VSO.V Pres't Y. M's T. S. D. A FO)H:ö. Secy do do Bufljlo. July, 144. 2i-Sv.184 WHOLESALE" &R E TA T L . BOOKSaiERAN-'SfftTIOXER, t . dMAICi S HLUCK, IS7 JKFFEKSON AVÉNUK, BBTROIT.' Ketps .-uiai-i!i.y (ei sale u . uirp.t-u ssorllnent oi iliscdlancous. ScliuoJ and Ciaesicul Books; Letter ind Cap Pnpèr. jilain and r.uled. Quiils.. Ink. Sealinf Wax, Cmlery. Wrnpping Paper, Printjng Paper, al nil sizos.:, and Book, News and Canister Ink. ol var-fiis knr!s. _BLA,WS BOOSS, Í uil ft nd hall fcountt. 01 ev.-i Vai iiy uj Uuline MEMORANDUM BÓORS. &c. To Merchart'8. Teachers, nnr! others. buying in omntitip;,-. -, hnm tliepo.iTii i'ri!(SABBATH SGfiQOL & BI3LÉ SOCIETY DÈPÖSITOR f)!-U. ' HHHf: Ionowngind!8p"en8e trmiiy rentedie X niny be lonnd at Maysard's" Drugcis Sioro. in Ariij Ai hor, whete none will be éoll imless ki osvr to be ui the beet kind nd no couiiieríííitartidecver offered. patent medici.). invanaWv piocured ot the orig.n 1 inventor oi h tg regular succeesor: [E? Na famdj svppld bt a iccok wilhout tkesi remedies. jy , BALDNESS. Balm or Couin',ia. ar tl.e Huir, ■svhich wil stop il if (n)}jng out. oí rtstoe il on bsld piacesand on cbildreo mnke it gn,w rnpjdly, or on tlmsf whö ha osi thchair f'rom hpv cnuse. ALL V.-,K.MhV (haiiní'eft tríe fièn-Js of cliiïIron in sc!).)o!s. are previ-nted or killed by i' ai ■jnce. Fmd JKe-nnhi'e ol COAJSTOCK on ii ór never try ir. Pimrate t'is alicaus . PILES, &c. are wholly prevenred, ,r governed if-])e aitnek hns conie on. il yon use the oiily i?ue Í-Jays' Li, i.mknt. irom Corr.stock & Co AU SÜRFS :ind every thinr rehevwi by h thai admits oír,) ontward tpplication. Jt acts likea cbnim Üse it. RHEtJMATÍSM A.XD LAMENTSP posiuvelycured: all shrivoüed WiiFCJcg and lin [.?nr( res!.i)-c!,(ín the oltl .r, by trip hidh.n Vc étnbic Ehdrand Rr.Tteund Bprií Liíiimei,i--w never vmimut the ümmö oi Comstock & Co oi it. KOLMSTOPK-S VKRMIFUGK v eradicate all ORMS in.ciiüdren or adults with u ceriainty quite astonishirïj?. TOOT H DKOPS. Kunes-cures efTectualIy. Ann All), r. Fel. 5, li'4. 41THE TRÜE PAIN BSTEAGTOBl gAILVE Vy i-U.Ji uresiiKeu cr.aini ;.i. LI hAW !j T f fire orwnier. and everv exierikfl S(UrE ï h. LVFLAMMATlON. ",i HfJ or JTCH!.G ever yef rounil Dpon.tbè iiuniai innnlv, o „yhich it h;s bi-en applieci. iüimi riíwnbesoupl l l nuine Trom Conisiock an'i Co., oí 'New Wnk. r ilieir nuihonzed egents. All a:e cautionefi 4g-.insr any spunous uitirici.-, wliich mr y alwayí Kc avoi.itu hy knoyïng bt: on you !uy comes rom ('qmsroclt fe Co . vlo nr the Oj)ly prprieti)--s ;mi1 mariufnciirere., Irqui'c for f 'onnel'e, which is wananied to c"o il) r. tver w. u d wien callcd ly ntiy otbei nan e. or tJ:cpiict-sha I ijc ïe.iiDilcd n any cns?e il it does -plfüsc. To place il wiihiri rencli of all. ti)(' price !of ■een rediiccd niorélhntj fout t(!d. tmd is n. -ld for 25-eifF. the fó-me price leinp it:() ( x_ ■ ibitnnt. The 50 cent pize now co'moins ƒ in times iis much as (he lormer, and ibe $1 a.zt ten timean niucii. Xo family fjhnt hr-s ;iny litle to humnpity. wü) fail to have pnin ExTmcior i'ii'nifi always nt hnd. ro gnve íífe, aiUcars, and ik.'iki all affoüy front nny hum in fvc mirinr-s, provided iliey have feen it used. or yyill lielieve those who bave used it. COiMSTOCK & CO., 21. Counland Strcpt HTf Be snre. therpf're. and ask (i Cinkl's as 'tur píate wiih Drd'ey's ñajve oñ tf he Iieei sfoïen, arïd the pñriova irny appe;ir wiiji tbn name en ii. Know. tliprc-fore. Jun ii cou;es di rcily f om Cóinstokjk & Co . or sOmn it. WM. S. & .1. W. IVIAYNARl). H6 A."pih l'nr Ann Arhor"TU thjs viülUK lüáliONG THE SPOÍLS" ALTJ1OUGH m.-nty uparniion ín the forn-. of 'POPULAR ftïDlClNÉS," hav. een before the public, clflin iny to pive jeliei and eyen curé the most inveleinte dieeates, yt none hnVo áo Vell answeied ihe pnipote ns i.) SHEKMAN'S MEDJCATLD LOZLXGl Dr. Shermnn's -'COUGII LOZENGES" cure the most obstirfnïe cepos ol C'ouph in 8 fevv liours, Tht-y lüivecured n Iñrie iiur.,i,eí o) pti sons who have been given up by IhJlrphJs.finn and fricnds. and nmny who hnvc. heno itcüuetd 10 the vergp óf the pr;ive hy spittinc blooc eonsuni)tion ond Hectic Ft cer ly ilit-ir usf hnve híiil the rose. of'Iiealih u-stored ro tíiehng irard cheek. nud now l tí 10 spfak fot 1 1) thf ,rfiiscs ni this invnltiuble. nsetficiue. Br. tílur3 WORM L0ZE1SGÈ&" 'nve heen pioMdi,, more i Vi:m 40l'.U O cuses to e m . Ilil.le, n f'.,ct the oüy tertain Vrni tte. Mroyni' niedícjBe e-ver ditcovered. Chiídren will e-it thcni wheii ihey entino be forrrd to takt iny other xv eiiieine. nd trie heorfit di-rived (ron iho n'lnur.isttfttion ai" merlióme' to Üitni in thi lorm is reat heyond ctutet p:tion. '] hey havsnever been k ibwn to íi. i)r SJiennr'r'e ' CAMI'MOR tOJ:.Gi:S." elieve Tf(.')d?;ehp. Nerveiú Siek-b enanche, PI iítnti.'j of ihe Heart. hjkI s'cknesí ï rf " a very lew minu'es. Dr. í?hi n nn'"s ';POOK MANS ?LSTER'y acIinhw!eáii(Sd b_v ill who liüve rveí ;?prlit to 'loihehos. stréngthening flnster i tlie world. ■ nd n sovcioíííii ífiinriy for pninaínd vo;ikiufí ín the f.nct. lome, side, hreost. mek. lm U. oi-ntg, rheufrintisn), lurnhopo, te. Be crrelu' ro prupure iljp nhove nnd nll othfr medicinen o Mmrnnrd' 's. nnd pru will he snre ihere wiü be nj mretakè i qnnntity or olmi "e WS. & .h W. MAY-NáRD Arin Arbor. Fcbruory 5, 1844. 4]WRI&ilT'S-. ■ POOB m&WS PIJLS, Aii excellent yt-gtiaple inily Medicine, incasos ol indigestión. Dyspepsin. LiverComIjliimts or .hundiere, Agüe uid Kever Cunted longue, Sicknw at the. Sto'mach, Suk Ik-.-iuache, Remmom mm Innrminent Fe vers, Co u el. Colds; Caidrrh, &c. &c. Enümly vegetable thcy nreemplintnally " b JVcÊTVRFJS PflSEJ& ond.iema 'o liennli and ...nmtoinciinx . wLao hy _.iin:ying the blood, cleiis,na ile .-yeicm of viuaied humor, removí cbaTruetiói.á iinuaung the organa ol spc'refïon, iniitgling W!In iha lood nnd ncung every wny n harmony" wjth th system . For Inflimatoif Öisi&rc? u-cd n wnnecrion wuli the ■illieumatic Piaster" tbey will be found gieaily n nul m the rpniovnl óf disenses for which the f'lns-cr e abo6 rrcomniended. nnd pantcularJy ara ihov d for l] deraneementsoi Ue LigesUvs „nñ Sitiar O ruiné iho pntnnry onein of n im.ltmide of d'isenccs. rnce- 2ó cents arid 50 cents n Box. For eale nt Mosely's Bookstore. f,nd by J. T. btockmg, Travelling A ;. ij i íur M;chigr.n. IC-ly Certilïcaics Vjo.siicc. LkaaWkk Co., _ , '"- '4.i. t or twelvp years I have been -trouhled with a rhenmajif: ftffeoi.i..ri in my hack. 8o tljju I hnv liardly pverb-cii (ro:n puin during-ftie wlx.ift tmjp. and J.welve hours nier I hod nppllfd sonie ..1 VViigln'ö {I)oti(nnti.-Plnf.ier. I wu perlecily cuey, aud linve hftii napnin Mm-e STKHiEN CARY. Jaceso.v Co.. Ooi cmbia, , Au?. 2i, 1644. ( TI119 mny cerufy thnt J knve Ui-ed VKifiglit.' Pilis in my Biiiiily in violent attacks ofchillnr.ri billious lever, nnd liave iourirhihem .to i.e tha beetPills th,-.t ) ever used. nnd would recommeiid every taniiiy tp ket-p thein on bnotfe JAMKS AWARTOÜT. TiiOM-so-, Geaio Co.. Ohio, } April -26ü,. 1844. Tina may cortify thnt J have nsrd Wright'a Poor Ainn's Pilis and RIk umntic Plnstcr in m'y poetice, and would soy to the public thnt they can reiy. ui.on their recüniniendation with the utmost confidence: in bhort, tlicy oniy need tiying to recoinmend iheu.selveF. s . . RLV. R) R. SCOTT. M. D. - LoRAtNK Co., Crkjén, Mny 16. 1843. Tbis .niiy certiiy tlw 1 hnve u't,ed Wrigbt's Poor Man's Pilis in my p'acüce. and find Them to be one of. il not entirely. the best w ia use; nnd would recomrnund every famtly tp keep them orí hand, eepecially ihosc wlio live near low, Tnnrshy lar.d, or initl ponda, or in oa unheahhy climsfe. JOSHÜA BASCOMB. M. D. Without adiltiig moie testimony ut the effiency of the above mentionéd medicine, we do nol hesitaie to say that we are not afrnid to have its virlues.tested by the stde of nny other of the kind that ever ha bt-en offeied to an American public, una we will let i v stand upon its own merits. Fursaift nt M.jsley'a Bookstore. Arm Arbor.' By Kelloffc & Hrorhers. White Pigeon R. Willian s, Jr.. &. Co., Sti.rges Pn.irie. Suneon Gnget, Quincy, Branch councy. A. K. iliill, 'i ti W. A. Blies, Jnmostown, Ind. Klii-ha Stter, Angola. " Chester Musa. Albion. Michignn A. P. Mnii i&R. Sibley, Marshall, Mich. A. Cyüender. t K. Packer, Battle Creek, " C. W. Vining, Galesliurgh, ('npt. Brown. í rairievi ], i D H. Medwood. Adiinn, Quackeniioss. de Hiore. Tecamseb l y. A. Uowley, .íontsvillc,' ♦ li. Oilbei't. Rianehepter. VV. U. Paiieraon. Saline, Harmon iV Cook. Brooklyn, ' Pierre Telier. WlioiesaJe ALefit for Detroir. . h P; nght sole Propnetors for" the United Stotes, Bad Uper nnd LowerCrnajJa. All orders and b:isinesa ir-iters for the present rnay. be directed iu Go. p. Wright. Columbiá P. O., Jnckson Co., iyiieh. It is for snle nlso j. Monrop. Mt. Clemens, mica.,c? and by Dubois & Wr.ght. Jeffersun. Agent? for the Sinte of Michigan ' Kir.GORK. Carrol Co.. O.. Ja. 25 7Q4i ' Ten years since, I was taken wiih the Scróiula, so that I had no relief dny or nightj my limbs bemg much swelledynd covered wiih UlèesS mv bronst and back ín grcot pain. and nervc3 murh shnttered. I opplied to difieren! Phyeiriar, all of whom said tliere was no help for me. itvd nll the remedies I tried pn.ved unavni.'ing until I midë use of Wriisht's Anti Inflam. and Rheum. Piaster, which reduced the infinmation, healed the ulcers brought the skin to ita rSjtfural col.) and rehevcd the pain. I would recommend it to all similnrly afilicted, and am gure they will besatisfien nfter givine it a fn 5 trial CATHARINE ALL.ÉNSWORTFT. Thompson. Geaüga Co.. Ohio ) r „_.,,_., April 20, 1843. ( .. . ...„. ,,,, IImc lmy p)u nls nrms ln(() boiling water, neurly to tha ell.oM. so ihnt u-ben lhedr.esa.WM taken off the skin csmc w'iihV niieropplyiiiiseveral rernediesHö no riuVifesn- 1" ihe nn.i becoming mud swolïen and the chifd1 in grent pnm. Í npplied WrigfctVAnti Ti,flf,n.matory and Rheumnlic Plnsrpr." nnd wiihin iw-o" honrsh.iwasperfectjjv evsy. and wem to si, en Afier to or ihree duya ! remved f)e ,!nSr. nnd npplied nnother. and wh. n :hni was r u.ovcM fhe ;irm was hen!,.,.!, cep, a place tle eze of-n el.ilImg wlucli wns ...on well. J ijelieva t to be the hest arliele forr.hürn o.-nlfe pro.uced. nnd would recommend all to keep t on hand incisa 01 accidenta. NFRVOUS DI8RL8E8 are greatly & ted by the uso of these piüs;- neiWrvous Fiéfld iche, lic Dotoroux. St. Vito's' Dance A;r thcir tendeney being to so,.the the irritóbihty óf 'he eysten. allnv fnfn. nnd induce quit nrtd renose. Those nñltcted with r,,Uol,s. CofchCTflnt-nza. JSc, w,!l lind relief from Ihe use !fe p.Ils Expos-re to cld clo,es .„e po, of il. the skin. check j. perepiraiion, rciants the" creiBtton, nnr! pn-duci-s varions hawaWwtorv! ï- enses. Does nnyone peroetve. CoW coming upon hun? Let him on gcing to kedi take'suftï to operóte smnrtly, nnd' èewy nit-t.t, tnke to produce a. mird.operntion tilfth L,. abates. In case. af Worpis let ten ol P.nk be ken fredy 0r 12 fónr nnd ihen ndmin.sterPtllssufilcievut produce a triU rathartio operanon. 20-1 v.l5?C? nrH hl mium. i .'!cr beving ë--" JL just receivrrfa newadr' ''"'on M lolnier stcX of 31 . 'JKjjIjÊG'Oiods is prepniíd [o sel) i pi T3 UJS3 ' li t? ni clienp ior Cflstsj".' - c;!flll0nS whieh mny bV íound' Guia íiii.t Rinns. íni Bosom, -Pina,' IJeíírisViiuf Crosses. Siívpr nnd CamWon 'I'himblfs, Wntcfí Chaips ajul Keys, PencüC at-es.; also. Spoorií, Sucar Büws. BiiiierKpives 'J'ooih ndjíaii Frus-hes,' Pocket Books. Viclui Sinngs. Necdles, Pina. Hooke,, nnd F.yes. ■ Spccicclcí. Tiñe . Dressincr Comba,. Side Conibs, Iíiu-k Conbs, Pocket Combs. Vair roi;i!-". Mnrking Corto. SutI Pi dp. . ntf TVenser8. Suvfí&. 7'obaccp Boxc, Élnsiics, A All of which wiH he gold os clienp aay oí'n- or eílal.lishnenl thip side of ïs'ew York. N. B. Tl)fsiihscrber ihankful for eo InrgO n share of pnblic pnironce. stjll solicii8.n c'ontinnence nfhe smr.e. CLOCKS AND 1VATCHES of fverv í)'?rnptonrt-pnrednnd wnrrnme'ü1. Also, JFVVELRY rep.iired on shm noticp.- Sbopat hrs oíd st.-tnd directly bppositc ibt Cour House. Coshpuid for old Gold and Pilver. C. BLJ?P. Ann Arbor. ]. J844. SF-Ty1 A N NA R BÖROIL íMILL T TílK piíl.scribcrs von!d fíin notice hai tKéV re engnuefl n miimiíacturing LINSFE OIw. and nre propmed lo fiirn:sh oil f th bVjt 'lunlity io inerïlmnfs nnd pVinièra. chenp nfTjt (mi be obtnínrd from ihe Kast. Oil exchflti,'ft or Fl.nx sepd ni tlie roie of a gaUpn of o:! "or S iMJshcl of Flax scerl. Cush at all times paid Tüc PULCIPTÍFR A. JUD?O:" Ann Albor, (Lowor Villnge. 1 Sep+'. (5.14. 2t3 '


Signal of Liberty
Old News