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Wayne County

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The following gentlemen were nominatèd at Ihe County Convention as delégales to the Senatorial Convetition to be held in Detroit on the 7th of October. Plymoulh. S. P. Mead, II. S. Bradley, A. S. Gnrciner. Livonia, . Cvrus Fuller, I. L. Dennis, D. Hallock. Rtdjord. J. W. Sowle, H . Betts, E. Curtís. A'ankm. Geo. W. Swift, T. Barker, G. D. Chubb. Van C. W. Clarke, J. W. Conant. Broumstown. J. P. Metculf W. Mc?arlan, Wm. Merritt. Jlvron. E. Pulmer. flC" "The üino American' is the litteof a new Liberty paper, jiist commenced1 at Cleveland, Ohio, published and edited bjr R. B-, Denniö. Price $2 a year. ít isa. littlc lesi thanihesize of the Signa), and is neatly printed. Ifs location is very favorable, aud wc truM t will be so well eupported that it rnay soon becorrie a daily pnper. This makeathe filth Liberty paper in Ohio, In a recent conversation between Ex -Governor Seward, of this State, and some whig fnends who remonatrated with hitn agninst harping on the single si ring of Texas and slavery, the former si lenced them by replying, thal the abolition vote was iheir only chance jor ihe State. - JY. Y. Morn'tng Star,(t? We find in the Emancipator a fíotif of a meeting of the colored citteen of Detroit', to take into consideration tho tíase of Mri Torrey, vvho is now imprisoned in the Balti"more jiiil on charge of help'ng "iheir country - raen in chains." The followirig tesolutionfr were discüssed by Messrs. MonroeyLiightbotV Allen and Gordon, and adopted'. "Resolved, That the niultiplied aggressioni of the elaveholders at the South, ore only eurerindication of a speedy overthrow Of tbeir peculiar inslilution. Resolved. THat in cönsidèribg the impriaonment of C. T. Torrey, we nave made his caso otir offn, and do deepfy symnnthize in hi af fliction. and our prayers to Him, the giverof all gfood. 6hall never cease. Resolved, That it is the duty of overr col ored man to tax himself lo defend Mr. Torrey through his troiibles. Resolved, That we see in the life of Mr,-. Torrey, an uncotnpromising friend of human liberty." A collection of $1 1 was forwarded for Mr,Torrey'e relief. These facts epeakhighly to the honor of tho colored cidzena of Detroit.CLr Tlie Liberty vote in Ulinoiflf on the1 Congreseional tickets, was 3,2íG A gigantic raihvay through Russia, froia1 Odessa to the shore of the Black Sea, #- tance of ono thousand miles, ia ia coniem )lation.


Signal of Liberty
Old News