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JöCJ 1 1 llJE suhscriber hoving g3 JL juBt received a newjidf "r diiion to his lönner stock of 5tN. Swi Goode is prepnred to eell Bn O u)e them cheup for Cash. A-S&IY- MÊi mong w'hich may be íoünd yNyygggggÉ iho tüllowing: Gold Finger Kings, dnd Boaom Pine, Hearts and Crosses, SilVer and Cotn inon Tbimbiea, Watch Cbaine and Keys, PenoilC oses; also. Spoons,1 Sugar Bows, Buttor Knives, Tooth and Hnir Pfushos, Pocket Book8, Violin Strings, Needies, I'ms. Hooks and E y is. Spectacles, Fine,í)re88Íng Cofnbí, , Side Combs, Back Combe, Pocket Combe, Water Painiav Marking Cotton, Steel Pens, and Twcneera, Snuff& Tobacco B.óxe, Elugtits, &c All of which vill be sold as cbenp ns at any other estaljlishment this side of New York. N. B. The siibscriber ihankful for o large a share of pablic patronage, fltjll solicitfn continunfce of ibe öame. CLOCKS AND IVATCHES of ever? flescription repaifed and warranted. Also, JiJWERY rèpniröd ón short riotice.- Shop at hís oíd stnnd clireclly ópposite fhe Conn House. Cóahpaid for old Gold nnd Silver. C BL.18 Ann Arbor, Jul 1, 1844. ' 28-ly.CAN'TBEBEATr JVEWBOOT, SHOEJJYD LEATHER STORE, Ann Arbor, Lozcer Toten. PWi C FELCH hna removed Ftfj J hia establishment froni Èfc the Upper to the Lower Vil lnge, JVo. 4, Huron Block, gj _ft vvhere he holds himsell in igsB 4@jmsJ readinesa to 'dresa the ';t,n L derstaiulings" of every Man, j Woinnn and Cliild who will B give hi id a call.fii the neutest, and bost niannerthat enn be done in Michignn LEATHER nnd FINDiNGS of all kmd, constantly on band. WANTED, Cash and llulei, in Gñy quantities, ibr which ihe highost prices will be given. [CTLet none purchiise until they hafé called at Felch's, No. 4, Huron Blocfc. Ann Arbor. May 4. 1814. 3-1y 'POLLARD TEMPERAÑCE HOUSE, BY L. D. & O. WEYBURN, Near the Sleamiout and Packet Landhi" Buffalo. THIS establishment Ims. durlng the past winter, been considerably enlarged, and irnproved witli now furniturè, etc, and is now ready o niake the Travellor at home, at the modérate harges of 25 cents por meal, and 87$ per day - passengen and baggage conveyed to and frum the House free of charge. N. B. Pa8sengers from the Eust will find a Sign for the House, m the Depot, undcr which to place their baggage. We, the eubscnbers, take plensure in recommending tho above house to ihe fricada of the cause, ae bein? well worthy of patronage. C. T. RAND, Pres't Pollard Ternp. Soc. H. . MILLA RD. Sec'y do do do E. D. ROBINSON, Pres't Y. M's T. S. D. A. FOBES. Sec'y do do Buflblo, July, 1844. 21 -8w1844. WHOLESALE &RETAIL. 137 JEFFKKSON AVEJyüK, DETROIT. Keeps constniuly for sale a complete Hssortnient of Mitsccllaneous, School and Classical iiooks; Letter and Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quilla, Ink, Sealinjr Wax, Cuilery, Wrapping Papor, Printing Paper, of all stzus; and üook, News and Canister Ink, ot various kinds. _ .BLANK BOÖSS l uil aiKl huir buund, ot every variJiTo Ku]in MEMORANDUM BOOKS &c To Merchan.-B, Teachers, nnd others, buying in qnnnmies.n lnre dÍ msde SABBATH S6HQ0L k DIBLE SOCIETY DÉPOSlTOR . öl-tl. ' rpUE tollowinguidispensable tnmily remedie? X may be found at Mysakd's Druggiet btoro, in Ana Arbor, where none will bo sold unless kr.own to be of the best kind and no coumerleitanicleever oflered. patent medicine msranably procured o the inventor or hia regular successor: ID Vo fumily should bt a xceek icilhout these remedies, rfl ---. BALDNESS. Baha of Co'umbia, for the Huir, which wil stop u ït f!Ming out, or restore iton bald places: and on children niake it grow rapidly, or on those who hdv lost the hair from any cause. ALL VEHMIiV that infest the héads of children in schools, are prevented or killed by if ai once. Find ïke name of COMSTOCK on it or never try it. Remember tiiis tilwuvs. PILES, &c. are wholly prevented. or governed if thé a'ack has come on. i yon use the only true 11as' LinmjET, rom Comstock & Co. All SORES, and every thing relieved by it that adntits ofan outward appltcatioa. It acte like a chaim. Üee it. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS positivelycured; aüshrivelied müscle-s and liiubpare restured, in the old or young, by the Iridian Vcretable Eliiir and Kertè and Bont Liniment-bm never without the name oï Conistock & Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGÈ -.villeradicate all WORMS in children ör aduhs wílh a certainty quite astonishing. TOOTH DROPS. Kuiras-cures eflectually Ann Arbor, Feb. 5, 1844. 41THE TRUE PAIN WDinPRACTOa SA&VE tilLU cureslikea ciiarm aii BURNS b lire or water, and erery ext'errul SOR E, ■PAJN. INFLAMMAT10N, ACHE oriTCHING ever yet found upon the human iainily. 10 which ii has been applied, must aJwaysbespugfit genuine from Comstock and Co.. .of New Foik. or their ambonzed agenta. AU are cautioned agaiust any spurious anieles, wfaicfi may always bc avoided by knowing the one yon buy conifs from Comeiock & Co , who srenow the only proprietors and ïnunufucturers. Inquire forConnel'8, which. ís warrnnied to do all ii ever would whencalled by nny other name, or thepriceshaü be refundcd in any case U it does not please. To piace it within reach of all, the price has been reduced more than four fold, nd is novr sold for 25 cents, the formerpricö beïng ttiö exorbitant." The 50 ceiit size ñoiv coniains four times as much as the tormer, and the $1 size near ten times as much. No lamily that has any title to humanily. wiil fail to have Connel's Pain Extractor Ointment always at hand, lo save life, allscars, and reduce all agony from any burn in five minutes, provided they have seen it used, or will belicve these whc havo used i t. COMSTOCK & CO., 21, Courtland Street. CT Be sure, therefore. and ask fo Connki.'s, as our plate with Dalley's name oii ii ha? been stolen, and the apurious mny appenr wiih tlmt name on it. Know. therefore. that it comes directly f toni Comptock & Co., or shnn it. WM. S. & J. W. MAYN ARU, ?6 " Agent for Ann ArborT0 THE VÍCTOR BELONG THE SPOILS" A LTI1OUGH many preparation in thè form. J. of "POPULAR MEDICINES," have been before the public, claim ing to give rclier and even cure the most invetérate disensos, yei none hnve o well answered ilie purpoce as Dr SHERMÁN'S MEDiCATLD L02EÑGES Dr. Sherman'B COUGH LOZENGÊS" cure tíie most obeiinate caesof Coiigh in a few hour8. They have cuied a larae number oí persons who have been given up by rheir physiciané and frienda, and many who have been iedueed lo the verge oí the grave by spitting blood consu'inijtion and Heciic Fever, by thuir ust have hnd tlío rose oí liènlih restored to the hug gard cheek. nnd now live lo spuak forth the pra8C8 of this invaluüble medicine. Dr. Sliernian'o "tfORM LOZER GES" have bren pro ved in more than 4()(',t)( O cases to be inl'nlliblé, in fact, tlic only certoin Worm destroying medicine ter diëcovtied. Children will eat tliem when tliey cannoi be forced to take nny oiher medicine, and the hent-fit derived ironi the adminiètration of medici ne to Chem in thie form is grëat bcyond concoption. 'J hey havs nover been kiown to iaiJ. Dr. JShefmaii's "CAMPUOR L02ENGES," relieve Ueadache, Nervous Sick-headaché, Pal pitation of the Heart. nnd sickneés in a very few miriii'es. Dr. Shern'an'B "POOR MAN'S PLASTEÏl" is acknowlediied by al! who hnve ever ueed it to be ihe bes' strengthening Piaster in the world, nnd sovereign remetly for painsand wenknesa in the back, loins, side, bréast. neck. limbs. jointH. rheumaupm. lumbago, &c. liu c;ireluï to procure the aboVe and aíl other itiedicines of Muynard's, and you will b snre ihore wiil be no miatake in quantity or charle. W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor. f'ebruory 5. 1844. 41 ! - WRIftHT'S POOR XffiiUK'S P2S, , Au excellent vegetable tainijy IWedicjr.e, ín c-1ees of Indigestión, Dpefsia, Live) jjlaints or .laiiiKliw, Agua und Fevef, Comed longue. Sicknees nt the StonaHi, Sick IUnlache, Reinittant and Ijmrmiucm Fev=era,Coufi;l:íí Colds, Caiarrli, &c. ie. Emiiely vehcíle, tbey are eniphnticully conduein-,' 'o henlth and ourneiaetiix nibcaee by j.urilymg lire blooil, cfeanaing i,e fygiem of' vinated huniors. removiig Lsiructions. stimu■iting the organsof áecietíon, ïiiingling wnhtl.o tood nd aciing every way in harmony with ih dysicm. For Infiam8to:y rfieeoses upcd in cnnneciion willi die Rheumatic Piastor" tliey wilibe found eteii!y to aid in the removal of diseusea for which tho rinsrer is above roéomnieniJed, and particularly are they calculated for nll menisofihe Digesbvs nnd Biliary Órans. tha priinary oriijin of a mtilliiude of diáenocs. Price- 25 cenis and 50 cenia a Bos. For sale at Mosely's Bookstore. and by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Ageui for Michigan. 1G-Iy Certificate. WoüLsrccK, Lknawjik Co., . Au. 20, J.-4.Í. 5 For twelve Veara I have been iroublcd wnb a rheünmtio altoction in my back. so tbát ] hn hardly ever been iree luim pain during the wholo urne, and wiihin twelve hoüre afier I hod nlkd sume oí Wriglit's RheurhaticPlaeier, 1 was [)eriectly easy, and iiave hnd no pain fince STF-PIiEN CARY. Jacksok Co.. Coi.u,mbia, A ug. 2j, 1844. 5 Thi may cenify that Í k.ive uted Wright'8 Pilis in my ianijiy iu violent altacks of chili nnl JÍI1Í0U8 fever, und have found ihem to be tho jest PÜIb thut J ever used. and would recomjiend evoiy iainily to keep'tiiem on hand. JA M A WARTOUT. Thohíso.v, Gkaig.í Co.. Ohio. April 2dth, ]8.'4. 5 Thia fnay certify that I have ust'd Wriht'a Ponr Man'e Pilis and Riunmatic Piaster vn my iractice, and would say io the pubjie that tht;y :an rely upon thcir recommobdaúon wiih tl o itniost confidence; in short, they only nctd uyng to recoiuuiend theinselves. REV. R. R srOTT. M. ï; Loraink Co., Gkjvkn, Rlay 16. Ib43. This oiay ceriiiy ihut 1 have Ubecl V-. Poor Man' s Pilis in n;y practica, .i(! fii :o be one of, ilnot ntíitly. il. e ben use; and would rcconiiin,-ijd cveiy ir keep them on hand, eepecfálly il.o.v. i nenr low, marsby land, or iciil ponds, nr . unhealthv clmiute.JOSHUÁ BASCCMB, Ji Without ádilinc viinre tesiiniüjiy oi the et) of the above memioned mediciné, ivc ú i itate to say tliat we are uot nfraid to I..tues teated by the sidc of any other ol ". ihat ever has boen oflered to ui Arueri lic. and we will Iet h. stand úpon íiB ov n For saie at Mosley's JBonkpfofe. V; i By Kellogg & Rrothers. Wjiíte Pi i .-i. R. Williun s, Jr.. &. Co., Siurgea IV Simeón Gagèt. Quiucy, Brnnch coui cy. A. K. Ha, ." " W. A. Bliss, Jamestown, índ.' EHbha Steer, Anolu, " : Chcster Moss. AÏbioi'i. Michigan. 1 A. P. Míinn til. Sibley,, Marshüll. Aïich. 3 A. Callcnder. ' '..- J E. Packer, Battle Creek, 8 C. W. Viniñg, Galesburgli, r Cnpt. Brown, Pfiiirieville, tl D. H. MedwoutJ, Adrián, ' e Quackenboss. &. More, Tecüniseb. S. A. Itowk-y, Jonesville " H. Oilbert. Manchester, ■ 1 W. II. l'atiersoi). Salino, ït : Harmon & Cook, Brcoklyh, " n Pierre Teller. Agent íor Di Geo. P. Wiighi & Co.. soJe propfieti - the United and Upper arid Lpwer Cj ' All orders and business letters lor iho i . t may bc directed to. Gco. P. Wri ht, ( P. O., Jacksou Cö., iMich. It is for sale aiso at Monroe. Mt. C!o: ií i Utica. Pontiac, and by Dnbois & 'Wnuir. J . sou. Agents for tfie Siaie of Miihigan. f Kilgore, Carrol Co., O., Jaii. 25, 1 , Ttn years since, I was tnken with the :- j la. 80 tbat I had no relief d'iy or nigfit. ti beingniuchswelled and covered wiin j] . breast and back in greaf peím, and nírves j shattered. I applied to diilérent Plisicii. . . of whom said there was do help for n:e. ; . t the remedies. I f riecf proved unavaüing u; , made uSe of Wright's Anri In&ítu. and Rh Piaster, which rcuuced the inflnmntion. hei. the ulcers. bfotigM ifie skin to its naiuraJ cl and ielieved the poiu. 1 would recornoïenid i to all similarly afilicied, and am 6uiethey. be saiisíién after rvinL it a fáirtfinl CATH AltIN E A LLEKS WORTH. Tbompson, Geaupa Co.. Ühio, ? ' - , April 20. 184. ' ( I certify that rny little boy pm h!s arms in:' boiling we-er, nearly to lie clbo,w. so that wl. n the dress woj tnken off the skin canic withi:; after applyinp several remedies to no purpoüi.- the arm bécoming much swollen and iho child ingreatpain, I applied 'Wright's Ahïi Iniíainmatory and Kheumniic Piaster." and wittiuS iu hours he wa perfêctly ensy. nnri went to y). i-p. After to or three dnys I .removed the pI!iSter. tittd applied another, and when :Ii;ii was removed the arm was healed, except a place (he sizc of a shilling which was soon well. 1 believe it to !.e the best article foraburn that cmt be prodatfed. would rerommend all to keep it uu hapd ití c; of accident. ■■ . ELTZABETII BKOüGfiTON. NERVOUS DJSEASES ore greaifv l„ ted by thè u$e ot these pilla;- as Nervous 17oadache, 7'ic Doloronx, St. Vitus' Dai.ce. '&cj. thcir tendency Wing to soothc the irriu.bihty oi the system, álltiy jjuin, and irxtuce qúiet and repose. Those afUictfd with Coughs. Co!í!p. Influenza, &.C., wül find relief from the use of úiese. pills. Exposure to cold cïoses tbc poi?s oi the skin, checks perspi rntion, retnrds the ciroi lation, and produces varions influnim'Ubry tuneases. Does any ono percetve a coíd oiHiijer upon fiim? Let bim on gcing to bed, tako mi' cient to opérate sruartly, and then everv HjVht, take enoush to produce a mild operatioii tilí'ihfi distnee abates. In case of Wórrua let n un i Pink be taken freely for 12 hours, ntu] tfiöti ■ minister Pilis sufficient to produce a Lrisk c;nl i- - tic operaiion. rO-I y State of Michxuam, ) Wasluenaw Coirnty, j 8e THE Circuii Cotirt för the county ofW- n,iw of the term of Juno, A. D. or sand cijlit hundred and forty four. jo fourttenth dny of September, in the hcndrtd and forty foür. In the matter of the pétitioö oi' C Willaid, prayirvg for a. di'vorco Froni I Oliver ü. Wilhircl. for :he coi..crnelty, and for rtot provuüng a n lenance for potitioner. nnd ii appeai petition that the said Óhver O. is :, of ibis Staie. so as to be personí.l, notice óf the filing of said jieuiion. '. John Allen, AUorney for snij peti ordered by tlw Coiut. that the e:.;;' Willard do nppear nnd nnsiver unto ; titionon or betore theíirst tííiy oí tfo i ■ i)f this Court, and that a copy ol thit "■■ Pblished in the Signal of;. publiehed in Ann Arhor, si tiiVes pnce;.. once in encli week , the Inst public; Ieost thiity days befóte the fiist dn of the 'erin of ihis Court. which will l.e on tri1 1" Tuesdny of December next, md th.nt a pa_ con'.aining said notice bè snit by mijl to town of Windsor. in iho Stnie of Ycu.v directed to the s'iid Oliver O. Willard. A copy of order. Atteat, E. P. GARDINER, rerfe, dir. (; John Ai.r.KN. AUoiruaj Jor Pctitiónef. Clf.rk's Offck, Wiithten.iv An Akkok. Stpt. 10. A. 1). 1' BOARD OF SüPKltVJSORS THE regular .innnn! meeting of iluiáiipervisois ior Woshte-unw Cou !o held pursuani to lnv at ihe Coúrt Í ihe villnte of xiiin AtnTr. on r.Jomlny t iay of Öctober next, for the purr'.tt; .. zing tbc nssessmeme. aüdiiiognccouiitf lenaing lo the general businets of hv ■ The Superintcndnnts of tlie Puur Couniy will n. eet. for ihc (impuse ïccountB at the Couniy poor jinuso. oïi uesdny the 2d dny of Ociobor next at u:. . ;lock in the forenoon. E, P. GAPuDI.NER, Co. CIe;k(


Signal of Liberty
Old News