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""a ttejvt"í oi Jutíl' ieccivcii;tt me G-oneral Uuput, lor tht sjIö of Clothiers Stock, Mncliiuery. Dyt huios, &.C. &c, xNo. 139. Jeiïerson Avenue, Detroit, tho following lartre. Wet i ussorted, and Burcfully selecied stock, viz: lOObbls. St. 'Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Toas ■■ " ia Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Fuatic, Cut, 5 Tone " " inStick, 5Q bbls. Nic. VVood, Chipped, 5U ' Luna Wood, " 30 ' Rod Wood, " ]2J U . Ground Cauiwood, ll) ;' Qaercitron Bark, 5 )0 Ibs. iugíills, 1U Cuses Extract of Logwood, 300 Ibs. Lac Dyc, 2 Ceroons Spunish índigo, 300 ]ls. SuiiiacSieily, 3 Cnsks Maddcr, ' Casks Blue Vuriol, 5 sks Alimu 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Barrels Cream Tartar, 3 Carbo}'s Aqun Fortis, 5 Oil Vitriol, 3 Muriatic Acid, 500 Ibs. Yirdigris, 50 'J Block Tin, Tease's, Twine, Copper Kettles, all sizes, Parson'a Shearing Machines, Curtís' (i ; Scrcwa and Press Pintes, Crnnks, Press Paper, Steel Reeds, Worsted Harnes3,Tenter Hooks, Emcry, all No's., Olive Oil. Cloíhiers' Jacks, Saltinett VVarp, Clothiers' Brushes, Shuttles, ' Pickers, Card Clenners. &c. &c. The above, with n varicty of other artícles belonging: tu the trrtdc, have been purchased this suinmer by the subscribers froin Manufacturerand First Hands in the New York, Thiladelphia. and Boston Markets, and every thing having. res ceived his personal irisuecnon. he can wíth the utmost confidence offer theni to purchasers as the btxl and most conpl-.1c siOccia the country; and as it ra his iixcd detennination (bv the low rates a'. w'tiïcTi he will scll) to nrevent tbe neecssi'y o) our Clothicre and Minu'i'"urer8 léaVfng the State to mukc thcir purchases. he would mercly say to the trade, CA Lfc',' examine tho goods and ascertain prices before you say you can buy cheaper any irJi&re else. He is alsö prepared to contract for CARD1NG MACHINES made ín this State or East. PrERRE TELLER, Sign ofthe Golden Mortar, 139, Jefferson Avenue. [17-tCi Detroit.DRY GOODS, BEY GStOCERÏSSS, Fcathers, Pa3er Ilaiïging-s, BASKETS, &c. MAY be found at [he lowesl cash yrices, at Ravmond's Casiï Store; J43 JeiFerson Avenue, De'róïtj The nnck-raigiied has just recoivcd a full stock of SPRING GOODS, of the most desiruble Btyles and patterns, suitable tbr ciiy or country tradc. AMOSG WHICH ARB: French Lnwn8, Ginghain Mualins, Musi'm de Lfcirtes, Balzarines, Bulzurine Musüns. Striped Swiss Muslins, Rich Calicóes, of all qualities, colors and patterns. Piiiuuloon and Coat stuíís, sach as Gamliroons. Swede? Cnssimeres, Fancy Drillings, Lirien Cheeks, Plaid Swedes. Fancy Enlis!i Cassimcree, Bro:id Cloths. Kcntucky Jeans, &c. -ALSO- Blue Drills, do Liuens, Fustians, Tickings, Checks, Linseys, Burlaps, Biissings, Padding, Canvass. Brown Sheetinga and Drillinga, Bleached Cot'-ons, Sw9s, Jackonot, Book & Barred Muslins, "VVide Laces and Lace JEdgings, of every descripuon, VcstingSy Bonnet, . Pubbon?, Lineo Cambric, Catn bries, Hankerchiefs. Cravats, &c. &c. ca. Persons trading in the city are invired, at kast, to cali and look at ihis stock, and f the prtce8 are not as low as elsewhere, patronage is aot expectcd. W. A. RAYMOND. 148 Jeíleráon Avenue, Detroit. May 20, 1844. 4 6m To Clothsci's, Ülaiiiifisctarers and Ülerchants. THE sul'acriber is now.receiving at his stores, I8B and 190 Jefïerson Avenue, Detroit. Ihe folio wing carefully and well selected stock of Dye VVooiis. Dyk Stuffs end Woolj;: Man WFaCTÜRER's M.ÍCIIIN'KUY. 55 tons Fustic, Cuba, Tobnsco, Tamptcoand Carthogena. 20 tons Logwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair, Coro, Hache and Linn, 3ton8 Camwood, very cfioicc, 180 barrels Logwood-, cül añd gronnd, ]5) '♦ Fustic, " " 100 Red Woods, " ; 120 " Camwood. " " 10 " Qnereciiron Bark. 45 "■ Altura, 42 lc Copperas, 30 " BlucVuriol, 23 " Madder. Ombre, and Dutch erop, 3 " Cream tarier, 2 " Nutgalla. 3 caaes Indigo, Bengal, Manilla and Gua tímala. 2 V Lac-Dye 20 { ext. Logwood, 2 ' Grain Tin, 300 pounds Verdigris, j5 Carboys Oil Vitrioi, Spirits Sea-Saltsand iSitricAciJ, ALSO, Copper Kettles ond Clothiers' Screws, Tenter J'ook8, Jacks and Brushes, Press Papers. Cnrd Cleanere, Weavcrs' Shears, Nippcrs and Uurling Irons, Combplates, Pickers and Bobbins, Wire. Worsied and Cotton Harness. Steel and Cane Reeds, jBroad Power, Hand Looms and Fly Shuttles, Steel and Copper Mails, K:uery, &e. Pasons' Shearing Machines, 4, 6. and 9blades, Allcn's doublé and single Carding Machines.' Machine Cards, Leicester, The above gooda have been recently purchased direc-ly from the rnporters-and manufacturera, F.XCI.U3IVELY FOR CASH, and will be SOld al the New York jobbers' prices, adding transportation oniy; and in eonsequencc of the decline on inariy of the American manufactured anieles, will. in many enses, be sold al fiftken vv.r cen-t r,Ess tkvx foitMER prices. Thirteeti ywirs experience in the Dye Wood business cnubles the subscriber to say to his customers that he is prepared atoll time3 to warríkt his goodsof superior quality. THEO. H. EATON. Dye Wood and Dye StulT Warehou30 188 and 190 Jefierson Avenue, Detroit. The Ann Arbor Journal, Ypsilanti Sentinel Fontiac-GSazctte. Flint Dcmocrat, Adrián ExpoFiior, Marshair Statesrnnn. Niles Courier and Repu-blican, Gazette, Michigan City (ïa.)and .he Enquircr, London, (Canada.) will each publish ;he above insirfo, to the amouni of liree dollars, and sendeopy of notice with bille ro subscriber for payment. J7-tf. TRAVELLING BASKETS. &c- at RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, May 20.-4.2 1tó Jtí& Avenue. Detroit.E DÍ. SMITH'S ■j ; . _ rpHESE Pilis are prepared by AVm. M. Smitb, }L D., lato Profesaor of Materia Medica an JL Plmnnacy in ihc Universuy olLako Krie. Ohio. Or. Sinilh wouid say to tle nbic, tha in ofieríng üieín t i ís Pili, he presents no quuck nóstrum that will by its irritattog cifras upo iheslomach and powels créate disen?e where therc was liule or none bd'ore. but one Unit is tufe - mild, sahitary and unilonn in ils cff:cts npon t lio whole system. líe wou 1:1 say that in; hns pow spcjU.20 years in research and investigaron, directed to the Pa tholipy ol disease, arid 'ihe propci -tn;s o I" medicinal substanco, and theirudaptation to the remova of íhe nialudies lo which flesh is hcir. As the result of these lubors, he s now ablc to giye to th pubüc a eombinemon of medicinal vegetable substahees. which s as near perfección, as eare.t study and close invesiisation. tests and experirnants, can briug it. He wouid say to i'hysiciuns as well as others, try this piii: it will not tleceive you. It ís peculiarly adapted to the removal and prevention of the following diseases: Bilioua, ínter mittant, nnd Reiinant Fév%T8Íj Fever and Agne, Cough. Liver Coinplaints. Sick IJeadach Passive Dropsy," Rhrn.aiisüi, Enldígéhífet of the Spleen. Internal Pikn, Colic, Acidity of th S;omach, Jncipieiu Dinrrhcna. Habitual Cosliveness, and in all case uf Tórpor of the Bowels whena cathnrtic. nperieni, or alterative, a hecded Thcy are mild.' yét certaiñ in their open tion. producing nciihcr nniísteá, griping, nor Jebility. The agen ip o f these Pilis are instructed in case tull sap.-';uiion is rrot giveií to any gfersdo wbo may purchase theni, that they shall hav tüeir money refunded. TESTIMONIALS' IN FAVOR Ol? Ëm. WM. M. SMITH'S ÜNIVESSIÏY .PiLLS. - TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LANDON. Mo.nroje, Michigan, June 12, 1844. Dr. Smith - Denr Sir, - T tnke much pleasure in .giving my tes,tirnony in í'uvor of you [ valuable UNIVERSÏTY PILLS. I iuost clieerfully recommcnd theni to the pubüc as íi safe, easy, and efficiënt cathartic íbr most of the diseases incident to tíríá región of' country I liave made rxtensívo use of thetn for four years in my practice, and I believe ibern to be i the BEíST Anti-bilious Cathnrtic or Aperient medicine ever combinod and offered. for gen eral use. Tours, kc. GEOÍIGE LANDON, M. D. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. TELLKR. Masillon, Ohio, May lst, 1344. Dr. San tu - Sir, - I tnke much pleasure in bearing1 tesümony to the efficacy of your ! Pille in rernoving bile from tho steinach, deterging the Liver. and In all complaints emanatingfíom that source. J. V. C. TELLER, M. IX TESTIMONIAL OF. F. L. WELLS. Watemcoo, Mich., March 10, 1844. To Dr. Smito- Sir,For upnrds of six manths I was crueüy aíilicred with Fever anc Agüe, artíi during that tune conid find nothing that gave nis permanent relinf; at length hou ' ever your University Pilis were lecomtnendetl to me by one of the best Physicians in these parte: and F am happy in bcing able to sny, that fro:n the use of one box I was pernianently cured of my ogue; since then a ríumher of my family have been as sig-nally benentted. Your?, Rrspectfu'ly, F. L. WELLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL G00DN0W. ÍMonrof, Mich., June 1, 1844. I hereby certify that Dr. Wm. M. Smiih has been my Family Physician for four years last past; that he has used his University Pilis in his practico m my family with unparailelcd success; and I-thinU Ihem prefernble to anv pill for bilious afiection in the world. DANIEL GOÖDNOW. Innkeeper, Macomb-St. House. TESTIMONIAL OF D. S. PARöHALL. FutNT, Mich., June 5, 1344, Dr. SariTH - I am happy to pive you my cordial npproval of your UniverEity Pilis. I am able to keep off Fever tmd Ane, nnd Fevcrs to which all of us are subject in this Western Country, by the timely use of your University Piils, Send an Apent tijis way os soon as p .stible. for we are all om. Yours, Sec. D. S. PARSHALL. TESTIMONIAL OF MESSRS. NOBLE AND FYFIELD. We certify that we are aml have been pèrsoncilly acquainted with Wm. M. Smith, M. D., and linow that he is a man oí eminence in his prolestion - and that for four years he filled the chair of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in the Wüloughby University of Lake Erie, with honor to himselfand satiffaction to the Trustees nnd FactiJty, as well as to the Studenls of the above University. As íbr his Pilis, they are 'par excellence." CHARLES NOBLE. Monroe, Mich., June 10, 1844. B. F. FYFIELD! TESTIMONIAL OF RTAL B. CHASE. This I certify, that in the month. of September. Jast, I was attacked with ' Billious Fever (whüe auay from lióme át Owasso to bnild a water wheel) and with one dose of Smith'sUnivérsity Pilis, I broke it up; and as rhatíy others were sick at the timo, I administered these Piïls to them, and in all cases it bioke up thëir fevers. I have used them many times since, and wilh great success. Tiiey are the best pills I ever used. RIAL B. CHASE, Milhcright. Shiawassee Town. Mich. June lst. 1844.kjuiuwucscc uv, ii, ui ie ii. .in uu iftit jott. TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAÏL C. WRIGIÏT. This may certjfy, that three ycars ao I was attackcd with Liver Complaint so severely fhnt I couïd scarcely turn myself in bed; I used many specifics nnd remedies, sucli as Brnndretirs, Resurrecthn, Oriental, and other pills. but with little or no effect. One year ago, my friend IV. SmHh called on me on his way to Boston, wben he gave me a box of his University Pilis, which perfectly restored me, and my healtli has not aiyain suffered frcmlike cause. ABIGAIL C. WRIGHT. Rochester, N. Y., No. 13, Fmnklin Street, .Tune 25, 1844. TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN W MILLER. Dear Doctor- Justice requirès me to state, that I have sold your University Pilis for one and a half years lost past, and that I can sell no others wtiile I have them on' hand. They have superseded the sale of all others - their effect is truly wonderful. JOHN W. MILLER, Druggisl. Monroe, Mich., June 12, 1844. For Sale by J. H. LUND. Lower Town, and WM. S. '& J. W. MAYNARD, Uppei Town, Ann Arbor. ' lS-ly. - c = L 5 w 1- i' Erv )i +m O o a: m CD O 23 RJ g: IfUff 1 o si-öï fl iï tea e iii:i't M g; 1 PIK! I 2 8 S5 llflll ? r S ö w r - -2 gig? --'S -ê?- ibJl 2 Z 3 4 umï . ; -xn ö Cubija Ig5 gs ....te. 3 i V-2 3 i 1I5IH i ■■ te3 P W K . ■■„■! ,.IU„'. L3'a5= 5 i Jr - ■ V& S - o-? 55 S Bp w ; Ïb BBS . üv ■Pi'Tiriiiv M P ►'s: b ítíflf fi: Steg % %. w S sic IPÍR 3 B"lë 59 S L3 I!ii:löi 5 -- 2W? )oa CD BES frgË k VJ Pfl - fansM -. fC - - ) s s-5 & - o ! l b-vj i rir W B S. S.íl,? ? Sj L,1 W r-r " r1 ff g " , 5" O I 5 l Mam %m 11I1I 's- Es vlEi a Illiff = í J v-l , r - - -i " a WíiiL2sSi Vin i i J % II lf faf S ti!1! f vr "'S -o ê s,. Si 2 ilï s g ir ?-.2" o $AT THE CASH STORE OF y Ann - Arbor 9 Lower Tillage. _. ' MlC- ,.„-_, „.M. , JUST reccived at the abovc establishment, a complete assortment o Groceries, Crockery, Shelf Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Tuscan and S.fra Bonnets, Flowers, &c. &c, all of which wjlj be sold-as cheap as they ca be bonght at any othcrsiore in Michigan. The above Gooris vvere select ed wiih great. care, and we feel assured that we can convince .purcliasers o the truth of vvhat we say. The highest price wiil be paid for Wool. W will also receivc all kinds of produce in excliange ibr Goods at (he highes' market price. Purcliasers are respectfull invited to cali and examine fo lhemsclves. Ann Arbor, May , 18443_if " JTAMES GIBSON takes ibis method ofinforming hi " friends and oíd customers that he has agaui en tered the Mercanfiie busiress, and is now opening a general .aiid splendid assortment of GROCERÍES, CROCKERY, SHELF HARDWARE NAILS, ;&C. &C. all of which will be offerred to the public as cheap as the cheapesf, fo Cash or Barter. Wool and most kinds of COUNTRY PHODüCE will be faken in exchange for Goods. STáke tío man's word, but examine for vourselves at No. 5 Hu ron Block, Lower Vlllage,. ' Ann Arbor, Mayl5, 1844. 4-6m.IVoticc tö ÏÏIcrctïaaEfs. npÖE Subscribeis encouraged by tne pairon X .ge they have hrtheïto recèived' in th 'who.esale department of their business, will th ñrst day of May next_. open the store now occu Geo. Grenville, (Vonting on Huror streef, ohd connecting wi'th their present ston in the ronr. exclusivély for a ■7TH0LE SÁtBS-ROOK, where they vül keep at all times a full asdortment of Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes Carpcling Hals, Caps, Paper Hangings, Bonnets, Crockery by Ihe Crale, Hardware and Groceries, fyc. Sfc. Sic all of which will bc sold on as good terms as al áríy point this sido r of 'New York City. G. D. H1LL-& CO. Ann Arbor, March 26, 1641. 4Ptf. Niew Establishment. THRESK2ÏTO MACHINES. KNAP!', HAVILAND & CO. would res pcctfully inform the farmers of Washtenaw and the surrounding counties that they have estabjished themselves in Lower Town, Ann Arbor. for the purpose of manufacturing Threshing Machines. Ilaving been for many years engaged in this business in Ohio, they feel tliat they can whh confidence recommend tiieir work. They are making the Burrall & Cadiz Machines and Horse power; also Eastman's planatary power, different from any other made in this country and generally preferred to any other Machines, which they intend to sell at stich prices and on such terms as cannot iail to give satisfaction- they are determined not to be outdone by any similar establishment either in price, style o'i quality of work. "Competition ?s the life of trade" and all thej ask of the Farming communjty is patronizc them so far as to give them an opportunitj oisupplping a part of the Machines that may be wanted. They are prepared tó repair olc Machines, Their shop is in the basement story of H. & R. Patridge & Co's Machine shop, where thej may be iound to answer all calis. KNAPP, HAVILAND & CO. W. W. KNAPP, T. A. HAVILAND, J. E. MC LAIN. Ann Arbor'. April 29. Í844. Omi wriShts fledir.ated JPlaster, spread for immediate use, TRICE ONIA' ONE SHILLING, IN ORDER TO TLACE THEM WITHrN TIIH MEANS OF ALL. INslight öüments, ur where the patiënt prclcrs a less expensive article -than fhc "Anti-jnflamatory and RhaumaücPlasUr," these w 11 bc found highly beneficia]. Being already épjead for immediate applicaiion, they will be found very conenient for WEAK BACKS. Pain ot VVeakness in the Sicle. Breast, Stomach, between dié ghöuldérs, or wherever there is Pain, or where a liaster is needod. They may be rendered more serviceable by pasting a pieco oi cloth on the back of them before Ihey are applied. Multitudes have been relieved of pain and suffering by these Cheap Piasters. For Salo at Mos-ely's Bookstoro, and by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. ______j___ pi 6-1 y WOOIi'! WOOïaf CLOTH! GLOTHl! T I HE Subscribcrs would inform the Public -L that they will continue to manufacture good ,4s Me&jM$lMy M 4Ü ÊS a at their Manufactory. two and a half miles west of Ann Arbor, on the Huron, on the followin" TERMS. Until the first day of November. A. D. 184-1 the price will bo ' cents per yard, or half the cloth the wop.l will ma kb. From the !st of November to the Lr)th of May, Ï845, the prioa will be 30 cents per yard, or ninc twentiet!-. - Bi the cloih the wool will maUc, that is, 45 yards nu of 100 rnaiiufactural. The wool will be maniifactured ui turn ia il may come into the iactory, as near as may bc wiih referencc fo the ' different qualities. Any person who will furnish one or more pareéis of wool from 80 to 100 poundsof one quality can have jt maiuifacturcd by itself. V.'ool will be rcce.'ved at Sci). ' Wool senl by Railroad will be a f tended toin the same rrianner as if-the owner were to come with it it should be careiully marked. We have mánufacturcd cloth during the past year for a very large number of customers. to whom ive believe we have gíven very general satisfaction With these facts and the advantages oïiered by the low. price at which we oííer to manufacture c-loih, wc hope for a large ehare of patronngo. . SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, Washtcnaw Co., July 25. 1814. 3-tf FIRST . rate Tea, Sugar and Cofiec, at the lowcst marknt prices, at RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, , „, M8 JöiH Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4Hew Hat Store. - TAMES G. CRA.NK would respcctfully inI form the Public, hathe-hus opcned a fine 5 stock of Hals, Caps, Stocks, Cravats, Scarfs, 3 'Collars, VmbrcUas and Gloves, at No. ]0.;, Jefiersoii Avenue, Detroit, nearly opposite tho U. S. Court Room and Post'Offlce, 1 whero ho -vV il l be happy to see his friends nnc supply tliem with as good an article in Iris line as can be procured, eiiher heie or at the east. and as cJieap. Gentlemen in the interior, wishing a first rate fashionable article of líala or Caps, can be supplied by sending theirsizc öï iiave any style furnished to order in a few hours. nnd icarranted lo suit. Cali and sce- it may save yon a dollar t JAMES G. -CHANOS. Detroit,, July 12 1844. J3-6:n ANN ARBOR OIL MILL. .nriHEsubscribers Wonld give notice that ihe JL are engngcd in manulhcturing LINSEED . UIL,, and are prepared to furnish oil of ihe best quahty to merehants and painters, chertp as it ■ can bo obtamcd from the East. Oil exchanec for Flax secd at. the. rato of a gallon of oil for a bushei of Flax seed. Cash at all times paid for ', Flax seed. PULCIPITER & JUDSON I Ann Arbor, (Lower Village,) Sept. 6, 1844. I 20-ly. 1 JEROME M. TREADWELÏ" ' ATTORxXEY AND COUNSELLOU AT LAW, ■ And General Land Agent, ■ "AILL atlend t0 tnG sale and exchange of ! 7 V Lands, payment of Taxcs. and reclemp r iion of Lands sold for Taxes iji Jackson and adjolning countics, examination of Titles, Convey ancing. and 'all "business pertaining to Real Es; tate. Olfice in the Court House. : Jackson, Michigan. 17-tf. i - : - ■- _ 1 L. B. WALKEl'S PATENT ; SMUT MACHINE. nnHE Subscribers take this niethod of informX ing all such as are engaged in the Miiling business in the State of Michigan, that they are now manufacturingin Aiw Arbor, Washtenaw County. Michigan, L. B. Walker's Patent Sniut, Machine,which they would recommend to takc the Smut r off óf wheat ás veil or better thnn any othei machine. This machine is a .borrsntal machine - u rctu'.ns all the fnction of the whent. and uni► tingsimpïïcity with dmability, it combines the bcating,' seoiirfng, nnd hlowing principies, dis5_ charging tho dnst nnd smut as fast. as separated . from the whcat. This machine is pcrfectly se, euro, froin fiie. and runs mud; lighter dianuiny 1 other machnie in use. For ianlier information. I sec Inrge bilis. Shop in Lower Town. Priceb . "to ngreo with the times. All orders for Ma. chines will b, promptly attonded to. A Mress, E. O. & A. CPdTTENDEN". Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., Mich. f Jah.8,1844. n6m ANTI-INPLAMMATORY AND RHJËUMATIC PLASTER, AN efficiënt remedy for Rhetimatism. Fever Sores, White Swellings, Felons, Pnin oi ! weakness m the.Back, Üreast. Sidc or Limbs Eurngruises, C amps, C!,ilblair.a. Livejnd Lung affecnons indolent Tumols, SpinaJ aflbeuosr, nflamedEyce, &c. &. h ,s Jnsuspas.scd in all Inílnminatory d.seases. either Chronic o. Acute, as ,t opérales by cóunteracting and rcduc mg lnflamáuon, allaying Pain. Svveating the parts aOected, and by its roní.eningand Ano' cProP'es.g.v.ngspendy relief. Also invall -uableasan nnti-ir.ercurial plusser Pnro UI .,ents per Box.-For further particuSSSaÖ C1cunl"r ?amlet, For sale nt Moseleys-Bookstorc-Ann Arbor, and J. T fatocking, travelling agent for Michigan. ■ . 16-ly pCLAÏSCHASË7 JTTOMJYEYS jYD COUA'SEL. LORtS AT LAW, (office losver town, arbor,) Will ttend to all business in thcir profeasion with atiu.jMty and dr-spmcli. attontion will be given to coJIccting. KOITEIITP. StNCt-AIR, F.DVVAni) K. CHASEMarch20, 1844. ' 48-1 y. . Whigs?'Whigr!! DEFENCE of the Whigs, W;hig Almanaes. Whig Songs, and Life of Hemy Clay by Sargeant. For sale at Pcrry's Book Store May 23 1844. !5ef, ' Péathers & Paper Hangins rptlE ibsdribor will keep a supply of Gcese J-, Feathersconstantlyon hand. Also an assort of Paper Hangings, Borders, Fire-board Papers,- &c. w. A. HAYMOND. Ma 20 148Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. . ' ■ . - ' ' ITUK MISSES CLARKS' IToting ILadics' Semmary, XtSbi A1UVOR, MICHIGAN. MARYTI. CLARK, Principal. CHLOR A. CLARK, Vice Principal. MI SS WEST. Teacher in Music. II. F. SCIIOFF, do of Classics, fio do i 11 Frcnch. F. MARSH, Teacher ofMathematies. RHOBYE. CLA11K, Teacher oi JuvcnilcDept. THIS Institución has been in operation sincc November lö, Jb;;.(). Theseliolastic yeaj embraóhg forty-êïghï iveeRs, two icrms. comprising -t wo qnni -i(;r.u cnr-li - iwelve weeeks in a quarter - a general c.aminuion at the close oi' oach term - ín Fébr'iia'ry and August. The last tjuaiier of the present term com meneed JYIry iiOth. Afrer a .ïnontli's vacation. ut the close of' thtsqunrter, whicli ends fhe scholastic year., school will be again resuined the lirsi week in September next. of Trrno.w- For the EngKsfi b'ranches, 'j;,C() to $5 per quarter. Noreduclion made for absmee, except of sickness; and 110 pupil taken for less than a quarter. Extra char ges are made for musie on the Piano, with ihe use orthe instrument, $8ftO French, '' jOfi Drawing and Painting, . 5}0(] Fancv Work, 3 gh Boord, ineluding washing, liglits, fcc, ,1.7;1 per wock if paid in adyqnee, or $2,00 per week it pnkl at ihe close of the quartor. Parents and guardians are invited to visit the school every Friday, when the studies of the week ere revicwed- also semi-monthly on Wednesday aficmoon, atreadingof the weekly compositions. Young adies desirous of entering the school and pursuing ihe ïegular cours? of study, woüld do wcll to commence at the begïuïng of the tcr.n. .Having purchased n healthy and commodiovjs buildiñgin a picasant and convenient part of thr village, no paina or expense ehall be spared to lacuitate the studies and rcuder the situation o the young ladies profitable and agreeable. Beloning to ihe school are h Library of hn rwcen tlnce and four liundrcd volumes, and Phi osoplnc;l Apparatu?. EIccuical Iaehinc, Globes &c. Scientiiic leetures aiv dclivcred before the school at proper inerváis. The Misses Clnrk will .:nr. nof only to promoté the intullectufl culture of their pwpils bilt will auciid strictly to their moral denortïnènt. With a deep sense of religiotis responsibility. thev would jivo auch a tone to charactcr, as shal rendcrirpraciicnilyTmcd for èv'ery station- yielding to duty but íirm to principie, Among tjie booka used i.i tho school are. Abercrombic on the Intellcctur,! md Moral I'owers -Kane's Elcments of Criticism- Wayland's Moral Science- Newmah's Rhetoric- Hcdge's Logic- l?alcy'a Natutal Thcology and Evidences of Christianity- Cómstock's Chëniiètry and Natural Fhilosopby- Combe's Physioloy- Mrs. Lincoln's Sotany- Eaten'a Manual of ' Curnu'a Gaography of the Heavens-Fitst Src ond and -Tlnrrl Books of' Mistory- Mis ' Wil liard's Republic of America-Phelps' Legal Classics- Playfair's Euelid, and jüayie'a Algebra and Anthmetic- Parker's Natural Philosophy. The Misses Clark have tauglit a Yoüng Ladees School for.several years inllie Ciiy of=Nèw lork, andaré fmnishcd with testimoniáis frptn R.t. Rev. Benjamin Onderdonk. D.D.. and John M. Griscon, M.. D.. of Nöw Ycrk, Rcv. J. L Bloke.ol Btooklyn, and ivlrs. Ennna WiUard, of Iroy. N. Y.j aféo, referencc is made, by pernif-Hion. to the' following gemlenun : Ri Rcv S. A. PvicCoskry, E. D.. Robert JRümsey and L. B.rMisner, Ksqrs., Detroit; Rev. Isaac S. Ketcham. Centrevtlle ; Rev. J. Omison. White Pigeon , Rev. J. 1. Cleveland, and Geo.Ketchuin, Marshail ; [-Jon. Wm. R. Deïand. Jackson: Paul B. Rmg, Michigan Centre; E. II. Winan. Adrián: 'Daniel Hixson, Clinton; GafUínfe Wheeler. M. D,, Howell; Rev. F. H. Güming, Grand Rapid.s; Rev. H. Coldazer. Rcv. A m' Fífch. S. Dentón. M. D!. P. Brigliarn! M. D Hon. Wm. A. Fletcher, Hon. Wm. R. Thompson, E. Mundy. Esq., J,i]m Allen. Esq.-, Geo. W. Jewett. Esg„ Col. Thomas Moselv, Capt. J. Pcrkins. Tlioma.s M. LudrJ, F. Sawyer, Jr. Flsq., late Superintendent óf Public Inötructioii' Professors Whiüng. Williams and Hougliton, of he Üniversiiy of Michigiin, Ann Arb'or : James Sirdsall and Rev. Jolm Beach, Flint; Amos Vlead, Esq., Farmington. The following -gentlemen, II. Colclnzer ilev. O. C. ComstocIv,"Rev. A. M. Fitch. Rev. Mr. Curtisa. Professors Whiting and Williams. of tbc University of Michigan, "and F. Sasvvcr'. Jr.. late Superintendent of Public Instructton. ïave consemed to net as a visiting committee ol he school to be present when ihe'weekly mudies nre reviewed; but espeeially to attend during the spmi-anr.ual examinations. September 4, 18J.1. g(f hYlFméaloñgTñtm WORLD. Help ihose roho strive io help Lhcmsehes by Ilonest Indusiry. The continuation of ';Hard Times" urges the ubscribct to cry out for help, and to inform all hose who are desirous te Economizó, ihat he haí opened a New and Sccond Hand Clotbin'" EsiaMislisneiat, On Woodward Avenue, next door to Hyde & .Vilder's Scale Factory, bet ween AtWaieiaiui Woodbridge strcèrs,1' where'he wül sell cloihini; t litth Cheaper than tha C'icapest for Cask.- ie will qIso conlinue to carry on the TAILORING ANÖ, CLÖTHES CLEANING . BUSINESS. All persons desirous of having reasc. paint, oil, pitch, tar. cc. reinovcd from their ciotlïing vould do well'to cali on.him; as his mode oi cleaning is by a process of steam. hc warrants to completely renovate the garrnehts. and give them he appearancc of-NEW, whhout doing injury o the cloth in iorm or durabiliiy. Colfars and Breastsol'coats warmnteu to be" kept in perfect sliapc. Any kind ofclothingaltered and ïepaired n thencatest stvle, and on terms to correspond with ihe reducedjprices in oiher business.Ho rcspcctftilly returns his sincere thanks to jiöcuizens of Detroit, and the public in general or their very liberal patronage íhat he has heroofore reccived, and hopes that. by a constant e.ertion and strict attcmion (o business, to inerit and continuo to receive n shnre of public patronigc lo iiclp himalong jn ilie WORLD. , WM. LAAJI5ERT. j ' B--''ew nn(1 sccond hand clothing boiight. old, exchnngeci, or taken in payment for clcanngor rcpaiiiug. Orders aúended to in any art of tbc city. Ail oi wind. ís respectfullysübmtted. Don't f?rget that Lambert's Tailoring aijd Clpthing establishment is on Woodward Avenue, next door to Hyde & 'Wilder'y Scalo Factoryl etwecn Atvvater and' Woadbridge streets. Comz Luwyars, Doctors, Farmers and Mtrchanis io. CoMiü brinrr yrfúf ld garment.: andhavc them made now. 3inl3 ■ JDR. OSGOOD'S A MÜ.N'G the nio&t valuablc qualitics of tliie jlx. medicine, is its restoring ivjlvcnca upon onstitutions jn.paired and injured by previous ttacks of billious iëver, ór fever and ag'ue: 01 y n lungresidence in those cljujates whicli prouce them. There nrc mnny constitutiohs which )ecomo gradually undermined by a miasmal inlueiicc. without even a day's actual cunfinement. n sucb cases, the Cholagogne acts like a cjia'r'm -the sallow complexión, loss of appetitc, lanuor, weariness.and depreseion of spirits, with tber unpleasant eymptornt, which rencler life n urden, all yield to this remedy when faitlifully scd aecording ; the directions of the accompa-, yingpamphjet. It is cntirely a vegetable piep ration, uikI nr;ybc takpn w;th perfect saiety uncr all circifmstancès of the sysieni. For öale by 3G W. S. Ai J. W. MAYNARD, sole Agent, for Ann Arbor and vicinity. CHARLES H. STEWART; TTORNBY AIND COUNSELLOR AT LAVV AND ' SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. JEFFERSON AVliKTTE DETROIT. tf."Improvement on the march !" -TOCT. G. BENJAMÍN BMlTWs'uSuírn . fS. „Co"cd .or lloved Judian Veget$r Fils which -have been so extensively d n the New England Síates the pnst eeason ' now nialung their oppearancc amone ue - iL nating from the N Youk Coi.lf.ok oflSÜtÏÏS and bcing compoundcd by perfect machinervof hc finest qualities, irom ihe VFfïfc-r a dÍ KINGDOM have gained ihat ?opuloíhv anír E - lebnty nmong the Physkiems oí New York i) r lllC ;SUGARE1 l.NDIA.V VÉQETABr.K PfLTs' wil! - per&ede all others. Tbecornbinctions -f thPfi n " are warrimted to be eim;, vegetable m . fr stBiitiaie this. we refer our tVacers to the ral. ' of the New York Frcc Press, whtch is distr ,?! grntuiiously by all the agems. Certificad t ; -rnay he seen oí" great importante, from celebSSd fnjst, íans, amone whom is Doct. RANnn !t second to none in the city. "Four creat nr' pies involve the action of these Pilis: lsu They are Diurclic, and promotp il lar discl,arge otvrinc. 2d. fcXÏ V'?' langs. 3d. wror Ac, and open the poros óf h f skin. 4th. Cathartic. nnd carry off ih i. of the natural food, and coaree? pLideÏÏnT ' the stomach. and bowels. TlïJÏ these properties are not possesscd bv ,„„,, PHls. These Sugared MSáSJJSj the repugnanco feit at the eight of other, Pilis Ju J canse they aro coated wiih refined sugar, and odo" % rate as a general cathartic, and purilv the blood" In cases of Worms they are successfully used b also by Jemales in a delicate state. We do ' e profess to cure eoejy discasc with Dr SmiV. ■ l'$Wtm CoaWl Indmn Filis;" hut wbon ii i! - in the compasa of human possibilities, by .lie A of any medicine, we do believe tLey will cU j m almott every instance, the following cïm' J ptóm'tó: They are laid down in ,„e difecS e which accompany cach box. ) For Dvsmn?. a Costivcne they are ccrtanly uneqíai Z nt Fevers, Rémitfant, Internittam. Fever ÏA Ague, Nervous. Inflammatory or PutrM l. Pillare wonderful, For srof, i & nn v impunt.ès of the Blood; Cáncer.' Gravel 'lo ' of Appetite: Sick Hcadache; inflSSSïw both acute and chronic; Bi io compíamts; Pains in the Head, Side ktnm.u Back; Dropsy.. Diarrhooa, Dysenfary and S ! Palpiiat.on 0 the Heart, Whoojng CoSgh Weak Nérvea, Paralys.s, Hypocondriaes, TeSnus? Kp.lepsy, Hysterics, Lowness of SpiritsWorms: Obstrnctions, nd oiher compïoims in'. hnpi,} cflect. Persons are less Hable totake cold aftcr the use of these Pilis, ,Iian berore. for LL draw oT the humors that clog the vesselt, ■wü prevent the -f ree circulatiou of theblood- and give vigor and activity to all the functional nwveincnts of the System. MOTHERSf-MOTHERS.'f To-you this medicine is of GREAT VALUE You-will estcem it as thousands now do, in New York, for its having snatched, as it were from the grave, their sufTering children. Dr. Smith'ii 'SUGAR COATED P1LLS" have d,Scd their great powers ns much, if not more, in iho totat - KXTEjtMKfATioif of WORMS, thvn any otl-er disease. They are in iheir adapmtion a defechy enetny io these detestable vermin. We cali upon niothers. and all who have the care of tIVV0 exnmine the merits oi this great UmM MEDICINE. [See the certifica te of Jacob Cailock, Eeq., one of our most worihy cuizens.] Children vyill take them, and the happy efiects Wíl] soon be realized. CERTIFICA TES. We are not in want of certiilcates of a high character, cbning from th most respectabJe sources. [From a Nephew of the late Judge Thompson.] New York, May 15, ]844. ' Dr. Smith's 'Improved Indian Vegetable Pilis' have proven invíiluable to myself and faniily, in the cure of violent hkada che, pain in the side and stomach. For children, no better medicine can be produced. In the case of our Iiule girl, two yenrs óld, the most happy eiTectshave result;ed from their use: 1 have never known a medicine whjch 1 could so conridentlv recommend aa these pills. II. THOMPSON, 56 Northmore St. The following lady is too well known in Now York for her intelligcnce and philanthropy to bö doubted: [From the Matrok of the U. S Natai, Hospita i. : ] Accustomed as I am to administer to the sick, I can apjjreciate a valuabie medicine. If therebe a medicine adapted to numerous aumenta of mankind, it is Dr. Smith's. Sugar Pilis. I have used them and seen them used with the most astonishing results. in -several instances within my knowledge. restoring the patent from extreme lowness and sufiering to strength and health.- For ladies during pregna.ncy, these pilla are a soverñgn balín. 1 recommend them to all as a valuabJe.i-AMHY mkhicinr. SARAH A. GOULD, Matron of the IJ. S. Naval Hospital. Brooklyn, June lüth, 1844. [From the Deputy Sheriff of New York.] Dr. Smith's "Sugared Indian Vegetable Pilis" have boen used in tho Eldrigde-St. Deblors' Prison with uncommon satisfaction. I have never heard á medicine spoken of with more interest by the sick who have taken these pills. JAS. J. BEVJNS. Deputy Sheriff. [AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE.] I liave'to record an instance of unparalleldd suffering, which must have terminntcd my exiettence, had not Dr. Smith's "Sugarcd' Indinn Vegetable Pilis" come io my roscue. In ihe fnll of 18 lo. I liad a scrofiilous affectior, whiclfnearly covered my body vviih sores, and rendered me uniit for life. In the course of two months 1 was attacked witli fevor, which raged with great violeñce. I tcok many prescriptions. but without relief. My .sufTering was great. Mrs. Göulc! (whom I ehall ever remember with esteem) adviscd me io use these Sugared pills, which I took in large doses a few dnys. when ihe fever and pain abated. I continued these pills in smal 1 doses, ahout five weeks, when my fever and scrofula weie cured, my blood complctely purified, and my gerieral health improved. Iamcertain I owc my life, under Providence, to the use of these pills. ". E. M. PARK, New York. [From Jas. M. Turner, Esq., late of the U. S. Navy.] I have been afflicted severaiyears with a vveakness in tho breast, cosliveness and a diílicully of breátbing. 1 waslately more than ever troubled, though I had taken many presciibed remedies. - Through ihe advice of a (ricvd, I procured Dr. Smith's Palent Sugared Pills, which I U6ed. and they have not onlv reiieved, but entirely curedmy complaints. My wife has also used them with the most happy eflects. I believe them tha? best menicine in the worjd. JAMES M. TURNER.581 -Green wichSt.; N. Y. Refer to Hon. Silas Wright, U. S. Senate.PERFECT CURE OF WORMS. Cur little girl, G ycars old, haasuffered all ibe' worst stages of worms; and we have never fosHé .m (ffóctuál cure, until we administered Doct. Smith's Sugar Pilis, which our little giH took without the least resistance, in doses of two at a time; and we nevrr wituessed such ka change in so short a lime. The pills brought away a mnss of worm?, and she at once improved. She i? now in joyeus heakh. We have also found the greatest b' ncfit from tlieir use. JA COJi CA RLOCK, 8 Staple et., Tf. Y. liavé many certificates of curee in case of WORMS. [From á lady well known in New York.] I have been troubled for ycars with dizzinesa and pain in the head, attended with depresaion, dimnessof sight, &c. which have been entirely cured by Dr. Smith's "Sugared Indian Vegetable Pilla." I pnze this medicine abovcall others. SARAH DOUCLASS, [Coner oJ Ludlow and Walker-St. For sale hy G. & J. G. Hill, Detroit; ThoS. May, Jr., Plymouth: Perrin & Hall, Northville; Lund & McCollum, F. J. B. Crane, and W. S. & J. W. Maynard;r,nd G. Grcuville, Ann Arbor; also in Ypsilanti, Dexter, . nrid throughont th United States. OTlce devotcd exclusively these Pills, 19 Greenwich-St.. New York. CAUTION. - Beware ofimitations. 20-ïjr


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