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Mass Meeting At Adrian: For The Signal Of Liberty

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fursuant to provioua notice, the frienda of i equal rights to uil, held a mass meeting in the, Courl House at Adrián on the 21st uist. ■ wbich was orgonized by appointin the fok lowing persons officers of the convenlion J President, Henry Tripp, Vice President . Thomas Tnbor, Josse freadwell, Secretarie, BüDJarnin H. Lyyia, and S. G. Rico. On. motion of James Field the conventiou wa opened with prayer by the President. S. B. Trcndwd!, . J. L. Peters, Chester Gurftey3 Jatnes Field, and Curran Cradish wore ap( poinled a coramitteo to draft resolutions $Xpressivy ef the sense of tho meeling. Ou niotion of J. L. Peters, a comuiittee of three .was appomted to act with tho Hillsdale delegaiion on its arrival, in nomiuating a Seaatorfor dü-trïct. Gcorge L. Crone, H. Mulliken and Guorga B. Wells; wero eppotnled said ■comtui'tee.The nieeüng ihen adjourned till IJ o'clocfr, P. M. Convenlion met pursuant to adjouinmenf, and thecommittee on resolutions reported the followujg: [We are obliged to omit tk. resolulions for want of room.] C. Gürney Esq. tben addreased the meeting and for two houra held uüdivided attentio of tïie large and intelligent audiejico present. From the nature of manv the evils pre8ented,aa the cvils Sc du itcrers of ihe eystem ofslavery a t exists in our country were pointed out, hO shewed the necessity and etrong-ly argued lbo imporfance of political aclion in reinpvinjj them. At the close of the address, the resolutionsAvere ununimously adopíed, after a diacussion in wiiich Messrs. Treadwell, and Ferk'ins participated. Convention odjourned till 7 o'clock in ihe. eveninnr. Met pursiiant to adjournment, and esolved iisclf for a few moment3, into a eentorinl conveniion, tó nomínate n etate eenator for this district. The committee on nominations rRporletl the name of Lyman Pease of Hil]sdule,an(l he wus deciarod to be unanimoua ly nominated as our candiJace for that of- fico. Ti.e assembly was theu aodressed by Messrs. Porter, Gurney, and Tréadwell, the meeting contmued with unabated interest, tili n late hour, when it atljourned sine die. On the of the 2Oth, Mr. Treadwell uldressed a laryeaudience on the Texas queation, and he shewed conclusively, that however the language nnJ eentiments of Mr. Clay were understood at tlie North, at the Söuth, irom bis pubüshed letter, his former courae on Ihe subject, oud bis character asa distinguished statesmnn, he is regarded as the individual of all others, the moet likely to bring about annexation eveutually. Ap the result oftheea íoveral me?'.nnrs,besdes the benefits conferred .)ii iliosa nlready enlisted in the good work, nucli iruth lias been diseetninated ihroiihou !ie cominuniiy, which wíl hereafter yield &n ibundant harveüt.


Signal of Liberty
Old News