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Appeal To The Public

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Two respect nblo citizens of MassachuFcttaare nnw lying n Southern jails, load ed with irons, on a charge of aiding euffering fWlo' nien in attempts to escape from crue bondage. JONATHAN WALKER belongs to Harwick, Cape Cod, and bas been engnge in the coasting trade. Ho is a roan of unblemiíhed character. a member of the Boptisi Church, nd an honest and industrióos, thoiigli poor man. He has a wile and large family of chüdren. TJie annexed letter tells his ?tory. Ue now Üea in prison at Pensacola, waiting his triol, without funds toemploy counsel, and hia family are destitute. CHARLES T. TORREY id a Congregaíional minister, and jr good and regular standing. He was euccespor to the Rev. Dr. Cbeever, of this city, in tbe pastoral charge of a Church in Salem, Mass., and has since been an antislavery lecturcr and editor. His grandfather was the lïon. Charles Turner, formerly member of Cougresp, and he married a daughter of the Rcv. Dr. Ido. He has a wife and three children dependent upon him for a support. He now lies in the Baltimore jail. An appeal to the public h-!S bren made in Boston on behalf of Mr. Turrey, and with the funds contributed counsel have baen retained. A stiil larger Btnount is necessary for his defence, and the committee making this appeal will act in concurrence with the committee m Boston. Fritnds of Religicm, Humanüy, Freedom and the Conslüution! Shall two of your fellow-cilizeng, respecta bie and worthy men, who visited the South on lawfu) business, be seized, at the instigation of slave traders, be put in irons, be tlirust into loathsomejails, be Hable to conviction on the testimony of perjured witnesse.", and be exposed to drag out their days in State Prisons for the sake of- Libertt? In the case of Capt. Walker, the alleded offence was cora mitted, if at all, in a territory of the United States where Slavery does not constitutionally exist; and in the caee of Mr. Torrey, he is under ndiefment in the State of Maryland and Virginia, at the same time, and therefore denied the privilege of bail under the laws of one orWh of those States, contmry, as is thought by eminent Northern lawyers to the Constitution of the United States. You are eatnestlr aDDenled to for contributions onhalf of Jonathan Walker and Charles T. Tor rey, and their afflicted families tbat able counsel may be employed to arjrue the great conEtitutional questions involved in these caus that suilable agents mny be sent to Pensacola . and Baltimore lo befriend and aid onr incarcerated fellow-citizcns, and that every judicious and lawful raeasurc may be taken to prevent their conviction- a twenty years imprisonment - and Ibe continued anguish and BuflTering of their wives and littfe ones. In view of ;he natural rights of man, of the honor of our country, of the Declaration of Independence, of the Conslitution, and of our Holy Religión, we appeal to you to contribute liberally for ihe purpose named, and "the blessing of him thal was ready to perish" will come upon you. Money mny be left with either of the following gentlemen. The same will be duly aoknowledged,and a statement of expenditures will hereafter be given in the public prints: Maine - Portland, Hon. Samuel Fessentíen. Haliowell, Ebenezer Dole, Esq. New Hampshire - Portsmoutb,Jaraes Nowell. Concord, N. P. Rogers, Esq. Vermont - Middlebury, Df. J. A. Allen. Brandom, J. HolcoJm. Montpelier, Rev. J. C. Aspinwall. BJaasachusetts - Boston, J. W. Allen. Rbode Isiand - Providence, Williara C. Chap Jin. Connecticut - Hartford, Wm. H. Burleigh. JN'ow Haven, Dea. Amos Townsend, Jr. New Jersey - Newark, Thomas V. Johnson, E?q. New York- New ifork, Levvis Tappan. Albany, James C Jackson. Rocheste'r, George A. Avery. Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, Samuel D. Hastinsg. Pittsburgh, William Petit. Ohio- Cleveland, John M. Sterling, Esq. Cincinnati, Dr. G. Boiley, jr. Michigan - Detroit, Horace Hallock. Illinois - Chicago, Z. Eastman. The gentlemen designated ure requested to givea wide circulation tothe appea), and editor8 of newspapere throughoutthe f ree States are solicited to give it one or more insertions. By order of the Executive Committee of tbe American and Foreign Anti-Slavery So cietj. LEWIS TAPPAN, Treasurer.JONATHAN WALKER'S LETTER. Pesbacot.a julyL9, 1844. Dear Wife and Childrtn,- I have the privilege by the mercy ofour God and Father, of writing to y ou again, but my Bituotion is far from being what 1 wonld choose. About the time I wrote my fast letter, which wasj think the löth of June, I had made some arrangeniente to take sorae passengers to Nassau, New Providence, a littíe to the eastward of Cape Florida. On the 23d, I staried with eeven colored persons in my boat - I was quite unwell two days before we left here, and the sixfh day out I did not expect to survive twenty-four hours; but the next rfay I wae a little betler; and two or three days nfterward I had another severe ïll turn, which 1 did bui juet survive. My sickness was intermitleni fever and inward canker, brought on by extreme expssure. T nevor saw such hot weaih er in my life. We proceeded on our voyage down thï coa st, until the löth ofJuly, when the sloop Elizabeth Catbarine, Key West, (t wrecker) feil in wuh us near Cape Florida, end took us by force to Key Weet. There ï was taken before a justice of the peace, at-they arecaüocl, and from thence to jaiJ, where I remainod four days, and then was put down & 6teamboafs hold, among filth, where it was extremely warm, and put in irons, hands and feet, whure 1 romained nearly the whole time for six dayp, during which time she carne to PensacoJa, and here I was taken to the court house, and from thence to jail, where I retnain eecured to a large ring bolt by a chain nwde of half-inch iron, end a thackle round jnj apele, which weighs about five pounds, sotbat I have to lie of Eit dowji all the tirne. - í( Í could wa!k the room, it would afford me great relief. I have for four or five dnys recoverod my lieahh quiie faet, hut from the 25th of June until the 2-2d of July, I was nol oble to til up three hours in a day, and nearly all the time very much exposed. I connoi say wl.en I slall hnve my trial, nor whnt tlie result will bc. The rrpnlar term of couri does not come on unlil November, bnt thi judge does not knovv but ihnt lie shull appoint a special terrn befure (hat time. In about one duy more, if we liad not fallen in wilh an enemy, we should have been oul of the'r wny ailogether. Janii! whnt is to beconic of thee nnd the children? I have lost nearly wrul litlle I had in the fracas, ond I am confident ibat you are needy at thís tim Yon had better send ond get tlic of Umi iron nnd ÊËÊs which I sent to Fall Rivcr, nnd do ns werfas yon can. Write me as snon as you get thi?; that I mny know how it is. The Lord Jesus has been nbu.idnnfly good to me through all my nrrlictions thus far, and 1 trust that his Spirit will accompany methro' - for I cannot let him go. Should I be laken avvay to-day, I feel ihai all wül be vd beyond ihe grave. My confidence is strong in Him, for he has ptirchased redemption by his blood for such vile sitiners as me. Dear wife and chilJren, irust to Jepus for lielp. If you do in earnesr, he wül prove your best friend here and hereafter. Gpt yonr nfonnation from the New Testament, and do not trust in fleshO! my dear old parents, don't worry about me, for T arn in god 6pirits, and sball weather the 6torm.


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