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'Astounding Developments!': "Great News From Saginaw! Mr. Bi...

'Astounding Developments!': "Great News From Saginaw! Mr. Bi... image
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Stich jeemed to be tlie feolingp, if not the expression?, of many zealous Whigs in our place, about tlie time our last paper went to press. Thoy appeared to have become ulmost Bedlamites in their joy. Well, vvhat was the occasion of ii? Thè Whig papers say thBt Mr. Biinéy was nominated for Representtitive to the Legislature1 by the Democratie Convention of Sagina w County: that he was consulted before that nomination: that he expressed himself highly plensed with the arrangement: that he solicited that nomination: that he told one of the Convention to whom he applied for it, that he was a Democrat in principie, and would, if elected, support Democratie men and measures: that he coalesced with the Lccof'ocos: that Mr. TJ. 6taícd to a gpntleman of Saginnw, that he had previously been consulted about this nominatinn, and acquiesced: that he has labored hard to secure the electoral vote of Michigan for Polk: that his present visit to the East was tb ken at the instance of leading Locofocos of New York: that he would use Whig Abolicionista as cats paws for the benefit of the Locofoco party: that he [jas basely betrayed and deseried the Liberty party: that he has concluded to cut loose and look out for himself: that he will support Cass forU. S. Senator: that he is working into the hands of the Locofocos: that he "is s.nall potatoes, and few in a hiil at thatv : and that he "is a Pig or Pup to suit the dimste." Here, reader, yon have the alledged grounds for the great Whig rejoicings of last week, summed up in a catalogue, in the langunge tised by themselves. Contrary o political usage, we have stated them all, and stated them fairly, that they niay be underitood, and be fairly proved or refnted. Buf, seys the reader, what do you say tó all the?e thinar6? We say this: We admit that Mr. Birney, in lus absence, was nominated by the Democratie Convention of Snginaw county for Representative: that he ever accepted that nomination, - that be ever applied tor it - that he expressedself highly pleased with ït - that he pledged himself to support the Democratie party, or its candidates - or that he took prelimmary measures for attaching himself to that party, or that he hag any connection whatever wilh it, we dtterlt dkxt, and cali for the proof. Sagina w is a very new county, with few inhab'tants. The peeuniary concerns of the County have been ladly managed, in the opinión of a portion of the people. There is, or has been, an uneettled peeuniary afiáir witb the State, of eome moment to the cilizens. - Mr. Birney has interest ed himself considerably in ihese matters. That he tnay have been crnsul(ed as to a nomination irrespective of party, for the purpose of settling these denjands with the State - that he may have expressed himself favornbly in reference to such a nomhalion, may ormay notbe true: vve are not advised os to the fact. But wc believe all ihe charges in the Whig papers about his application for or assent to this Democratie nomination to be enlirely false. We are nterested, as well as the Whigs, in coming at the truth; and we challenge the investigaTro?r. Should it be faiily pro ved that Mr. Birney has united himself to the Democratie party, or in any way corruptly tampered with them, we ehali of course immediately renounce all connection with hini, and in common with the whole Liberly party, give our suflrages - for whom? For Clay the Slaveholder? For Polk the Sx.aveholder? No, but for seme Liberty man who will not be a traitor. In this view of ibe subject, nupposing Mr. Bir ney to be a ecoundrel, the Whigs will gain but little by it. Why should they be so very deeply interested in our affairs? But we know Mr. Birney too well, from an intímate acquaintance of many yeare, to be able to suppose any euch thing. All we need to say to our friends is, you will shortly hear from him. Do not pbejtjdgr, nor cowdemn ukheard, on the ex parte assertions of enemies, a candidate whom we have bclieved, and yet believe to be sound in judgment, honorable in purpose, noble in feelinr, and excellent in heart.


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