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New Goods í New Goods ! 1 THE undersigrted hnsjnst rcccived bis snpply of FallGoods from N. Y. C.ty. Besidesa tirst rat nsbdrtment of Sheetings, Cottcm Yarn. Fuiled Clotlis. Brond Cloths, nnd other Siaple Groods. ho .is just opening n splcmlid ioi of -- Ricli, Woo8ted Damask Shnwls, Jst quaüiy, Broehn, do do Knbyl, do do Cashmefe, do Fnshionnble Cmvnis Rich Büiinet Ribbons. Fnshionabltf hcad trifnmings, Velvet il ALSO. V BE.lUTlFWr, AS50RTMKST OV InESS STUFFS SÜCH AS ( nshmere D'Ec-'ssc, Muslifi DeLaine, Pnrissenne8. Rnbroy Plnid, Prints of every descripiion, PInin, blnck Alnpncn( figuretl, bltick Alapncn. Plain, colorpfl Al;)ncn. ïgured. col'd Alapaca. Plaid, and Cliongeoble Alapnca. Tho umlersigned bfts in rtddiiion to n firsi rate assortment of Stap! o nnd Fancy Dry Goods, a choice lot of Teas ana CofTèe, for faaiily usc. AIso, a large lot of Gees e Feathers, Paper Hangings and Travelling Baskets. His Stock is well suitcd to both city and coun try trade. Country pcople are invited to cali and look onJ satisfy thenistilves thst hi6 stock will. bear coinparison either in quaHty or price with any oiher in tho western ciuntiy. W. A. RAYMOND. 148 Jefierson Avenue, Detroit. . Oct. 14, 1844. 24 tf WOOD! WÖODM WE want soine from subscríbete imtncdiatcly, Oct 12.CAME nio the enclosure of the Subscriber on or nbout the 2Oth of September last. a dart red heifer, about thne or four years old. Tbe owner is roquested to prove property. payclwrg6 and take her away. JRA BECKLEY. Ann ArborOctober 7, 1644, 8w24 Iiiberty A Imana es for 1 845, 10 R sale by 1 BECKLEY & I-IICKS. Oct. 4. 1844. 24-4 w. Resdy TXI&de Clothxngü! THE LARGr,ST nml best nssortment of rendy mndec!otliinge;er before ofleied in this State ihiw pening, nnd for inle, WLoIesale 01 Retail, at the Clothing Emporium ol tlie subscribers, consisiing in p;iri of plain and lanc) Beavrr. Pilot, Broad Cluths und oihcr siyles ol Ovtr Coats. Tweed Cassitnere, Eenver. Pilot, Domcstic Clolh. Union Cnssiinere und cJaiinett Fiock and Business Coats. Fine, ('lain and Fancy Cassin.ere, Bl:ie and Black Broad CJoih. Tweeds and other siyles oi Pantaloori8. Plnin nnd fancy Silk nnd Silk Velvet. Woulen Velvet Merino, Satín and Cossimere Ves's, &e. &c. &c. (ogether wiih a very Inrge st ck of common low prierd Over Coats. Busine?s C"ais. Pantaloons nnd Vcsp. such as blue and black Flushing, Saiinet, JCrmucky Jeans-, Coinmon Twecds, &c. &c. Aleo, nn exiensive aesortment ol Hosiery. Stocks, Scaifa, Handkerchiefs. Collars, Lamb's Wool and Meriflo Drnwers nnd Shirts, Comforters, Gl.ivee, &c. $:c. nllof which will be eoJd very low for Cash. They vou!d respecttully invite all in want of rendy tnade arment to cali and rxamine iheir stock before pnrclmsing (Isewhere. as it has been selected wiili great care in the Eastern markeis, and mannfuclured in the luteststylesond most durable manner. H A LLOCK Sc. RA YMOND, Corner of Jeflerson and Avenues, Detroit. Oct. 10, 1844. gft&S jS2? f MHK subscriber bnvinc 825(1 JL just receivrd a new adjSy%' j diiion :o his former stock of Hlfé '''ES Goods is prepnred to sell U'i O iIï) lncn1 c!:'P for C'::sh. AyjL V, ' CnEMA tll0n= j"ch rn"y be found Gold Finger Rings, nnd Bosom Pins, Hearts nnd Crosses, Silver and Common Thimblcs, Watch Chaina ihd Keys, PencilC aaes; also. Spoons, Sugar Bows, Butler Knives, Tooth nnd flair Bnifhes, Pocket Books, Violm Strings, Needles, Pins. Hoo';s, and Eyes. Sp"etacles. Fine Co mbs, Dressing Comb?, Side Combs, Bnck Combs, Pocket Combs, Water Painis. Markmg Collón. Steel Pens, nnd Tweasers. SnufF& Tobacco Boxes, Elasiics. &c. All of which will be sold os chenp na at any other establishment tliis pide of New York. N. B. The subscriber thnnkfnl for so larst a shnre of pnblic -patronnse. still solicitsn continup.nce of the snme. CT,OCKS AND WATCH ES of every clesc-ripiion repnired nnd warranted. Also, JEWEI.RY repnired on short notice.- Shop at his old suind drrecily oppesite the Colín House. Cashpaid for old Gold ?r.d Silver. C. 3L1SS. Ann Arbor, July 1, 1844. 28-1 y. THE TRUE PAIN WHlL'tí. cures likoa churm all JiHJRiVS bj fireor water.. and every esternal SOR E PAIN.. LNFLAMMATION, ACHE or ITCHING ever yet found upon the human familv. tn which it has been applied, must alwaysbesdughi genuine from Comstock and Co., of New YoTk. or iheir authonzed agenfs. All ae cautioned agninst any spurious anieles, which may alwnya bc nvoided by knowing the one you buy comes from Comstock & Co , who re now the only proprietors and manufacturers. Inquire for Connel's, which is warrnnted to do all it ever would when.called by any other name, or the piictshal] be refundcd in any case ii it does not pirase. To phee it within reach of all, the price ha? been reduced more than four foid. and is no sold for 25 cents, the forinerprice bein? too exorbitant. The 50 cent size now contains fom times ns much as the torimer, ahd the $ï size near ten times ns mucíj. No family that has any tijle to humanity. will fail to have Connel's Pain Extractor Ointmeni nlwnys at hnnd, to snve lite, allscars, and reduce all agony from any burn in five minutes, pruvíded they have seen il used, or will believe thosc who havo used it. COMSTOCÍT&CO.. 21. Courrland Street tTT Bo sure. therefore. and ask fo.i Con.kkl's as our pinte wiih Daüey's name rft ii hns heer stolen, and the spurious may oppenr with tlin name en tt. Know. therefore. thnt it comes di rectly from Comstock & Co., or shun it. WM. S. & J. W. MAYiNARD, 30 Aent for Ann ArbornpHE follovfing indispensable tarhity remedie J_ mny be found at MatsabíSB Druggis Store. in.Anu Albor, where nohe.will be solí un!es3 krowr. to be of ihe best kind and n courttérfeit article ever oiTered. patent medicim nvariably procured ot the origin 1 inventor o nis regular snceessor: O= No fumUy siould be a tctecioMout Üics. rcmctücs.j-Q BALDNESS. - Balvi of Co'umtria. for ihe Hairi ■ whieh wil stop it if f'nlling out, or restore iton bald places: and on children make it grow rnpidly. or 01 those whó have lost thehair from nny cause. ALL VtíRMLV thütinfest the hénds of chilJren in schools, are preven'rrl nr killed by it a' once. Find i!-.e name of CÓMSTÖCK en ii Remrmhcr t'.is ahcuys. PILES, &c. are wholly prevented, or governed ifthe afnck has come on: if yon use ihe oiüij iruc H Af's Likiwknt, from Cornstock. & Co All SORES, and evcry thing relieved by it that rfdmir'spfnn outward application. It actslike a chnjin. Use it. RHKUMATISM AND LAMRNESS positivelycured; all shrivelled mufclcs and ümhsnrc restored. in the oidor youhg, ny the Inrliih Vcg(Vihlc EHrirand frene and Bovt Linhncut - bli never without the name of Couistock & Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFÜGE -.villcradicato all WORMS in children or adulis with a certaínty quite astonishing. TOOTU DROPS. KuK8- cnrescflcctanlly. Ann Albor, Feb. 5, 1844. 41 St.itk of Michigan. ) Washtenaw Counly, J 5S THE Circuit Conrt for ihe coimiy of Wnshtenaw of the rerm -f June. A. D. onc thousand eiglu hundred and fony lonr. to wil, the fourteenih dny of September, in theyenr eighiecn hundred and forty four. In the matter af the petition of Caroline E. Willard, praying for a divorce from her husband. Oliver O. Willard, for ;he caus! uf extreme cruelty, and for nat praviditïg a suitablc mtiiiilenince for petitioner, and it.appearing from sni'J peiition that the said OI:vcr O. is nol a resident of this Stare, so as to be pcrsonnMy served wiih notice of the filing of snid petiiion, on motion ol Jolin Allen, Attorney for said petitioncr, ii is ordered hy the Court, that the said Oliver O. Willard do appenr and answer unlo t!ie said pc tition on or before the h'rst óuy of the hext Tétrm of lilis Court. and thnt a copy of this order bt [mblished in the Signul of LiberiVj n newppaper pnblished ifi Ann Arbor, six times aieceísi-ly. "nce in eatí'i week, the last publicaiinn to be hl Isnst thiity days heforc the first daj of ihe nexi erni of thïs Court, which will he on thfi first Puesdny of December nexí, nnd that a paper ;on;aining eaid nötice be sent by" mnil to the town of VVindsor, in the Stnto of Vermont. Jirected to the said Oliver O. Wjllard. A copy of order. Ai test. E. P. pARDINER, Clerk, Cir'. Covrt. John Attoiney for Pclitioncr. 22 CHARLES H. STEWART TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. JÊFFERSO AVBKtE DETROIT.WRIGHT'S FOOR MATÜS PILS, An excellent vegetable Imnily Medicine, in oá ses of Indigestión, D}$pepsia, LivcrCompliunis or Jaundice, Ague oud KfeVtr, Coaied Twngue, SifknefcS nt the Stomacn, gick Hendaclie. Remittamnndlnifrhiíítcni FeVerf;,Cöugh.% Colds, Cntarrl), &c. &c. Entirely vegetal) tliey me einphatically JYJ&TURWSS JFRtJEJV&t condueing 'o héalth and counteracting riiseaO by nurifying the blooil eledntthg ihe pystem of vüiatcd huinois. removing cbstructiöna, primuiiting tlie orgnns of secreiion, mingling Wiih tho food and acting eery way in haimony with tbi system. For ïnitainntory dieeases ured in ennnectiort , with ihe '-Rheumatie Plasiei" tliey will be found errea'iy to sid in the renioval of diseases for which the Pïns.'cr is above recommended, nnd porticularly are 'hey calcti-intfd for aJl c'erangc. menta of the DigtsLta and BiUary Organs, th primary origin of a multitude of diseeoes. Price - 25 cenis and 50 cents a lïox. For sale at Mosely's Booketore. and by j T. Stocking. Traveiling Agent for Michigan. Certifica tes. WooLsrccK, Lk.vavvee Co., Aug. 20, 1-"4X J Ferftwelve yrn'rs I have been troubled with rheuniatie tríFecíion in my back. eo that ] havo Lardly vr leen liee irüin pain during the vholö time, ond vviihin twelve hours afier I had opplied gome f Wright's Rheuniatie Piaster, 1 woa pericctly easy, and have had no pain inoe. KTEPFJEN CART. Jackson Co., Coi.vfoniA, Aug. 20, 1844. J ThÏ8 may ceriïfy tbat 1 kove ufed Wright' Pilis in my Jamüy in vioIeDt atlacks of chili and billioua (ever, and have found ibem to be th best Pilis thut J ever used. and would recotn' mend every taniily io keep tliem on hand. JAMKS AVVARTOUT. THOMrsoN, Gkacga Co., ühio, April 2Sth, 1844. ' 5 Th:s mny certify that J have used Wrigbt's Poor Man's Pilis nnd Rhtu:natic Piaster in my practico, and would sny to the public that they can re!y upon tbeir recommehdatJon with the utmost confidence; ín short, thcy unly necdtiy ing to recomnipnd themeelvep. REV. R. R. SCOTT. M. D. Lor.AJHE Co., Gkkbn, May Í6, 1S43. This nmy certify ïhot 1 have uted Wright's Poor Mnn's Pilis in my piactice, and fïnd ;hem o he oiie of, il not entirely. the best pills iiotv fft use; and would recomir.end every fahnly to keep them on hand, cepccinlly thosewholita near low, nmrsby land, or mul ponde, or in an unheahhy climate. JüSHUA BASCOMB. M. D. Without ndding mm e teptitnony of the efficacy of the above mentioned medicine, we do not beaitite to say that we are not afraid to have hs virtues tcsted by the sido of nny other of the kind that ever has been oiTered to an American pnblic. and we will Iet it stand upon its own merits. For saie at Mosley's Bookstoré, Ann Arbor. By Kellogg & Brothers, White Pigeon. R. WiiliaiTS, Jr.. & Co;, Sturges Prairie Simeón Gaget, Quincy, Braneh councy. A. K. Hall, ♦ t. W. A. Bliss, Jameston, Iñd Elifcha Strer, Angola. " Chrs'.cv Muss, AÍbioti. Michigan. A. 1'. jMann & R. Sibley, iMarshalli Micb.A. Callender. 'S " E. Packer, Battle Creefc, C. . Vining, Galcsburghj " Cnpt. Brown. Fraincville, D. Ii. Medwood. Adiiun, " Quaekenboss, &. More, li'ecarr.scli M S. A. Rowley, Jonesville, H. üilbcrt. Manchfster, " 1 W. IJ. Patierson, Saline, " 1 Ifarmon & Cóok, Brook!j-n, " Pierre Tclltr, Whoiesale Agent for Detroit. Geo. P. Wright & Co., sole proprietors foT 1 the United States, and Upper nnd Lower Crnada. All orders and business letters for tbe present, ' may be diirctcd to Geo. P. Wright, Columbia 3 P. O , Jackson Co., Mich. f It is for sale nlso at Monroe, Mt. Clemenfi, ' Utica. Pontinc, and by Dubois & Wright, Jefler" son. Ajxents for the Siate of Michigan. ' Kn.GORE. Carrol Co., O., Jan. 25, 1841. ' Ten years since, I was taken with the ScroluIn. so trial I had no relief doy-or night, my limbs f beingniuchswelled and covered with Ulcess, my ' breast and batk in great pain, and nerves much ' shntlcred. I appliqd to dirlerent Physicians, all ' of whom said there was no help for me, and all ? the remedies ï (ried proved unavailing üfttil 1 in de use of Wright's Anti Inflam. and Rheum' Plnster. whith reduced the inflamation, healed 1 the ulcere, brought the skin to its natural color 1 and lelievcd the pain. I wouid recommend it to all similarly aftlicted, and am surc they will ? be satisí:en after givíng it a fair trial. CATflAJlIiYE ALLENSWORTHi Thoshson. Geauga Co., Ohio, f AprFl 2fj 1843. I certify that my Hule boy put hls arms into boiüng water, nenily to the elboM, so ihat when the dcss was taken ofF the skin came witn il; nlter opplying severa! remedies to no - the arm becoming much swollen nnd the child in ereat pnin. I appfied '-Wright's Anti Inflammntory nnd Rheumaiic Piaster," nnd within two hours hc tra peifeclly easy, and went (o sleep. Afier to or three duys I removed the piaster, and npphed r.nothcr. nnd when :hni wcs removed the arm wns healed, except a place the site of a shilling whïch was soon well. ] believe il to be tho best nrticle foraburn that can be prodüced, and would reronimend all to keep it on hand in caso of accidents. ELTZABETM BROUGHTON. NERVOUS DISEASES are greoily benefitted by the use oí these pilÍs;-- as Nervous Head- ache. Tic Doloroux, St. Vitus' Dance. &c, thcir tendency being 10 soothe the irrittbility of the systrm. allay payh, and induce $niet ond repose. Those nfflicted with CoBghs, Coldp, Influenza. Ac, wi!l lind relief frorn the. use of these pills. Exposure to cold clos-es ihe pores of the the skin, cbecks perspirntion, retards the circulation, and produces varions inflamrnatory disenses. Does any oiie percetve a cold coming upon hirn? Let bim on gcing to bed, take euffieient to opérate smartly, and then ëvery nirht, take enoiigh to produce a fnild operation till the rüsrnse abntes. In ense of Worms let a tea of Pink be (aken frèely. for 12 hours. and ihon admin8ff:r Pilis sufficient to produce a brisk cathattic operation. 20-ly. .1844. W II Ö L È S ALÉ" & R E T A 1 L . BQOKSELLERANOSTATIÜNEB, SMART 8 BLUVK, ' 1S7 JEFFRRSÓN AVÊSCE, DETROIT. Keepe constnmly for sale a complete nssortmeni of Misccllaneous, School and Clasaical Books; Letterand Cap Paper, plain and nrled,. Quills. Ink. Seaüng Wnx, Cu;Iery, Wrapping Paper. Printing Paper, ai all stzes; and liook, News and Canister Ink, oi varions kinds. Full and hait bouml. oí eveiy vaneiyoj Kulinff MFOMORANDÜM BOOKS. &c. To Mrrchahie, Teachor?, nnd others, buying in (fuantities. n lnr?e ffrscoi'nrmnrlp. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 51-tf. ANTI--1NPLAMMATORY AND RHE UWATIC PLASTER, AN efficiënt rcmeily for Rheumniism, Fevcr Srci White Swellings, Felons, Pain ar weakness in ihe Back, Brefföf. Side. or Liinbs, Burns. Druises, Crnmps, CliHblnins, Liver aiwí Lung afTeciions, Indolent Tumor?, Spinal aflecliosn, infiamed Évp, tVc. &. ït 13 unanspsssed in nil Infliimnififory disensos, eiiher Chionic or Acu'te. as it operafes Iy cottii'eracting nn;l rtdvcng InfiünintKin, nllnying Pnin. Swèoiriig tic parts alfecsed, nnd by its streng' honing nnd Ano dyno prupcnios giving'spëeay rcíid". Also invaluohlcasna anti-rhercurinl piaster. Price 9ó cerus per Bx. - F'or lïinher pnrtfco lare, scp circnlating famphlei.) or eale t Mwpcley'p l)foVs;or('. Ann Athor, and J. T. Siocking, uaircUuig agent (vx Michigan. 10-4


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