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A TTE IVTI 0% CXiOTHISRS ! JVS'T receíved at the Goneral Depot, for the snle oí" Clothiers Stock, Machincry, Dye Btuffs, feo. &c, No. I3Ü, Jefftírson Avenue, Dotroit, tlie following large, well assorted, and orofully selecicd stock, viz: Wt) bbla. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Ton " " iu Stick, 151) bbla. Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Tona " " in Stick, 50 bbls. Nic. VVooJ. Chippcd, 60 " Limo Wood, " & " Rod Wood, - 12) M Groimd Camwood 10 " Quercitron Burk, &)0.lb3. Nutaalls, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 800 Ibs. Lac Dye, 2 Ceroons Spnnish índigo, 830 Iba. Sumac Sicily, 3 Ca9ks Madder, 3 Caaks Blue Vario!, f i sks Al uní, 2 Burrela Red Tartar. 2 Barrels Cream 'l'artar, 'i Carboys Aqua Fort6, 6 ' O1 Viiriol, 8 " Muriatic Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdigris, 50 " Block Tin, T&isels, Twine, Copper Kettlcs, all sizes, Parson'e Shearing Machines, Curtia' " " Screwa and Press Plates, Cranks, Presa Paper. Steel Reeds, Worated Harness, Temer Hooks, Emery, all No's., Olive Oil, Ciothiers' Jacks, Sattinett Warp, Clothiers' Bruahes, Shuttles, Pickers, Card Cleaners, &;. &c. Tho above, with a variety of other artícles belonging to the trade, have been purchased this euminer by the .subscribers froni Manuf'acturerond First Hands in tho New York, Philadelphin. and Boston Markets, and every thing having-res cei'ved his personal inspeclion. he can with the utmost confidence offer them to purchasers as ílu best and most compUtc stock xa the country; pil as it is his fixed determination (by the low rates ti whicli he will sell) to Drevent the necessity o our Clothiers and Mnnufa'urers leavmg the S tato to make their parchases, he woutd mereU Bay to the trado, CALL, examine tho oods and ascertnin pricos before you say you can buy cheaper amj ichera else. fio ís nlso prepared to contract for CARD ING MACHINES made in this State or Enst. PIERRE TELLER, 6ígn of the Golden Mortar, 139, Jefferson Avenue, t!7-tf.] Detroit."TO THE VÍCTOR BELONG THE SPOILS" A LTIiOUGR many preparation in the form. J. of 'POPULAR MEDICINES," have been before the public, claiming to give relicl and even cure the most invetérate diseaees, yei none have so well answered the purpoee as Dr SHERMAN'S MED1CATED LOZENGES Dr. Sherman's "COUGII LOZENGES" cure the most obstinate cases of Cough in a few hours. They hnvecured alarge number of perBons who have been given up by their physicians and frienda, and many who have been redueed to tho verge of the grave by spitting blood consum ption and Hectic Fever. by iheir use liave had tho rose of heahh restored to the haggard cheek, and now live to speak forth the praises of this invaluable medicine. Dr. Sherman'a "WORM LOZEIGES" havo heen provedin more ihan 400.000 cases to be. inffjllible, in fact, the only certain Worm deEtroying medicine ever discovered. Children will eat them when they cannot be forc'ed to take nny other medicine, and the benefit derived from the adniinistrntion of rnedicine to them in thie form is great beyond concoption. 'i'hey havs üevor been k.iown to fail. Dr. Sherman'e "CAMPHOR LOZENGES" felieve Headache, Nervous Sick-headache.. Pal pitation of the Heart, and sicknesB in a very Few minutes. Dr. Shern-an's "POOR MAN'S PLASTER" ia aeknowledged by all who have ever used it to 'be the best strengtbening Piaster in the world. and a sovereign remedy for pains and wenknrss in the back, loins. side, breast, neck, limbs. joints, rheumatism. lumbago, &c. Be carefui to procure the above and all other medicines of Maynard's, and you will bc snre there wiJl be no EQ6take in quantity or charge. W. S. & J. W. MATNARD. Ann Arbor, February 5, 1844. 41To Clothiers, ülaiusÍKcturers and Mcrchants. THE suliscriber is rrnw receiving at his stores, f88 and 190 Jeffrrson Avenue. Detroit, ihe following carrfully and well selected stock of Dte Woods. Dn: Stuffs end Woolk.x MasVFaCTVREr's MáCHINETtT. 55 tons Fustie. Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico'ond Carthngena, 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua. Bonair, Coro, Hache nnd Lima, 8 tons Camwood, very choice, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground. 131 " Fustie, " " ' 100 " Red Woods, " l"30 " Camwood, " 10 Qnerecttron Bark. 45 Allum, 42 " Copperas, 30 " Blue Vario], 28 " Madder. Ombre, and Dutch erop, 3 " Cream Tarter, 2 'l Nutgalis. 8 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manilla and Gua tímala, ' S " Lac-Dye, 20 u e.xt. Logwood, 2 Grain Tin, 300 pounds Verdigris, 15 CaxboyB Oil Vifrïol, Spirits Sea-Saltsand Nitric Acid. ÁLSO, Copper Kettlea and Clothiers' Screwe. Tenter liooks. Jacks and Brushes, Press Papers, Card Cleaners, Wenvers' Sliears, Nippers and Burliog Irons, Comb-plates, Pickers and Bobbins, Wire. Worsted and Cotton liarness, Steel and Cane Reeds, Broad Power, Hund Looins and Fly Shuttles, Steel and Copper Mails, Emery. Pasons' Shearing Machines, 4, G. and 9blades. Allen's doublé and single Carding Machines. Machine Carda, Leicester, The above goods have been recently purclins,ed directly from the importers and manufaciurers, Exci.ustv-ELY for c,sn, and will be sold at the New York jobbers' prices, adding transportBtion only; and in consequence of the decline on tnany of the American mannfaciured nrticlcs. vnU, in many cases, bo sold at kiftekn pkr cewt less th in foiïmek PRtcEs. Tliirtcen years experience in the Dye Wood business enables the Bubscriber to say his customers thai hc is prepared at. all times to w.uuunt his oodsof superior quality. THEO. II. EATON. Dye Wood and Dyo Stuff Warehoiise 188 and 190 JefTersorv Avenue, Detroit. Tho Ann Arbor Journal, Ypsilmui Sentinel PontiaeGazette. Fiint Democrat, Adrián Exporitor, Matsharfl Siatesman, Niles Courier and Bepublican, Gazette. Michigan City (Ia.) and the Knquirer, London, (Canada.) wifl endi publish :he above notice insido. to the amoirnt of liree dollars, and seneï copy of notice wirh bilis íd aub8criber for payment. ] 7-tf.JEROME M. TREADWELL, ATTORNJSY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, TXTILL nttend to the sale arxi exchange of T T Lnds, payment of Taxes, nnd reciempnon of Lands sokl for Taxcs in Jackson and adjolning counties, examination of Titles, Convoyoncing. and nll business perraining to Real E6tate. Ofiico in the Court House. Jackson, Michigan-. 37-tf. IVhigsr WhigsI! DEFENCE of the Whig8) Whig Almanacs. Whig Song, nnd Life of Henry Clay by Sjp-spant. For saje at Petry'a Book Storo fiiay 23 1314. 5tf;. DR. SMITH'S ; UNIVERSITY PILXS j : ' npHKSE Pilis are prepared by Wm. M. Stnith, M. D.. lafc Profesaor of Materia Medica and X Pha.-mncy in ilie Universijy of" Liike Eiio. Ohio. Dr. Smith would say to the publb, thoi in ofFering them Pili, he presenta no qiuicU nustrum duit wil] by iis irnuuing eflects npon ibestomaeh nnd bowels crenio disense whcre ihere wns lilllc or none before, bui ihni is safe! mild, snlutary and uniionn in its effjcis npon the wliolesysiem. He would sñy tlínt he hns now sperit 20 yeais in resenreh aud nvesu'gniioii, dimeted to ihc Pa tholigy o( diseasc, and the properties of medicinal substañcbsj and tlicir íidapífitioii lo the removai of the maludies 10 wliich flèsH is heir. As tinï result of these lnboie, he is now able to give lo the public a combiiiation öf medicinal vegetable subatances. wliich ia as near perfnetion. ns care.wl study and close ïnvesiigation. tesis nnd e.xporiinanis: can bring it. IJe svould say to i'hyéieíiifiá. as wc-ll .is others, try this pill; it will not deceive you. It is pcctiüarly adapted to the rcinoval and prevention of the foljowing diseases: Bilioup, Intermittant, aml Remittaut Póven; Fever und Agne, Coi'gh. Liver Coipplninis, Siek Headach, Pnssive Dropsy, Rhru...ntism, Enlargemet of the Spleen. Internal Pilee, Coüc, . Aeidity oí tlie Stomach, Incipient Dianlia?;), Habitual Cosiivcness. and in all cases of Torpor of tiio Etowoje. whena cathariic, nperient. or alterativc, ii. r.eeded They are mild. vet certnin in tlicir operotion. producing neither nausen. griping. nor debility. The tigents of these Pilis uro itistnicted, in case full satisinciion is uoi given to any persou who may purchose thein, that ihey shall Jiavc ti.eir inoney refunded. TESTIMONIAL IN l'AVOR OF DR. WM. M SMITH'S ÜNIYERSITY PTLLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LANDON. IVIonkoe, Michigan, June 12, 1844. Dr. Snimi - Dear Sir, - T tnke much pleasure in givin iïiy testimony in favor of vour vaiuable UNIVEItSITY PILLS. 1 most cheerfully recomtneud them to the public as n safo, easj', aud elïïcient cathartic Por rnüst of the diseases incident to this regio oí country. I have made extensjjve use of them for four years in my practice, aml I believe ihnn to be the BEST Anti-biiiousCathnrtic or Aperient medicine ever combined and ofièred toreen eral use. Yours, &c. GEORGE LANDON,. M. D. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. TELLKR. Í&MÍ13&Í Ohio, Mny lst, 1844. Dr. Smith - Sir, - I tnke much pleasure in testimony to the efficacy of yotir Piüs ín removinj bile from the stemach, tlie Liver, and In all complaint.s emnnaUngfrom thatsource. J. V. C. TELLER. M. D. TESTIMONIAL OF. F. L. WELLS. 'Waterkoo, Mich., March 10, 1844. To Dr. Smith- Sir, - For upards of six inanths I was crueüy afflicted with Fever and Ague, and during that time could find notliing ihat gave me permanent relief; at length'however yonr University Pilis were iccotninetided to me by one of the best Physicians in these part6; snd I a in. happy in being able to say, that from the use of one box I waa permanent! v cured of my ague; since then a nuniher of my family have been as signo lly benofitted. Yours, Respect fu'lj', ' F." L. WELLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL GOODNOVV. Monrok, Mich., June 1, 1844. I hereby certify that Dr. Wrn. M. Sniitl] bas been my Family Physician !'or four vears last past; that he h:is used his University Pilis in nis praclice in my family wilh unparalleled success; and I think them preferable to anv pil] for biliotis affection in the world. DANIEL GOODNOVV, Innkeeper, Macomb-St. House. TESTIMONIAL OF D. S. PARSHALL. Flit, Mich., June 5, 1344. Dr. Smith- I am happy lo give you my cordial approval of your University Pills. I ara able to keep oft' Fever and Ague, nd Fevers to wliicli all of us are subject in lliis Western Country, by the timely use of your University Pilis, Send an Apent 'this way os soon as pjssible. for we are all om. Yours, &tc. D. S. PARSHALL TESTIMONIAL OF MESSRS. NOBLE AND FYFIELD. We certify that we are and have been personally acquainted with Wm. M. Smirh, M. D., and fcnow that he is a man of eminence in his profession - and thatfor four years hu filled the chair of Materia Medica and Phurmacy in tho Willoughby University of Lake Erie, with honor to himself and satiffaction to the Trustees and FacuJtv, as weïl as to the Students of ihe above University. As for his Pilis, they are 'par excellence." 'CHARLES NOBLE. Monroe, Mich., June 19, 1844. B. F. FYFlELD TESTIMONIAL OF RIAL B. CHASE. This I cert'fy, that in the month of September Jast, 1 was attacked with Billioii3 Fever (while aay from home at Owasso to build a water wheel)and with one dose of Sraith'uUniyersity Pili?, I broke itiip; and os many others were 6ick at the time, 1 administered these Piïls to them, and in all cases it bioke up their fevers. I have used them many times since and wilh great success. They are the best pills I ever used. RIAL B. CHASE, HillwriglU. Shiawassee Town, Mich. June lst. 1844. TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAIL C. WRIGHT. This may certify, that three years ng-o I was altacked wifh Liver Complaint so severely thnt I could scarcely turn myself in bed; I used many specifics and remedies, such ns Brandreth's, Resurrectin, Oriental, and other pills, but with little or no effect. One year ngo, my friend Or. Smith called on me on his way to Bosfon, when he gave mea box of his University Pills, which perfectly restored me, and my health has not ao-ain suffered from like cause. ABIGAIL C. WRIGHT. Rochestcr, N.Y., No. 13, Fmnklin Street, June 25, 1844. TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN W. MILLER. Dear Doctor - Justice requires me to state, that I have gold your Universify Pills for one ond a half years' last past, and tha I can sell no others while I have thfitn on hand. Théy have superseded the sale of all oUiers - their effect is truly woaderful. JOHN W. MILLER, Dmegist. Monroe, Mich., June 12, 1844. For Saleby J. H. LUND, Lower Town, and WM. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, Uppei Town, Ann Arbor. 13ly.I s litéis ■ -s fe p-k rl g fg; - ? - . Bs-í?3 S &v Bfeg VÍ .a &ïi ?l ê Sb 2 ? fe Bííllii i On H v_v "5 hHKSvb0 c p c5 o 21 -" w vfefcj BUJ9 " a fm liiíl 1 t1 ka s liiiü 1. 2, H - s. 8i.-s5.s. 5.1 r3 3 T! CíQ L! S2.L j OWE w í aS HURIi 3 fe g r5 g C3 íftíljll q M % W I-; Ijfi II Í 2 f llffi s sr SneWooods AT THE CASH STORE OF & I. I,. BAÏDSON, Ann Jlrbw9 Lower Village. JUST reccived at the above establishment, a complete assortment of Groceries, Crockery, Shelf Hardware, Boots nnd Shoes, Tuscan and Sfiaw iJonnets, EJowers, &c. &c, all of wl.ich will bc so!d as cheap as thev can be bonght at any olher store in Michigan. The above Goods vvere leted vvnh great care, and wc feel assured that we can corivince pDrchasers of ihe trulh of what we say. The l.ighcst price will be paid for Wool. We wiil also receive all kinds of produce in exchange for Goods at the highest nrarket pnce. Purchasers a!C respectfully invited to cali and examine for ihemselves. Aun Arbor, May , 1844. 3_(jr - ■ - . JTAIVIES GIBSON takes this method of nforming his w fnends and oíd customers that he has again entered the Mcrcantile buiiress, and is now opening a general and spleiidid assortment ot lGROCERÍES, CROCKERY, SHELF HARDWARE : NAILS, &C. &C. aTI cf ivill he offcrred lo the public as clieap as the cheapcst. for Cash or Barler. Wool and most kinds of ' COUNTRY PRODUCE w'dl be (aken in exchange for Goodíi. && Takc no man's word, but examitic for vourselvcs at No 5 Huron Block, Lower Vlllagc,. Ann Albor, May 15, 1844. . 4-6m.[ lyoticc f o Mcrchants. . nniiK Subscribers encournged by the' patron, X ge they have hhheito received 'in the depnnnicnt of their business, wijl the first day óf May next, open the atore now occiipied by Geo. Greimlle. fronting in Huron street, and connecting with their present store 1 in the rcar, e.xciusively for a 1 w EOLu ; salís room, where they will keep at all times a fuü assoitment of Dry Goods. Boots, Sf Shoes Carpding Hals, Caps, Paper [Jangings, Bovnels, Cruckery bij the Crale, Hardware and Groceries, '0 4'c. Sic all of ivhich will be soltl on as cood terrns as nt nny poiiu tliis side' of New Yoirk Gny. G. D. IULL ■&, CO. Arm Arbor, Mnrch 26, 1844. 48tf. M.ÍLCH.WHS KNAPP, HAVqLAND & CÖ. would respectfully inform the farmers of Wnshtennw and. the surrounding coumics that they have establishcd thcinselvea in Lower Town. Ann Arbor. for the purposo of manufácturing Thrfcsling Machines. Having been for mnny ycars eugaged nfhis business in Óhio, they feel that they cin with confidence recommend their wdrlt. They are making the Burrull & Cádiz Machines and Hoise power; also Eastman's planatary power, different from any othcr made in this country and generally préférred to any other Machines, which ihey intend to sell at sneh pices and on such lerms as cannot fail to give satisfaction thèy aro detennined not to be outdone by anv similar establislinicnt cither in price, style or quality of-work. "Competition is the life óf trade" and all they nsk of the Farming comniunity ia ío paironize (hem so far as to give them an opportunity ofsupplping a part of the Mnchines .thüt may .be wantod. Thóy are prepared to repair olij Mach i nep. Their shop is in the basement story of II. fe It. PUridge & Cu's Machine ehop, where they may be íound to ansvvtr all calis. KNAPP, HAVILAND &. CO. W. W. K.V.M'P, . _ T. A. 1IAVILAND, 'i. E. MCI.AIH. Ann Arbor, April 29. 1844. firniWRICSHT'S Jfledieated Piaster, spread i for immediate use. riUCE ONLY ONÉ SHILLING, IN ORDER TO I t'LACE THEM WITHIN TIÍE MEANS OF ALL. ÍN slight ailmen'3, or uhcrethe pntient prefers a lesa cxpensive nrticle ihau the "Anti-inllnmatory and Piaster," these will bc found highly beneficia!. Being already spread for immediatc opplicaiion, they will be found very .convenient for W.EAK BACKS, Pain or Wqakness in the Side. Breast.. Stomach, between the Shoulders, or whorever therc is Pain, or where a Ploeter is needed. Thoy may be rendered more servieeable by paeting n piece of ' cloih on the back oí them before they are applied. Multitiides'Iihve been rclieved of pain and suffen!)! by tliese Clmnp Piasters. For Sale at Mo.bely'ö Bookstore, nnd by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. ]6-ly WOOL ! WOOÏ. ! CLOTH! OLOTHÜ HHHE Subacribere vvould inform the Public JL that they will continue to manufacture good at "heir Manufactory, two and a half miles wept oi Ann Arbor, on the Huron, on the followinff TER MS. Until the first doy oí November, A. D. 1844, the price will be 37$ cents per yard, or half the cloili the vool will niake. From the Ist of to the 15th of May. 1845, the price will be 3) cenis per yard, or nine twentieths of the cloih the wool will mnkc, that is, 45 yards c-ufoT 100 timnufnetured. The wool will be manufuctured in lurn ad it may come into the iactory, as near as inay be wiili refert-nce to the diflerent qualities. Any peison who will furriisli one or more parecis of wool from 80 t o 100 pounds of one quality can have it mamifactured by itself. V.'ool will be rcceived at Scio. Wool sent by Railroad will be attended toin the same manner as iftheowncr wero to come with il- it should bc carelully marlced. We have mamifactured cloth during the past year lor n very largc number of customers, to wl'iom wc beïieve wc have given very general satisfaótiori Wi'th these facts and the advantages ofiered by the ld w pnce at whicii we offer to manufacture clothr we hope for a large -sliare ot pnironngiSAMUEL W. FOST.ER & CO. Scio. Waslitenuw Co., July 25, 1844. 3-tf FIRST rato Ten, Sugar and Coflce, nfthc lowest markot pricce, at RAYMOND'S CAStJ STORE, _, ., 118 Jeir. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4New Hat Store. TA MES G. CRA.E would respcctfully indi form the Public, (hat hc hos opened a fine BCOCK Of Hafs, Caps, Stocks, Cravats, Scarfs, Collars, UmbreHas and Gloves, at No. 105, .Teiibrson Avenue, Detroit, nenrly opposite Ibe U. S. Court ltoom nnd Post Office whero he will be happy (o see his Jriende and supply them with as good an article in his line as can be procurad, ckher heie or at the cast and c5 cfieap. Gentlemen in the interior, wishing a first rate faahipnable amele oí lints or Caps, can be snppked by sending theirsize or have any-style furnished to order in a few hours. and warranted to sutt. Cali apd see- it niay ave vou a dolían „ . T , JAMES G. CRANE.' Detroit,, July Ï2 1844. ]3-6n ANN ARBOR OIL MILl! TMEsubscribcrs would give noticc that they are engaged in mnnufbeturing LINSEED Olhí and are'prepnred 'toTurnish oil of ihe best qualny to nicrhnnts and pninters. chenp as it can be obtahied Oom the East. Oil exchanjed for Flax eced nt the roic of a gallon of oil fora bushei of Flax seed. Cash at all times naid for t iax seed. PULCIPIÏER & JÜÜSON Ann Albor, (Lower Village,) Sept. G, 1841 20-ly.! !■■ B. WALKBR'S PATBMT : SMUT MACHINE. [ rpHE Subscribers take this mcthod of inform, --. ing al! èitch-ns are engnged n the Mülin . busineranulíe State of "Michigan, thnt they are now nianufacturing in Ann Arbor, Washtcnaw , County, Michigan, L. B. Wnlker's Paent Smut Idachine, - whicli they would rccom.mend to takc ihe Smut off of wheatas we!I or better than any other mnclnne. i his machine is a horizontal rnaciiine - nretains all ihe fnciion of the wheat, and uniting simphcity wilh durabilüy. it confines the beating, scounng, and blowing principies, dis crmrgmg the dust and smut as fast os sopárated Trom the wheat. Thi5 machine is pwfectly seeuro vrom fire, and runs n.uch lighter tluui anv M3ti machnie in use. For information, Bee-large bilis. Sliop in Lower Town. Pricei to agree with the times. All orders for Ma' chinos will be promptly attended to. Addrcss. E. O. & A. CRITTKNDEN 7 i o ioñ"n Arbor' Wa6htenaw Co.. Midi. July 8,1844. 1J6m "CAiHbE BEAT: " JYEWBOOT, SHOEJIjVD LEATIIEIi STORE, Ann Arbor, Lower Toicn. SO FELCH haa removed O. his establishment i'rom the Upper to the Lower Vilioge, No. 4, Huron Block, where he holds himsell in Oreadincss to 'dress the "un dcrsUndmgs" of every Man. W Woman and Cliild wJio wil! give bim a cali. in the neatbst. and best mannerthat can lie done in Michigan LEATHER and FINDÍNGS Lof all lund. constantly on hand. WANTED, Cash and Hue?, in any quantities. lor which the highest piices will be given. [ErLet none parchase umi] they have callcd at Felch'e. No. 4, Huron Block. Ann Arbor, May 4, 1844. 3-1ySINCLAIR & CHASE JTTOIiJYEYS AJYD , LOIiS J1T LAW, (OPPICK LOWEXl TOWN, ANN" ABBOR,) Will ticnd ío all business in their profeseion with aiidelity and despatch. ParicuUr attemion will be given to collecting. RODERTP. SINCT.A1R, KIAVARD R. CHASX-' Mardi-20, 1844. f Jy. POLLARD !.;- BY L. D. & O. WEYBURN, Near the ■Slcamboat-axd Packet Landing, Bujfalo. . ; f 1 IïIS cstoblishmcht has, during' the past winJL ter, been cvjusidorably onlarged, and impro-1 ved with iiow ftjrniiure. etc, and is now jeady to mnke the Travellor at home, at tlie moderate charges oí 2& cents per menl, ind 87J per day. - passengerfj and bnygage conveycd to and fromj thü HbuseTree of charge. N. B, Passenger from the Enst will find a] Sign for the ííouse. in the Depot, under which to place iheir baggage. We, the subsenbers, take plensure in recom-' mendmg the above house to the friends of the cause, as being well worthy of patronage. C. T. RAND. Pres't Pollard Temp. Soc. H. M1LLARD. Sec'y do do do E. D. ROBINSON, Pree't Y. M's T. S. D. A. FOBES. Sec'y do do BuflMo, July, 1844. 21 -8wTHE MISSES CLAitKS' Yoiing adies' Semiiiary, ANN AKJJOR, MICHIGAN. ]rARYH. CLARK. Principal. CITLOË A. CLARK, Vicc Principal. MISS WEST. Teacher in IVlusic. H. F. SCHOFF, do of Clnssica. do do in Prendí. F. MARSH. Teacher of Mathematica. RHOBY E. CLARK, Teacher ót Juvenile Dept. TilTS Insiimtion lias heen in opcration November 18, I8D9. Theschol;istic yenr embrncing forty-eight weeks, Hvo terms. eoniprising two tjuarters ench - twelve weeeks in a quarter - a general examination at the close of each term - in February and August. 'plio last quarter of the present term com menced May ÖOth. Afier a monili si vncation. ,at the close of this quarter, vvliich ends the scholastic year, school will be again resumed the iirst week in September next. Tksms of Tünio.v.- For the English branches, $,5Ü lo $5,per quartcr. iVo reduction made i'or alsunce. except in case of sickness, and no pupil tükeli for less ihan a qunrier. Extra hár ges are made for nitisic on the Piano, witli the use o' the instrument, #8,00 French, .00 L"11 3,00 Dïawiric and Painting, 5,00 Fancv Work, 3 f)-) Bonrd, includinc: wnshlnglights, &c., $175 per week if jiaid in advouce, or $2,00 per week if paid at the close of the qusrier. Farents and sjunrdinns are invited to visit the school every Friday, when the studies of the week are reviewed - a!so semi-monfhly on Wednésday afiernoon, at readingof the wëckly compositions. Younglndies desirous of enlering the seliool and pursuing the regular coursc ofstudy, would do well to commence at the begining of the tem. Having purchased a healthy and commodious building in a pleasant and convenient part of the villfige, no pains or expense shall be sparcd to facilítate the studies and render the situation of the young ladics profitable and agreeable. Belonging to the school are n Library of herween ihreejind four hundred volumes, and Pliiosophical Ajiparatup, Electrical Machine, Globes &c. Scicntific lectures are delivered before tíie school at proper intervals. The Misses Clark will endeavor, nof only to promote the intellcctiial culture of their pupils but will altend strictly to thcir moral deportment. With a deepsense of religious rcsponsibility, ihey would give such a tone to character, os shnJJ -ender ït practically fitted for every station- yield, ng toduiybut firm to principie.' Among the books used in the school are. Ah:rcrombie vn the Jntcllectual and Mornl Pówers - Kune's Eletnents of Criticism- Wnyl.-.nd's Vloral Science- Newman's lihetoric- liedge'" Lfo-j-c- PaIy's Niiiurnl Theology and Evideuccs f Chnstinnity- Comstock's Chemisiry nn.l Satural Phdosophy- Combe's PluiSJoJflgy-fMrs .incoln's Botany- Eaton's Manuoj of BonuiyKttinll 3 Gcogruphy of the Heaveiis- First Sec nd and Thud Books of IJ story- Mis ' Wil lard'sRepublic of America- Plu-lps' Legal Closics- Playiair s Euclir], andDavie's Algebra and nthinetic- Parker's Natural Philosnnl.vThe Misses 'Clark have taught a Youn" Lidies School ibr se vera I ycarsin iho Ciiy oí New Yprk, and are furnislied wiih testimoniáis from Rt. Rev. Benjamin Onrlmlonk. D. D.. nnd Tolm M. Gnscon, M. D., of New Ycrk, Rev í L BlnUe.of Urooklyn, jtyd Mis. Kmma Wiliard, ' oi Iroy. A. Y. ; álso, reference is made, hy permission. to the (bllowinir pende, nn : Rt Rev S. A McCoskry. D. D.. Ilobert Jlnmsey nnd L. 7,. M.isner. Ksqrs., Detroit } Rev. (s„ac S ■Kclcharn, Ccntrcville ; Rev. J. Undson iVjiite Pigeon , Itev. J. 1. Cleveland, nnd fïeo. Keteh I nm, Marshnü ; Hom. Win. R. Üelarid. Jack-oni'aul B. Ring, Michigan Centre; E. H. Winan Adrián;. Danitíl Hixson. CHnlon: Gnrdine! Wheeer. M D.: IIowcl!; Rev. F. H Cumin, Grand Rnpids; Kev. H. Coidnzcr. Rev. A M F-tch; S. Dentón, M. D., P. Bngham. !I. D.. Mon. Win, A. Fleichcr, l!on. W.m,R. Thonin'son, E. Mundy, Esq., .Tolnl Alle,,. Esq., Geo. W. Jewett, Ksq., Cnl. Thomas Mosclv.' Capt J; Perkms. Thomns M. Lnd(J, F. Siiwyer. Jr.. Rsq-, late Stiperintendfiit of Public Ir,structiori? Professors Whitinc. -Wiilinins and Honghton, oi ihe Univereity of Michigan. Ann Aihor: James irdsall and Rev. Jolm Bcach, Fiint; Amo Mead. Esq., Fannington. Tle following gein lemen, Rev ÍI. Colclnzer' Rev. O. C. Comsiock, Rev. A. M. Fitch. Rev. Mr. Curtiss, Professors Whiiing and Willmms of the Univcrsity of Michigan, and F. Sawver' Jr., late Superintendent of Public Iristruction' have consemed to act as a visiting conuniiiee oi the school to be present when the weekly siuiies are reviewed; but especially to altend during the semi-anr.unl e.x'aininatrotis. Septeniber 4, 18-W. 9trHELP MEALONG IN THE WORLD. , Help those loho strive to hel]) Ihemscïves hy Hottest Industry. The conttnuai.ion of '-Hard Times" urges the subsertber to cry hut for heli), and tó inform ail those who are dusiroiis to Eco'nomize. that lic haopened a New and Sc cond ílaml Clothii&g L$ïablisliinéiit, On Woodward Avenue, next door lo Uydö & Wilder't, Scale Fuctory. between Atwaier and Woodbndge streets. whüie.he wül SÍ1 clo:hin a lítfle Chcapet tluin the Cicapcst for Cush.-He will also continue to can y on the TAILORING AIO CLOTHES CLEANING BUSINESS. All persons desirons of having prense, pnint, oil, pitch, tar. &c, reinovecl froni iheir clothinp would do weljl to cali on him; as his mode of : cleamng is by a process of eteam. he warrants to completely renovare the gannenis, and give ihcm the appearance of NEW, without doing injmy to the cloth in iorm or diarability. Collars and Breasts of coats warranted to be' kept in perfeci shape. Any kind ofcloihingaltered and repaired in the nea lest atyle, and on tenns to correspond with the rcduced prices in other businesa. He respectfully returns hie sincere thanks to the citizens of Detroit, and the public in -general for their veiy liberal patronage that he has herctofore reccivcd, and hopes that by a constant exertion and strict attention to business, to rnerit and continue to receive a share of public patronage to help him along in the WORLD. WM. LAjVIBERT. N. B. - New and second hand clothine bought. sold, exchongoii, or taken in paymeni for cleanitigor repairing.. Orders ai tended to in any part of the ciiy. All ol which is respectfully submittcd. Don't frrget that Lanibert's Tailoring nnd Clotliing establishnient is on Woodward Avenue, next door to Hyde &' Wilder' 9 Scale Factory! between Atwaterand Woodbridge streets. Vómè L(iwijr,rs, Doctors, Farmers and Merchante ÍO3. Come bing your 0I1L garments and hare ikem made ncin. . 3ml3DR. OSGOOD'S XNBIA CHÍJLAGOaUE. AMOiN'G the möiolu?ibie qualities of tliis . medicine,.' ís u's restoring Ünflucnce upon tfouefittitioiTsliiipaitcd ii&ra injured by previous ,fliuu:k8-ol billious icver, 6r fe.ver and ague; oi hya lonarcliJence in thosc climates whTch 'pw- duce them. Tliore me many coiistilutions which becomc gmdually undenninfd by a miasmal influence. witlioui even !, day'sactuaJ coniitieinent.' In sucli cases, tbc Cholagogue acls líko n chnrni - tliC8a!!ov complexión, loss of nppetile, languor, weariness and depicssion oTspirHs, wiih otherunpleasnnt syniptoms which rerïder lift pbuiden, all yiold to, tliis remedy when .iaithfully used according ta the dixections of 4lieacfxmpnnying pamphlét. It is cntirely a v'egetabíe piep aradon, and "rriny be taken wuh pèri'ect sijciy un'lpr. all circum.stances of the-system. For sale by 36 W.S. J. W. MAYNARD, sole Agent, for Ann Arbor and vicinity. CHARLES H. STEWAR'i ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCER, JEFFfiRSON AVÜiXUIi DETROIT. 1.SUGAR COATFñ OR -IjJy "improvIndtenVegetaWe. 1JL-LÍV For Jntcrmitlcnt.Ileiniuont, BiüousnnJ i rnatory FeVers; BcdacrlndSÖ?? pesia; Henrtburn; Pervertcd AfíZ ' livcness: Diarrhcca; Dyscnterv 7i,T t0 CoWorms; Pnin „ the Head sy, !ou,8 ColiC; Stomacfr; Scrofnla, Scurvy, 0 ' ck ,! of the Blood: Obsiructions and I",1)Ilr'es plaints gonerally. e'"ae Com. rpHL:RE has never appeared m ,. . JL wliich. wh.le t can do no'harm i m?(iiCnö, todosomucl. good. Thcy excite a hZhl , ,lnIed spirauon, and opcD ail the natural Ar ■ u' r"rsystcm. The obstruction of Iwsïimii. V1' tIle uatiün is the cause of a erem rnnn„ P.EYri"uu. uflerinp. These ,,fll8 ;S" rt" f !ui in tin exirauidinory.degrce. of reu' ,■ Totcor structions, and restoring a healilifuT'"6 llol}They must nndoubtedly supercede áírír1 -H' gaiive medicines, as they havea f0UroM pur vZ: n discharge by the lomla] ]tT,0and skin. ' "un&s Mlne?JS they may be relieden. beyoild l$$# nï a8 an eflcctunl nnd nfe medicino for WORm%' and all compluin.s mcnt to children Í?8' children hnve been curcd in New YnX a ent yeor, by the use of Dr. Smh1. p 6p!e8' all oiher medicines combincd- as , tl ' 'hnn need oí forcing ü,m dorcnC oSï? ''„ f - eines. One ïmpont advontnee in i„ï ?! pillsis, theydonmripo, -p L ' fFlew nor nny o her un1,lenSflIu Ug,fi?ffl in thousunds of instanecs, produ'ced P ,,„ im other consequences f ar xrOrse ihan 2S "' or whieh thcy wore administered T ilSO60 ttadarly gruudv.d ngahU in tlVeÖ; the miniy inpredienis of wbich J , l()n of LÊss""10-"'"3 "1"i8;!" %K The diroct.ons nnd trentmemof di8en(:PB evc,y b0X) in . cL„l No "SUGAR COATED PJT T , OíTice devoted cxclv.tirdi (o iho silo nf il mod.cme. 17.9 Grenwich strect, Sw Yot? t No. 2? Water streel, lios.on th' mui CERTIFICATES We are not in want of cèriificotés of'n h?K jjjngg con!U,g from : ; j [Froo; , Nc.p;,p.v of the l„lc ;,„,„,. Tll0„,pi,011. j - . N).w York. Mum ir, iOjI r. MiT.Hs'j.nprovod India Vegetable Ï' ]8' fKS TluabIe tü lnv'lf a!'(1 '- y ísrM i; can he produccd. In the case of our K í r? . w years oíd., thc oíos, happy etïeaslJo 3 ed (ron, t heir use: I have „ever known a 32 áwí ] cüuid s cüníideiiih' %& VnTw nymS ndy 'S t0 Wdl known " & Joubted: . 1:1IelllgCnce and PHílanthrbpy to b [Froin thcMA-rnoNofiheU. S Naval Uom Aceustomcd ns I nm lo ndminieter (o tíio sick I SO" .i['Piecinlo a valunbie mcijcirjü. 1 ihowbí a medicine ; m!,,ptcd ,o ,ie niunerr,a jímeiJf mankind, i Dr. gfafóft Sigr Püs. ] HsS user] ihcm ;md ecn thcm used wiih t!e most aitü.nshmg roBiilie, in BóVcrfil instanecs wuhin my knouledge restoring the pat.cnt Trom extreme lowness and suíloring 10 sirongth a!,d henlih- ! orladles during pregmmoy, these pil! are a soccnipi. Imlm. J iccoininciid ihein to all na a valúame ka ai ir. y meuicink. SARAH A. GOULD. IMMtron of tlie U. S. Naval Hoeni ni. ■ Brpoklyö. June IO1I1, J8-44. [Froni tlio Dfpmy SlirrilVof .cw York ] Dr. Smith's "uarnd Indian Vcgciablt' ÍW' liave been used Lp i],0 Eldrigde-St. Debiors' Pns.jn wfth uncoinmon pniisfaction. I liñvc nuver henrd a inodicino spoken of wit), more imerust by the sick who have taken these píüs JAS. J. J3EVINS, Depiity Sheriín [AN EXTRAORDJNARY CUlíE.J I haye to récord an 'insta nce of unpnralleldd suflering. wfnch iDuat lmve terminated my éxffltenco: !,nc inoJÜr. S.Mtrn's "Sugarcd hu}la eíiciahlu I ills come to niy rescue. In iho fall oí 1K43, I had a scroíuloiis afl'ectior, whicli nenriy covered my'body with soie?. and rendcml mu unñt for life. In the cötirsè óf lívo mbiiths I wa aitacked wifh fever, whicli raged with great violenco. J te ok ntany j)re8criptions, bm without relief. M? suíibring was great. Mrs. GouW (whoin I tíliall ever remember with esteern) ndvised inc to use these b'ugared pilla, wlnch J tuult n large dosea a few ciays. when ihe fever nnii pain nbaied. J coniinucd these pills iij email doses, aboiil five weeks, when my fever and scrofula were cured. niy blood complctcly puriíioi), and my general hahh improved. 1 !um ceitnin I owe my lile. uudtT Proyid encesto tho use f these pillaE. M. PARK, New York. [From Jae. M. Turner. Esq,, late of the ü. S. iavy.l1 havo been nfiliciec! scveral years with a wcakiiess in the bronsr, cusiiveness and a difh'culiy of breaihing. J was liiicly more th.-i.rt. ever troubled, iliouuli I bad taken immy prescriüéd remedirá - TliroiiL'Ii liie tulvice 61 n Inrnd, J proctiied Dr, Smitu's Paicnt Sugnred Pillf. whicli J used, and they liave not on! reüeved, bt cniircly curcd my complainis. My wiíe has nlso used tliem wiih the most happy cflocts, I believe them the bbst medicine in the wond; JAMES M. TURNER. 531 üreenwiuh St.. N, Y.. Rcfers to Hon. Silas Wrrght! U. S. Scnate. PERFECT CURE OF WORMS. Cur little girl, ö yonrs old; hns Builcred I1 th worsi stages of svonns; and we liave never fountt nn (ff.'ctual cure, until we administert-d Doet. SiMirjt's Sugar Pilis, which our littlo girl took without the Lenst rrs'-'tuncc, in doses of two nt a time; and nevf r wiineesed such ;n chonte in, ao short u tune. Tho us hiought uwny a ninas of wormp, and she t once iniproved. She i nuw in joyou8 healtli. We liave also found th greatest benefit from their use. JACOB CAÏiLüCK, SStaplc st., N. Y. We have marty certificatos af etires n caso of WOIIMS. [From a lady well known in New York.] I have been troubied for years with dizzines and pain in the liead, attended wilh depressionr diinnéssof siht, &c.. which have been entirely cured by Dr. Smith's "Sugored Indinn Vegetable Pilla." I prize this medicine nbpveall others. SARAH DOUGLASS.Conér oJ Ludlow nnd Wnlker-St. [Tho foilowing is from one of the oldest oni rm-st respectabic farmers ín Madison Co.. N. Y.J Cazknovía- , July 28th. 1844. I havo used 40 boxes JJrnndreth's Puls, nnd áe many more of different knida. and I havónevor found iliat benefit from tho use of the wliolc, thnt 1 havo from the usc of two buxes of Dr. Smitii's "iMPuovn Ïkdian. YjígetábÍ.;' Pir.Ls. They scem to strike at tlio foundation of mydiscaso, whic)) is of a biüous character. UIA ALVORD. [Mr. Alvord wns. witli anoíhor. tho ílrel seK tier of the bcautifuL villago oiCazcnovia, about ; 50 years ago.] - O.LD MEN and YOUNG MEN have, without numb'er, fjiven their Ustimonin's foi these excellent family pilla. And 'MOTHERS ! w& wish we could iay befure the world all tho ex-. pressions of npprobation which we havo from themin New They wonld alone fill thia page. The fact-Í8, therc never wassuch a medicine for the coniplainta of Chilpbev. For sale byG. & J. G. ÍJilI, Detroit; Tho. May, Jt., Piyrnouth: Perrin & fjoll. Northvillot Lund '& McCoIlum, F. J. B. Crnne, and W. S, &, J. W. Maynard,nnd G. Greuville, Ann Arbor; aleo in Ypsilanti, Dexter, and throughout the United Stateo. Oflice devoled cxclnsively fo these Pilis, ]?9 Greonwich-St., New York. CAUTÍON.- Beware oflmiwtjpns. 20-1 y


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