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Discoveriks siNcB 1766 The old steam engine improved, 17C9. Ancient religión in Indin, 1774. Patent bird shof, 1775. Spin ing by steam, 1785. Air balloons; Hershel's telescope and four new planets; to un - stop the lachrymal duet; recovering drowned persons, suspenders: orabrellas and cut nails, 1782. Hydmulic press nnd telegraph, 1794. The back operation for tho stone, 1800. Percus6ion powder; galvonisra: the names in Clenii8try, 1803. The Argand lamp; boring for water, coal, 1804. Sugar cnltivated i Louisana 1809. The Nautical Almanac; and navigation by 8team,181L . Printing by steam; stereotype pistes; '.the circular saw; sugar from the root of beets, antharcite coal; lithogrophic impressions, 1816. Musical boxee, 1817. Saretylamps,chain'cable8,18L0. Chronometers perfected; power looras for cloths, stockings; tread milis for prisons; the etomach pump; 'rsilwayej lead and coal mines in the U. States; craniology, 1828. Steam gun and carriages, 1882. Gum elastic shoes un boots, 1823. Daguerreotype portraite, 183Daniel O'ConnelFs opinión of the Hon. J. G. Birney. - Mr. Birney entered into tbe Repeal Association at Dublin, while the Gr'eat Liberator of Ireland was on the stand. On seeing Mr. Birney, Mr. O'Connell said: Ml find I am agreeably interrup'ed by seeing beside me here my friend and Ihe friend of humanity all over the world, Judge Birney from New York," Mr. BinrvBy- "I nm not a Judge." Mr. O'CoNMín.--"We] then, I was misaken as lo the office my friend held ín his wn country, but this I can tell yo, and I mtistsayeo althongh he is present, tliat he vould ailorn the highest office ever filled by nnn, and that he has made sacrificea toihe ause of liberfy and humanity, that do hím ternal honor as a christian and a patriot. - On ano;her occasion he said, "I von!d go rom ons end of the Islnud to Jhe other to erve the cause and oblige Mr. Birney." On another occasion he eotd, "[ wotild trav rse the whole extent of the country to hear im." Fat Pickíngs. - Congress, in s recent reort publied the facts, that the cost of mail ags, from 1831 to 18'Jl, was !g336,000; tbat Jewett of Ohio, contractor, was paid O68,124, IS, for 4,782 bags: that in November 840, there were on his (Jewett's) hands, ,020 bags not wanted, which cost $65,000, jat a large over-plus was in the hands of ther contractors ; the bags could be got for 0 per cent less timn was paid in those years; hal for blank?, $300,009 were paid between 329 and 1841, generally at about 50 per ent, more than a fair price, leaving a supply O hand for twelve years to come, that the torage for these surplus orticles was charged nd allo wed; that by these and other frauds, he expendiiure8 of the Post office Department ere made to exceed its reveune, one year, y $387,753,19, and $220.000' thus requiring equiriug special appropriaiions out of the evenue from customs and public lands. Cleave. Even. Her.(t?" A Germán physician named Stadlin, ied at Saratago Springs a few days since, rom tho bite of a rattlcsnake about L4 hours )efore. He had a large coüection of these nafces in his house, and was in i he habit of landling them freely snd playing wilh them. t ís said he had inoculated himself and his amily with rattlesnake virus, and deemed it i safe defence against any danger from thair aite. Emancipalion . - A Baltimnre paper says that thé late Carter Edloe, Esq.. on lower James River, has by his last will, left to all his slave?, amounting to 80 in number, thc righl to be free, if such shall be their election. Proportion o the Sexes.-Many millions of observations have been made upon births n the variouscountries of Europe, from which one uniform result appears, thnt about twenty ose boy are born for twenty girls. The creed of the Democracy. - A yankee echool-master in Georgia, according to the Louisvüle Courier, made the following as a copy for one of his pnpils: - "All men are ere ated equal - except niggers ." Central Railroad. - Recoived üppn this roac for the monlh of September: From Passengers, $13.097 64 For Freight, 10,890 65 ' Transp.' U. S. Mail, 70 44 824,058 7S Aniount received in the corres - pondinff month i843í From Passengera $8,426 1 For Freight, 15,541 79 " Oíd Iron, 60 00 tá4,ü27 90 Detroit. Oct. 7. 144.The above statement shows againof passengers over 50 per cent, and a dncrease in freight of about one third. - Free Prets. General Santa Anna has ordered general mouring (hroughout the Republic of Mexico, in 'honor .of nis deceased wife. Thal's one way. Abner Kneeland, formerly of this city, a celobrated person, died at Salubrio, III., on the 27th of August last.- FAi7. Spirit of the Times . A Neio Idea. - Simmons, of Oak Hall, Boston, advertises that Holmes' celebrated Band {cwill enliven the sales of the evening with a varieíy of select music.


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