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Miscellany: A Wonderful Clock

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1 lie followjng account of a wonderful work of art. wus written by Rcv. Mr. Turnbtill, of Iíostoi), while un a lour 11 Einopc. It was Wir'ected to the membcrs of the Sunday School connecied witli Jii.s conrrrrátion, and will be reíd vvith mierest by olhers: Tiiere s Hn subject that I can ihhúi of which will he to likely to nierest yon, as tlie great MftH(iDda] ciock, wlncli Isaw the otlier day in the Culhednil at íáirasbiira. The Catheílrn!, b.y tlio way, s une of tje ñnetl and oíde?t u Europc. It is vexy l;irpe, and i!s tower orsteejlc is the Mgbesl jii the world. It ií twesiiy-four íeét higher liinn tl. e rreut Tyraitiiá in Eypf, oie hiuidred Sctorty Icet h'ighcr thnn Sf. l'uul's, n ïiMioSif, and iliree or fbur tino.; hijjli r tha i the oíd sonth clmrch !n Bos ton. 'j he ástn nom c 1 e"o k stánda u the insiílc,in one corner of it,and is a mo t ini;oing ndiieauüful e hfice.Fiveor hx hunJred )0o)'e visit it every i.-iy at lü o'clock - wlien t perlorniB sonie extraordiijury feat?, which 1 'phati mcnlioii preferí! ly-aiid severa 1 milliuns ín llie Cutirse of a year. Tlierc have bee lwo or tnree clocKíi in thc ftüine placo, ujqn tlie nind el t( uliicli tho pre.seiH one is fornied; but thi.s is nliiiost a iiew one, and was const meted by a niechnnic, whosc natne was Kelnvilguc, in 1828; t o whórn a íocturivtl feíe or foüiival was given by íiis felluw citizens on the occawpn of iu complet ion.-r--T) givc you some idea of Ihe size of lii 4?lock, I will compare t Vitli soifie otlier thing witji which yoti aie familiar, instead of snyin ihat it is 60 ni:tny fee? high, and o rnany fee wide. fee. Wol!, then y nu reinember the s'zo of tlic Posï-olnce in Washington stroet It. is ad high ns tlinf, and abont ns wide, or a least ncatly eo. lis lep wonld rcacli to Üp &rV sn.nmit of mir fóeftH house, and SVt front wonld go hnlf w.-iy across the front of the house. On the top of i 18-1 he figure of the prophet Isaiah, i about ns Urge ns life; on its two sidos are a couple o tflirs to go into it. lis front is beautifully puililet', and has places upon which .the hourb of ihedny, the dnysof the weck, the revolution of the slary, the motion of the sün in tho ecliptjq, the da y of the in:mth, the eeuson o tilo yenr, tho pilases of the smii and moon, hn dinny ótlïcr'thfng'.nVe indicated. liero also, in nichea preparnd lor ihr-m, are inovable iráñjres of Üje'óf Saviouir and Hts twelveapostles; Deiiil), and Time with Iiis tcyiliei the fourages of hutnun life, and several other é?fi!iaffhj9U cannpt inention. om1 .IT ffT -ffivo you a liule-further idea of its magnitudc, Iet nc say that tliere are ineais of 0ing incide of it, and that sonie ten or fifteen people, perhaps ninrc, migiit stand togelher in its very hcurt, and examine the rnachinery.' Mr. Kcale, two other gentlemen, and nivself, with the conductor, went into it and spent nbout an Imur there. We we;it first into a lower, then in'o a Ing-hcr. and then still liigher npartment of it, and eaw the various paris of the macliinery, consisting-, I should think, of more than a thousand pieces, 6plendidly polished, and all dependent for the harmonions act ion, upon the short, thick, brasi pendulum, which swings, in tJie centre. But I miiKt teil you what the clock does. It ot only points out the lionrs and the days, the times and the seasons, but the revoluUolis nf the stars, the eola and lunar equations, the conjuncttonsand the eclipses of the heavenly bodies, their positions at any give time, and víirioua chañare througli jvhioh, thoy passTor tliouiands of yeirs. It points out apparent time, mean, or real time, and ecclesinsticil time. On its face you sce the motion of the stars, of the sun and planets, of the moon and her satellites. Two little cherubs who sit, one on one side, ihe other one the othcr, strike tbe quarters óf the hoiir- Death strikes the hour with a mace - whilefour figures pass and repa8 bofore him- 'representing the various Btojes of human life. At 12 o'clock every day, when Death strikes 12, the apostles,who are represent ed each with the badge of his, como out from the clock and pass before the imago of our Saviour, howing as they pass, nnd receiving his benediction , which he givea with a movement of the hand. When the apostle Peter malees his appearañce, a gilded cock, which is perohed on one sde of the clock, flaps his wings, raises his head, and crowe so long and lond as to-make -the wiwle Cathedral ringngain. This he repente three time?, in meiT.orinl of the cock that crowed three times before the fall of Peter, dunng the crucifixion of our Savionr. Of course the cock makes no farther noise or motiontiïl the nexl day at 12 o'clock, when he repeats the sume loud and sinrtling crow, flapping his winga and raising his head.


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