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Samuel B. Goodhue--The Crazy Man's Candidate

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ng description of ihe crozy man's candidata ?o President. It wül bc recollccted that ihe Jour nal s edited by a crnzy man : First os to his height. Some cali him rathei tal!, some rather short. It mayseern incredible that opinions so strictly contradictory of euch other, should be held by persons who have al seen him ; butsuch ia tho remarkable fact. In conaeqnence of thie. I cali him mir'dle-sized.- His anus and lega are placed exactly where they ahould be ; so that we may pronounco him wel made - at lenst, no moon-culf. His hair is of n superb grizzly red, cork-screwerf either by na ture or the curling tongs. His countenance is particularly and strikingly expretssive of noihing at all ; which I consider a capital quality, since nobody con teil whal heis thinking of, and we re the more ogreeably surpr6ed wlien he says anything. His forehead is direcily above his nose, and is surmounted by the grizzly locks nbove mentioned. His eyes areset in his head, which aome peopie account a misíoitunc; but from the factof his rolling 'them about occasionnllv, there is reason to conclude that they render hini the service which men in general receive from those organ?. His nose is a subject which I refrain from handling, and will oniy sny ihat it is placed in the front of his face, and that in walking, he ïlways follows and never goes bcfore it. His iceih are inside hismouth, and nut to be seen except when the tips are forced nsunder. The lott ensemble of his feamres is that ol i niixiureof the Grecian and the Roman, with a touch of the pure Celtic. The phrenologica! dovclopments of his cranium exhibit a combiiintíon of causaliiy witl eflbctuality, and of positiveness wi'h negativencss. He wears n coat somewh?il shorter before thnn behind, and his pnntnloons oie constamly bultoned about his middle. Under his coat hc wenrs n waistcoat, sornetimes cnlled a t.7. Uuder his waistcoat he wenrs a shirt, a consideraïle portion of which may Le seen at the bosom. Ie comnionly stands in his shnes. or if not, in boots. His dress a decidodly that oí a male and not oí a Icmale." QirMenibe)8 of the next Congress have been chosen i n seven States - Tl Membcrs in all. of vhich 44 are Demócrata, and Vti Whigs. Tho enaic will be composcd of about half Democrats, nnd half Whigs - about or quite a tie.The following is the best bet on the election we have seen: Bettixg on Elections. - Some Yancee girl is oflering to bet on Polk's elecion with nny respectable, good looking young man, as follows: "The stakesshall )e the part ios; f Polk is elected, I win, atid niarry the gentleman who bets against me; íf lie is not, the gentleman wins and marries me." Sarah.


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