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General Intelligence: Post-office Reform: Why Franking Is No...

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i lie renuer wu nuve ooservea among me developmenltí ot t he hst few áa'ys, that there sin exisier.cé at W ashingíoi:, a "Whig Congrrssiónal Comnútleé,'' whos"e bti'inesa secms o be to frnnk olí the VVliig polilical corresondencé óf the éöunlry'. Individuáis having no rig-ht ttfthé use óf thé mail, can cor'resjond freel'y through the' agenéy of :Hon. Willis Green,'1 wboiesiJesin Wabhinglonfor he purpöse of enabling theni tó' do so; - Whig ep'éetíhes, tracls, dócumerits, he., are franked, and sent througii the mails by the on. Besiïïe?;th'éliéis thé "lloh. R. J. Wallcér," who nor. on!y franks in the same way for the emocrats, but evetfhas the documents folded n the Séhfcté' folrig róbitt', at the expense of he Uniced States. So we see how it is. The poüücians, that s, the slaveocracy, must have freé use of the nails, ns they of other men's labor, and of other things too numeróos to mcntion. - When the post-masler general ehnll report, at the approaching session of Congres3, a deficit of half a million or a sttiílion1 in his de-, wrtment, to bc paid by the free North, lelit )e understood why it is so. Let it bcunderetood Ihat the blessings of cheap postoge are denied tó the people, to give f iet postage to the politicians. Qweaíoíi.-Why dothe expresses that carry letters cheap, mnke while tiiegovernment, that charges dear, loses rhoney1? Amvotr. - Th9' expresses carry the letters tlmpny; the government those that gpTor nothing. The exprcF6e8 do business in the free States onlyhe government rrföHopeliees the bttisiness in the impoverishéd slave Stafés. The expreSses retíeiVe th'eiv ffuppott fVon a comrhunity of freemen; the goVenment office payë tribute lo soulh. Álgiers.-Boe ton Chrorí. The Religiou8 Charities of Èngland for the yeor ending June 1, 1844, amounted lo $3,450,í)0O-T-Arrest of a Seducer. - The Baltiraore American says: An individual named Josiah Rodenbaugh, alias Smith, was yesterday arrested by officers McKewen and Piiillips, of the City Pólice, charged with seducing and enticing away from ihe residenceof her parents, in Warren county, New Jersey, a young girl, sixteen years of age, named Louisa Tilton. The parties were pursued and overtaken by the father of the unfortunate gir], when ihey were bolli arrested on a Bench warrant issued by his Honor, Judge Brice. - The female was delivered over to her distressed parents, and Rodenbaugh was committed to jail as a fugitive from justice from the State of New Jersey. VVhat aggra vates the crime of theaceused, is the fact that he left a wife and two children in Warren county. A Picture oj War. - A lecture on the horrors of war was latei y delivered in London in which the lécturer, alluding to the various wars in which Great Britain had been engaged, stated, to the effect that from the commeneement of the war of the British revolution to establish William the Conqueror on the British throne, down to the war against Napoleon for the restorationof the Bourbons, the sum of Ll,427,000,000 had been spent, and 3,910,000 human beings sacrificed; that out of every slr'lling earncd by ihe poor man, six-pence went to pay the national debt. which was for the purpose of carrying on war! A Culinary Desiderátum. - The application of chemistry tocookery in F ranee, has produced a curious result, and one likely tobe as useful as curious. M. Milot, of the Academy of Sciences, has succeeded in obtaining by distillation, in a pure, colorless, and liquid form, all the properties of the various culinary vegetables. Thus he can put you up a bottle ofcarrots, parsnips, turnips, or onions, and you may carry it all over the world, certain of having with you the true flavor of the vegetable. A table spoonful is enough for one pound of meat. The secret lies in the mode of distillation, by which the offensive parts of the vegetable are left. It is already an object with commercial men to export these essences, which are termed aromatique, to the French colonies, and then with the govgovernment there is an intention of using them extensively in the Navy. RE.MEMBER,That,according tot lie Houst on TeJegropb, the principal newspnper in Texas, th? public delii of tlmt country amounts lo onehund red dollars to each individual; and that this ií the debt whicli the people of this country are cnlled on to assnmein case of annexation. Are the citizens of the United States willing to buy the inhabiiants of Texas into the Union at the rnfe of $100 for each man, womanand child? Morn. He raid. A good pnn has been perpetrated by one of the inmutes of the Brattleboro' Lunatic Asylum. Speaking of the remarks of a leemrer upon niatrimony, that "an old bachelor is n libel npon bis father and mother," the Aeykim Journti), edited by a corrimi'Jèe of insnne, says, "Sue him for this libel, ladies, and huve him bound over to court.'1 Jlpple Bread.- A Frenchman has ihvented and prnctised with greal success n met'hod of making bred With commonapples, very superior to potatoc bread. Affer having boiled orie-third of peeled apples, hc hmised them qnite warm inlo two thirds of fioiïr, ths proper quantity of yenstyand kneaded the whole without water, the fruit being quite Fúffieient. When the mi.-tt.ure had aeqhired the consisfencv of piste, he put it iha vessel, iri ,vhich henllowed it to ri'se fortwêlVe hours. By this process heobtainècl fery ejícelíeht full of eyes quite pa'latéable and liglit.Peach Picklcs.-One of the' most delicate pickles ever tasted is' frorh rip Giingstpne Peacheö. Takè one gallon good vinegar and add to it fout lbs. brown sugnr, boil this for a few minutes nnd skim off any'scurri that may rise. Then take cühg-stóhe peacht-s that are fully ripe, rub them with a flannei cloth to remove the down upoh them and stiele three or fuur cloves in each; put into a g-las. or enrthen vessel and pour the iquor upon tbem boiling hot. Cover them up and Jet them .stand in a co'ol place" ftrt a week or ten days, then pohroff the liqnor anti boil it as before; after wluch return it boiling iot ió the peachés, which should be carcfully covered up and: stored away for futurfruse". Cóv. SJiannón ÉoUecf.-Qór néw Mi niser to M exico, ex Governor Shannon, of Ohio, has reached his destination, but, we are s"orry to say, minus his ready money, and any thing he may have had abont hh person. Un his rotUe between Vera Cruz tnd thfe capital the stnge in which he watfa passenger was waylaid, nnd the minister robbed of whotever he had aböut him. A fine commentary this upon tbe efficiency of a government about to send some thousandsf of into1 the field againsi Texas. Mr. Birnéy is botÜ a piédgéd nrid'a practical tee-tolaller, and hns been at least ten years. He maintainoil his temperance integriiy while in Englarid, wliere the dfinltmg üsages, especially in' the highest are V6l-y imp erative, and muliiludesof Americans, 6lergmen not excepted allow their principies and pledgee to give vay, "jü6t-ths ónce." ríoutésóf God j3. JHouse óf ihe L)tvit.- In N. York wé have 190 chinches' ófall'denominatióris, and 1000 grogshops, also of all denöminalions. Can it be aurpriaing that, in all electione rum f hould triurriph over water? ,- Sun. v ' The official dog-elayer informs the public, tbrough the columna of ihe American Republican, that his functions ceased for the present yeor, on Saturday; and that between the lilh of June and ihe 28th of September, three thousand three hundred and fifty-three of the canine race vvere put to death. A fearful slanghter, truly, but thore will be as many to kill r.ext aummr-r.- JY. Y. Commercial Jdverüser. Important if true.- The Cincinnati Commercinl says: We learn that a gentleman oí tliis city has made an important discovery in making a new specips of lighr, surpassing. : ís t-aid, the Biide or Drummond. Aa socm n the patent can be obtained t wül be put in usc here. One lamp, nt ihe height of 200 fet, wili light the whole city; the brilJinncy is snid to be equal to the mm at noon ondthe material cheopor than that tised for any other light. it is said f3000 will light the ciiy as above one year. Liberty Party in Virginia. - A correspondent who orders the Liberty Press sent to Triadelphia, Ohio county, Va., says: "The good cause is gaining ground here. The Liberty friends are active, and can number in thecountiesof Brooke, Ohio, and Marshal, one hundred votes." Miljard Fillmore, the Whig candidate for Governor of New York, was, when a boy, apprenticed to a woolen manufacturer in Cayuga county. He purchased one year of his time, taught school, and by his unaided effbrts, acquired the knowledge which has enabled him to earn for himself a high reputation aa a statesman. A Polittcal Expedient. - Mr. Walsh,in his last letter to the National Intelligencer, after speakingof tho riot and violence which has áttended the recent election in Greece, says that "in a church, where the ballot was held, a general exchange of blows was stopped by a rustic, who emptied a hive of bees in the mi dat of the combatants." Veto JVheat. - The Cincinnati papers epeak of a new variety of wheat, of which abpul 2,00C bushels have been raised in that yicinity the past season. It was brouglit from Alabamn, in 13S9. It takes the preferenee, by far, overall olher kinds (if wheat bróiigh't to Cincinnati maiket, weighing from 04 to G3 lbs. to the bnshel. lts yield has averagec' nbout 30 bushela to the acre lhis season; anc the erop wa. so forwrm?, ihnt nt Harrison, Ohio, it wad all harvented by tlie 6r.h of June; one man in tliai place has raiseíthe past season 800 bushels, that seils qnick at gl per buphel for seed. lts culture in Ohio, [ndiana and Kentucky, will be largely extended this fuil. The Cíermont Fourer Associulion wi.l alone sow one hundred neres wilh it. Mormonism.-A letter from Nauvoo statos that' the Vformóns are in great trouble. The twelve apostle-: will not countenance thecbims of Sidriey Kiírdon, ond he in returu threafens a full exposure of theic proceeding-s. T.'ie letter Eays Sidney profrsses to. have had a visión, in which it wa3 shóvn h'im: all that vvoulil transpire to the winding1 up scène. He says he has received the keys of David, spoken of in the (tú chapler of the Revelation, which thuttelh and no man openeth, and no mnn shutteth. It Ins been shown'to him that the te.nple will not be' finished, ond in ess than four years there wilhbc blooch shetl; about this time the saints witl ñght the firsl reat battle at Chambersbnrg', in Pennsy'lvania - the second át Harrisburg,3fl at Philadelphia - 4th at Baltimorc - 5th at Washington- 6th at Richmnnd- 7Ui at New" York - Sth at Sostón - 9th on tlie Fludson-lOlh and íast on lhis 'continent, at Mo'nmouth, N. Jersey; in which they iill defeat the Torces of Queen Victoria - take the süipping :Hat brouoihL over ïei a''my,and pass over n fiivisions to lincrland Prance and Spain, and finnlly complele the conquost of truc" world, and tighl the baúles of Gog and MagOiT at Jenisal'em, wlién' the Savior will which will be irr abour eleveii years Irom ihiá time. Sidney seys ihe ieys he holds are ribove those held by Joseph, He hns ordained severa 1 prophete, who are not to' leaye "Nauvoo at present, but tAat a sign will be 'given thetn when lo léave, 50 that they may'nsseinblé'nnd take'command of the irmy. Sevefnl have joined hiin, nmong whom is brolher Forgus. fie said he had monéy to'carry up to Joseph. He says he has hnd a tpslimony ficm God that Öidney's visions a ré true. Emma aud President Marks Rre in favor of Sidney, but he 1? bitterly opposed tó thé tWölve. )l caui-cd a greet d"enl of stir, and every body is talkiiig about il." Ori the Öth of September Sidney was Jnly oXcommunicated, öotvvithstaning1 his woüderful revela ïions.


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