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ATTENT Ï0, CIiOTHIÜRS! JUST received at tho General üepot, for the sala of Clotljicrs Stock, Maclunery, üye Suiffi, fec. &c, No. I3Ü. Jefferaoa Aveiitt Detroit, the folio wing larire, wcll assorted, am irefully solected stock, viz: 100 bbls. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Tons " ' in Stick, 150 bblá. Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Tona ' " in Stick, 50 bbls. Nic. Chipped, 50 t; Lima Wood, li 30 " Red Wood, ' 12J " Ground Cnmwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, 500 lbs. Nutgalls, 10 Caaea Extract of Logwood, 300 lbs. Lac Dye, 2 Ceroons Spnnish Indigo, 300 lbs. Sumac Sicily, 3 Casks Madder, 3 Casks Blue Vitriol, 5 .i ska Alumv 2 Barrels Red Taftar. 3 Barrels Cream Tartar, 3 Cnrboys Aqua Fortis, 5 4 Oil Vitriol, 3 " Muriatic Acid, 500 lbs. Vfrdigris, 50 '; Block Tin, Teaséls, Twine, Coppcr Kettles, all sizes, Parson's Shearing Machines, Curtis' " Screws and Press Piales, Cranks, Presa Paper, Steel Reeds, Worsted Harness, Tenter Hooks, Emery, all No's., Olive Oil, Clothiers' Jacks, Sattinett Warp, ClotUiers' Brushcs, Shuttles, Pickers, Card Cleaners, &c. &c. The above, with a variety of other artícles belonging to the trade, have been purchased this uminer by the subscribers from Manufacturerond First Hands in tlie Now York, Thihidelphia, and Boston Markets, nnd every thing having res ceived his personal inspection. he can with the utmost confidence offer thoni to purchasers as tki best and most complete stockin the country; and as it is his fixed detennination (by the low rates ai which he will sell) '.o prevent tbe necessity oí our Clothiers and Manufacturera leaving the , State to make their purchases, h3 would merely ay to the trode, CALL, examine the goods and ascertain pricos before you say you can buy chenper any xchtrt olse. He is also prepared to contract for CARD1NG ' MACHINES made in this State or East. PIERRE TELLER, f Sign of the Golden Mortar, ( 139, JefFerson Avenue, [17-tf.] Detroit."TO THE YICTOR BELONG THE SPOILS" ALTHOUGH many prepara tion in the form, of "POPULAR MEDICINES," have been before the public, claiming to give relief andeven cure the most invetérate disensos, yet none have so well answered ihe purpose ns ï)r SHERMAN'S MED1CATED LOZENGES Dr. Sherman'e COUGH LOZENGES" cure the most obstinate enses of Cough in a few hours. They have cured a large number of persons who have been given up by their physicians and friends, and many who have been tedueed to the verge of the grave by spitting blood eonsumption and Hectic F ever. by their use have had the rose of health restored to the haggard cheek, and now live to speak forth the praises of tlns invaluable medicine. Dr. Sherman's "WORM LOZEAGES" have been proved in more than 40(',000 cases to be infallible, in fact, the only certain Worm detroying medicine ever discovered. Cliildren will eat them when they cannot be forced to take any other medicine, and the benefit derived from the administration of medicine tö them in thie form is great beyond conceptiori. 'i'hey havs ncver been kaown to fail. Dr. Sherman'e "CAMPHOR LOZENGES," relieve Headnche, Nervous Sick-headache, Pal pitation of the Heart, and sickness in a very few minutes. Dr. Shern-an's "POOR MAN'S PLASTER" isacknowledged by all who have ever used it to be the beat strengthening Piaster in the world. and a sovereign remedy for pains and weakness in the back. loins, side, breast. neck, lunbs, joints., rheumatism, lumbago, &c. Be careful to procure the above and all other medicines of Mayuard's, and you will be snrethere will be no tnistak.e in quantity or charge. W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, February 5, 1844. 41 To Clothiers, ]?Ianufi;cturers and Merchants. THE subscriber is now recciving at his stores 188 and 190 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit! the following carefully and well selected slock of Dye Woods, Dyk Stuffs end Woolkiï Man jtkactorer's Machi.nery. 55 tons Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico'and Carthagena. 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair. Coro, Hache and Lima, 3 (ons Camwood, very choice, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground. 133 '♦ Fusiic. t 100 Red Woods, " ♦ 120 ' Camwood, 4i 10 " Qnerecitron Bark, 45 Allum, 42 " Copperns, 30 " Blue Vitriol, 28 ' Madder.. Ombre, and Dutch erop, 3 " Cream Tarter, 2 ' Nutgalls. 3 casea Indigo, Bengal, Manilla and Gua tímala, 2 Lac-Dye, 20 " ext. Logwood, 2 ' Grain Tin, 300 pounds Verdigris, J5 Carboys Oil Vifriol. Spirits Sea-Saltaand Nitric Acid,ALSO, Copper Kettles and Ciothiers' Screwe, Tentei Jiooks, Jacks and Brtishes, Prees Papers, Care Ueauers, Weavera' Shears, Nippers und Bur. fine frons, Comb-plates, Pickers and Bobbins. Wire. Worsted and Cotton Harness, Steel and -Cane Reeds, Broad Power, Hand Looms and riy Shuttles, Sieel and Copper Mail, Emery. rasons' Shearing Machines, 4, 6, and 9blades. Allen s doublé and single Carding Machines. Machine Gards, Leicester. The above goods have been recently purchased direetly from the importers and manufociurers, MCI.WIVELY tok cash, and will be sold a. the New York jobbers' prices, adding transportation only; and in consequence of the decline on many of the American manufactured articks will, in many cases, be sold at fiftbk per cent less than formek prices. Thirteen years expenence m tbo Dye Wood business enables the subsenber to say to his customera that he is prepared at o 11 times to warrant his goods of superior quahty. e UbUI tï 'L j THE0' H' KATON. Dye Wood and Dye Stuff Warebouse 188 and 190 Jeflerson Avenue, Detroit The Ann Arbor Journal, Ypsilanti Sentinel Fontiac Gazette. Fhnt Democrat, Adrián Expofitor, Marshall Statesman, Niles Courier and Repubhcan, Gazette. Michigan City (Ia ) and he knquirer, London, (Canada,) will each publisn :he above notice insidc, to the arnount of Uree dollars, nnd send copy of notice with bilis ro subsenber for payment. J7-tf. ""JËRÖME mTtREADWELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, TTTILL attend to the sale and exchange of tion of Landi sold for Taxes in Jackson and ad jolntng coumies, exnmination of TüJesy Convev aneng and all business pertaining o Real Es' tate. Office in the Court House. Jackson, MTchigan ]7-tr " CHARLES I-I. STEWRT ATTORNEy AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERr. JEFFEltSW AVENUE DETROIT. 49 -tíDR. SMITH'S IJNIVERÜITW PIMS8 rpTf-F.SE Pilis are prepared by Wni. M. Rniith, M. D.. Jale Profesnnr of Materia Medien ;u JL Plinrilfincy n ilic IJiuvershy of'Lake Eric. Üliio. Dr. Smiili wouid gay to ilio puhli.;, ihn in offeringliem Pili, he présenlo no quock nostrum tlmt will by its irrita ti ng eifecls ipói ■ liesloinndi ;inl hr els érente (Úsense where ihere was litile or none before. bul ono ihat )s' s;i!'o. tiiiW. s.-ilntnry nnd iinioiiii in i;s (fr':ets iipon ilie wliole sysiem. }fe woulil sny thut h Iws iww spent "U yenrs in research and investigador), cürrcted to ifie Pa tholigy ol discüsc, nnd ilie properíies of iriedicinnl subsumecs, nnd ihcirndnpt.-.tion lo the removu ofthe möJoilio i which Hesli is heir. As result of these laboré, lie is now nble to give fo Hit public a combin:iiiuii f mediciunl vegetable substnnees which is as near perfeciion, r eme n! study and close nivesíigaiion. icsis nnd expfiliumuts. can biing it. iJu would say lo X'bysiciaiiá. as well as otlie;s. try ibis pill: it will not decebe you. It is peculia'-ly adapted lo ihe retnoval and provention of (lie foüowin-; diseases: Bilioiis. Tnicr mittjinr, and Re:nittnnt Pevferaj Fever and Agne. Coi'gi). Liver Couipluinis, Sick. Headich. Passive Dropsy. Rhr-u.,.ntisin, BnlárÉfemet of the Spleen,. I:itonial "iIh, Culic, Acidiiy of tbc Sípmach, Incipieut Diarrhcea. Hnbiinal ■ Cos:iveness, uní in all cases óCTorpor cif llie Böwcls, whena calhartic, íipenenr. or jilterntivc. ií ncedfd They are iniltí. yet ceiitriï) in tl. oír operntion. producing neither nausea, griping, nor debility. l'he agcnis of iheso Pil.'s aic iiüsiructed, n case ftill satis!a-.tion i& not given to ar.y pereon who may purcliase tlfew. thut tliey sliall June iticir money refunded. TESTIMONIAL IN FAVOR OF DR. WM. M. SMITH'S UNIVERSITY PILLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LANDON.Monruk, Michigan, June 12, 1 HÍ4. Dr. Smíth - Dear Sir, - I take mnch pleasure in ffiviiig niv testimony in -fuvor of yonr valuable UNIVERSÍTY PILLS. I most clieerfully recommend them to the public os n safe, easy, ant! efficiënt caihartic for most of the diseases incident to this región of country. I iiave made extensiva use of them fur foor years in my practice, and í believe Ihrm to be the BEST Anti-bilious CathnrUc or Aperient juedicinc ever coinbinod and ofivrcd for ■ fc eral ase. Youre, &c. GEORGE LANDON, M. Ü TESTIMONIAL OF DR. TïïLLKR. ; Masillo-v, Ohio, May lst, 1C44. Dr. Smith - Sir, - I take much pleasnre in hearing tesiimony to the efficacy oí' your Piüsin removinnr bilc from the sternach, delergiug the Liver, and 'In all cómplaincs étnnnatiDgfrom thatsource. J. V. C. TELLER, M D TESTIMONIAL OF. F. L. VELj VVatkukoo, Mich., March 10, 1CJ4. To Dr. Smith- Sir,- For npnrds of six nmnths I was cruel y afflicted with Fever 'tuin Ague, and during ihat time could ñná nothing iliat gave me permanent relief; at length however your Univert-ity Pilla were ïecominended to me by one of the best Physicians in these parte; and I am happy ín being able to say, that from t'he use of one box I was permanonUv cured of my agüe; since tlien a numher of niy family have been as fdgnally benéfiHed. Yoiir?, Roppectfu'ly, ' F. L. WELLS TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL GOODNOYV. JJonror, !]ch., Juno ], 1G4-Í. I bereliy certify that Dr. Wm. M. Smith has been my Family Physician ibr four vcar ast past; that he Kas used his University Pilis n his .practice in my family wiih nnparal eled euccess; and I think them pref'enible to anv pil! for bilious affeciion in the worjd PA NIEL G00DN0W. Innkeeper, Mucomb-Sl House TESTIMONIAL OF D. S. PARSHALL.-. o . Fut, .Mich., June 5, 1344. ur. öintTH- 1 om happy (o give you iny cordial approval of your Universilv Pilis. I am able to keep off Fever and Ague, and Fevers to wliich all ofïis are subject in thrs Western Country, by the timely use oí" your University Puls, Send an A pent this wav as soon as possible. for we are all on:. Yours. &c. D S PARSHALL TESTIMONIAL OF MESSRS. NOBLE AND FYFIELU. Wecertify that we are and have been personally acqnairiled iyitn Wm. M. Smifli, M D., and know that he is a man ot eminenoe in his professinn- and that for four -years lié filled the chair of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in thé Willonghhy Univererfy of Lake Erie, witb honor to himself and satiffaction to the Trustees and Facuitv, as well as to the Studenls of Ihe above Univereity. As for his Pille, Uiey are 'par excellence" ,T ... . , CHARLÍÍS NOBLE. Monroe, Mich., June 19, 184 1. } p FV'FIELD TESTIMONIAL OF RfAL B. CHASE. ' This I cert:fy, that in the month of September last, I was attacked with Billious Fever (while awny from home at Owbkso to build a waler wheel) and with one dose of SmitbJ Ur niyersity Pili?, Ibroke it up; and as many uthers were sick aL the timp, I admiiiisterèd these Piils to them, and in aü cases it bioke up their fevers. I have used Ihem many times eíüco and with great succets. They aro the best pills I ever ntied. Q. „ ... , T RIAL B. CHASE, Millwnght. Shiawassee Town, Mich. June lst. 1844. ' ö TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAIL C. WRIGHT. This maycertify, that three years aro I was attacked with Liver Complaint so severely thnt 1 could Fcarcely turn myeelf in bed; I used many specif.cs and remedies, kjcIi VÁ Brandretl. s, Rmirrection, OrientaJ, and other pills, but with little or no eflèct. One year ao my fnend nr called on me on hjei ray to Boston, when he gave me a box of his Urnvers.ty Pilis, which perfectly restored me, and iny health. has not iurkui euffered frora ,ike cause. ABIGAIL C. WRIGHT. Rochester, IN. „ No. is, Franklin Street, June L5, 1344. TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN W. MILLER. Dbar DocroR-Justice reqiiires meto state, that I have oíd your Universitv Pilis fóF one and a half years Inst past, and thax I can sell no others while 1 have them on hand. Thev have superseded the sale of all others- their effect is üuiy wonderful Monroe, Mich., June 1,, i844. S W L?f &ÍÍ:-ÍÍ.: S J' W-WAyNARÜUpPep1 ""- epiBo o fe . e- ' = Í n-j T 1P O I 5 1 gV3' u, S i ■ Iliflf i SisS j r w" 3 2, S ft r O' asa S - ffflll l'; ' S t 9" E 1 Ml! I? (ft . 5 f&a S■ L3 m iiüifii! ïvEfi -"5! i Si lili 2 . f W & W s tf% ifíiíE s ! ö M 2 ? ? T ííiffí"? B 9 7 S,c " S.S .5? ' ' EI P BL l'íiilL PI 5B "H & Si BIf É W OOOB8 AT TUE CASHSTORE OF H. & J. &,. BAIPSBSOM, lmm Jlrbor, Lower Tttiaóe. JUST rccoivcd at the abovc cslabluhmcnt, a complete assortment of SonnPfie%Cl0Cker3i' ShïKlh;ï'd Boots and Shoes, T.scon and Si, uw Bonnet. F Jovvers, Af. &c, all of which wiH be so'd as cheap as they can !3 u?.ïr : !ï any OlhC,r "'T ? THe abüVC Go vvcre select t I? f W aü U'G eí as,suldthe can convince purdiasere of hc tu ih ui vvhat we say. TlG „ghCst price will be paid for Wooí. Wc will also all k.nd. of produce in excliangp for (Sood ?! the i-hc-l Aun Arbor, May , 1844. 3_fJfAMES : GIBSON takes this mctliod of informinff Iii fnends and old ■ customers . that lic has a-ain enÏSSSSESÜ busiress and is llow 8w a - J 1 GROCERIE8, CROCKERY, SHELi. HARDWARE NAILS, &C. &C " WIÊÊÊÊ0$. as Cltoap as SI COUNTRY PRODUCE wil] bc laken in exchnngc for Goocl?. J& Tnkc riomun's Vord; but cxamiuo for yoursclves at No. 5, Huron nlock, Lowcr Vlllajic,. ■ Ann Arbor, May 15, 1844. 4_GmWtfticc to IVfci-chnhts. npHE Subscriben encuiu;ited by tho pntronX .ge they have hiiiierto received in tbe wno.osale depnnmentoftheir business, will (he r'j-st day o f Miy next. oponthe store now occnned ly Geo. Grenvüle. froniing ojo Hurón irocr, and cónnecting wjtli tlieir present Bfore n ibe renr. e.xcluaively f'or n WHOLE SALES ROOM; vhore they will lt&cp at all tunes .a íull assori- mont of Dnj Goofh, Boots, fy Shoes Carpctvisr Hals, Caps, Paper -ffaiigings; Bonuets, Crockeri bilhe Crale, Hardware and Groceries, $r. fr dll of wliich will. be sold on as rood [erms as al :uiy poiut lüisa.dc ol'Now York Cuy. G. D. ÍI1LL& CO. Ann Arbor. March 2(. 1841. ' ' Wtñ - - 1 : FtaTE Of MlfinGAN. _Wn&!itc'nuv Coiuv.y, $ irgH E Circuit Comt tbr ilie eounty ofWnshteX nnw of the term ■ .(" June. A. Ü. one thousand egn hinuJred and foity tour. ro wit, the touruer.rl) clay of September, in the year eighteen hundred ntu! forty four. Tn the matter of the perition of Caroline E. Willard, prnymg for a divorce froin her Inisbnnd. Oliver O. VVillurdj for :he causo of extreme crueity, nnd fnr nol providing a suitable niaintenahce-for pethionc-. and it nppearing trom sui-1 petition that the sai d .01 ver O. is not a resident f this St:üe, so ;is to bc personally served wiih notice of the filfng orsaïd peuiion, o.n tnotión of John Allen, 'Attorney lor said pelitioner, ii is ordered by the Cotia, -that the said Oliver O. Willard do appear nnd tmswar unto the said peution on or before the fust day of tile ne.t Term "f this Cotirt. and that a copy of this order be pubiished in the Sinal of Liberty, a newspnpcr pubüshed in Ann Arbor, six times successivdy, "ncc jneaci week, tlic last pubücation to be at Isast tl;iity üays bcforc lio íiist din of tito r.cxi term of tuis Couit. which will bo on thn first 'I'nesday oí J3ccein!)er next. and tliai a pnper Coniaining said notice bc sent by njail to the toun of' Wincisor. in the SrW of Vcnnuiu, directed to the snid Oliver O. Willard. A copv pf order.. Ai test, . E. P. GARDINKR. ÓUr% dr. Covrl. Joi:n Ai.t.j:n. Attoiney for ' PctifJonr.r. 22WRieiHT'S ïletlir-atcd Piaster, spreail for . itnmediate use PilICK OXLV O.NE SHILLING, IX ORDER, TO PLACE TflEM WITIIINTHË MEAN'S OF ALL. ÍN slight .-ïilnicn!?. bv v hert; the pntient prclers a lesa -exponsive articlc limn the iLAnii-inliutnniory nnd Rheumatic Piaster," these will be iound higlily. bonelicinl. Bcing alreudy spn-rul f'or immetliciie applicniion. thpv will bc iound vcry convenient for WEAK Í3ACKS. Pain or Wéakncss n the Side. Brenst. Stoinnch. bcLsvcen the'Sliouldeis. or wheroycr Uicre.ia Pain, or where n Piaster is ncedecl. Tney moy be tcntiered m'ofe sëiiitienbie by píisting a piece' óï cloth óli the, back of theni before they are spplied. Muluiudes'hnve been relieved of pain and suilemm by ihrsc Cbenp Piasters. For Salo ;it Mobely's Bookstore, nnd by J. T. Siocking, Travelling. Agent for Michigan 1G-]y WOOL! WOO2_! , ir-)j[; CLOTH! CLOTfff! nHE Subsciibers would inform Uie Public -L thcy will continue to manufacture goodat Mnnufnctory, two and a half miles weit of'Ann Arbör, on ihó Ifaron, on the followin TER MS. ÍJntíl tire firstdny.o November. A. D. J844. '.he price.vvill bc 37 cents per yarcj, or half the cloihthe vw wijl make. Trom the'lst oí November ;(, the T;",th of Muy. 1845, the price wi] be 33 cents per yard, or nine twentieths of tlie cloih the. woul wil] makc. thntis, 45 yards out of! 100 mainifnctiired. Tho wool will Le mnnufauuueil ti nun na it may come into the (nctory, as near as may be wiih reference to the diflbrent qualities. Any person who wilt furnish one or more pareéis of wool froin 80 to lüOpoundeof one quality can have it ïnanufaetured by itsolf. 'Vool willbe rece:ved at Scia. Wool sent by Railroiid will be attended to in the same manncr is íftheowner were to come with il- it slionld be carcinlly 'marked. We have manufnctnrcd cloih during the pnst year f'or a very large_number of customers. to whom we believe we have gi ven very general salisfaction Wnh these faclR and the advantages ofieied by the Iow pnce at which we ofler to manufacture cloth, we hopefor alarge slinre ot'e SAMUKL VV. FOSTEÏl & CO. Seto, VVashteiiaw Co., July 25, 1844. 3-tf CAME into thecnelosureof the Subscriber on or about the 20ih of September last, a dark réd heifer, about three br four years oíd. Tho owncr is requestcd toprove property, paychnrre and tako her away. UtA BECKLEY. Ann Arbor, October 7, 1844. 8w21Mew Kat Store. f AMES G. CRANE would rispcctfnliy inJ fonn the Public, that h.e has opened k fin stock of Ho?, Cöps, Stocks, Cravais, Scarfs, Collar. s, 'Umhrcllas and 'Ötoves, át No. 105, Tèflerson Avenue, Detroit, nenrU oppoisue the Ui S. Couii [loom and Post Offlco whero be w.ll be hap. u, .seo hs (rienda and siipply them wnh ns good h nriicfë n luVlini as cun beprocurcd, eithor hr;ie or at theeast. and .■ ctortp. Gentlemen in the inferior, wisliing n flrst mtc lashionnble.articleo.ifjntsr C;ips. -eanbe upplied by sending iheirsize or have any stvle furttWMd to order in a hours, and carmvtedto auit. Oallandsee- k.jiiny. save yon á dollar „ . T , JA MUS G. CRANK; Detroit,; July 12 181-1. J.'J Gn ANN.ARBOR 01 L MILL. npill-: subsciibers would give notice thnt thev 3. are engnged in manü&cflui-ing LINSEFD UiiJ; and are prepfired to fuiivsh oii of he best qualny to mervhants and painiers. cheap as , can l,e o!.;,ined from tíiQ Kust.' - Öncxclwn-ed for I-Inx seed at the rate of a gnllon of pil Ú FÍaxlíd. c%ulWBiïmfot PULCIPÍIKU & JUDSON. Arm Arbor, (Lower Vfllage,) Sêpt. 6. IS4J ' i; L0-1 y. Ii. B. WAXKISR'S'PATEIÑ[p SMüT MACHINE. rpriE Subscribers take tliismeihod of informX ill sucb as re cng.-igcd in. ]ie MUliai business ; in the Smteof M.chignn. thar thev are now manufacturing in Ann Arbor. WhátítántW Couniy, Michigan, L. B. Walker's , .Patent Siut .OTacfeinc, u ÍIS, "ÍPWéíhAflhítri „..chine -lucains all llic inciion „f i,e wbeat. ruid unimgsimphcty wi,, d„r;1bil„y: [ con.Vmcs the (n'''in' TU?ng'an? bl0Wi"= PVWSWPM chargffig the dust and smut as ast as sepnrated rom the w,lent. This machine is plrSy seeuro ,rom fire, nnd rims müeh Ifglfter thbn anv mher mac mie in use. For fanher informnt ion =ec lnrge b.Us. Shop 4 otvé, 1W; , Pricë; 'wngreC nl tllC A11 or(lers fr Maïhinps wil be prompily attended fo. Address, E; O. A:, A. C RITTEN OEN T.,1P is?."" Arbür? WflsIuc!1:i C?.M Mich.' e .ARfagpt.BE BE AT r j JYEJVBÓOT, HIJOEJIJYD LEATHÈR Ann Arlar, Lower Town ' &U Q PKLCM !,„„ removed ■ ft i} ƒ -- his establishment frOfli ƒ tiio Ljjper tu ihe Lmver VilII ,%é 4, Hurón Block, lÉï _dSg%whpre hc h"]ds '""isell ín gs3i rendí ncss to 'dress the ilv.n ■, m (lr-rt:nuinLrS" oí' evcry Man. ffjíli&j. v ornan and Cliild wlio will ; ; givehim a tlie nentcst. and best mnnnerthat can be done in Michicnrr' ■EATMER and FINDJLXGS of all kuuU consiantly on hnnd. WANTED, C.vAand Hielen in r,ny q,,nniilies. 'for which the higlicst priecs will be given. ICTLet none pnrcliase uniil ihcy have called at Felch's. No. 4'. Hurón Block. Aun Arbor, May 4, 1814. 3_ly ;SÍÑCLAlET&rCTAS ATTORJYEYS Aftn COUJVSELL0K8 AT LJlfV, (OKFICK ).OM)K TOWX, ANX AR15OIÍ,) Will „end 'o all business in thoir propon with aiidehiy and déspáiéh. Paricular auenuo will be given to cüllecting' ; íaj .o-i e ;. uor.Krrn.. swcí.ajr. ebwap r. chvseMarch 20, IH44. i8 ]v - - Eftnq i ,_ -_, , .'; _ POLLA RI) TKllIPEJKArVíJE IEO1JSE, BYL. D. &,O, WEYBURN, Ncúrthe SlcambouLand Packet Landing, ■ . ■ Buffalo. HISestobl8hment lins, dtiring the past ■■ JL ter. been considerably enlnrged, añdjniproved M-itli ncw í'urniture, etc., and is n'ow ready to mnke the Travellor at home, at tbc moderate chnrses of 25 cents per meal. and 87 per day - passengere and bnggnge conveyed to and froin the House free of charge. N. B. Passongers from the East will find a Sign for the flouse, in the Depot, under which to place thcir bagage. We, the 8ttbscnber8, take plonsure ti recommendíng the above house to the friends of the cause, as being well worthy of patronage. C. T, RAND, Pres't Pollard Temp. Soc. Ií. MILLAJID. Sec'y do do do E. D. JIOB1NSON, Pres't Y. M's T. S. D. A. FOBES, Sec'y do do Buflolo, July, 1844. 21 -8w. vTJÍE MISSES CLARKS' YoMngr Ladics' Seminary, AXN ARI50R, MICHIGAN. MARY II. CLARK, Principal. MISS fc?sT%CIVARK' VÍCG & U. 1'. SCHOl'F, do of Classics. TMIS lnstimiion has been in operntion since November ÏSJ g3Ö. Thescholnstic "car embraemg forty-eight iveek., wo .ern4, - [ 3iBg ivo qnaners oneh-twelve weceks ffi a K ter- a geneial exnnunatio al die close of each term- m Kbruary and Augi:st. 'he Inst qunrtéf of tlie present term com mcnce.1 Mr y 20,1, Aírer „ '.„on.h's Z;Z . t he close o ilnsquarter, which ende .he ÜÓh&í w;;tt;vSílgflinrtísulliedthefir6t cJí'"')?Kü-üm0:'- For the En?lis!l hra"ches, ,oU to.-j.rj per quarier. JVo rednetion mnde fe I Drawing and Pninting, Fancv Work. ■ ! "(' Bóanl, ÍWflfldlhi wnshíng, Kffi &c iTO per week U jad „, advance, or$í 00 per Weék if.ul at the doso of ihc qunrien inrents niid guardiona are nvitecl to visit thr school everv FnUyr when the studies of ' jesday afiemoon, at rea.lingof the wckly ComYoung Indios desirous oí entering il,e school jtóMB to convence at the begining' of the Ilaving purehasmia henl;hy and con.ruodious I'! Icí.ngm a piens.-nn nml convenion, Sfi of i le v.Unge, no pnms or expenso shnll be spnrcc o íac.lHH.e the s.udíes qnd render the situad, n ó he voung laches profiu.ble ;,nd ngrocabjc Bclonging lo le sdiióii are a Librar'vofho rween HiW and four Innulred volume -nndHiosoplncal :.Apparatu? Mnchinc, U &c, Sccntclectiuesarc delivered. Vefore th' School at ornnw nin..L -H'ft. mtt"u]'vi itJIUl Vult). The Misses Clark wj cnde.-ivor. nut onív t„ ' mn,t BHendri'y "er moral depot With n decp scnse or religieus rcspnnibilnv üiev woura such a toncTo oharai ,s Ei renderit praei.cally íh.edfor every s il on -viel' ing toduty but f.nn Io principie. } Among t!,c hooks used i„ .lie school ore Ah-Kanes Ele.nents of Criricism-Wnyland1on.l nnd '1 hnd JJooUs of: JVFis. ' Wil .ml s Repub l,c of An-.oric-Pl.dps' Le2nl Cl. ï- Wm,af P WfeP Dnvie's Algebra and Tha M,,seö Clnrk hnvc ,,„,,1,1 a Young L9rï 5IokeofgpQoWyB, and M,s. ];„„„', Wilhnl. &i Jroy. IS. Y.; ulso, refèrènce is made. by permiwTÓn; to the following gBJöjJew, n : Kt ifov 8. A. McCoskr.v I). D„ itobert Kurn-soy nnd L. B. Misncr. Rsqrs ., Dnioit; Rev. ,c.g; Kcicliam ((;nircv,lle; Rev. J. Jiudson. Whi.e Pgeon Rey. J. J. "CJovelnnd. nnd Ceo.' Ke'ti-h i. 1 I. Jimg. jVJ.dugan Cemre: E. IJ. Winnn. VVliet-lcr. M. D.. ITowo!: Jcv. p. R Ci n i - Grand Raps; Rev. Ff. Co,lnWr. Re Tí Fuch S. Dentón, M. D . P.,. M. D ín"' P V'ííf íiteW b Wi fr %P! son; E. Mumly, E... J„in Allen. Esq., tfeo. V Jeu-ctt. ESq., C..I. Thomas Mosdv, Ca,t I. Perkms I homns M. L;,dr!, P S:,wver. Jr Fsq. late Suporiniendenf „f Public Ins.rucrioñ.' I rofrS91,rS Wlmin?. Willinnvs anl t!3Hn] ol jhe.-UiiivUr8iiy of Michigan. Am, Afflbe&cJiJmtfe M.rds.11 and Rev. John Bcach, Flint; A.uis i Mond. T.q., FèVmihgtüm! The,n"len,on; R(v TI. Oolclwr' Rev O. (,. Cometock, R.v. A. M. Fi,rh. ,{i;v. Mr. Ciirris3i Prof.-ssors Whiting and Wüli.-.nis of (he University of Michigan, nnd F. Sauvcr' Jr.. late Supenntendent of Public InsirncÑon! , havo consemed toact asa viking con,,ni„ce ol ' the school to be present whén the wrekly u'üee " me rev.ewed; b„t espctfially to atiend aUrlWííí spim-anriiül oxaniinations. ' ,Sep(emhcr.4, ISC5. Otf 9 . , . Jtt t1 . _____ ■ _■__ ■ - . f 'JJ 31 ' ■" -áw ví ; 'Wkicíhtjs; ■■-■ ■ ANTI-INFr.AMMATORV AND RHLU MATIC PLAÍSTER, A N cllicicm remcly Ibr HJieumaiism. Fevei .jTÍ Stores Swdlings, Fduns, Enu, „i wcknoss ln , he H;ak. JJ,o,s(. Side or Barns, ruIsf;?) C,nn,pS; Clnlhhnní. Liverarif! Lung aíRcuons . IndoJpnt Tumors. Spina! tófeo. inall Inflámmfttory disenses. Clnoníc 01 opérales hy hmiá&cixefár au4 W,,,'o- lníhn.ntion, nli.ving l':in. Su'ca,in. , c parís afiected1, and l.y iI8 sSengíh,ng ;ui(i Al,o. dyne proporties giving speedy relief. Aio inv:íualyens an ami-mei curial plaste Príce ?5 ceñís per JJox.- Fpr furrier particuInrs, spe circulatrng. Pna.phlel.) p,jí sale ai Aluselcy s Bookstorc, Ann Albor, and J. T btocknr, travelling agent for Michigwi.J E W E ,,R ir . " JpiScj fTlMK subsuriber liovim SU3 _ just received a newad Jrf J ''i''011 :o li i iörmer stock ol Jp -Mx GtíocIs is fwpore'd lo sel (U;p i& uj#Si l'icm clitjnp for Cnsh. A(ÍX-' c nion= wll'ch may be iomu ÊStoO'lie fü1IüwinS: Gold l''iuger Rings, nnd Bosoni Pins, Ileris;i!)d Crosses, Silver nnd Comnion Thimbk's-, Watcli Cluiins and Keys, PenilC; nlsn. Spoons, önirar Bows Bulior Knivcs, Tooih and Hair lïrujhes, Pocket JJook8,Violm Strings, Needlcs, Pin. Hopks, and Eyes, MJW ifth Spectncles, Fine . r. vjh -, Dressing Cnii)l).=, Side Coinbs. B;.ck G6ni, Pocket Cotnbs, Waler Pitiiits. Murkmg Colton, Sieèl Pens. nnd Tvcasers.NSiuiíF&TobnceoBóxeí, Elnsiics. A-c. All of u-liicli will'be sold aclieap ns nt any'othor cstfili] sJitncnt tlu's side of New York. N. B. The subscriber tlinnkful for so largt & shiire of public patronage, still solicitsn coniinuftHce oCihe same. CL0CKS AND WA TC11ES of evcry description repaired and warrnnled. Also, JEVVEI.RY repaired on short noticc. Shop at 1)18 oíd siand direcilv opposite ihe Couri ■House. Cashphid for old Gold nnd Rilver. C BLJSS. Ann Arbor, Jiïly 1, 1844. 2S-ly.1844 w ii o l eITalIí jr e t a i l . 1 S7 JEI'FHÜSON A V R N U E , DETROI T. Keeps constnntly forsnle a complete nssaitment ., ■ of Misccllaneous, School and Classical Books; Letterand Cap Paper, phiin and ruied, Quills.'Ink. Sealing Wax, Cuilery, WrappingPapf.r, Printing Paper, of all st.cs; and Book, News and Caniöter Ink. oi various kinds. I BLÁWZ BOOKS Fullnndhalf !onnd, of every.variety o Ruling MEMORANDUM BOOKS, &c. To Meichant8. Teachers, and others, tmying n quantities. a Iafpe discount mndo 3ABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 5l-tf.SÜGAÏTcOATEn OR I Improved Indian Vegetable PILLS. pesia; Ilennburn; Pervertid A„„ ■ ' DsWorms; Pmn n the Head, Sid li i CLIlcí Slonuch: Scrofuln, Scurv' o ï„ ?k; Y of iba lilood; Obstructioni'aTdFen '7rille l'lainis genera] ly. ' aieniale Com. npHKRR hns nevcr anncnrpr? .o do so much -rood. Tl,ey e" c e?í ?'Cuíi3 spiraucu n„d open all phe S uraVdS "". mm] THe obs.ruction of Sa4ta!n8pOf tlle :s Uie c:i6e of a greot nrnn! ?'"E P:l:sp'man extrnordinnrv dötrree f .?.. siructions, and sftriThenlSrí1?1 Cmr.ciiKN will nothcsimicto tnkctl, il.cymny bc rdirden. hc-yo.,.1 nny o,he r ?d om nllcomplumts mcid.nt to clnl.Ircn mJ&' clnldrcn been cured in New York il,, ent yenr; by the use of Dr. !?Mn,( P ' .f all oiher medicines cembined- ns il,ór„S' lnn nccd ol forcing (Urn da,cv, likë 0 , Í f" eines. One in.ponnnt ndvnn i-, r í?n ? ' di" püUis, they do „ot eriro, nSdíífe' 1 hc rürcctiotis and frcntrrcni „f Ai Ñ" 'jSUGAR COATRD prr i s 18 2, iv,„ amu g,,sP'l8eí! f "I"1CERTfFICATES'j wi VY{e are not m wsnt of ccriificnics of I hftft öhornctcr, pon, „, from „!t. n ■LSH sourees. Jl'Ptcjuüj.e [From t Nopï.ew „,- „,e ,„fe JU?ge Thom$ Dr. Pm.rn'.s'innovedlndinn Ve-a' ,b e Pili.' The io !,WII1u.:uiv IS (00 wp, , ;;kJ:1H,c1-li,,dlIEc!,con1J)l1i!;inl,11op;:: [Vom il.cT.oxof.LcU. SN,U1.!I(,,,. Ar-ru.ion.c! :s I m !o n.lmini.ier to ,]1P m,R "i.'ik rncf. i! .s Dr. hmu's S.-.r Pü!s. J h,Vl. wt'i rTriniI ""■r':lLem l?v8S t. In.i.r:, duung pregnnncy, ,lu-se pilJsn.e „ Bro'iklyn, .Iioe Kh!,, itíH-4r ' [Fmn. the Dcpuiy üiicifiof .( i Ii; Bvitnfs yúMhá rñcfian Vf.rr(.:,l.l( Kil." l.nve !een ..iC(l j„ ,jlu Jddrie-St. De!,iori' l'r,s:n wul. uncommon sniisföciion. ] have never 1';;il(l H"'lu-m, ntofcrn of wi,, ,no,e n:i I y iliu aick wlio have taken these pills ; [AN KXTIIAORDINAIIY CURE ] .1 ! ivcv-i recor.i nn jnsui nee of unpawiJeitld su1eguraynicn must liove lenn nnicd'inv exin r 184. . r Ifáil n sci-ortfluHs „iW.i.-r, hiel,' „enri covcred my hoily wiih SOips, imd rendervthtaeJnnntfortife. : h, iiecoiusciofiwg n.oiuhs I wasnitm-kcd wiili 'ever, whícli ft,g(j witli gieb', vi(). lencfl. J i.ok innny ..proscriprions, but Jiout ro!te . Mv siiíIItíiií; was aiunt. iJ18. (Joudi (whom J sh;ili over remoi.lber u-jtli esicenO mlvise tn; 1() u.-e ihcsr Siijjnïèicf pílls, whic-li Í toolc ui Inijre d.isfs n 1,-w (vs. whfii i)te ever nnd pain ilwed. I continiiod ilicte pifoi smal! du&T, nbont five vv.-eks, wlen my fever nnd croiiil.i wero L-ured. my Mood compleicly purifitd Rhd'my cncnil Jienlth improved. , J nnj cejtnm I owe my lifu, under Piovidcncc, K? ilíe use' of these pilb. E. M. PARK, New York. JF„ Jas. M. Tumor, E,,,,, ,;„e of (he ü. S.. liiave heen nillicied fcvomI yCnrs wiilihAjJiinoss in (lic lircnsi, cosliyeiieps ai;d a difliciiliy fl brc-nhinii ; vvhs Inicly more ihan ever iroubled, ihmiiih 1 linfhák.n „mñy pfa-aíilcd remedies - Uiiuug!, the ndviue,o,l , n f r, d, J pme ui cd DrS.Mnn s Pnieiii tiuumvd V,lk. whieh I uscd. amil ilny li.-ivc iiot om!) re]c[ luit emiiely currd! my coinpi.iiinp. Iy n ile W'.-iIbó' ueed xhëhv vviih tl mosi happy cilcds-, I hclicye ihcm thehest medicine ni' tie woild .üíii icon j;v 51 (,y(?ert'ictniSt.v&'. Hí?r Refeis fo Uod. Silus Wripht. U. S. Scnate. . PERFECT CURE OFVVORJV1S.Cur "linie íirl, (5 ycaiè oíd; has sufiered nll dio worst stages of vvorms: and we-hovc liever fomxl an (ñ'.cm;il cure, uivil we niiministerod Doet. Smith's Surnr l'ills. wjiicji our little girl took .without the lenst ri.s'.-ttmrc, n eWes oftwontn time; und vo uevV wimrssed sudi ,a so snort a tiiiio'. The pills bióughi a'way i ma8 of' worm?, nifd she at once iniprovecl. Slicjs now ín jovüiis lionltli. We liavc nlso found (he grciitrs; benefit frniii iheir use. ' ''-'ij'rtTifqoq JACOB CAKLOCK,:fiStnp!e st., N. Y. We have many certificates of euros in case of WOJtMS. [Fium n Indy well known ;n New York.] 1 have been troubled for yenrs wiih dizzinesaund pain in ilie he;id, aitendéd witlrdeprëssioiu dimnes-sof sight, &c.-. which have been entirely cured by Dr. Smitij's "Siigared Indion Vpgeioble Fillti." I prize ibis medicine ahovenll others SARAH DOUGLASS, r_,, . ., Coner ' Lndiow and Walker-St. [Tbo foilowmgis hom oneofthe oldest anrf! fiiust respeciable farmers in IWadison Co.. N. Y. J t i cÁf!i0V1A:r' Ju]y ÍH 1 have used 40 boxes Brandreth's Piils, nndi as many n ore of diflerenu k.nds. „nd Í Ih nevër fm.nd ibat benefit from th'o use of j.o whota, ibat J have from itie uso of two boxen of Pn'ifM1THS 'iI"I'KUVKI) l!iViA Vkgetabli" They seem tó strike nt the fonmlation of niy disense, whicl is of a bilious clinroaler. IRA ALVORD. [Mr. Alvonl was. with another. die firal Petiler of tbc beauiilul village of' Cnzenovio ,'about oO years ago.] OLE) MEN nnd YOUNG JMEN havo, without nutnber, given thcir t.3iinioiün"s foi thew excellent funiily pills. And MOTHERS 1 wc . wish we could lay before the world all ihe expres8ions of iipprobation which we have from them in New York. They wtould. alone üll thi page. The fact is, there never was sucha medu cine for the complaints of Chíldrix. For sale by G. & J. G. ÍJill, Detroit; Thoa. May, Jr., PlymoutH: Perrin & fialü, NorthViller Lund & McColJum, F. J. B. Crane, and W. S. & J. W. Moynardjünd G. Greuville, Ann Aror; nlso in Ypsilnnti, Dexter,. and throughout the United States. Office dcvoied cxclusivcly ta these Pillar, 179 Greenwich-St.. New York. CAÜTION Beware of miintionB. 20-Iy


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