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ATTENT ION CXiOTHIURS ! fUST received at t!ie General Depot, for the I enle of Clothiers Stock, Maclunery, Dye Bluffs, &c. &cM No. I3Ü, Jeffisrson Avenue, Detroit, the following lanre, well assorted, and inrefiilly eelected stock, viz: 100 bbla. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Tons " " a Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Fubüc, Cut. 5 Tons ' " in Stick, B0 bbls. Nic. Wood, Chipped, 60 M Lima Wood, ' 30 " Red Wood, " 120 U Ground Camwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, 600 Ib. NutgalU, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, JOO Ibs. Lac Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanish Indigo, 530 Ibs. Sumac Sicily, 3 Casks Madder, 3 Casks Blue Vitriol, B i sks Aium, 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 3 Barrels Cream Tartar, 3 Carboya Aqua Fortis, B " Oil Vitriol, 3 Muriattc Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdigris, 50 ■ Block Tin, Toaseis, Twine, Copper Kettles, all sizos, Parson's Shearing Machines, Curtís' " s Screwa and Press Plates, Cranks, Press Paper. Steel Reeds, Worsied Harnesa, Tentêr Hooks, Emery, all No's., Oüve Oil, Clothiers' Jacks, Sattinett Warp, Clothiers' Brushes, Shuttles, Pickers, Card Cleaners, &c. &c. The above, with a varicty of other artícles belonging to the trade, havo been purchased this Bummer by the subscribers from Manufacturerand Fir3t Hands in th New York, Thüadelphia. an.l Boston Iirkets, and every thing having res ceived his personal inspection. he can with the utmost conödence offer them to purchasers as tht best and most complete stoclïxn the country; and as it is his fixed determination (by the low rates at which he will sell) to Drevent the necessity ol our Clothiers and Manur-urers leaying the Siate to make their purchases, he wouid merel} ay to the trade, CALL, examine th$ íjoods and ascertain prices before you say you can buy cheaper anij xchere else. % He is also prepared to contract for CARD1NG MACIH'NES made in this State or Enst. PIERRE TELLER, Sign ofthe Golden Mortar, Ü9, Jefierson Avenue, ,{I7-tf.] Detroit. 'TO THE VÍCTOR BELONG THE SPOILS" ALTHOUGH many preparation in the form. of 'POPULAR MEDICINES," have been hefore the public, claiming to give relief and even cure the most invetérate diseases, vel none havft eo well ansvered iho purpose as Dr SHERMAN'S MfiDICATED LOZENGES Dr. Sherrnan's "COUGH LOZENGES" cure the mosl obstinate cases of Congh in a few haur8. They have cured a larce nvnnber of pergons who have been given up by their physicians and frienda, and many who havo been iedueed to the verge of ihe grave by spitting blood consumption and Hectic Fever. by their use have had ihe rose of health restored to the haggard cheek. ond now live to speak forth the praises of this invaluuble medicine. Dr. Sherman'a "WORM LOZEAGES" have been provedin more than 400, 0C0 cases to be infallible, in fact, the only certain Worm deitroying medicine ever discovered. Children will eat them whenthey cannot be forced to takcany other medicine, and the benefit derived fron-, the administration of medicine to them in thie form is great beyond conception. They havs ncver been kiown to fail. Dr. Sherman's "CAMPHOR LOZENGES' relieve Headachp, Nervous Sick-hcadache, Pal piiation of the Heart, and sickness in a very few minutes. Dr. Shern'an's "POOR MAN'S PLASTER" is acknowledged by all who have ever used it to be ihe best strengthening Piaster in the world. and a sovereign remedy for painsand weakness in the back, loin?, eide, breast. neck, Innbs. joints, rheuroatism, lumbago, &c. Be careful to procure the above and all other medicines of ifaynard's, and you will be snre there will be no mistakein quantity or charge. W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, February 5. 1844. 41To Clothiers, Iflanisíucíiu'ers and Merchante. THE subseriber is now receiving at his stores, J88 and 190 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, the foüowing carcfully and well selected stock of Dye VVoods, D?e Stuffs end Woolen ManFaCTUREr's MacHINEUY. 55 tons Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico'and Carthagena. 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair, Coro, Hache and Lima, 3 lons Cam?ood, verychoice, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, 131 " Fustic, ' " " 100 " RedWoods, " 120 ff Camwood, " " 10 " Qnerecitrón Bark. 45 Allum, 42 " Copperas, 30 ' " Blue Vuriol, 28 " Madder. Ombre, and Dutch erop, 3 " Cream Tarter, 2 Natgalls. 3 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manla and Gua tímala, 2 " Lnc-Dye, 20 " ext. Logwood, 2 Grain Tinr 300 pounda Verdigris, iS Cqrboya Oil Viíriol, Spirits Sea-Saltsand "Nitric Acid, ALSO, Coriper Kettles and Clothiers' Screwe, Tenter lïooks, Jacks and Brushos, Press Papers. Card Cleaners, Weavera' Shear3, Nippcrs nd Burling Irons, Comb platos, Pickera and Bobbins Wire. Worsted and Cotton Harness, Steel ant Cane Reeds, Broad Power, Hand Looms anc Fly Shuttles, Steel and Copper Mails, JEniery Ac. Pasons' Shearing Machines, 4, G, and Oblades Allen'8 doublé and single Carding Machines Machine Cards, Leices'.er, The above goods have been recently purchas4 directly from the importers and manufocturers, kici.usivelt ron cash, and will be 6old at the New York jobbers' prices, adding transportation only; and in consequence of the deeüne on mny of tbe American manufactured articlcs. will, in many enses, be sold at fifteen péb cekt I.ESS THAS FORMF.R PRicES. Thirteen years experiencc in the Dye Wood business enables the eubscriber to say to his customers ihat he is prepared at all times to warrant his goods ofsuperior quality. THEO. H. EATON. D?e Wood and Pye Stuff Warehouse T83 ond 190 Jtífierson Avenue. Deiroit. The A-in Arbor Journal, Ypsilanti Sentinel l'ontiac Gazette, Fünt Democrat, Adrián Exponior, Marshall Siatesmnn, Niles Courier and Republican, Gazette. Michigan City (la.) and vhe Enqairer, Lojidon, (Canada.) will ench publish ;ho aboye notice insidc, to iho amount of ree dollars, and sand copy of notice with bilis R) subscriber for payment. 17-tf. JEROME M. TREADWELL, ATTORNEY ANU COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WILL attend to the sale and exchange oí Lands, payment of Taxes, and reclemplion of Landa aold for Taxes in ackson and adjolning- counties, examination of Titles, Conveyancing, and all business pertaining to Real Estáte. Olfico in tho Court House. Jackdon, Michigan. 17-tf. CHARLES H. STEWART, ATTORNFY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, MTTTJUiOy .VTBKDE DETROrT. 49. UDR. SMITH'S ITNITERSITY PBLLS rpHF.SE Pilis are prepared by Wm. M. Smilli, M. D., Inte Profcsoor of Materia Medica and Pharmacv in ihe Universiiy of Lake Erie. Ohio. Ür. Smiih would say to the public, that in offering them iLis Pili, he presen ts no qunck nostrum that will by iis irritating eflects upon ïhestomal-h andboucls créale drsense whére ihere was littlc or none belbre, but oue thai is safe. mild. salutnrv and uniiorm in itscffects upon thowholesystem. ,' He would 'say ihtet he hns now speiu 120 years in research and mvestigalion. direct ed to the Pa tholiy ol disenso, nnd tha proporties of medicinal substances, and their ndaptmion lo the remo val of the maladies io which flesh ís tieir. Aa iho result of these labors, he is now able to give to the public a combinaiion of medicinal vegetable substances. which is as near porfeciion. os -care.ul study and close investiealion. tests and expei imams, can bring it. He would say to i'hysicians. as wellasotheJB, iryililspill; il will not deeeive you. . It is pecnliarly adapted to the removal and prevention ol the lollovnng diseases: üilious. Intcrmittant, and Remiitant Pevern; Fever and Agne, Cot'gh, Liver Complnints, Sick Headach, PnssiveDropsy. Rhru.natism, Eniargemec of tlie Spleen. Internal "ilep, Colic, Acidity of the Stomach, Incipient Diarrhoea, Habitual Costiveness. and in all cases of Tornor of the Bowcls, whena cathartic. aperient, oroherame, ie. needcd They are mild. yet certnin in their operntion. producing neither nausea, griping, nor debility. The agents of these Piüs are instructed. n case ftiH sanafaction 6 not given to'any person who may parchase them, that they shall have their inonoy refunded. TEST1MONIALS IN FAVOR OF DR. WM. M. SMITH'S UNIVERSÏTY PILLS. ■ ■ TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LANDOS Mo.nroe, Michigan, June 12, 18-14. Dr. Smith - Denr Sir, - T tnke much pleasur in giving rny testimony in favor of your valuable UNÍVERSITY PILLS. I most clieerfully recommeiul them to the public as n safe, easy, and efficiënt cathartic for most of the diseases incident to this región of country. I have made extensiva use of' them for four years in my practice, and I believe them to be the BEST AiUi-bilious Calhnrtic or Aperient' medicine ever combined and offèred for gen eral use. Yours, &c. GEÖRGE LANDON, M. 1. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. TELLKR. Masillox, Ohio, May lst, 1344. Dr. Smith Sir, ï toke much pleasure in hearing tesUmouy to the efficacy of your Piüs ín removing bile from the stemacb, deterging the Livcr. ond (n all complnints emanaLingfromthatsource. V". C. TELLER, M. D. TESTIMONIAL OF. F. L. WELLS. Watekkoo, Mich., March 10, 18-14. To Dr. Smith Sir, - For tipards of six manths I was cruelly afflicted with Fever and Ague, and during that time could find notliing that e;ave me permanent relief; at length however your University Pilis were lecommended to me by one of the best Physicians in these parfc; and I am happy in being oble to say, that from the use of one box I was perrmnently cured ofmyague: since then a numher of my family have been as eignally benefitted. Your?, Rcppecifu'Iy, F. L. WELLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL G00DN0W. Mon'ror, Mich., June 1, 1844. I herehy certify that Dr. Wm. M. Smith has been my Family Physician !br four years last past; that he has used his University Pilis in hia praciice in my family with nnparalleled success; and I think them preferable lo anv pill for bilious affection in the world. DANIEL GOODNOW. Innkeeper, Mucomb-Sl. House. TESTIMONIAL OF D. S. PARSHALL. Flit, Mich., June 5, 1344. Dr. Smith - I om happy lo give you my cordial npproval of your University Pilis. I im able to keep off Fever ond Ague, and Fevers to which all of us are subject in this West;rn Country, by the timely use of your University Pilis, Send an Apent this way as soon is p-iss-ihle. for we nro all on:. Yours. fee. D. S. PARSHALL. TESTIMONIAL OF MESSRS. NOBLE AND FYFIELD. We certify that we are and have been personally ocqnainted with Wm. M. Smith, M. D., and Inow that he isa man oí eminence in his profession - and that for four years he illed the chair of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in the Willoiicfhhy University of Lake Srie, with honor to himselfand saliffaclion to tlie Trustees and FacuJtv, as well as to the Studenis of ihe above University. As for his Pilis, they are 'par excellence." CHARLES NOBLE. Monroe, Mich., June 19, 1844. B. F. Fl'FIELÜ. TESTIMONIAL OF RIAL B. CHASE. This I cert'fy, that in the month of September last, I was attacked with Billious Fever (while awav from home at Owas-so to build a water wlieel) and with one dose of Smith'tsUniversity Pilis, I broke it up; and as many others were srek at the timo, I admiriistered these PiJls to them, and in all cases it bioke up their fevers. I have used them many times since, ind with great success. They are the best pills I ever used. RIAL B. CHASE, Millwright. Shiawassee Town, Mich. June lst, 1844. TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAIL C. WRÏGHT. This may certify, that three years ajo I was attacked with Liver Complaint so severely tlmt I could fcarcely turn myself in bed; I used many specifica and remedies, 'kuch as Brandreth's, Repurrectnn, Oriental, and other pills, but with little or no effect. One year 3go, my friend Hr. Smith called on me on his way to Boston, when he gave me a box of his University Pilis, which perfectly restured me, and my health has not affain puffered from like can'se. ABIGAIL C. WRÏGHT. Rochestcr, N. Y., No. 13, Frnnklin Street, June L5, 1844. TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN W. MILLER. Dear Doctor - Justice requires me to state, tliat I have sold yourUniversify Pilis for one and a half years last past, and that I can se!l no others while I have them on hand. The) have superseded the sale of all others- their effect is truly wonderful. JOHN W. MILLER, Drv%gisl. Monroe, Mich., June 12, 1844. For Saleby J. H. LUND, Lower Town, and WM. S. fc J. W. MAYNARD, Uppei Town, Ann Arbor. 13-ly.■ O -'" fl " q ." - uÉ O CO O O JO Wg s S. llptf ÉP feïS5ï I B p T ga g.Ig.l&s 2cñ vT" a fea 2 siSfs" 3 y O 3.a- S 9 ffi = tfe,. P ffl b g-g go- ; ( W ft ? iílPí H te p h O á tíSB g g-s: o. i 3 4 ■!■■■! Jnjim t rt t =r w W_ ñifla J3B = El fll g I H B B sT sr S H-M f 2t5 i e W i 5 Itïlïi s- fe ö . mar " "" liaÉ n. - 2. - - --r. g 5 % f i-ilfl a , a j 3B -l-#l'ia ig S, 9S pp 5 L■ zr 5 g-jo m. " K EgHJ ■s {-♦ ü - rrt " ( i f . Ata-'VJ 3 fHiz L O M & Iflfl S? . INEW GOOB AT THE CASH STORE OF &, J. Ij. D AVIDSOMT, Jlnn JlrhEr9 Lower Yillage ÏUST received at the above establishment, a complete assortment of Groceries, Crockery, Shrlf Hardware, Boots and Shocs, Tuscan and Sfraw Bonnets, Flowers, &r. &c, all of which will be so!d a3 cheap as they can be bonght at any other slore in Michigan. The above Goocis were seleeted u'iih great care, and we teel assured that we can convince purcíiaserá of ike truth of what we say. The liighest price will be paid for Wool. We will also receive all kinds of produce in exchange for Goods at the liighest market price. Purchasers aie respectfull)1 invited to cali and examine for ihemselves. Arm Arbor, May , 1844. 3-f "AMES GïBSON takes this method of 'informing his friends and oid customers that he has again entered the Mercantile buiress, and is now opening a general and splendid assortment of GROCERÍES, CliOCKERY, SHELF HARDWARE NAILS, &G. &C. all of which will be offerreri to the public as cheap as the cheapest, for Cash or Barter. Wool and mot kinds of COUNTRY PMOBÜCE will be taken in exchnnge for Goods. $gp Take no man's word, but examitie for yourselves at No. 5, Huron Block, Lower Vlllage.. Ann Arbor, May 15, 1844. 4-8 m.Joticc ío I?3eicÏEasils. THE Siibsciibers encouraged by patronage they have lmherto received in ihc whinesale depnriment of their business, will the f!rst day of May next. open the store now oceupied by Geo. Grenville. froming on Hurón street, and connecting wiih their present store n ilie renr. exclusivoly for a WLÍWlLI fc3LLt2iLC0 ÈtoWWSfij wbere ihey wíl I keep at all unies a Juli assoitment of Dry Goods. Boots, fy Shocs Carpelïng Hals, Caps, Paper Han gin gs, Bonnels, Crockery by Ut e Crale, Hardware and Groceries) '8c. 4'C. -, all of which will be snltl on ns goor] terms as al any point tlüs side of New York City. G. D. I-UL.L-& CO. Ann Arbor. March 20, 1841. 48 1 f. THE followingindispcnsahlc family remedies may be fouhd at Maïxard's Druggist ütore. in Ann Albor, wb'e're none will be sold unless kr.own to bc of the best kind and no counterfeit article ever o fie red, patent medicine nvariably procured ot the origui.l inventor or his regular successor: D33 iVb famil'j should be a iccck xoitko'-it these remedies, jj BALÜNESS. Balm of Co'umLia, for 'the Unir, which wil stop it if falliiig out. or restore iton bald places; an'l on children make it grow rapidly, or en thos-e wbo havo lost the hair from any cause. ALL VER MIN thatinfest the héads of children in schools, are prevented or killed by ii a once. Find l-.e nnmc of COMSTOCK on it or never try it. Eemcmbcr tliis alicays. PILES, &c. are whol!jjfprcvenicd, or governed i filie aUnck has come n, i i yon use the only true Hays' Lísimknt. írom Comstock & Co. All SORES, and every thing relieved by it ihat admiis of an outwardapplication. íi aelslike a chaan). Use it. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENKSS positivelycured; all shrivelled musele-s and limbsare rasipfè'd'i in the oidor younj, by theírirfwn Vegetable EUrir avd Ne.rre and Bone Liniment - bul never without the name of Comstock & Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE -.villoradicate all WORJViS in children or adulis with a cerlainty quiie nstonishtng. TOOTI1 DROPS. Ki.ikks- cures efiectunlly Ann Arbcr, Feb. 5, 1844. 41Wm&HT'S Vleeïieated, IPlagtcrj spreail for initnvdiate usc PRICE ONLY ONE SHILLING, IN ORDER. TO1 PLACE THEM WITHIN THE MEANS OP ALL, IN slight öiimenta, or wherc the pnlient prefers a less expensive article thnn the i!Anti-inílnniatory and Rieumalic Piaster," these willbe round highly benelicial. Being already spread lor iminediate applicaiion, thej' will be ibund very convenient for WEAK BACKS, Pain or Weakness in the Sido. Breast. Stomach. between the Shoulders, or wherever there is Pain, or wherc a Piaster is needed. They may bo rendercd more serviceable by pnsting n pïcee of cloth on the hack of them before they nro oppl.ied. Multimdcs'hnvebnen rclieved of pain and sufferins by ihcse Chenp Pln8'ers. For íáale at Muiely's Booksiorc. and by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. 1G-Iy CLOTH! CLOTH!! f ïHE Subscribers would inform the Public X (lint they will continue to manufacture good Qt 'heir Manufactory, two and n half miles ve?t oi'Ann Arbor, on the Huron, on the iollowing TER MS. Until the first dny ol November. A. D. 1844. the price will be 37 cents per yard. or hnll the cloth the wool will tnakc. From the Ist of November to the 35th of May, 1845, the prica will be 30 cents per yard, or nine twcritieths of the cloth the wool will mnkc, tlmtis. 45 yards out oT If!0 rnanufactured. 'J'he wool will be nianulactured in turn as it may come the actory, as near as may be wiih reference to the different ■qunlities. Any peison who will furnish one or more pareéis of wool froin 80 to 100 pounds of one quality can have it manufactured by iiself. Vool will be rece ved at Sen. Wool sent by Railroad willbe attended'to irr the same manner as iftheowner wero to come with it it should be carelully marked. We have manufactured cloth during the past year for a very large number of cuatomers, to whom we believ'e we have given very general satisfnetion. With these facts and the advantages ofTered by the low price at which we oñer lo manuiucture cloth, we hope for a large share ot patronncfi. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, Washtenaw Co., July 25, 1844. 3-tf"ew Hat Store. .TAM ES G. CIIANE would respect fu lly i ntU form the Public, that he has opened afine SÍOCK OÍ Hats, Caps, Stocks, Cravals, Scarfs, Collars, XJmhrellas and Glovcs, at No. J05. .ïelTerson Avenue, Detroit, nearlj opposito the U. S. Couit Roomnnd Post Office wbci-o he will be happy m see his friends ac supply tliem wiih as good an article in his line as c;in be procured, cithcr hcre or at theeast and (is ch'eup. Gentlemen in the interior, wishinga first rate fashionable article of lints or Caps, can be sup plied by sending their'size or have any style furnished to order in a few hours. and warrantcd to fuit. Cali and see- it tn;iy save yon a clollsir JAMES G. CRANi:. Detroit,. July 12 1844. ]3-6n ANN ARBOR OIL MILL. TflEsubscribers would give notice that the; are engaged in mnnniacturing L1NSEED OIj. and ore prepared to f'arn:sh oil of the bes qudlity to mervhants and pointers, chenp as i can be obinned Trom the East. Óil cxcli;mire( for Flax seed at the raio of a gallon of oil for a busliel of Flax secd. Caeh at all times paid for Flax seed. PULCIPRER & JUÜSON. Ann Arbor, (Lower Village,) Sept. 6', IS4J 20-ly. Ib. S. WALËSÈ'S PATENT SMÜT MACHINE. rpHE Subscribers take this meihod of informX in all such as are e-ngaged in the Millins business in ihe State of Michigan, that ihcy are now manufacturing in Ann Arbor. VVashtenaw County. Michigan, L. B. Walker's FateBat JSnunf HIachine9 ' which they would recommend to t-.he the Smu oif of wheat as well or better than any othc machine. This mnchine is n horizsntal machine - itretains all the ("nciion of the wheat. and uni tingsimplicify with d:uability, it combines the hearing, scouring, and blow]ng principies, dis charging the dust and smnt as fast as separatee frem the wheat. This machine is perfreiiy se euro irorn fire, and runs much lighter thnn nn other machnie in use. For farther information sec large bilis. Shop in Lower Towri. Prices to agree with the times. All orders for Machines will be promptly attended tn. Address. E. O. & A. CRLTTF.NDEN. Ann Arbor. Washtenaw Co.. Mich July 8.1844. IJGmCAftT BE ÏSEATr JYEWBOOT, SR0EJ1JVD LEATHER Ann Arlor, Lowcr Toicn. t(1 FELCH haa rcmovec O his establishment fr'ofn the Upper to the Lower Village, No. 4, Hurón Biock. jSVjgp, where he holds hunsell in SéStf rendiness to 'dress the "vn derst'tiuings" of every Man. S Woman and Child who wil 6 give him a the ncatest. and host mnnnertliat enn be done in Michigan LEATMER and FINDINGS of all luncfe constantly on hand. WANTED, Cath and Hules, in nny quaniities. lor wliich the hiyhest piiccs will be given. OIFLet none purchase until ihey have callcci at Felch's. No. 4. Hurón Block. Ann Albor, May 4, 1844. 3-ly SINCLAIR & CHASE, ATTORjYEYS JJ'D COUJYSELLORS AT LAfF, (OFFICE LOWER TOWX, ANN AJIBOR,) Will tiend 'o all business in their piolession wiih alidelity and despatch. Paricu-lar attention will be given to collecting. P.OBERTr. SINCLAIR, EBWARD R. CHASEATareh 20, 1844. ly. POLLA RD TE1PEKANCE HOUSE, BY L. D. & O. WEYBURN, Near the SledmbQal and Facket Landing, Birffalo. npiIIS establishment lins, during the past winJL ter. been considerably enlarged, and improved with now furniturc, etc, and is now ready to mnke the Travellor nt home, nt the moderate charges of 25 cents per mcnl, and 87i per day - passengere and baggnge conveyed to and froni the House free of charge. N. B. Passengers from the East will find a Sign for the House, in the Depot, tvnder which to place their baggnge. We, the subsertbers, takc pleasure in recommending the abovo house to the friends of the cause, as being well worthy ofpatronage. C. T. RAND. Pres't Pollard Temp. Soc. H. MILLARD. Sec'y do do do E. J). ROBINSON, "Pree't Y. M's T. S. D. A. FOBES, Sec'y do do BuÖólo, July, 1841. 21 -8w.THE MISSES CLARKS' Young Nadies' Seminary, ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. MARY H. CLARK, Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. MISS WEST., Teacher in Mhsíc. H. F. SCHOFF, do of Classics. ' do do in frenen. F. MARSri. Teacher of Mathematica. RI10BY E. CLARK, Teacher of Juvenile Dept. TUIS Instiui'.ion luis been in operation since November 18, 8?ü. Thescholastic year cmbradnir lony-eiglit weeks, two terms. comprising two qtiarters euch- twelve weeeksin a quarter - a general c.aminnlkn at the close of each term - n February and August. The last quarter of the present term cm menced !S'hy20{h. After a moñth's vacation. at the close of tliis quarter. which ende the scholastic yenr, school wil] bc again resumed the first week in of Tcition.- For the English branches. $2,50 to $5 per quarter. No reduction made lor absence, except in case of sickness, and no pupil taken for less than a quarter. Extra charges are made for nuisic on the Piano, with the use or the instrument, $8,00 Freneh, . 300 Latín, 3j00 Drawins and Pain tí ng, 5,00 Fancv Work, 3 qq Board, including wnshing, lights. &c. $1.75 per week if aid ju ad vanee, or $2,00 per week fpnid at the close of the quarter. Parents and euardians are invited to visit the school every Friday. when the studies of the week r,re revicwed- a!so semi-monthly on Wednesdny afte-noon; at readingof th weekiy coriipositions. Youngladies desirous of entering the school and pursuing the regular cours of study, would do wel.Lto .jc.ojtnmeace, at the begining of the ter .n. Having purchased a healihy and commodious building in a pleasant and'convènient pnrt of the villnge, no pains or expensé shall be spnred to l'acili.inte the studies and render the siluation of the young ladies profitable and agreeablo. Belonging to the school nre a Libiary of berwecn three and fonr hundied volumes, and Phiosophical_ Apparatu?, Electricnl Machine, Globes, &c. Scioniific Ipctuves are delivered before the aiïiiool ai proper intervals. The Mjsses Clark win endenvor. nof only to promote the inlellectuel culture of their pupils biu will attend strictly to their mornl deportment. With a deepsense of reüpious responsibility. thev would eive snelt a tañe to character, ns shall renderit prnciic:illy fittéd for cvery stmion-yielding todutybut firm to principie. Among the books used in the school are. Abercrombio on thé Intellectiial and Moral Powers - Kane's Elementa of Criticism - Wnyland's Moral Science- Newman's Rheioric- IJedce's Logic - Paley's Naiural Theology and Evidcñccs of CIir:sti;iniiy - Comstock's Chemistry and Natural PHilósoph'y - Comhe's Physiology - Mrs. Lincoln's Botany - Entcn's Manual of BotanyBii;ritl'sGeography oftlie Heavens- First. Sec ond and Third Hooks oi' Hisinry- Mrs. ' Wíl liard's Republic of America - Plielps' Leal Classics- Playfair's EuelicL and JDavie's Algebra and Arithmetic - Parkei's JVaturalPhiJosr.piiy. The Misses Clark have tnugiu n Young Ladics School forsevernl yeatsin the Ci;y of New York, andaré ftiinished with testimoniáis from Rt. Rev. Benjjiinin Onderdonk. D. D.. and John M. Griscon, M. D., of New Yr ik, Rev. J L. lïlake. ofBrooklyn. and Mrs: Eniiiin Willani, ot Troy. N. Y. ; aiso, rcference s made', by permisaion. to the following gejiileintn : Rt. Rev. S. A. McCosliry. D. D.. Robert Rumsey nnc! L. B. MisneK Esqrs., Detroit; Rev. Isaac S. Ketcham. Cuntroville ; Rev. J. I3udson. White Pigeon , Rev. J. P. Clevelund. and Geo. Ketch un. Marshall ; Hnn. Win. R. Üeland. Jat-kson: Paul B. Ring. Michigan Centre; E. H. Winan. Adrián: Dnniol Hixson. Clinton: Gardiríe! Wheeler. M. D.. Howell; Rev. F. H. CumiiiLr. Grand Raptds; Rev. H. Cololnzer. Rev. A. M. Fitch. S. Demon. M. D., P. Bnghatn. M. D.. Hon. Wm. A. Fletcher, Hon. Wm. R. Thomp son, E. Mundy, Esq., John Allen. Esq., Geo. W. Jowett. Esq., Col. Thomas Mosely, Capt. J. Perkins. Thomas M. Ladd, F. Sawyer, Jr.. Fsq-, late Superintendent of Public Insiruction. Professors Whitinc. Williams and Houghton. o! the UnivoTsiiy of Michigan. Ann Arbor : Jamc$ Birdsalj and Rev. John Beach, Fünt; AmosMead. Esq., Farminaton. The following gentlemen, Rev H. Colclhzer' Rev. O. C. Comstock. Rev. A. M. Fifoh. Rev. Mr. Curtiss. Professors Whiting and Williams, of the University of Michignn. and F. Sawyer. Jr.. Inte Snperintendertt of Pulilic Instruction. have consented toact as a vmiifijr commiiree of the school to be present' when the'weekly s'üüef are reviewed; hut esprcially to attend during die spmi-anrtial exa'rnfn'aiiön'a. September 4, 184:). ()tfWRIftffT'S ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND RHLUMATIC PLASTËR, AN efficiënt remedy lor Rheumntism. Fevei Sures, White Swellings.. Felons, Puin 01 weakness in the Back, Brenst, Side or Lü Burns. Bruises, Crnmps, Chilbinins, Liver an! Lung nffections, indolent Tumors, Spinal ciffectiosn. Inflimed Eyes, &c. &. It is urisuspasèen in all Inflammntory diseases. either Chronic or Acute, as it operates by counferactijig and redvc ing lnfhmnr'ton, allaying Pain, Swèalïhg the parts affected, and by its strengthening and Ano dyne properties giving speedy relief. Also invaluableasan anti-mercurial pïnster. Price ?5 cenis per W&'. - For frtriher particular?, see circulating Pamphlet.) P'or snle v. ?vluse]cy's Booksiore. Ann Atbor, and J. T. Stoclung, travelling agent for Michigr.n. ÏG-Iy Heady Made Clotlimg! II THE LAilGkST and best nssortrnent ofready made clothing. % er before ofíered in this Stnte now opening, and for rale, Wholesale or Retail, at the Clothing Emporiurn ol ihè eubscribers, consisting in part of plain and fancy Beaver. Pilot. Broad Cloths and othcr styles ol Over Conts. Tweed Cassimere, Eeaver, Pilot, Domcstic Cloth, Union Cassimere end öatinetl Frock and Business Coats. Fine, Plain nnd Fnncy Cassimere, Blue and Black Broad Cíotfi, Tweeds and oiher styles ol Pa ni aioons. Plain nnd fancy Silk nnd Silk Velvrt. Woolen Velvet Merino, Satin and Cassimere Vests. &c. &c. &c. together with n very large stock ol common low priced Over Coats. Business Coats. Pnntnloons and Vcsis. snch os blue and black Flushing. Saiinct, Kentucky Jeans, Common Tweeds, &c. &c. Also. an extensivo assortment ol Hosiery. Stocks, Scarfs, Handkerchiefp. Collars, liiimb's Wool and Merino Drawers and Shirts, Comfoners, Gluves, fce. &cnll of which wiil be sold very low for Cash. They would reppcctiully invite nll in want of ready made garmenis to cali and examine their stock before purchasing elisewhere, 33 thtishecn selected wit'i greai care in the Eastcrn markets, nnd manufac lured in the latest Ftvles and most durable munner. IIALLOCK & RAYMOND, Corner of Jefierson and Avenues, Detroit. Oct. 10, 1814. 3m25 wholeYal1ë& retail. BOOKSELLERAN STATIONER, SMART 'S BLÜCK, 137 JEFFERSON AVBWUE, DETROIT. Keeps constantly for sale a complete assortment of Misccllaneous, School and Classical Books; Letter and Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quills, Ink, Sealing Wax, Cuilery, Wrapping Paper. Printing Paper, of all stzes; and Book, News and Canister Ink, oi varions kinds. BLAXTZ BOOZS, Fullnnd half bound, ofevery variety o) Ruling MEMORANDUM BOOKS, &c. To Merchants, Teachers, and others, buying in quantitie8. a Inrire dTecount mado. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 51-tf.' ,SUGAR COATED, OR " "improved ïndian Vegetable" PILLS. For Intermittent, Remittent, Bilioue and Ihfl, matory Fevers; Headaehe; iw peem; Heanburn; Perverted Appetite C tlveness; Diarrhoon; Dysentery; Bilious'CnHr Worms; Pain in the f Iead, Side. L - & Stomuch: Scrofula, Scurvy, or nv Imimíi?. of the Blood; Ob.,rctionf „dpLZ" plamts generally. v-omrpi-IERE hns never appenred a mnAlr.; I which. whüe it can do no harm isLS 3 10 do so much good. They cite a heálthf „ Pfr spirauon, and open all the natural draina of Si sysicm. The obstruction of Insknsibi e P, ation is the cause of a great proportíon of hu'" man I hee piJls pcssess iht r in an extraord.nary degee, of removing all ob struct.ons, and restoring a heahhlu! CifSuTM They must undoubtedly snperccde all otiier Sgative medicmcs, as they have a fburlold actionl v.z: Jj d.scharge by ihe boxoch, lungs, kidneys ChÏwAkw will Inot tiesilate t'o (akc.hcnr snd1 they mny be relieden., bcyond any rente'dv as r.n effectual nnd snfe medicine for WORMS nnd all complaints incident to cluldren. Mor" children have been cured in New York the proa ent year, by the use of Dr. Smmh's Pilis thnñi all oiher medicines combincd- as ihere 'is no' need ol forcing tl em doten, like other „1C(i_ .cines. One-important advantape tn inkine Uiesc, iheydonot eriie, nor produce nausea nor nny o her unpleasant sensntion. Pilis hac' in thousands of inslanecs. prodnoed Pjlks, and' other conspquences far vorse ihnn the d'isease for which they wcre administered. This is particularly pynrded rigaiv.t in ihe combinniion of the many ingredienis of which Dr. Sniih' pills are composed - thus rendering them IJARMIESS. These pills are made of ihe runr.sT malcriáisand we hayo the smisfnetion of liavinir provcd to the Medical Facuhy, they possess uncommon virntps. 'J'he directions and lrcntmcn of dieenses nc companying evtry box. in a circular of Voupngpp. m iSUGAR COATED PJLLS" can Lo iremnnc witlintit ihe siprinturp of ihe soie inventer '-G BÊNJAÏMIN SMITII. M. D., President of the N. Y. College of Health," unon every boy, . Office; devoted cxrlusdtehj to tbc snle of thi medicine, 170 Grenwïch sirrei, Ncv York, and No. 2, Water sireet. Bosten. CERTIFICATES. We are not in want of perlifícales of a high chnrncter, coming f rom the most respectabja so urces. [Froni-a Nepoew of the late Judgo Thompson,] Niw Yopk, Mny 15, 18M. Dr. Smitu's 'Improved ïndian Vegetable Pilis' have proven i v.-ilunhle to niveelf aid faniilv, in the cure of violent hkaii.. cue. pnin in the' side and stomach. For ehildien, no betior medicino enn be produced. In the case of our linie girl two yeais old. the pjost happy efTectshave ïesuhed from their Í have never known a medicine which I conld so conlidentlv recommend to these pills. R. THOMPSUN, 5C.Norihmore Sr. Tho following tndy is too well known in Nev York for her intclligcncó and philaurhroBy !o ba doubted: [From the Mathon of (he ü. S N,tal Ilosrttai.:] Accustomed as I am to administer to the ïichf I can appreciate a valtadie me-Mcine. Tí (bere lo a medicine ulnpted tn the nunu-mus tiilments of mnnkiiirl. it is Dr. Smitji's Sufrir Pilis. 1 have used them and secn ihem used with the most nslonishing restilts. in seveial instances within my knowledge. restoring the pnt.ent from extreie lovriPFS and sufTcrir.g lo strengih and healih.- For laches dnring pregnancy. ihet-e pills are a soveYtïgn batm. 1 reeommend them to all as n valuabie FAMiLr medicinu. SARAH A. GOULD. Mat ron of ihe U. S. Naval Hospital. Brooklyn. June lüth, ]44. [From the Drputy Sheriff of New York.] - Dr. Sjijith's ';Sugared Iridian Vegetable PilU" have been used in iho Kldrigde-St. Debtors' Prsm with uncommon patisfaction. 1 have never heard a mecljcjnu spoken of with more iir.ere by tho sidi who have lok-n these pills. JAS. ,1. P,EVJNSr Depnty Sher. [AN EXTRAORDINAJIT CURE.]i nove iu iei.-i.Mu uu ijist.i nee oí iinpnrajieiüü su ! fering. which must have terminr.ted n.y cxm tence, han not Dr. Swith's ♦Sugared' Judiar Vegetable Pille"' come to iny rescue. In ihc fal' of 1843, I had a scrotulous alTeclier, which nearlv covered my body wïth sores, and rendered jne unfit tur life. In the course of two niomhs 1 waa attacked wilh (ever) which raged fríih great violencp. i t fk many prcscriptions, bui without M.7 sufleiing was grent. JMra. Govild (whom I shall ever remcniber with estreñí) adtfr sed me lo use these Sugnred piHs, which J took in large doses n lew tiays. when t lic fever and pain ahn'ed. I eontinued these pills in sniall doses, nbont five weeks, when my lever and icrofula wctc cuied, tny hiood completely puriiitd, nnd my general healih i ih proveí. 1 am ceitaiii Í owe my life, imder Providcnre. to the ui-e ef these pills. E. M. PARK. New York. [Froni Jjs. M. Turner, Esq.-, late of the U. S. Nhyy.j 1 have been nfllicied severnl yeors wiili n Veaft--. ncss in the breast, cosliveness and a difíículiy oí breaihiug. I was laiely more than ever troubled, ihough J had tnkrn many prcpeiibfd reniedirs - Tlirongh the advice ol a íric r.d, 1 procured 2)f Smith's Paient Sngared Pili?, which I used. odiI ihey have not only relieved, but eniirely cured my complnints. My wite has nlso used then wiih the most happy effecis. I beüeve them th?' best medicine in the woi ld. JAMES M. TURNER. 531 Greenwic-h St.. N. T. Refers to Ilon. Silas Wripht. U. S. Scnato PERFECT CURE OF WORM S. Our linie girl, 6 years oíd. has surlered all the : wor8t stages of worms: and we have never founfj' an ffíacuial cure, uiril we administered Uoct.Smith's Sugar Pills, which our little girl took without the least rrsiftancc, in dose of two at a' time; and we nevrr witneesed such n change i so shori a time. The pills biought nwny n masi of worms, and she at once improved. Slie is nuw in joyous health. We have also found tha greates! benefit from thcir use. JACOB CARLOCK, HStopIc st., N. Y.We have many certifícales of cures in caso of WORMS. [From a lady well known in New York.] I have been troubled for years wilh dizziness and pain in the head, attended with depress'on,dimuessof siht, &c, which have been entircly' cured by Dr. Swith's "Sugnred Indian Vegets ble l'illd." I piize ibis medicine aboveaíl ot-her SARAH DCUGLASS; Coner ol Ludlow and Walker-Sf. [The foilowing is Irom one of the oldest ani most respectable iarmers in Madison Co.. N. Y. J' Cazf.novia--, July 28th, 1844. ; I have used 40 boxea Biandreth's Puls, and' as many ruore of diflercnt kinds, and I havo never found that benefit from the uee of th, vvholo, that I have from the use of' two boxes of Dr. Saiith'8 "Improved Ïmdian Vf.gztabli"' Pi They seem to strike at the foundation of my disease, which is of a bilious charaeter. ira alvord: [Mr. Alvord wns, with another, the first setiler of the beautifuí villago of Cazenovia, about' 50 years ago.] OLD MEN nnd YOUNG MEN have, without nuniber, given their testimonias fo theso , excellent family pills. And MOTHERS ! w' wish wc could lay beftjre the wbild all the expressions of opprobation which we have from' thern in New York. They would olone fill thls page. The fact is, there never wnssucb a medi cine for the complaints of Chilkbkv. For sale by G. & J. G. Hül, Detroit; Thoft. May, Jr., Plymouth: Perrin & UolJ, Northville; Lund & McCollum, F. J. B. Crnne, nnd W. S'. i& J. W. Maynard,ond G. Greuvillè, Ann Arbor;also in Ypsilanti, Dexter, and throughout the' United States. Office devoted exclusively to these Pills, 179 Greenwich-St., Nf w York'. CAUTION.- Beware of hnitauons. 20-ry


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