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Estray. THAKEN up by ihe subscriben on the 25th of JL September last, in the town ot Northfield, small chesnut colored mare, of the poney reed. with a star in the forehend, suppoaed to e about 8 or 9 years oíd, branded A. C. on the houlder. The owner is requeeted lo prove roperty, pay charges and talie her away. Northficid. Nov. 1,1844. 29-3w The Birney Portraits. rHE Subscribers have on hand a qunmity oí lhese lorge and pplendid engravings.beautiilly executed on sieel an excellent artisi. o:n paintin'by E. V. Gooxtwix Esq..of Alany, N. Y. They are a striking ikenessof the Ian. and tnake an elegant ornament for the arlor. For sale, wholesnle and retail, at 8 per dozen, r.$l,00 each, by A. McFarren. Bookseller, etroit, and by BECKLEY & FOSTER. Ann Arbor, Nov. 1, ÍH44. 28 tf tOST, 3N the 27th of Sept: lat, betwcen Ann Arbor and Whitmore Lake, n Lady's brown meno cloak. The finder will be compensated by ving informntion at this office. Nov. 4. 28 4w -■■-- " ■ 'Mature and Expcrience our Cruidc." rHE extraordinarv and wêll autlienticated cures wrought by the celebrated Sugar Ioatkd Pilis, or Dr. Smiih'd mproretl Indian 'egetablc PMs. have naturally dravvn public atuuion to ihein. Purlmps in the nistory of Med:ine. froni the time of Hippocrntes to the presni day, there is no instance of a medical cotn;und obtaining equal celebrity in so short a me. There was never a medicine recotnmend i by sucli high authority. as Dr. Sraiih-s Pilis, lesides their great cuiaiive properties, (possessïg as they do. suclr astonishing powers to open II the natural drains of the botiy. viz. the Lungs.. Iidnkys, Skin, and Bowels.) 'they are, unlikc II other pills, extremely pí-kasant. beingrcoated 'ith, and as they do nOÍ gripe, nor prouce nausea, or ony otlier unpleasnnt conf-equen3s. they have become veiy popnlar for Dyspepa. Head-ache, Costiveness, Bilious complaints. 'oul Stomach, Fcvers, Wonns, Want of Apetite, Impiirities of the J!od, Obstructionsand 'omale Complnints gencrally, Colds, &c. On f the most inflneniial and benevolcnt ladies in few. York, Mrs. S. A. GouhJ, Mat ron of the f. S. Naval Hospital, says. v there is no medicine i her knowledge sf wull adnpied to the numerus ailmenis of mankind as Dr. Smith's Sugar oated Pilis." She esprtci illy recommends thein ladies. liend her certifícate in the pamphlet. Office flevoted exclusively to the sale oi these illa, 179 Greenwich Street. New York. For sale by W. S. & J. W. Alaynnrd and und &. M'Collum, Ann Arbor. 2tí-4w DR. OSGOÖD "T INDIA CHOLAGOGUE. V MUNG the mosi vaiuablc qualities o this 3l. medicine, is its restoring injluence upon iiistitutiohs impnired and injured by nrevioiis tacká ot billious féver, or fever and aguc: or f a long rétridence in those climaies which proice them. There are many constitutions which iconio grncinnlly undermined by a vtiasmal inïence. without even u cJay'snctunlcontínement. i snel) cases, the Ciiolagogtie aci like a chnrm -the sallow complexión, loss of appetjtc, lanlor, weariness and depression of spirits, with her nnplèasnnt syniptoms' which rerider life a irderK all yidd to thisremedy when ftiithfully ?ed accordipg to the directions of thcapcompaying pamphlet. It is oniirély a vegetable prep aiin, and rhaybe laken wuh perfect stfety unx aü circpinsrnnccs of the Bëjtem. Fór sale by 36 W. S. .fe J. W. MAYNÁRDj solé Agent, for Ann Arbor and vicinity


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