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AL.WATÍ5 onr aa i. íÍÍ npHE subacriber hn% re &5kL JL moved his Shop lo Main Jrf 5j Street opposi'e H. Beek fóy 'sSÊ 'ers ricl Sforo. whêre tW 1 VKsri wa" uPn n" that mny give r' ■"-! initrri'iTi 11 ■' . Haring jüst rtueivaa direct fiom New York nn elegant stock of JEWEX.RY, nd Fnncy Anieles, which he ïntcnda to sell ower ihnn has ever been aold west of' Büffalo or lïeady Paij Only. Among which tnay be ound a good asaonmeni of Gold and Conirnon 'Vaich Keyp, Gold Finger Rings and Bosorn 'ins, Gaard Chains. Silver Tea nnd Tnble Spoons. Sfjgar Tongs. Buffer Knives. SHvcr 'encil enses., Silver utid Commuri Thimbles; Siler Spectndc8. tíérman. do. Sieel. do. Hn'rr inishcs, Cloiiies. drf, To.oth. do. ítfier, do. "inc Rnzors nrid Po'okét Knivca. Kii;e Sheiirs nd Scissor8, lÁihar Boxe. Rotor. Sifops, Wuletts. Pursea. Violins and Bows, Ffutea. Violin nd Bass Viyl Snings. Claronet Reeds. Percusión Caps, Pocket Pistols. BrUnnnin Cnndletïeks. Watchea, Letter Stnmps. Sieel Pens nnd weezers, Snuf!' nnd Tobacco Buxes. Fine Jombs. Dressing, do. Side, do. Back. do, Shell, o. Needies and Cases, Water faints, Toy vVatches. Kid Dolls. a great variety of Toys too uinerous to meiition, Ber.di, Necklaces, Fancy 3oxes. &c. &c. Ci-ocks and Wathes of every description epnired and warramed; also. Jt-welry repairedon nor t notice. CALVIN BLISS. N. B. Cash paid for OLD GOLD AND SILVER. C. B. Ann Arbor, Oct. 24. 1844. 28-tf:Sïcw Goods ! New Goods ! ' THE undersigned hns just received Iiis supply of Fall Goods from N. Y. City. BesideB o irst rate asöortment of Sheetings, Cotton Yarn, nied Clodis, Broad Cloths, and other Siaplc 3-ooda, he is just opening a splcndid lot of Rch, Woo8iecÍDamask S'hawíí; lst quality, Brocha, do do Kabyl, do do Cashmere, do' Fa8hionab!e Cravats. Rich Bomi'et Ribbons. Fashionable heud trimmings', Vèlvet " ÁLSO, .V BEAÜTIFCL ASSORTMEKT O DRESS STÜFFS SUCH AS C'ashmere D'Ecnsse, Muslin DeLaine, Pnriesennes, Robroy Plaid, Prints of every description, Plniu, black Alapaca, figured, black Alapnca, Plain, colored Alapaca, figured, col'd Alopaco, PJaid, and Changeable Alnpaca, The undersigned haa in addition to a firsi rale assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods a choice lot of Teas ana Coflee. Tor family use Aïso, a ïarge lot ofïeeée Feathers, Paper Hangings and Travelling Baskets. His Stock is well suited 10 both crty and coun ry trade. Country people are nvited to cali and aok and sniisfy tbèniselves ihat his étock will enr cotnparison either in quality or price with ny other in the western ccunirV. W. A. RAYMOND. 148 Jeflerson Avenue. Detroit. Oct. 14, 1844. 24 tfPETERS' PILLS. TRUTH HAS PBEVA1LEB. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis batfe now been ten yearsbefore the public. Duïing tharperiod hey have obtaineda celebrity unpai alleled in the ïisiory of tbe most popular medicines which have : )rececled them or have fqllowed in their track. - Flie happy eombination of vegetable ingredienis 0 which these pills owe their efficacy, is the reluit ofyearsof earnest study and experiment, diected by long previous esperience in the propirtíesof medical substances, the paihology of ■ ase, the nature and modus operandi of the j ious fluids wbich ministerio thé support and . mstenance of the human body. andorganizatioD ly which those fluids are preparéd, modified and listributed. The triumph of skïil,' and patiënt xperíment has been complete. Throughout the ' ength and breadth of ou'r land. in Jiriush ' ca and the West Indies. arid' on tfie, continent ' f Europe, the curativo vinues of Peter's able Pilis, are gratefully acknowledged. They ' nay be called the medicine par jíxcellexck, oí ' he Southern Stateí. Their eonsumption south ' if the Potomac, is enormous, and continualiy on ' heincrease. Nootherpill goes down" there, L ïowever sugared over with hired pulís and home L nanufactured certificates. Peters' Vegetable Pills mny be termed a [ rersa medicine, for there is scarccly nny y angement or oöstruction of the orgsns and ;c unctions oí the human machine which they vtoll iot allevia'.e or remove when adminrstered in tbe inrly stages of congestión of the stornach 01 bow.a, they speedily relax those organs. réduce the n ittendunt f ever. and restore the suffererto heaJth. - Dontaining no irritating or drastic substances, ■ heir exhibition is never folfoved by that .? ration of the budily powers which charactërize he operation of most oihér cathartics, and they J nav be administered yithoüY tKe süghtcst fenr of ■ iroducing löcnl iiifiamrfiation, sü frequently ' aused by the purge.nt có'mp'ositions Vended by he quncksand charlatans of the dy. Jn almost all stages of diséasè", Peters' Vegetale Pilis will be fou'tnl of benëficial eflect, bui , tiey sh'oüld always be resortéd to when the firsi l ympt m makes itá" appearahce. The conqnest f the cohiplaint w'ill then' be ensy and immedite. la biliious disorders, remittant or ntermitint fever, dispepsia, dysentery, cholera, cholic, iarhoea, dropsy, sour or fccted eructations, enirgement of the spleen, sick headnchc, all ] laints growing out of imperfect or too rapid -i estion, torpor of the bowels. female obstructiona, nliimal costiveness, and all other diseases in p hich a purgativo medicine is proper. Peters' j egetable Pills will be found unrival'ed in tbe leed, certainiy and genileness of their g on. It ie asked upon whht principie these exrraor a; nary effetíts are prodúeed? We rcply that bi rs Vegetable PH1 acts os a purifier of the fr ood, by purifying' the chy'ie and other flitids oi' p: hich bloo,3 is composed. Chyle is a nilky fiuid'depnsitBd by thè digestivo matter on w ie coais of tlie ptestine's": and which when bi mbi)ied with the billiary eecretion, ia'coflvey1 into the veins anJ becomes the principie of bi fe. This medicine actsdirectly upon the chylel se om which it rxpcls all acrid particles, and al, o umors detrimentnl to a henlthy circulution. It ti ieaiisesthejuiccs and fluids before the cheimcal n liange fakes place which fits them for theimmente purposes ol vitality. This is beginning al T; ie begiïimng. T'o emboe the strenms of life a ith beuith, it' is necéssary to purtTy them at ,n ïeir s'oiirces. Such is tlie radical mode in which this v. íne perfprms its cures. Testimoniols which 'ould hlr volumes (many of them from high ientific autiiority) are its vouchers, and it is sed in tbc practice of the first Physicians here ,n nd abroad. 's ForsnléTiyF. j. g; Orane, W. S. A J. W. n laynurd. J. il. Lund, Marris, Partridges &- Co r . P. &, 3. C. Jewett, Davldson &. Becker, H. Icckei -,- Christiau Eberbne'h. G. Grenville, D. . Waterman. C. J. Garland, E. T. Williams, Inn Arbor; George Warner &. Co., D. C. i Vhitwood'. J. Miílard & Son..N..H. Wing, ïczter; Ai. Jacksoh, Leonif PnnT Raymond, T ackson; Brotberson & Kief, Manchester; D C Ceys, Clinton; D S Hnywood, Salive; Stone, " inbcock & Co.. Ypsilanti; Scattereood & Co, Hymouth; Pierre Teller and T. H. Eaton &Co. ïetroii; also'ih Adrián, Tecumseh, Brooklyn, 'ontíac, Chicago, and a'most evcfy vrliero flpe. Ann Arbor, Jan. 15, 1844. 27-7yFOOR m&WS PlJLLS, Aii excellent vegetable laimly Medicine, in caíes ui Indigestión. Dyspepsin. Lis-er Complaints or Jaundico, Ague ind Fevcr. Confed Tongue. Sii-kness at the Sioniach, Sick Headache. RcmitinriKincl In'frinittüni Fevers,CouLhs, ColHa, Caiatrh, &c. &c. Entirely vegetable, licy areemp!inticall)! JKf&TWrR&S JFRiEJTJD onducing to health and counteracmig tüaenso y purifying the blood, cleansing the wsfem of iliated humors, rernoving cbstructiórts. Btimúting the organs of secriüu", mihglihg w:ih the ood and acting every way iü barmony with tha yutftm . For Inflamntory dmrayps ueec! in connection with the "Rhcurnatic Tlnster" tlu-y wil] be found rcaily to aid in tho icmoval óf disenses ior vhicli the Piaster is above rccoihmended, and articularly ara they ealculáted for all dernngelenisof'ihe Digbkrbs and HiUnry Organs, tLs rimary origin of o nrtUitudè of ciise;icei. Price - 25 cents nnd 50 cents a Box. For sule at Moéely'è Booksiore. and by J. T. tocking; TravelJing Ageut íor Michigan. KHy Certifícales. WuouarodK, Lknawjce Co., Í Aug. 20, i?AZ. „ 5, For nyelve yára I have been troubled with a i. matic affection in my back. si that 1 have inrJy ever been Iree lrom pain during the whole nu and within . twelve bours after I had apMc( soine of VVright's Rheiirnatic Piaster, 1 was jerii :tly eaey, and have h:id no pnin ince. STEPHEN QARY, Jackson Co.. Coi.umiüa, ( Aug. 2, 1B44. { Tht8 may cenify tbat 1 Uuve used Wright's 'ills in my famijy in violent aftacks of chijl nnrl illioua feyer. nnd have fouñd i'hm to be the )est Prils that I ever used. and would recómmeud évèry iamily to keep thém on handi JAÍVÍKS AWARTÖÜT. Thompson, GeacÓv Co.. Oinó", ) April 28Ui, J844. J This may certify thnt I have used Wrights' 'anr RJan's Pilis and Rhtumatic Piasier in my ractice, and would say to the public tbat they an rely upon their recommendaiion wirh the tmo8t confidence; in short, ihejr only need tryng to recommend tbeniuclvés. REV. II. R. SCOTT, M. D. LóRAiKii Co., Grkév, May 16, 1843. This may cenify that 1 have used Wright'a 'oor Man's Pilis in my practice, oud find them o be one of; if not entirely. the best pills nowin use; and would recommend every family to' tcep them on hand, eepecially those who I i vé' near low, mnrshy land, or mu ponda", ór in au! unhealthy climate. JÜSHUA BASCOMB, M. D. Without aclding more testimony of the efGcacy jf the ábove tnentioned medicine, we do not hestate to eay that we are not afraid io have ïis virues.tesled by the sido of nny other of the kind hat ever has been ofleed to an American pnbic, and we will let k stand upon itsown merits. For sale at Mosley's BoQksforó. Anrt Arboï. By Kellogg & Brothers, White Pigeon. R. Wtllian s, Jr.. & Co., Sturges Prairie. Sinixfon Gagct, Quincy, Braftchcouncy.A. K. HaH, . " " W. Á. BlifiS, Jaméátown, Ind. Elisha Steer, Angola, i Chestèr Moss'. Albion, Michigan. A. P. Mann & R. Sibley, Marehall, Midi. A. Callender, si " E. Pücker, Battle Creek, C. W. Vining, Gálcsburgh, i(' Cnpt. Brown. Prairieville, M D H. Medwoocl, Adrián. ' Qunckenboss. &. More, Tectrmsch " S. A. llowley. Joncsville, t( H. OfTbert. Manchesier, ' W. H. Patterson. Saliné, " Harmon & Cook. Brooklyn, " Pierre Teller, VVÍioiesale Agent lor Detroií. Geo. P. Wright &, Co.. solé proprietors fot he United Statee, and Úpper and Lower Crnada. 11 orders and business letters for ihe presentf nay be dtrected to Geo. P. Wright, Columbio1 ?. O., Jackson Co., Mich. It is for sale also at Monroc. Mt. Clemens,Jtica. Ponliac, and by Dubois & Wright. Jëfferion. Agentsfor ihe Siareof Michigan. Kii-cork. Carrol Co., O., Jan. 25, 1841. Ten yeurs sincc, I wns taken with the Scrofu'- a, so tbat I had no relief day or night. my íimris" engnjuchswelled and coíered wah Ülcees, ríiy reast arid back in grcat pain. and neryes mtích ;hattered. I applied 10 different Physicians, all, f whom said there was no help for me, ánd aH he remedies I u ied proved unavailing .úritil T nade use of Wright' s Anti Inflam. aud Jllíexim. 'laster, which reduced the inflamación, bealefd' he ulcers. brought the skin to its natural color nd relievcd the puin. I ík'ould recomrhénd it' 0 all similarly afflicted, and am eure thëy will satisfien ater givine it a fair trial. CATHARINE ALLENSWORtlI. Thojitson. Geauga Co.. Ohio, ? April 20, 1843. J I certify that my little boy pñt hls arme into' oiling water, nearly to the elboM. so thát wlien he diess wa aken off the skin catne with it: fter appliMntr severd remedies to no purposri- le arm becoming' rnuch swollen and the' child 1 great pnin. f applied "Wright's Anti Inflamjatory and Rheumatic Piaster," and witliin two ours hc 'vaa perfsctly easy, and erit to sleep, ifier to or three dnys I removed the placer, and pplied ariothër. and when thai was' rernöved the rm waah.ealed, except a place the sizè'of aehilng which was soon well. I believe it to be tbe est article fora burn that can be p'roduced. nnd oild recommend all to keep it on ha'rïd in cose f accidents. ELTZABETH BROUGHTOÍ?, NERVOUS D1SEASES are greatly benefit ui by the use oí these pills; - asKerv'óns Wead:he, Tic Doloroux. St. Vitus' Dance, ác, icir tendency being to soothe the irritLbility of ie 6}'stem. alia? pain. and indocc quiet and rise. Those afflicted with Ooughs. Colds. Ihnenza, &c, will fmd relief from the use of ttieee lis. Exposure to cold closcs the pores of the ie skin, checks perspirntion, rétnrds the circution, and produces varroria' ihflammátory disises. Does nny one ercctve' a, cold coming pon hirn? Let him on going to.bed, take suffient to opérate smnrtly, and the"n every ni?nt, ike cnoiigh to produce ai mild pperation till the 8ease aties. In case ,óf Worms. Iet a tea of ink be laken frecly for 10 houfs, and then adlinister Pilis puflicient'topfodtrce a brisk cathar-' c operation. 20-1 y.THE TRÜE PAIN BÜRACTOR SAX.V27 niTHICH cureslikca charm ali BURNS b? r! fire or water, and every externa 1 SORL, AJN. INFLAMMATION, ACH E orlTCHVG ever yet foumi uport the hurtiati fsfííiily. to hich il has been applied, must ohvaysbëBOTight snurns'froni Comstock and Co., of New Y-oik ■ iheiT autborized ngtínts'. AH ave daütiöned jaírist ;iny spuriótís anides, which riiay alwaj's : nvoided by knowing the one yott buy comes om Cometock & Có , whó are no-r the onl'jr oprietors and niariuractiirörs. Inqilire förConïf 8. which is warraniéd to dó all iï ever would hen called by nny othcr name, or tbe pricé shalï ï réfühdcd iii any case if it does riot please.To place il wiiHin reach of rrH, the pricé Ha ?eri reduced moré tHart fóór fold, arid is rioV ld for 25 cents, the formérpricö being toö ex- bitant. The 50 cent sizé now contains' fóút mes us nuich as the lormer, and thé $1 sizö enr ten times as mucb. No family thnt hns anV title to hurhariiiy, ill iii to have CoiÍNEr.'s Pain Extractor Óititnnéní Iwaye at halid, lo enve ltfe, all scárs; aiid reduce 11 agóriy from ariy Bnrn in five miriiitës'. provied théy have scen it used, or will béliéVé thosd 'hc ha%'c uSed it. eOMSTOClt & CO.. 21, Coiininiid Streef. LT Bo. suré, thcreforc. and ask foi Cóv$r.t.', s our late with Dnlley's ntime ori ii hnsf been olén, and the apurious may áppeñr with tknt arrijé on il. Know. therefore, thnt it dw sctïy fróm Comstock & Co., or jjhiin it. WM. S. & J.. W. jWAYNAftï), 36 Acent for Ann ArFior. DAME into the ericfosilre of tHe Suhscriber on or ahom the 2lMh of September l'rtst. a darfc etl heifer. abour three or tour yéSrs old. Th wner iircquesird to prove popnv. pnvchnrRe nd take her nwny. JJl. BEC'KLEY." Ann ArW, October 7. 1B44. Pw24 WOOD' WOOB!! WE 't-snt itriie from fuDscribetsimmediately. Oc'ns. uu.


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