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DR. SMITH'S UNIVERSITY PILLS T1HESE Pilis are psepared hy Wm. M. Smul-, M. R, late Prrjlesoor of Materia Mélica and F Pharmnc v in íie Umvenmv f Lake Ene, Uhio. Dr. Smiih wou d say ro the ,...1.1..=, il , ofiírin Ml e,n l .Pili he presenta no qüack noetum .hal vvili by lts .rrnaung . loc-Ks pot. ,aSrh5K4WAM?í. rhere ihero was lutlo or none betore, but one.h. ig wffl, 2c íombina.íoií u,eJicmnl ve-reiablo Mie hi.:l. )i ntjïtot pe,lec:,on n care .„ udy and close mvesiïfalion, esisnnd expaiimHiJis, can brmy ïl. He woulu say 1 hjaiciaiu.. Ttsuír4''Hla'ícdl'o tl.c remov"a(!lnmU.reviiiion of fylluvying diaeases: Bijiou, Inicrunnt! and Re,,i. n.u i'cvcr; ï-Yvi-r nml Coi-h,. L.ver Cnn-pUnis, Mck l-Jeudac . assweDropsV. RU-u ..n.ism, Enrne. of ll.o S,,lon. i..t.rn,l 'V,s Cohc, Ac, „yol the leir money refundcd. , . i írLc! TËSTIMONIALS IN FAVOR OF DR. WM. M SMITH'S { ÜNIVERSIT.Y P1LLS. . .' - - - _ jHJ TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LAN DON. Monrob, Michigan.. June 12, ■ 1844. ■ Da SMtTH- Denr Sir,- I take nmch pleasure in ffivingr -my testimony in favor or' yon r aluableUNIVERSfTY PILLS. I most dieerfully recommend thenj to . the public as ;i afe easy and efficiënt cal hartic for roost of the diseases incidétít lo tïiïs región óf country. l.a've made extciiMve use of] them for four yeors in my prnctice, anl I believe thpm to be he BEST Anti-biüousCatl.artic or Aperient medicine ever oombined and offered rbr gen -i nsa Yours, kc. GEORGE LANDON M. D. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. TELL1.R. Masíllo'n, Oliio, muy ijst, Ï844. Dr Smith Sir I itike much pleasure in bearinpf tesiimony to the effiency "of your Piüsin removing bile from the stemacb, detergitig the Liver ond In all complainis emana,ng froB U-, source. w. j, j f C' W D' ' Watkukoo, Mich., March 10, 18 44. To Dr Smith- Sir,- For upnrds of six manths I was crueliy afflicted with Fever and Atrue and' that time could find nothing that gave me permanent tx-lief; at length hOwver your University Pilis were recommended to me by one of the best Physicians in these and I am happy in boing able to suy, tHTit from the use of one box I was pmnanently ured' of my ague; since then a nunher of my family have been as pgnally benèfitted. VoóVp, Rpppectfu'Iy, F. L. WELLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL G00DN0W. Momroe, Mich.. June I, Iñll. I hereby certify that Dr. Wm. M. Smith hns been my Family Physician for four years ast thathe has used his University Pilis in his practico in my family wirh unparaleled aod I think them preferable to anv pil! for bilious affection in the vvorld. PA NIEL G00DN0W. Ïtutkeeper, Macomb-St. House. TESTIMONIAL OF D. S. PARSHALL. Fut, Mich., June 5, 1344. Dr Smith- I am bnppy to give yon my cordial approval of yoiir University Pilis. I m able to keep off Fever and Ague, nnd Fevers to which all ofus are subject in this Westrn Country, by the timely use of your University Pilis. Send an Apent fSfeV Way as soon 8 P.;sible. for we are all out. Yonrs. Sec. D. S. PARSHALL. P; TESTIMONIAL OF MESSRS. NOBLE AND FYF1ELD. We certify that we are and have been personally acqnainled with Wm. M. Smith, M. 0 , and know that he is a man of eminenne in his profession - and that for four years he lied the chair of Materia Medica and Plmrmacy in the Willoughby University of Lake Erie, with honor to himself and saliffaction to the Trusteea nnd Facuity. as well as to the itudenis of the above University. As for his Pilis, they are 'par excejlence." Monroe, Mich., June 19, 1844. B. F. FYFIELD. TESTIMONIAL OF RIAL B. CHASE. This I cert'fy, that in the month of September last, I wns attacked with Billiou3 Yaver while away from home at Owas-so to btiild a water vvheel) and with one dose of Smith'tí U - nversity Pilis, Ibroke it up; and as many others were sick at the timo, I administered these f,;is to them, and in all cases it bioke up their fevers. I have used them many times since, nd wilh ereat succes. They are the best pills I ever used. s RIAL B. CHASE, Millivright. Shiawassee Town, Mich. June lst, 1844. TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAÏL C. WRIGHT. This may certify, that three years ao l was attacked with Livor Complaint so severely hnt T could scarcely turn myself in bed; I used many specifics and remedies, such as ïrandreth's, Resurrection, Oriental, and other pills, but with little or no eöect. One year go, my friend Hr. Smith callpd'on me on his way to Boston, when he gave me a box of lis Universitv Pills. which perfectly restured me, and my has not again sufl'ered ABIGAIL C. WRIGHT. Rochester, N. Y., No. 13, Franklin Street, June 25. 1344. TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN W. MILLER. Dear Doctor- Justice requires me to state, that I have ?old your University Pills for one and a half years last past, and tha I can sell no others while I have them on hand. The ïave superseded the sale of all others- their effect is truly wonderful. v JOHN VV. MILLER, Dru-ggist.. Monroe, Mich., June 12, 1844. luar; tt For Saleby J. H. LUND, Lower Tovvn, and WM. S. &; J. W.-MA1JSARD, Uppei Town, Ann Árbor. ds, .


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