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THE RUSSES CLARKS' L Young ralies' Seminary, k ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. 6i _ MARY IL CLARK, Principal. CÍ1LOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. Il'SS WKST, Teacher in Musie. F I. F.SCHOFF, do olClSliA..b'11' do do in Frenen. '. M RKrI, Teacher pIMathemuiics. ■ LllüBY E. CLARK. Teacher oí Juveniie Uept. irSHüS-lustiiution luis heen in opevotion since : JL November ld, iti'.'A). The scholastic year ' mlnnrmu forty'-éi'glit weeks, iwu tem s. f intr two quaiters each - twelve vveeeks in a qnarív- u general e.vïiminniiun at tiie close of each i srni - ijl Fcbniaiy and s, 'phe last quarter of tlie 'present term com :s' icncod Mny'20ili. Alter a monih's vncation, r t the close of thisquarter. which ends ihe n isüc ycar, school willbe again resumed the iirst ii k-eek in Sepiernber next. U' Txi.Ms of Tüition. - For the English R s,$io( to$5per rpiarter. No reduction made r alsoce, exeept in case oi siekness, and nu v upil tnkeii for lens tha'n n 'quarter, Extfa char-: j es are made for mnsie on the Piano, with the .se o' the instrument, $8,1)0; t Prenclj UJ „ tliïftif, 3.00 a Drawine and Pain tin g. 5,0(1 Fancv Work. ' 3.00 c Board, inctuding washwe, liglit?. Sic. $.1.75 0 ier week f ;üïd m advance. or 2,ÜÜ per Weck i fpriid at the alose of the qnnfier. c Pnrents and iuardians are invited to visi.t the chool every Friday. wíien the studies of the r veek reviewed - a'so semi-niorith! ,■ rn i leaday aAcfnoon, at roadiug oí' the weekly c icsilions. ladies desirous of entering the school i iid pursuing ihe regular course of euidy, would t lo wcll to commenee at the begining of the .- er m. j Ilaving pürchaséda healihy and commodious miklingina pleasant andconvenient part of ihe (t ■ill.iyc, no pains or expense shall be spared to fi acilitate ihe suulies and render tlie situationoi he voimg-ladies profitable and agreeable. JJclongiug to the school are a Library of beween nvf'éë and four hundred volumes, and Phiisophical Apparntu?. Electrieal Machine, Glohus, ie. Scienufic lectmesare delivercd before the. chool at proper iiüi.i vals. The Misses Clark will emïeavor. nof only to iromote the intellectusl culture of their pupils mt will attend strictly to their moral deportnent. With a deep sense of religieus responsihiliiy. hey would give sucli a tone to eharacter, oa ahnli ender it practically fnted for every station- yieldng toduty but. finn lo principie. AmoiiL' the hooks used n the school are, Ahircronibie on ihe Intellectual and Moritl Powers - Kune's Elements of Criticism- Wayland'? Vloral Science - Newinau's Kneïoric - Hcdjie's jOgic - Paley 's Natural Theoloy and Evidenccs )f Christianity - Coinslock's CheiüUtry and Natural Philosophy - Conibe's Physiolbgy - Mis. Jncoln's Bota;ny-7-Eaton'3 jManual of Boiany!3u;ritt's Geogiaphy of the Heavtns- First. Bec nd and Thira LJooks oí' Histoiy - Mrs. Wil iard's Republio of Anierica - Phelps' J.eirn! Clas:ics - Playfair's Eucljr!. and Davie's Algebra and rUhtnetic - Parker's Natural Philosophy. The Misses Clark have tnuglit a Yourig Lalies School for several . years in the Ci:y ot New Vork. and are furnished wiih testimoniáis from !it. Rr. Benjamin ÖriHeruonfc. D. 1) . and John VI. G risco n, M. D., of New Ycik, Hev. .! L. IMalie. of Biooklyn, and Mrs. Eimnu Willurd, ol l'roy. N. Y. ; also, reierence is made, by pernission. to the following gentlenun : Rt. Itev. 3. A. L). D.. Robert Rumsey and L. B. Misner. Esqrs., Detroit; Rev. lanac S. Keieham. Centreville ; Rev. J. Ijiulson. White ligeon , Rev. J. P. Cleveland, and Geo. Ketchurn, Marshall ; Hon. Wn, R. Deland. Jackson: Paul B. Ring. Michigan Centre; E. H. Winan. Adrián: Daniel FJixson. Clinton: Ga'rdrne. Whecler, M. D.. llowelli Rev. F. H. Cuminir. Grand Rapids; Rev. H. Colclazer, Rev. A. M.. F'nch. S. Dentón. M. D.. P. Bnaham. M. D.. Wm. A. Fletcher, Hon. Wm. R. Thontp son, E. Mundy, Esq.. Jthn Allen. Esq.. Geo. W. Jewett, Esq., Col. Thomas Moselv, Capt. ,T. Perkins, Thomas M. Lndfl, F. Sawyer, Jr.. Rsq. , late Superintendent of Public Instruction, Professors Whiting. Williams and llouahton. ol the University of Michigan. Anti Arnor : James Birdsall and Rev. John Beach, Flint; Amo. Mead, Esq., Farmington. The following gentlemen. Rev H. ColclazrT1 ilev. O. C. Comstock. Rev. A. M. Fitch. Rev. Mr. Curtiss, Professors Whitïng nnd Williams, ot' tin University of Michigan, nnd F. Sawycr. Jr.. late Supefintendem ol Public Iriblrucüon. have consenied to act asa visíting eoniinittpe oi the school to be present whon the weekly s'-Ufiiesl iire reviewed; but espccially to attend duiiug the semi-rmrual exaniinations. September 1. 18,43. 9tf WraGÖTPS ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND RIIEUMAT1C PLASTER, AN efficiënt remedy for Rhenn atistn. Fever Sores, 'White Swellings. Felons. Pain oi weakness in the Back, Bieast. Side or Liinbs. Burns, Brujses, Cramps. Chilblaius.. Liver and Lung afticttons. Indoleni Tutnois. Spinal a'fFectiosn, ínfiamed Eycs, &c. &. ft is unsuspíieíl in all Inflauitnatory diseases. cithcr Chronic oi Acute, asit operates by coviiferucting and redvo ing lnflamation, alJaying Pain. Sweating tr.f parts aflected, and by its strengthenirrg and Anoilyncproperties givingspee.dy relief. Also invaluableasan anti-inercurial piaster. Price ?5 cents per B".v. - For furtlier partirt;lnrs, see circulating Pamphlei.) Fur sale il Muselcy's Book6tore, Ann Aihor, and J. T. Stocking, travelling agent fur Michigan. 16-ly Ready Made Clothiug!!! TUF. LARGEST and best assorunent of ready made clothing 5 er before offered in this State now opening, and for rale, Wholesale or detail, at the Clothing Emporiuin ot ihe subscribers. consisting in part of plain and fanc) üeaver, Pilot, Broad Cloths and other stylos of Uver Coats. Tweed Cassimere, Benver, Pilot, Domcstic Cloth, L'nion Cassimere und Salinen Frock and Biitiincsa Coats. Fine, Plain and Fancy Cassimere, Blue nnd Black Broad Cloth, Twecds and other styles of Pantali'ons. Plain and fancy Silk and Silk Velvet-, Woolen Velvet Merino, Salín and Cassimere Vests, Jc. &.c. &c. togethcr with a very large stock ol common low i)riced Over Coats. Business Coatí. Pantaloons and Ve.sts. stich as blue and black Flushing, Satinet, Keniucky Jeans, Coinniot: Tvveeds, &c. &c. Also, an exiensive assortment ol l-Iosiery. Stocks, Scarfs, Handkerchiefs. (dollars, ]janib'8 Wool and Mermo Drawers and Shirts, Comforiers, Gluves, &c. &c. all of which will be sold very low fór Cash. They would respcctlully invite all in want of rcady made garnients lo cali and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere, as it hasbecn selected witi great care in the Eastern markeis. and manufac tured ia ihe lutest styles and most durable manner. HALLOCK & RAYMOND, Corner of Jefferson and Avenues, Detroit. Oct. JO', 1844. 3m25


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