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General Intelligence: Terrible Steamboat Disaster

General Intelligence: Terrible Steamboat Disaster image
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Explosión of the Ldcy Walker. - 60 io 0 Killed and Wounded! - The steamboat cy Walker, Capt. Vann, left tliis place for few-Orlenna yesterday, crowded with pass - engers. When about fonr or five miles from Vew Albany, nnd just before sunset some port of her machinery got out of order, and the engine was stopped in order to repair it. While engaged in making the necessary repair, the water in the boilers got too low; and about five minutes .after Ihe engine had ceased working, her oilers exploded with tremendous violence, and horrible and ternfic effect The explosión was upwards, and that part of the boat above the boilers was blown into a thousand pieces. The U. S. snag-boat Gophtr, Capt. L. B. Dtmham, was nbout two hundred 5rards distant at the time of the explosión. Capt. Dunham wna immediately on the spot, reecuing ihose in the water, and with his crew rendering all the aid in his power. The Lucy Walker was in the middle of the river, and such wa3 the forcé of the explosión, that parts of the boiler and boat were thrown on shore just after the explosión, the air was filled witi human beings and fragments of human beings One man was blown up fifiy yards, ond fel willi such force as to go entirely througli thp deck of the boat. Another was cut entirely in two by a piece of the boiler. Before Capt. Dunhnm reached the place wh?re the Lucy Wnlker wis, he saw n number of persons, who hnd been thrown into the river, drown. He, however, saved the lives ofalarge number of persons, by throwing them bonrt's nnd ropos, ond pulling them on his boat with hooks. ïmmedintely after the explosión, the ladies' cabin took fire, and before it had been conaumed, she sunk in twelveor fifteen feet water. The screams and exclumations of the females. and thnse who were not killed, is representen1 ns having been disbeen distressiugand awful. We believe none of the females on board were injtired; some. however, may have been drowned. The books of the boat were destroyed, and of cóurse it will be impossiple ever to ascerfain the nnnies or the number of those killed. There were at lenet fifty or sixty persons killed and missing, and fifteen or twenty wotinded, some seriouslf. Capt. Dunham left the woundcd at New-Albany, who were kinrily and well cared forby the hospitable and humnne citizens of that town. Severa! passengers on boord the Lncy Walker, deserve notice for their coolness nm their efficiënt exertions in saving the lives o drowning persons. More of the Lucy Walker - The Louisville Courier of Fridny says that fiifteen dead bod ies had deen found of thoss on board the ï 1 1- fnted Lucy Wnlker. No further nnmes of tli killed or wouuded are mentionod, however. The accident was the resuk of the most colri nble careleesness. It will be rccollected w mentioned yesterday thntthe body of a ma was blown 150 feetin the air, and feil wit such force as to break through the deck. TIr8 oceurrence was the means of saving th lives of two or three persons, who were confined beneath by the deck falling on them, bu who were enabled to escape through the hol thus made. All was gloom in Louisville i consequence of the explosión. The Sahbath.- In New York State, mor than 1,200 captains of canal boats have signet petitions that the locks may not be opened o the Sabbat h. More than eightecn out o twenty of all the boatmen who have seen th pet il ons, have signed the same, and all th fotwarders from New York to Bu fíalo. Precautionary Laxos. - Tho Prussian Gov ernment has fnunded nechooIatBerli, for th instruction of those having the managemen and suj)erintendence of railways, and convey anee on the sanie. After Jan. 1, 1846 n person is to be employed in the business wh has not been taught at this school anè re.'ëivet a certifícate of fitness for the post. A mos judicious íaw, calcurated to' save líves, bu impossible to be ifnitaled in this country, as i wouíd hiterfere with the ïargfest KbeTty, am ' be pronoiHic'ed onconStjtutionaí. The matïgtiration of ÖoVerrior of Ohio, in December nex-t, will present a novel feature The robes of office will bé tfaTteferre'd fron sonto sire-ncting Governor Batlbï wil givo pfeceto Gov. Bríae elecl. Deatét of Rf.v. Mk. .Fitch- The Rev Cha. Fitch'one of rtie léndïng íííilleme preach era died svidcienly al on Wedheeda laet. He bnptiüéd' soine of his followers a siior time before, and took asevere cold, which car ried him ofl' thnir precipttately.1 he Bakitnore American contains n list of 22 persons who have been convicted of legal voting in the late election in thnt city. They were scverally fined $30, and sonie of hem were committed to jail for non-payment of the fine. An Irish womae has been fo')nd who raiscd Ê17 to pny henenl by 'letting' her deceased ïnsband's natnralization papers to 17 individuals m succession on the same day. Don't bo m a hurry to "pop the queslion," 'ounor genrlcmon. A friend of ours courted a Jndy for twenty-eight years, and then married her. Slie turned out to be a perfect virago, and died in less than two years after er wedding. Now," said our frie'nd, in a e!f-congratulating toi.e, "I 6ep what I have escaped by long courtehip. ' - AWu Messenyr. Figltt Btltceen Messrs. Dotts and Jonef. - At a discussion on tbe 3th instant, at Hemico ountyC. IJ., Va., bet ween Mr. Botts and Hr. Jones, late Speaker of tbe Hous; of tepreseutatives, a quarrel ensued, and a reliar fight look place betwecn them. - Phü. Qnquirer Anoiher case of Consciente. - The Secreiay of the Treasury acknowledges the receipt f five dollaa8 from sonie unknown person, vïtli the following note: Sir - "lam indebled to the revenue of the Jnited States for the amount enclosed - $5,00. I wish y ou to understand the reason of my oing this p, to malee me at peace with God nd my fcllow men. The Lord is coming this month. and on the 2d or 2Ld dny of it, I think, to "Judge beween him that serveth God, and him who erveth him not, and to lay righteousness to he line, ondjudijment to the plmnmet. The ord help us to be propored to stand the fiery rial, ilwhen the Lorü ariseth to shake teribly the eartli." Yours, Sic. Wish some of our subscribers would believe so ! A Prench wriier expresses deep regret at the extinctiou of lottenei?, which he says were ''founded on hope, a theological virtue and a phrenological organ, that they were the poetry cf chance and a means of universa equality."


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