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The Head Of The African

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The Boston Medical and Surgicul ou mal, Öct. 23, has an article on the olor of the negro, which the writer atributes to the heat of the atmosphere, and he actionof thesun'srays upon the body, onnected with the laws of descent. The ollowing is quoted from the Foreign Quarterly Review: " According to the late researches oí one f the ablest living anatomists, Prof. iedemann, who has with singular feliciy been able to vindícate tho uncivized man's capacity for irnprovement, we learn that - 1. The brain of the nero is, upon the whole, as large as that of ie European and other races of men. - ts weight, its dimensions, and the capaity of the cranium, prove this fact. - vlany anatomists have also incorrectly sserted that Europeans have larger rains than negroes. 2. The nerves of he negro, relatively to the sizeof brain, re not thicker than those of Europeans, s Scemmering and his followers had said. . The ontward form of the spinal chain, ie medulla oblongata, the cerebellum and ie cerebrum of the negro, show no imjortant difference from those of the Euopean. 4. Nor does the inward strucure, the order of the cortical and medulary substance, nor the interioron of the negro's brain, appear at all unike the brain of the European. 5. The ïegro brain does not resemble that of the ourang outang more than the European brain, except in the more symmetrical distribution of the gyra and sala, lt is not even certain that this is ahvays the case. We cannot, therefore, coincide with many naturalists, who say the negro has more resemblance to apes than to Europeans, n relerenco to the brein and nervous system." . And after a minute survey of proofs respecting the intellectual faculties of the negro, Prof. Tiedemann continúes in the following words: "The principal result of my researches on the brain of the negro is, that neither anatomy nor physiology can juslify our placing them below Europeans in a moral and intellectual point of view. How is it possible, then, lo deny that the Eihiopian race is capable of civilizalion? This s just as false as it would have been, in the time of Juliiis Caesar, to consider the Germans, Britons, Helvetians and Batavians incapable of civilzation." "(E Some dispute having arisen in reference to a certifícate of Rev. Dr. Bascom, of Lexington. Ky., some 47 members of churches published a testimonial of the Boctor's worthy characteiv In referring to them, the Democratie paper in Lexington is quoted as saying - "They are; doubtless, very good judges of brieklaying, carpentering, coffins. taps and pack-thread, buggies, wco], or fur hats, plapk, cabinet ware, wagons, bale rope and bagging. coats and pantaluons, tówn pumps, fine or coarse combs, trusses, chickens, and eggs and otiier edibles, groceries, crotchets and quavers', fin cups and pans, pukes and purges - but, in the name of Apollo, wbat do they know, what can they be expected to know - about ''burning eloquence" or -high intellectual endownients." Again - "It is because the Rov. H. B. Bnscomb has not and never wïil have, one particle of ''burning eioqtience," tliat the certifícate of the aforesaid tiñkeks, ïinners and tailors has become necessary." We cali attention to these expressions, as indicative of the state of feeling in a slaveholding community towards laboring men. It exisis irrespective of party. - No nortb.ern paper could venture to publish nrticles of this character.ÜCf" At a station in tho East Indies, there is published a newspaper, siarted by the pupüs of the Missionaries, called the MorningStar. It cireulates exlensively in the héathen villages, and has two or three thousand subscribers. All ! ments in favor of heaihenism are freely I odmitted, and the refutation placed along side of them. AS this is something new among the heathen, it attracts their at. lention considcrably. The aiithority tbr this statement', is Rev. Mr. Spaulding, Missionary to Ceylort.05 It appears from the Niles Repub. lican, that Mr. J. N. Chipman, Democratie candidato for Senator from that District, bas been falsely accused by the Whigs as Abolitionist." The Republican repelsthís aspersión with becQming spirit, afRrming that "no better or ! firmer Democrat can be found." So let ovcry ono take notice, that When' Mr. Chipman gets to the Legislature, he will be a Democrat, but not "an Abolitionist." Kr Greely of the N'. Y. Tribune lays down the rule, that no charge is to be j lieved against any candidato for office5 whicii is made too late to allow him time ,to refute it. This is a good rule.


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