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SUGAR COATED, OR "ïtajiroved Indien Vegetable" PILLS. For Intcrmiiient, Remittent, Bilious and Irflim maiory Fèvèrs; Hcadaelie; Indigestión; Lys pe8i;i; Hcíii'.burn; Peiverted Appetite' Cos" tiveness: Dinrrhcen; Dyscntcry; Jiilioua'; in the Hend, Side. Fou! Siomicli: Scrofula, S'cürvy, or any Iinpuruiei ot ilie-Blood; Cbstruciions, and Female Colu pluints generally. rplKRIS hns mver nppeared a modicino _L wineli, wh.le it can -lo no harm, scnlcuIatVH to do po mnch gooc!. They excite a henlthlul dp spiiniion, and open all the mituro) raines of iii sysieni. The ubsnuction of IjTsíxsibijí PyR, RAT10.N is il.ecatKse of a great piouoriionof h., mon sufitnn. These pilJs pfiaüai the V0Z T in an exiraonlmary detee. of removing 1 Jh sirucmns, anrf restrring n hcnl.hlul circulotioñ They must v.iuloutuedly superocde all otlier ourgoiive medicines, ns ihey have a fourfold action- dnk 4i8charge ly lhü üotccls' luves' t&m Chu.dben will not hesitnte (o and tl ey mny be reürd en. bcyond nny other renedv as an effect ual and snfe medicine for YYORMs' and all complaints incidmt tochildren. Mor chikiren have heen cuietl in New York then,e. ent ycar, l.y the use of Dr. Skhh's Pilis thnñ .all other medicines combined-ña there'is no need ol forcing iUm doten, Yikè other medi eines. One mporinnt ndvññtnge tn inking thesö pills is, they do not eri c, nor produce nauseu nor any o her uni.leïi.sruu sensaiion. l'iU8 have' in thousands ot inslnncca, pioduced Pilíj and oiher constqnences f ar var se ihrtn the disenso íor which they wete ndiainisiered. This is var tictdurly gvtnded paivy.t in th combination of the niany itigredirnts of which Dr. Sniiih's pills are composcd - ilius jentfijring them HARMIjKSS. These pills nre marie of ihe turest mnrerinlsr;nd we hnvo the satislaciion of hnvinp proved to the Medical Fnculiy, they possess u.icoir.mon vtnues. The directions nnd irentmenj of disensos, jccompnuying oviy box. in a ciicniar of Vou.No STIGAR COATED PJLLS" con ho genuine%!t!uiit ihe slgníiii.rc nf ihe soie invenir '-G BKN.iARHN SMIT H.M. D., Preiident of the N. Y. College of Keahk," ur.on ovef box. Office devoied exdvsirnly to the snlc of thi edicine, 179 Gieiiwich streel, New Yoik, ond STo. 2, Wnter sireet. Boston. CERTIFICATES. Wo me not in wom of ceriificates of a liigh inrncter, coming fjom. ihi niyet respcctablo jurcès. ;From a Nepliew of the late Judge Thorrpion.l Ni'w Ynr.K, Mny 15, 1844. Dr. Smith's 'In-pioved liuüan Vegetable Pilis' ave proven va.iuahle to mvst'If a'id liunily, in e cureóT violent hi-.auachx. pain ín thu'side nd stomnch. For childien, no betd-r mtdicinu an he prodnced. In the case of our Iiule girl vi) yeais old, the most happy efTeetshovo resiilt' d from tlitir usc: I hnve iieyer known i mtdine which 1 could so coniidentlv reconnnend as ese pills. R. THOMPSON. 56 Northmore St. The fojldWiïtg lady is too vvell known in New roik for her mlelligence and pliilanthropy to be oubted: [From the RTatkok of the U. S Natal Hospital:] Aécuèti nied ns I nin to administer to the ick, í can npp-tciatfi u vnluabie ïneicine. KthereL-o a medicine ydapted to ihe ni:ir..-mus ailiüents of m;mkind. il ís Dr. Smiih's StígNÍ Pilis. I lavc used ihc-in tnVd sein htm ued with the moet cstonishiny rtsulis. in t-cs!it instnnccs witlijn my kriowlèögei leMuiiiii.' ilie pat.ént froni extreii.c lowness and süfTeriiig io strength and hcalih. For Indies dming pïe'gnancy. these pulsare a soverfign Luim. J lecoiiimciijd; them ib all as a valuable FAiViLï medicink. ►SARAH A. GOÜLD, M.itron of ihe U. S. Naval Hospital. Brooklyri. June Hiih, Ift44. [From the Dcputy Sheriff of New York.} Dr. Smith's Sugajied Indinn Vegetable Fi!I" have been usüd in iho Eldrigdc-St. Debtois' Pnson witli uncommpii satisfocüon. I hnve ntvei heard r medicina spoken of wiih more interes by ihe sick who have taken .hese pills. JAS. J. BEVINS, Deputy Shenf[AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE.] I k;tve to lecorcl nu insta nee of unpnr;:lleldd sv' eiiitg, whicji must l:;ive terminr.ieu u.y exist, had iiot Dr. Smith's éligoréd Jiidi:r 'éffiblu Pilis' come 10 my reseue. In the fnl Í 1843) I had n Êcrtüfuloue iffectior, whicli nearlv overee) my body wiih soies, and randered ne unit for life. In the coursu of two monihs I wos tt&cked with lever, whicb rnjjed wiih gieat vioence. J i ok mnny prescriptions. Lm wiiliout elief; Mr suileririg was great. Mis. Gould whofn I shnll evi-r renitirnber wit'u es'.cem) ndvietl me ia use Suared pillti, whieh Í tooit n largt? doses n fey d;iys. when ile f ever and min obated. I eo nu nu cd thete pills iti sinall dors, aboitt five weei'.s, when my fcver find scroula werc cured. my 1-lood complciely purifitd, nd niy cnornl liealih inipioved. I 'ani ecitain owe niy üfe, under Piovidcnce, to the use of hese pills. E. M. PARK. New York. Trom Jas. M. Turner, Esq., lute of the Ü. S. Síuvy.] I havo been iifflieied scvenii years with n weakless in ilie, cosiiveness and o difficnliy ' ircaihinij. I wns ln!(;!y more ihan ever tronbled, liouiih J had takt ii nüt.y presciibed omeditB - ritroueh ihe adyice ol u Iricr.d, 1 pr.ocurod Dr. Ssiith's Pnient Sugnred Pills. wliicli 1 used. and hey have not on!; reütved, but emirely cured ny coinpliiin!8. My wi:e h;s also uaed ihptn wiih the roosi happy efiecis, I believe them the )est medicino in the world. JAMES M. TURNER. 531 üieeawich St.. N. Y. Refers to Hon. Süns Vnfht. U. S. Scnate. PERFECT CURE OF' WORMS. Our linie girl, C ye;iis old. h;.' ufl'ered aJl the worst stages ol" wonns; and wc have never found nn cffi'ctiial cure, uivil we administerod Doet. Smith's Sugnr Pills. which our litt!e girl took wil hout the cast rrs'utancc, n dotes cf iwo at a tiinu; nnd we ncvi r wiinessed such ,a changc in so short a urne. The p!lls biouglu away a nías of .w.orn-.p, and slie at nce r.pioved. She ii nuw in joyous h'-alth. We have also found the freatost benefit iipin their uee. JACOB CARLOCK, SStaple st., N. Y. Wé have mwiy certificates of cure3 in cast f WORMS. [From a lady well known in New York. J I have beeji troubled for years with dizzines. and pain in the head, attended with depression,. dimnessof sig'm. &c. which have been entirely eured by Dr. Smitii's ;iSug-'u(l Indinn Vegetable Pilld " I prize ihïS medicine nhoveall othera. SARAH DOUGLASS, Coner o) Ludlow nnd Wnlker-St. [The foilowi'ng is trom nne ol the oldest and'' muist respeciable inrmeis in Mndison Co.. N. Y.j' Cazknovia- . July 28th. J844.: I have uscd 40 buxes Brandrelh's PÜIs, nnd as many n;ore of difiV-rcnt kinds, and I havo' never found thut benclit frmn the use öf the , wholc, that I have fi.orn the uee of two boxee, of ■ Dr. Smith's "Improvzd Isdian Vkgetabli" Pirxs. They ectn to strike at the foundation of my' diaease, wliich is of u biliuus charncter. IRA ALVORD. [Mr. Alvord v.s. with anolher, the firt set-" iler of ihfi Iieniuiful villago of Cnzenovia, about' 50 yenrs o.] OLD MEN nnd YOUNG MEN have. with-out niinihei. given th-ir f.stinionin 8 foi these' excellent fiitrüy pills. And MOTHERS ! we wish we eo. ld by bcf.-rc the wo. ld all ihe ex-nressions of r.pprobation which we have from ihernin New Yoik. They would olone fiti ïnispnge. The fact ie, therc never wns such a mèdi cine for the complaints of Ckh.lren. Forsnle liy G. & J. G. Hi.ll, Detroit; May. Jr.. Plymouth: Pcnin & ilnlL Northviller Luñd ■& McCollum. F. J. B. Cione, nnd W. S. & J. W. Maynard.nnd G. Greuville, Ann Arbör;: also in Ypsilanti. ' Dexter. and throughout the United Slates. Ofilce devoied exclnsively to' these Pilis, 19 GreenwichSt., New York. CAUTÍOÑ.- Beware of iniitatiorle. 20---Jy


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