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The Cold Water Cure

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A ïnnkee pBtient ai the Graffenberg [nfirmnry thus describes the Coldwater Gure. It cíoes not appear to be of a very agreeable character: . "On the morning afier my arrival Priessnitz called at my chamber, and first directed me to lay aside my flannel under-shirt and drawers for the future, which I have done without the slightest 'nconvenicnco. lie then directed me to stond in the middle of my room without a tlirend upon me, tlie thermometer at' 48, uul my servant brought a large linen toarse sheet soalfed in water at 44 deg., xnd dripping wet: after rubbing on my iead, face and breast, they threw on my jack and shoulders, rubbing mo brisklv, ay 5 minutes; aftcrwards they tíried mewith a dry sheet rubbed in the same rnauner. Then they put around my breast and abdomen a linen cloth, wet as before, in width about 15 inchés, and about 8 feet long. This s taken off about four times d,aily, wet thoroughly_and replaced. The next operation was when 1 awoke the riext mofhing,my servant was pulling the bed. clothes ofl. lie íol'á me to get up and take olT my shirt. He then spread my thick blanket upon rny beu, and on. this placed the wet linen sheet. I got upon the sheet, and he envelopedme in il entirely, then brought the blanket close around me, then threw a feather bed ever me, and after all rny cloak, tucking them in so close as to cxcludethc air from every part of my body except my face and head. I was in appearance as regular a murnmy as you ever saw. Iíere I lay an hour ïn which time I perspired much, and then was unpacked and went tbrough the first operation vith the wet sheet. - You would have thought there was a coal pit within the sheet, I smoked so furiously. And to these operations I have daily submitted 3 times. From being dreadful at first, have become almost pleasant. Next 1 amto take a Douche bath, so called, in which a stream of water, the colder the better, about the size of on&'s wrist, falls from a height of nearly 20 feet upon you. This treatment is aided by copious draughts ofcold water and muchexercise in thé open air. 1 walk regularly 4 miles beforbreakfast. and drink six glasses of water. Man y do much more. In process of time all the bad humors in the system arè stirred up and leave it in the shape of perspirations, biles, abscesses, tumors, diarrheas, &c, carrying off all the poisonous matter which, in the shape of drugs and otherwise, have been almost for years within. The tumors are hailed with joy as the harbingers of renovatipn. In the meantime the diet is of the very plainest, coarsest kind. No bread but rye - bo coffee, no tea, but still plenty to eat - good appetites always, and good digestión waits on appetite, and the duties of the day in their performance guhrantee sound sleep."


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