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Native Americanism

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The following notice from the Pittsfaurgh Gazette, a promiuent Whig paper, exhibits tfie Btate of mind of a considerable portion of the Whig party throughout the country. - They are deterroined on adopting tlieNative American doctrine as iheir main issue, but cannot ngrre wheUier it will be bstter to engrnft it on the oíd creed, as a ncw Whig principie, or to throw up the old organization, aad commence anew under tLe nome of Amelican Repnbl can. There are ndvaniages and disndvantages both ways. Onr opinión is, that it wonld be betler for thera, as a party, to retain the old appellation of Whig, ond under that cberished designation considerable numbers, who vvould not join a Naliverican party, can be giadually indüced to tiipport is nnrrow and hateful views. They wil fuppport ihe doctrine aa a part of Whiggerr, but not as a distinct system of politics. As n separate organizaron, its t'JValtve" ugliness uil] be tooapparent. The whigs can tokea ]es8on profitably from their political opponents. Under the name of " Democracy" that party is made to shout alinost nnanimoutly fbr "Tkxas," whenone half the Democratie party would inslantly bolt, were tbey required to vote and shout for the same scheme, if labeiled according to its true character, " A project Jor ike aggrandizemeni and perpet nit y of Slavcry.'' There is oiuch m a name. But to the extract : "Amkbicak Republican Progrkss.- The progresa of tho principios of ihe American party are without .1 parailel in the history of a ny party in the country. The Norlh and South, the East and West, are nll ruehinor to the rescue of the country, from the dominotion of unnaturalized foreigners. The Boaton Courier and Atlas; the Providence Journal; The Albany Advertiser and Citizen; the Jtochester Democrat; the Commercial; the New York American, Adverliscr, and Courier and Enquirer; liie Rtchmond (Va.) Whig; tbe Washington Naiional Inlelligencr; the Philadelpbia North American and Cl'pper; and many others, nll over the republic, have unfurled the banner of the country - the Ameican flag. The only difference of opinión seems to be, wbether it is best to throw up our present name and orgnnizatin, and form a new one, or cling to those tchlch dunt vs ruch good service. As far ae we understand the tone of tbe press. it is for holding on to our preeent organization. Aa to the principie there is no disagreemeut. All go in for a cbange in our naturalization lawts."Q" Many of the Whig papers, which beibre election were professedly very zealous for anli-blnvery, are now deiiding the Liberty party as already dead. The Rocliester Democrat, a whig paper, edited by Geo. Dawson, formerly of the Detroit Advertiser, now copies the following from the True Sun, as "fonn ded on reason and good sense:" "We consider therefore the Aboütion niovement dead. We 6lmll hear but little inoro of it. lts leaders may petition t til they are black in the face, they wiil produce no results. Neither party will have any thing to do wilh them . The foolscap they hav e re olved to dclnge with ink, they raay as weli ploce upon their head."


Signal of Liberty
Old News