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The Convention toform a Constituiion for the State of lowa have closed their labors. - The lowa Standard gives a summjry of tiie provisions of ihe New Coüstitution. The Legislature to consist of 17 Senators and 89 Representativos, biennia], pay for firit 60 days $2 a day; for any longer time, $1 a day. The Executive, Governor for tbe ferm of 2 years, salary $800, to have a veto. Secretary of State, 2 years, $500. Treasorer 2 yeara, salnry $3000. Auditor 2 years-, salary $500. Al] these to be elecled by the peo;. le' and their salaries not to be mcreased for 10 years. The Judiciary, Supreme Court, S judges elected by joint ballot of the Legislature, term 4 years, salary $800. Tbrce District Courts, Judges to be elected by the peop!ef term 4 vears, salar j' $800. Prosecuting Attorneys elected by the people for two years. A Svperintendant of Public Jnslruction to be appointed by the Legislature. Legislative eleclions viva voce, and a plurality elects. Corporations limited to 20 yeare, unless re-enacted. Slockholders individually liable, ihe Legielature to have the right to repeal, but the State to be a stockholder. No Bank to be estabüshed unless ihe charter is sub mitted to the people and approved by them. Laws to embrace but one subject which shall be expressed in the title. Not to be in force until published in the counües. Laws to be passed early, to prevent black and mulatto persons from settling in the State. Lollerüs and the . sale of Lotlery Tickets prohibited. ". Amendments may be proposed in the Legislature, approved by Ihe eecond, and then if adopted by the people to become a part of thp Constitution. Revisión by a Convehtion cali ed by a vote of two-thirds of the Legislature if approved by a popular vote.Uj?3 It is stated that a new paper is soon to be csiablished in Detroit, to be cailed the "Americn Citizen." (Jr Louisiana is 6aid to have gone for Polk by a small majority. 05 The Liberty vote in Pittsburgh was 450 - a gain of 70 since the State election. flTf The Liberty vote of Oiiio is 8,050: for Governor, in October, 8,411: loss, 261.- The Whigs have lost in Ohio, since 1840, L9,963.A friend writes us from Si. Joseph County, Nov. 20: "I rcgret to say onr Liberty vote hns fallen off. in consequence of the reckless fnlschonds nnd forgeries, published against Mr. Birnkv jiiat lipón the evc of the eleetion, from 106 inst year, to 84 this yenr. Bui we feel encouraged to go nheed. under the assurnnce thattlie falsehood and forgery will eventually rebound upon the heads of tho infanicus calnmniators." Ann Arbor, Nov. 20, 1844. Winter has come upon us iu earnest, after a mild and plensant autumn. The ground is considerably frozen, with a sprinklíng of snow upon it. The Whent Morkot continúes without variation, buyers offering 68 cents. At Monroe, Nov. 21, Wheat was worth 75 cents. ín New York, Nov. 16, Michigan Flour was q-íotcd at Sf4,-20 to $4,25.


Signal of Liberty
Old News