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Dr. Smith's University Pills

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TRÍESE' PíHs ore pfrpnred by Wirt. M. Suiith,. M. D., Inte Profesaor oí Materia Medica and X Phammcy n the Li.iversuy ofLake Krie. ühio. -ür. Smiih would say (o the publi3, that ■il oflcring iliem i. Pili, he presents no qunck nostnun tlmt will by lis irritating efteets upori j hcstomacl) nnd howels e'renie disenso where thrro wus Imle or nono bciorc, bul onc thai ís safe, mild. enlutnry and uiiiioim in its effecis upon ihe whole sysiem. He would sny thnt 6 has nuwspent i0 y-;u8 in research atid invésiigaiion. directed to ihe Pa "tholi-ry oí discase, and ihe properties o'f nunücinal substances, and their ndapration to the removal uf rlie maladir lo which flesh is hoir. As ihe result oí iheeo labor, he isnow oble to give to the public a eoinbinniion o( medicinal vegetable substnnces. which is ns near porfection. as carc.ul ytndy and elose investigation. tests nnd ekpeiiir .nty: can bring He would say to l'hysicians, as well ns oiher's, try this pill; it will not deceive you. It is pecnüarly adapted to the removal nnd prvention of the fu'.lowing diseases: Bilioits, Intermittant, and Remittant TcverH; Fevcr nnd Agne. Coi'gh. Liver Coinpjainis, Suk ríeadach. Pnssive Dropsy, Rhru.natism, Enlargemet of The Spleen. Jtniernal ilfef, Colic, Acidity of thc St(jmacl). Incipient Diarrhcea. Flabünal Costivoness, and in all cases of Torpor ofthe Bowols, hena cnthnrtic. nperient, or alterativo, i needod They are mild. yet certain zn their lion, proc!ucin? neither nausea, írriping. nor debility. The agenis o! these J jIIs are insiructed. n case full sáHsínction is not given to any person who niay purc-hase thein, that tbey shall have , tneir inoney refunded.


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