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Spirit Of The Whigs

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Frora almoflt every village and township- frotn every city-rfrom every State where the Liberty party existe, from which intelligonce lias reached us, we receive reiterated accounts of the ïncreased hostility manifested by the Whigs towards Liberty men, because Ihey would not vote for their favorite elaveholder. Thia hostility manifests itself in private conversation by an acrimoniou6 and vindictive spirit - by unfounded and unjust charges - and throügh the papers, it assumes the aspect of political and social vengecnce. The Liberty men who voted for their anti-alavery candidftte, in 8pile of all tempations, are denounced as hypocrites, renegades, and deslitute of principie, nnd Ihey are told ihat their nnmes will be handed down to poateriLy, by VVhigs, wilh the brand of imfamy. We have heard, from gond authority, of instances, in one or two places, of Whig influence nttempting to opérate in a different wny. Individual Liberty men were plainly told that if they porsisted in their course, they musl expcct an extensive nnd embarrassing loss of pntronnge in their b'isiness; and Ihey were advised to regard to their pockets by 6elling their principies. We have been infornied that these were not merely idle thrents, but t hal corres - pondjng efforts hove been made to destroy the patronage of individual?, and thus crotnp them m their pecuninry affiairs, nnd that the plan, to some extent, has been successful. Now on oll these varied mnnifestaxions of Whig hostility- hatrkd, perhaps, might not je an inappropriate word - we would remaik - 1. They are foolish, becanse they will not ncconiplieh nny valuable object desired by the Whigs. You cannot malte a Liberty man into a Whig by calling him u "hypocrile," ;'Locofuco' or injuring his business. If he is to become amartvr forhis principies, he will adiiere to thm with the more tenaciry. All ex perience teaches thls. 2. Such manifestation? of evil fceüngs towards individuáis, ia calculated to boget corresponding resentment in the person abused, and thus transform our honest, conscientious differences of political opinión into occasions of permanent individual hatred and warfare. ís such a resnlt desirable? 3. The Whigs can have no rational hope of ever seducing the body of the Liberty Tien from iheir principies hereafter. Tne exh bition, then, of animosity for past political dif fernces of opinión can be regarded in no other light, tlïon as a mere domonstration of anger and mahce for pievious honest and manly political opposition. Ls such u. spirit creditable lo Wliigs?


Signal of Liberty
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