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ANN ARBOR 01 L MILL. - THE subscribcrs wou ld yive nptice Unit ihoy are engaged in ïnanufacluring LfN-SEHÍÉ Oíirj, aríd are prepared 10 furn:sli oii of t lie Les! ',u:lity to mer'.hants aiid painters. chcap as it can be obiained frbni ibe Enst. Oil exeliangeci for Fhx seeel at the rate oí a gnllon of oil for n Imshel oí Flax secd. Cash at all times paid for Flax secd. rULCIPHTCR fe JUDSON. Ann Árbor, (Lower Villagc.) Sept. 6. 1844. 5,0-1 y,. THE TRUE PAIN "TTSTHfCH curcslikea charm all BURNS hy W íire or water, onrl evory exiernsl SOfJE. iAIN.. LNFLAMMATJON. ACHE or JTCIi!.(í ever yeí foúnd upoii ilie humnn faniily. t whic'i ii lias bt-or: npplied, must ulways be sough ,'cnuine Ironi Conistock ar4 Co.. oí Nc-w Yoik, ir ihcir uuboir.ed ngcnis. All a:e caniioned ígsiñ&t any spurious íh tieles, wluch nin}r alwEj! ic avoiJed by knowing ibe one you buy comn.rom Cotnsiock & Co . who art npw the o.ily H-oprietors and 'manufactuiers. fnijuirè forConícl's, wliich is ■waí'innied to ció all i1, evor would when cnllcd by any other naniej or-lhe priceská!) leréfundcd 'va uny case if it docs not picase. To plac&sk within reach of all. the price 1.a een reduced inoro tliari foïïr folíl; nhd-is no'.r sold for 25 cents, t he íbrrner price being too e.irbitunt. Tire 50 cent $i.c now coinains foiu timos iis niuch as thc tórincr. áfid tlic $"$%;zé, icnr ten times as mucii. ■ No hnnily ihat lias ;my title to lmmanity, will "ail to huve Connki.'s Pain Extractor Onituieh lUvnys at band. to save life. aliscars. and rcdití; ill agony from any burn in íive ir.uaitcs, provi led thcy have seca it used, or will beiieve thos ,vhc have used ii. COMSTOCK & CO.. 21. Cotirtlíind Street 07F Be sure. tliereTnre. and ask fo) Co.kkx.'s: ís ourili(! wiih Daüey's nano en ii has;beer sioléfij and tlie sjuirious ma'y ippear wi;h Uta iwnic en it. Know. tlrcrcfoie. tliat ít comee di rectly from Conistock & Co., or slum it. WM. S. á J. W. iNÍAYNARl), 36 AjrentforAnn Arb.Nature aiid Lxicricnce ór ftnitlc." f g 1 HE cstroordinarv and woll riüífiferiticaíed X cures wrought hy the cnlt-biaied Si.'GAit CoATV.n Pn.i.s, or Dr. Smiih'á vip rorcrf ludan, Vegetable Filis, have nauuaíly drawn public utentiou to ihcn. Peihaps in ihc liistory of Medicine. fVom ilic time of íJippncratcs to the pres c-ni day. ihere is no insianco of a medical couirni'ir.'l íihtaining c rj n a 1 C(!lül)ríty in 'so sliort ;: tiñíe. 'l'hcre was never a medicine recorhmoml od hy sud high authoriiy, as Dr. S'miili'b Pul?. Bcsides ilieir great curaiive properties, (póssessing as they do. such nstonislu'ng powers to open all the natural dfairte of the Ixxly. viz iheLuNcis. Kin.sF.Ys. Skin. and I3owki.s, ) thoy arn, unlilu1 aíl other pí lis, exiremcly i-i.kasant, being coated with sugar, and as they do hot gripe, nor producenau8oa. or nny ot'nev unpleasaní coiií-cquenees, ihey have become very popular for Dyspepia; Head-achc. Costivcncss, Bilions comiilaints, Foul Stomnch, Fevcr9, Worms, Want of Appetito, Impurities of ihe Blood, Obstruclionsand P'emnle Coinplaints gencrally, Colds, &c. One of the' most infliicntial and benevolent ladies in iSTcw York, Mis. S. A. Gould, Mairon of the U. S. Naval Hospital, snys. "ihere isno medicine in her knowledgc so well adapied to the numerovia all'ments of mankind as Dr. Smiili's Silgar Coated Pilis." She espocinlly reconnnendB thein to ladies. Bead her certifícate in the pamphlet. Office devoted exclnsively to the salp of these Pilis, 170 GreRnwich Street, New York. For sale by W. S. 'S J. W. Maynnrd and Lund-& M'Collum, Ann Arbor. 28-lw Estray. nnAKEN up by thesubscriber, on ihe 25th of JL September lasf, in the town of Northfield. a 8malL chesnut colorcd mare, of the poney breed, with a star in the forehead, supposed to be about 8 or 9 yeniB oíd. branded A. C. on the shoulder. The owner is requested lo prove property, pay charges and take her away. ' NEHEMIAH SMITII. Nortlificld, Nov. h 1844. '20-8wTHE MJSSES CLA RKS' YomiL liadies' Seiiiinary, ANN AB.BOR, MICHIGAN. MARY II. CLARK, Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. MISS WEST, Teacher in Musio. H. F. SCHOFF, do of Classics, do do in Prendí. MARSH, Teacher of Mathematica. RHOBYE. CLARK, Teacher of JuvcnileUcpt. T I íHIS lustiuuion Iras been in operation since JL Novftinher 18, 1839. The scholastic year êmbrncing foriy-oight weeks? two terms. comprising two cjiiarters each - iwelve wceeks in n qnarter - a general e.umnation at tho close of each term - in Februnry and AugtiGf. The last (junrier of llie present term com monccd Msy í20ih. After a month's vacaiion. at ihe close of tliis qu.'trior. wliich ends ilie scholastic year, school will bc again resumcd tlie fiist ycok in or Tuition.. - For the Ehglish brunches. $,50 to jjjip por qunrter. _To redyctiöO iuuC.c for absence, éxcept in case of sicknees, ntid no pupil taken for less tlinn a niiartor. Extra clmr ges are made for niusic on the Piano, wnh the use o the instrument, f-.Od Fiench, 'o,00 J.nün. . 3.00 Dinwintr and Pair.ttng, 5,0(1 FancvWoik, 3.03 Board, including wnshing. lights. &c. glk.'75 per weck if ))!iid in advancc. or íj;".,0() per week ifpnid ;it the close of the quarieiv Pafènts ;uid euardinns aré invited to visit thé school every Friclty. wh:n tiie studies of (he week fiixv revicwed - also semi-nionthly on Wednesdny aftcnoon. at readingof the weekly coaipositions. Young ladies (lesirous oí entering the school and pursuing the couise of ijiurly. wauld do well to coniinence at the begining of the icrii. Hnving ptuchaseda healthy nnd comniodioiis .bmlding'in a iiëhsan.t nnd dánVenienl un'rt of t!ie vilhige, no pnins m expense shnll bc epnred in facilítale the studies and render the situaiion oí the voung ladies profitublc nnc' agieeablc. liclonüfiiig t the school me a'iary of !:eivc(Mi ihiec and four hundred vo!unies, aii1 PhiOfioiiliiciil Ap))aintiiy. Electrtcnl Müchinc, Globos, A-c Scieinific Icciurcsardelivered befofe tho school at proper iritervais. The Misscs Clnrk will endeavof. nöl only to proinoic tlie ihtcl!cr::u.-l culture oi'their juipils but will attend strictly to their moral deportment:. With a dèepsense of religious respoiif--il.iliiy. thcy would givo sucli a tone lo civni'nctèr, as sfi'hTÜ rende-rit piHCiic.'i.lly fateJ for .every station - yielding loiiiitylU! linn lo principie. Amone the books used in tlfesbnoöl nre, Aberctohibic on iIhj Jniejlt-eiual and Munil Powor;- K;:üc'w Eictiients of (.'lük-ibm - Wayland's IVïoial Science - Ncwiikhi's EJietóïic - I ledges Ëagic - Pfiiey's N;n!ir;il Theology and lOvidenees of Chfi'stiiiniiy - Comsioek's 'Cheiüituy ;uu NaiuiTil PliUósophy - (Jombe's Physii!oüp - Mis. Lincoln's Eotnny - Kntrirs ivlnnual of HotüiiyBu.-ritt's Geogr.ap'iy of the ÍJeavens- First. Sec onr! and Tlurd üooks of Uisiorv - ÏUis. 'Wil Iiard"s Ücp'ííbiic oí Ame,ne;i - Phelps' Legal (Jlr.gsíes - Plíiylair's Eucliíi. and-Dnviü's Algebra ÈHill Arithnieiic- Pat kei 's iattir;il rinlrsophy. The Misses Claik have táughl a $uurig I-vdics School for several yearsin tlie 'Ci;y ol New York. anl aio iuinished wiili froni Rt. Rcv. Donjaiinn Ondni-donk. ]). ]).. iijd Jybji Mi GrTseÖft'. W. Ü. of New tui) íic-v. ,7 L. Blak.e. of Urooklyn. and Mis. Kmina Wülard. ol Troy. N. Y. ; aiso, rcJerence is irade. -y pcrmissioii; lo the following genilcüin : llt. Rev. S. A. MeCodsiy. I). D,. Iöb.erJ r.nm.-ey nnd I.. 15. .Mijner. Èsrh . Dninit Hev. i KcïcIkhii. Centreville ; Rev. ,T. 'liudson. Wjhit' Pigeon , Hev. ,T. P. Cleveland, and Ci'co. Ke'.cliinri, Tvliiishrii! ; ííon. Win. ]l. Delnnd. Jackson: ?,nul B. Ring. ÏM;chigni) Cfcülre; E i(. i i : ;i : i . Adrián; Daniel lü.vson. (Clinton:. Grrdine. Whet-k-r. M. D.. llowel!;' Rev. F. n. Cunihür. Grand Rapids; Rev. Tl. Colclnzer. Rev. A. M. Fitoh. S. Donton. M. D., P. Bngham. M. D.. Hoi). Wni. Ai Fletchcr, Hop. Wni. R. Thomp son. E. Mundy. Esq.. .Inhn AJ lt?i . E?q.. Gco. W. .Tewett. Ksq.. Col. Thomas Mosely, (-i;t. .1. PcrkinSi Thomas M. Ladd, V. Smwvui. .Ir.. Ksq . late Supeirntendent of Tiiblic Tnst) uctiotu Professors Whiting. Williams and IJougluon,. of the Univcrsity oí Mi'ejiignn. Ann Arhoi : Jnmts Birdèall and Rcv. John Ceach, Flini; Amos Mend. Esq., Farminglon. The follpwing gentlemen, R.ev H. Colclixer' Rev. ,0. C. Comsjock Rev'. A. M. Filch. Rev. Mr. Cnrtiss. Professors YVhiting ,nd Wiliinms. oí the University of Michigan, nnd F. Saivyer. Jr.. late Superintendent of Publfc Instriiciion. have consenied loact as a visiting conimiitef o the school to !e present when the weclily s-'uïicare reviewed; bat espccially to altend during ihe sp mi-a nr nal exnmiriations. September 4, 1813. hfANTI-INFLAMAUTORy AND RIJEUMATIC PLASTER, AN efficiënt rernedy lor Illieumansin. Fever Sores. White Swelimirs, Flins. Pain o; weakness in ihe (Jack, Brensi. Side or Umus. Burns. Bruises, Cramps. Chilblnins. tlvfer on-J Lvng afftctions. Indolnni 'J'umors. Spinal tfFectiosn. 'Jnflariieil Eycs, &c. &■. ït is unsuspassecl in q!1 i ?; ílrtm [ latory diseases. ciiher Chjo.iic pi 4cute. nsit operutes h}r 'counteyndhig mui'?■ lnflanintion.. allaying lJ;iin. Swcatinir ihc pnris aliccicd. and hy its strcngihenin .-nul Ano-dyneproperiies givingspeody relief. AIbó invul ua'oleasan anti-inercMiri;d piaster. Pricc ?5 cenis per Box. - For furlbrr pariicuIrirs. ppp circuiating Pnmphlet.) For snlo n) Moseloy's Booksioro, Ann Albor, and J. 'J'. Stocking, travelling agent for Michigan. lfi-ly Hesdy Made Clothïngü! THÉ LAitGtST nnd best assortmeiit oí roady made clothing 2 er befo re ofl'eied in iliitSiate 110 w opening, and lor r;de. Wholesale o) Retail. at the Cluihing Einporinin of be sübV scribérs.. oonsisting va part of plnin and fanc} Beaver. Pi lot, Broad Cloths and oilicr siyles o: Over Coats. Tweed Cnssiincje. Beaver, Pilot, Domestie Cloth. Union Ciissimere ond Salincli Fiock and Business Coats. Fine, IMain nnd Fnncy Cassinicre. BI:ic and Black Broad Clotlï, Twccds ind oihersiyle oí Fa ni aioons. Plain and fnncy Silk and Silk Volvrt. Vvoolcti Vthct Merino, Satin and Cassimere 7ests. &c. Are. tVe. logether wiih n very large stock ol (■oinmoii l')v prieed Over Coats, Business Cints. F&ntalooiis and Vcsis. such as blue and Llack Plushing, Saiinct, Kcntucky Jeans. Cóinnion rweeds, Ac. &c. Also, nn exiensive assort ment ol Hosiery. Stocks. Scarfs, Hondkerchiefs. Oollars,.Lainb's W.ool and Merino Drawcrs and Shirts, Comfortcrs, Claves, &c. &c. all of which wiil be sold very low for Cash. They would rospect Ivilly invite all in want of' ready made arments to cali and examine their stock before phrcliasingelsewhere. as it bas been selected wit'i gneal care n ihe Easterp markets, and rnan'ufac tured in the luteststyles and most durable tfl.önner. HALLOCK & RAYMOND, Corner of Jefl'erson and Avenues, Detroit. Oct. 10, i 844. 3m25


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