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White Slavery

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These who enslave the coiored man find his complexion a ery convenient and tangible mark by which bis condition con be recognized in law, and in the eyes of commiinity. It if equivalent in mnny plncee to the word 'slavb,' written upon the forehead. Theslaveholders, in their Jaws, "presume"' that every coiored man is a slave, unlcsd provecí to be otherwise. The AristocracyoftheNorih & of theSoulh nri now uniting to stigmatize, degnuta, oppress, and we may say, partially enslave, a portion of the white inliabitants of this country, the greafer purt of wlmm they contend are vicious, ignorant, and unfit to vote orholri nny office whatever. In raaking this attenipt it will be very convenient to have some tangible mark by which these hrtt"-slaves may be readily distinguisbed from thcfreemen: and roRKiGN birth, w'ith ïts consequent peculiarities of langimge and appearance, presents itself as a mark of degradation, which can be conveniently recognized in legal transactione and social intercourse. The Native American party propose to iran.sfonn this accidental distinction into a badge of infamy und degradution. They propose to say to the foreigiiers, substantiaüy, "You are poor, ignorant, illiterate,degradcd beings. What do yo know about poutical affuirs? You may look at these tickets, büt you must not loxich them! Yon need nol come to the polls on eleciion day: yon can stay at homennd woik. We will muke laws lor you; all yoii will have to do will be to obey lliem You mny accuniubite propprly as much as you pleuse under such regulotions as we may niake for you; and as to the amouni and objects of taxation, we will see to that. - A!J you need do will be to have your taxes ready for the collector. We will treat you well ifyou will only be 6ubmissive and obedient. Uut as to a8piring lo be equal wjth us politically, it is enürely out of the question. We want you to underatund that it is our business and our duty to oom rol and regúlate you: yow duty is to be peaceatly controlled and regulated by us. You are Uic governed; we are the governors." Lest our readers should think we are preeenting them with a caricature, rather than a fair etate.nent of the Nittive American doctrines, we subjoin the following from the New York Express, a prominent Whig paper of N. Y. City. Read and 6ee if we have overstated the matter. "The victory of the Locnfocos is not that of Americana, but a triumph of Irishmen and Germana over Americana. They proclaimed boldly before the eleciion, "Amkricans Shan't Rule us,M- and they have kopt their word. We live to eee the day when more of the balance oí power is in the hnnds of those whoare neither bone of our bone nor flesh of our flesh,- of men who have tía love for the country n ivhich they live, - no true attachinent for the Instuuiiona which have given them a home better than their own, - no eympathy for what is American. The stripes vp on ourjlag are emblems of the scourges America is to receive Jrom the hamled aliens in our midst) who proclaim aloud - Amcricans Shant Rule us! Nor is th8 all. The crimina? at home, tvho, as the penalty of his crimes, was sentenced to out shores, and who is at heart no less a crimino} here than at home, has become n ciiizen. He is here Ihe presiding divimcy ofhispnrty, and his vote wouid overbalance that of Washington vvere he alive. The father ot his country lias no more power than its moKt degenernte ofH-pring, who is an alien to s in inlerestnnd t'eelmg as in birth and association. Our land has been the receptacle of the prisoii-houses and poor-houses of Europe. are vomiied upon our f hor es and swarrn our land like the lice and locusta of Egypt. And shall such men rule America, or be conrted and cringed to by Americírfis for Iheir votes? God forbid ,- SrCH MEN MOST BK KKPT BACK, CURBKD, CON ïrollkd'. The time of reeidence be!'rc nat uralizution innsL tic longer ihan it is, and the privileges of American citizerrship dearerthun they are. The honest alien, coming toour shores, wont complom of this, nor will the intelligent ni oprïgïit foreigners already among us. All others mtist be resisted boldly, but in a striel jiretice. Ajübricans must htilk Amrbica, o there is no' stabihty to our öovernnifnt, and no permenent valuein the Independence achiev ed by our fathers. There must Be fewer privileges to jorrigners, and more lo Americana. In a word, there must be an American party tor rule America," Such ia the language of Northern and South ern Arislocrtcy. It is tbe knguage oftyrants every where. ir. is the same that once animated the councils of Georgc the Third. They thougfjt that the American provincials should be "kept back, cnrbed, controlled," and they attempted it, but subsöquently found ihey could not do t. Such actempts genérate, reeistance. A freeman will restst the invasión of a portion of hts riglus with the same spirit with which he defcnds them all. The oppressor of the Black man will have no insurmountable scruples, under other circumstances, io ride roughshod over the rights of his White neighbor. That feeling which says, "We don't want any JYtggers liere," Í9 identically the sanie with that which says, "We dorCt want any Foreigners tere1' - Henee the generoue support which Southern SJavery has received frona kindred spirits at the North. For our own part, we would welcome to our ehores ihe "oppressed of a!l nations" - of every kindred and tribe and people and tongue nnd color and religión- whenever a human being suppo8ed he could benefit his condition by coming among us, and was villing to conform to the laws of his adopted country, we tvould say, Come. And every one that becaroe permanently a resident of the soil, was uneonvjeted of crime, of suitable age and intelligence, and fiad been natural ized as now required, we would invest with every right nnd privilege of American citizens. Tnstead of legislating the citizens of our country inio castes, 8ome with many privileges, sonie with few, as proposed by the N. Y . Express, we would do.awny with every political disiinction, and make the whole popu'alion into one peo pie, as fast ns possible. We would not aik any privilege for ourselves which we ere not willing: to concede to every other citizen. He ulio asks for suc h exclucive privileges, ie an Aristocrat;he who attempts to oblain them, agninst the consent of his fellow citizens, is a Tyrant.


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