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Noticc to ülerchants. THE Subscribers encouraged by the patrón go tliey hiive hithcrto received in tin whu.esuie depnninentof their business, will tlii rst dny of Mny no.xt, ópen the siore now occu pied by Geo. Grenville, froiuing on Huroi streel, nnd cb'rinècïing with thcir present stori iti tlie rcnr. exclusivelv for & WHÓLB SALES EOOH, wheie they will keep at ail limes a lull assuriment of Dry Góqds. Boots, Sf Shoes Carpcting Hals, Caps, Paper Han gin gs, Botnets, Crockery'by Ut e Craïe, Hardware and Goceries, #&t êfc. mi all of wjiich will be soU on is good terms asa any poiut this sido of New York Cuy. G. D. HJLL & CO. Ann Arbor. RJarch 2C), 184i. . 48tf THE foHowingindispeiisablo family remedir, mny bo found at Matxahd's Druggis Sió're, in Ann Aibur, wheie none will be sol unless lcnown to be óf ihe best kind and m counierieit article ever oiièred, patent medicim nvuiialilv procured ol the origin 1 inventor o nis regular successor: EF iVo faïnily sliould bc a weck without thcS' remedies. Jh) BALDNESS. Balvi of Co'umhin, for the Hair. whïch wi slop il il friliag ollt or restore iton bnld placea and on childreii mako it grovv rapidly, or oi tliose who havo lost the hair from nny cause. ALL VLRMIN that inlest the hëads of chilJven in schools, ore prevenied or killed by it a once. Find ike name eT COMSTOCK'oh i or never try it. Pemr.mher this alicuys. PILES, &C. are wholly prevented, or governed if the attact has come on, il you nee the onlyltue Hays' Lin imkkt, irom Cometock & Co. All SORES, and evory thJng relieved by it that ndinits of ar ontward npplication. it actslike a chajm. Ust it. RHftUMATISM AND LAMENESS positivelycured; all shrivelled rtiuscles and limbsart resiored. int!e od or young, by the Indüm Veselnhli: EHdrad JYerre and Bont Liniment-bu never without the name of Comstock & Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERANFUGE willeradicate all VVO RíVl Sin children or adults with a ceriainty quite astonishing. TOOTII DROPS. Klikks- cures eflectually Ann Arbor, Feb. 5, 1844. 41 WEIGHT'S tT? Medirated JPlaster, spread for immediate itse. PRICE ONLY ONE SHILLING, IN ORDER TO PLACE THEM WITHIN THE MEAÑS OP ALL. IN slight rtilments, or wherethe patiënt pretors a .less expensive article ihnn ihe ;Anti-inflamatory and Rieumatic Piaster," these will be found highly beneficial. Being alrcady Spread for iinniediiue they wül be fonnd very convenieiu fór WEAK BACKS, Pain or Weakuess in the Sido. Bicast, Stomach, between the Shoulders, or wherever there is Pain, or where a Piaster is needed. They rnay be rendered more serviceable by pasting a piece of cloth on the back of them before they are applied. Multitudes'have been relieved of pain and aufierinü; by these Cheap Piasters. For Sale at Moi=ely's Bookstore, and by J. T. Stócking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. 36-ly 2. B. WÁLISBRIpaTENT SMÜT MACHINE. rpHE Subscribers take ïhis meihod of informX ing ;ill such as are engugsd in the Miilin" business m the State of Michigan, that they are now manufucturing in Ann Arbor, VVashtenaw Cotiniy, Michigan, L. B. Walker's Patent Snmt Machine, which they wonld recommend to Uske the Smut off of wheat as well or better than any otlier machine. This machine is a horizsntal machine - it reiains all the fnction of ihe wheat. and uniting simplicity wiih durability. it combines the beating, scouring, and blowing principies, dis charging the dust and smut as fast as separated irom the wheat. This machine 3 perfectly secure from iire, and runs mi c'i lighter than any other maelinie in use. Fo ■ fartjier information, see large bilis. Sliop in Lower Town. Pricee ro agree with the times. All orders for Machinps will be promptly ai tended to. Address. E. O. & A. CRITTENDEN. Ann Arbor. Washtenaw Co., Mich uly844. ' iJ6m The Bñrney Pórtraits. THF Subscribers lmve on hand a quantity of these large and splendid engravings.beautifully execuied on steel an excellent artisi. iroin a paintingby E. W. Gooimyin Esq.,of Albany. N. Y. They are a slriking likenessof tuk .Man, and niake an elegant ornament for the iarlur. For sale,, wholesale nnd retail, at $3 per dozen, ir $ 1.00 èhch, fiy A. McFarren. BooksRÜer. Dc-troit, nnd by BECKLEY & FOSTER. Ann Arbor. Nov. ). IS44. 28 tf WOOE.! WOOZ.! CJLOTH! CLOTH!! TpiíE .Subscribers would inform the Public X that th'ey will continue to manufacture good t iheir Manufactory, two and a half miles wefl ifAnn Aibor, on the Huron. on the following TERMS. ' Until the first doy oí November, A. D. 1844. he pi ice will be ."7i cents per yard. or half the loththe tvool will inake. From the Ist of Novmbc-r r-.j the lüth of May, 1845, the price will e oO cents per yard, or.ninc twentieths of the !oih the wool will mnkcj thutis, 45 yards out of 00 manufaclured. The wool will bc manufacured in .urn ti3 il may come into the (actory, as enr as may be wiih reference to the different ualities. Any person who will fuinish one oi lore jnrcüis of wool from 80 to 100. pounds oí ue quaüty can havo it tnanufactured by itself. V.'ool will be rece ved at Scio. Wool sent y Rp.ilroad will be attended toin the same manier as iftheosvner were to come with it - it hould bo curehilly niarked. We have manuactured cloth during the past. year for a very nrge number of customers. to whom we believe ve have given very general satisfaciion With fcjose factjB and the advantages ofiered by the low niccrii which wc offer to 'manufacture cloth, wt lopefor a large shnre'ul patronnge. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. VVashtenaw Co., July 25; J844. 3-tf Hew Hat Store. JAMES G. CRANE would respectfully inlorm the Public, that he has oj;ened a fine tock of HaCs, Caps, Stocks, Cravals, Scarfs, Collars, XJnibrelïas and Gloves, it No. J05. Jelierson Avenue, Detroit, nearly ipposite the U. S. Cóqvt Room and PostOfflce. vhero he will be happy to see his friends and . upply them with as good an article in his line is can be procured, er.her hete or at the cast. ind as cheap. Gentlemen in the interior, wishing a first rate 'ashionable article of flats or Caps, can be supilied by sending theirsize or have any style furïished to order in a few hours. and warranted to uit. Cali and ece- it may eave you n dollar. JAMES G. CRANE. Detroit,. July 12 1844. J3-G:n DRAB BIIOAD CLOTH for carrtage trirnming, Cords and Tassels for windnw ehades, for sale by W. A. RAYMOND, 32 tf 148 Jeflerson Avenue, Detroit. WANTED, any quantity of DEERSKIN-S by BECKLEY fe I1ICKS. Ann Albor, Nov. 29, 1844. 32-tf


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