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WRIGHT'S FOOR MAN'S PÏLLS, ü A n excellent vegetable i'amily Medicine, in ca e X3L ses of Indigestión. Dyspepsia, Liver Con - planits or Jaundico, Ague nnd Keven Coaie Tonguc, Sickness nt the Stonioch, Sick Head :iche. Reinittnmnndlrrtenniitem Fevers CouHis Colds, Cniarrh, &c. &c, Entireiy vegetable they are emphotienllv JKÊTïïrRJE'.S JFRlEjyjp, - to heal.h nnd counternciing riisens by punfying ibe blood, cleaneing the system o vilintcd humois, removuig cbstrucuons. stimu nting the prguns ot secreiion, mingling wth ih food nnd acting every wny in harmony with th system. For Inflnrantoiy dièeases used in connectie with the "Rheumatic Plnster" they wil] be foun greaily to nid in the removal f disenses fo which the 1 laster is nbove rncommended. nn pariicularly are 'hy calculnted for nll derange . mentsof the DtgesLvj nnd BUian, Organs, th primary onm.n of a maliiiude of d'isecces. 1 nee- 2o cents nnd 50 cents n Box. , „ Fo'-.süle at Mosely'e Bookstore. nnd by J. T j Stoeking, Travelling Agent for Michignn. Certifícate. r VVooiarocü, Lenawke Co., ) „ . T Aug. 20. lig.). ] For twelve yenrs I have been troubled with rhe. matic nflection in n,y back. 8o that 1 hnv harcly ever been ree froni pain durinpthe whol tirm nnd wirhin tw(;ve hours nfter I hod ap1 plie( somc oí Wright's Rheumntic Piaster. I wa ; perk tly easy, and have had no pain ?ince ii STEPHEN CARY. Jackson Co., Coi.umbia, ( - on■ Aug. 20, T44. 1 l8jnny rcerllfy thflt l knve used Wright' , 1 il Is in my fnmily in violent uttackö of chili" nn bllious (ever, nml have found them to be th best Pilis that Í ever useiK and would recom mend every lamily to keep them on hand. JAMPIS AWARTOUT. Thomfson, Geauga Co., Ohio: ? ; ' Al)r'l 28tli, 18J4. ' l d , m,ay certlfy thnt T hnve "spd Wrights - l oor Man s Pilis and Rheumatic Piaster in m) practice, and would say to the public that the - can rely npon thcir recommendation with the - utmost confidence; in short, they only nccd try ing to recommend themselve?. REV. R. R, SCOTT, M. D. Loraink Co., Green. May 16, 1843. This may certify thut 1 have used Wriglu's , Poor Man's Pilis in my practice. and find thetr to be one of, if not entirely. the best pills now ii . use; and would recommend every iamtly to keep them on hand, especially those who live near low, marsby land, or tnill ponds, or in nn unhealthy climaie. , „,. : JOSHUA BASCÓME, M. D. Without adding nmre testimony of the efliency of the nbove mentioned medicine, we do not hesitaie to sny that we are not afraid 10 have its virtues tesled by the sido of nny other of the kind that ever has been ofièred to an American public, nnd we will let u stand upon itsown merits. For saie at Mosley's Bookstore. Ann Arbor By Kellogg & Jirothers'. White Pigeon. R. Willian s, Jr.. &. Co.. Sturges Prairie Simeón Gagct, Quincy. Branclï councy. A. K. Hall, ' " aJW. A. Bliss, Jnmestown. Jnd. Elisha Steer. -Anola. " Chester Moss. Albioii. Micliignn. A. P. Mann & R. Sibley, Marshall, Mich. A. Callendèr. & t E. Packer, Battle Creek, " C. W. Vining. Galesburgh, " Capt. Brown, Prairieville, " H. Medwood, Adrián, " Qunckenboss. fc More, Tecumseh ' S. A. Rovvley, Jonesville, H. Oilbert. Manchester, " W. H. Parte rson. Saline, ' Ilarmon &. Cook, iJrooklyn, " Pierre Teller. Wholesale Agent for Detroit. Geo. P. Wright & Co., sole proprietors for the United States, and Upper and Lower Crnada. All orders and business letters for the present, may be directed to Geo. P. Wright, Columbia P. O., Jackson Co.. Mich. lx is for sale iilso at Monroe. Mt. Ciemens. Utica. Pontiac, anti by Dubois &, Wright. Jeflerson, Agerits for the Staie of' Michigan. KtLcoRK, Carrol Co., O., Jan. 25. 1I. Ten years since, I was taken witli theScrofala, so that I had no relief day or night. my limbs being much swelled and covered wiih Ülcess. my breast and back in great pain, and nerves niuch shattcred. I applied to different Piiysicians, all of whom said there was no help lor me, and all the remedies I tried proved unavaüing until ] m;,do use of Wriglu's Anti Inflam. and Rheum. Plnster. which reduced the. inflan'ation, ieuled the ulcers. brougln the skin to ita natural color, and relieved the pain. I would recommend it to all similarly afflicted, and an) sure they will be satisñen after givinc it n fair trial. CATHARINE ALLENSWORTH. Thomcso.n-. Geauira Co., Ohio. ? April 20, 184'.i. ' , l certify thnt my little boy put hls arms into boiling waer, ne;irly to the elboM, so thot when the dress wa-s taken ofi' the skin came with it; after applying several romedies to no purposn - the arm beconiing much swollen and he child Hl grent pajn. Í applied -Wright's Anti Inllam-iiatory and Rhenmaiiu Piaster," aru within two hours ho was perfectly easy, and went to sleep. After to or three duys I removed the piaster, and applied another, and when thni was removed the arm was healed, except a place the size of a shilling which was soon well. 1 beüeve it to be the best anide fora burn that can be produced, nnd would reeommend all to keep it on hand in case of accidents. ELTZABETH BROUGHTON. NERVOUS DlSEASESare greatly benefit ted by the use of these pills; - as Nerveus Head ache, Tic Doloronx, St. Vitus' Dance. &c. iheir tendency being to soothc the irritabiliiy of the system, allay puin. and induce quietand repose. Those afflicted with Coughs. Coklp, Influenza. &c., wül find relief from the use of ihese pills. Exposnre to cold doses the porës of the the skin, checks persjiiration, retards the circulation, and produces varions inflammatory dis eases. Does any one perectve a cold comin upon him? Let him on Lox% to bed, take sufficient to opérate siria rtly, and then every ni'.'lit. take cnough to produce a mild operation tl 1 1 the disease abates. In case of Worms let a tea ol Pink be laken frêely for 12 hours, and then administer Pilis 8uflicient to produce a brisk cathartic operation. 20-1 y. DR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHO&i&GOaUX?.. AMOiN the niosi vahuible (juulitits ol thie . medicine, is its restoring infuence upon constitutions impaired and injured by previous attacks ol billious iever, or fever and ague; or by a longresidence in those climates which produce them. There are many constitutions which becomc grad.ually undermined by a mlusmal nfluence, without even a day's actual confinernent. [n such cases, the Cholagogue acts like a ertarm - thesullow complexion, loss of appotitc, Innguor, weariness and depression of spirits, with other unpleasünt symptoms which renderlife a burden, all yield to this romedy when fuithliilly used according to the directions of thenccompnnying pamphlet. It is (üitirely a vegetable prep aratiop, and maybe taken with perfect stfetyunder all circumstances of the system. For sale by 36 V. S. J. W. MAYNARD. sole Agent, for Ann Arbor and victniiy. SINCLAIR &CHASE, J3TTOHJYEVS AJVD ■ LOR ÍS AT LAW, (office lower town, ann AiinoR,) ■Will ttend o all business in their profession with afidelity and despatch. Paricular attention will be givcn to collecting. ROBERTP. SINCLAIR, KPWARD CHASEMarch20, 1844. 48-) y. RS C. BÜFFINGTON would respectfully inform the Ladies of Ann Arbor nnd ita vicinity that she has received the fail and winter fashions. MRS. C. BÜFFINGTON. Nov. 14. 1844. 30if. Ï2ÖÖ ltos. Geese Feathersi OF first rate qunlity for sale by the pound or hundred weight in quanlhiea-to suil purchaeers, may be found af RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, 32-tf MS Jeflerson, Ave. Detroit.


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