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Will bepublished overy Monday uiorning, ii Ana Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLEY & FOSTER, Fon the Micuioan State Anti-Slavírv So0IKTY. TERMS. Okr Dollar a year, in advance: f tot paid ia advancc, Two Dollars yill be invarubly rcquired. CJ Ok' subscribere canhnve theít papers a One Dollar a year, by forWarding that amount and paying arrearagee. All ubecriberB will be oxpected to poy rithin lh f ear. TERMS OF ADVERT1SING. F,or oach lino of brevier, (the smaüest type, for tho firat insertion, 3 cents. For och jubaequent inaurtion, 1 cent. For. throe months, 7 ceñís. For six months, 10 cenia. For one year, í 5 o Orders by mail will be promptly attended to. Legal Advcrtising by the folio. EF Manufaciurers, Booksellers, Macbinists Wholesale Morchants, and all olhers doing an exttnsivc business, who wish to advertise, wil find the Signal ihebeat possible medium of communication in the Stnte. D All Ramittances and Communication sHould bo uddrcssod, Post paid, EPSionalof Libkkty; Ann Arbor, Mich.


Signal of Liberty
Old News