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DISSOLUTIOX. THE Co-purtne)8!iip heretofore existing betwecn Huston &, Dickinsun is by mutual consent this day dissolvcd. Ann Arbor, Dec 12, 184-1. ]w35 Ten Bollar Reward. LOST on ihe lltli inst. probably betwecn Crnne8 and Coons n the viciaity of Plym outh asmall, black Morocco Pocket Book, cntaining about $50,00 bank notes on Canada. - Any pcrson fïnding the same anti leaving it at ihe office of the Signal of Liberly shall receive the above reward. H. R. KEAMEY. Ann Arbir Dcc, 12, 1844. 3w-35 DR. SMUVH'S (SUGAR COATED) "IM proved Jndian Vegetable Filis," are daily eitecting some of tbc mos' astonishing aDd wonderful cures that liave ever been knówn. u consequence ofwhich they have now become a shining mark agoinst which all the arrows of disappointed hope, envy, and unchnrit ibicness are levelled without distinction. The town and country are alike filled with tlicir praisc. The palace and poor-houso alike ecl.o with theirvirtues. In all climates. under all temperaiures, they'siill retain their wonderful powers, and exert them onahered by age or situation. Tliey are simple in thcir prepanition, mild in their ac(ions, thorough in all their operauons. and ünri■ valled in their resulta. They are anü-bilious, anti-dyepeptic. and nnti-mercurial; and thcy are peculiarly beneficial in tbc following complaints: lever and ague. yellow and bilioua fevers, dyspepsia. croup, liver complaint, siek hendache, jaundice, asthma, dropsy, spleen, piles, colic. obstructions hcartburn. furred tonguc, and foul stomachf nausea, diarrhoea, costivencss, loss of appetite. sallow complexión, colds, and in all cases of torpor of the bowels where acathartic or an nperient is necded. N. B. ttZPNo Sugar Coated Pilis can be genuine unlèss every lxx has on it the sipnature of G. BENJ'N SMITH, M. D. Sold 179 Greonwich st , and Rush ton & Co., 10 Astor House, and throughout the United States. S'S-Sw Aslitis, Aslies! TO any amount wanicd by BECKLEY & ÏHCKS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. 26 CJrass Seed! WANTED by BRCKLEY& IIICKS. Ann Albor, Lower Town. '26 FJHST r;ite Ten, Sugar and Coflee, at the lovvst markiM prires, nt. RAYMON1VS CASFÏ STORF.. Hö Jfir. Avenue. Detroit. Miiy'20. 4ALLEBASl'S MEDICINES. 'I HESE MEDICINES ARE cífcciing such nstonishing curen in multitudes oi oll caaes long sincc abandonad by i'hysicians nnd Surgeonsas uticrly hondees, that no medicines, whcrc these ure knowiij stand so doeervedly hiiih. Tliey consist of THE BLACK. OR ALLEIiASI'S SALVE, PRICE Ï5 CEN'I'i?. Whicli cures almoat universally, Fcver Soree, of hu most mal gnant kind. Felona, Ulcers, Ábscessos, Tumors, Fractures, Cuts, Punciures, Jurns, Scülds. Sore Thront, Chilblains. Quinsey. Dropscy, Iiiflunimat-iry Rheunmtisni, íiifl'immations and swcllinfis of every description, Scnld Huad, Ayue in ilie fcice. Nervoue Tooth Ache, Agüe in the l}rst, Tiroken B easts, &c. &c. ALLEIiASrS HEALTH PILLS, 25 Cents. Tliesc Vi n have acqtlired a popularity wiihin ihe last year or two, wbich no other Pilis po8áess. The Tenson8 are obvions to all who use ilu'in. aml may be learned Irom the paniphlet that acconijiaitics them. They cure Bilious, Scarlet and other Fcvers, Fever and Agüe, Dyspepay, Dropsy, Acid Stomach, Disordered Bowds, or Stonuich. Jaundicr, Hcad Achc, Dizzinesa in the rícad, WoniíB, Liver Complaint, Henrt fíurns. Cholic, Bowel complaint. General Debility, Costivoness, &c. &c. They purify the entire systenn, lenve the bowe'sin u viguroua and healthy eondition, &c. Sec paniphlet. ALLÉBASI'S TOOTH ACHE DROPS, PRICE 20 CENTS, Will cure an ordinary case of Tooth Ache ín írom threc to ten minnice. íor Nervoua and other kinds of Tooth Ache, see pttinpKie!. ALLEBASrS POOR MAWS PL ASTER. PRICE 12 1 CENTS, Are wnrranted lo be superior to any othor Piasters in this or any other country, for pain or weakness in the Back, Sido, Chest, Bowels, Loitis, Musclcs, and for Rhcumatism, Lungand Liver Complaints, Coughs. Colds, Asthma, &c. See paniphlet. N. B. Picase to nsk the agent for n pamphlet which givc8 all the ínfonnation necessnry respecting the uses of the medicines; the virtues they pos8css, etc. Picase to follow directions in the use of the medicines, and you may rely upon allthat is pronnseci. A liberal discount nvule to merchants and oibeca, who buy to sell agnin. LYMAN W. GILBERT,Proprietor, Wholesale Druggist,214 Fuhori st. N. Y. TT For sale by the subscriber. wlio Ims been nppointcd general ngent for the City of Detroit and lis vicinity. Country dealers supplied on liberal ternis. C. MORSE, Michigan Book Store. The above medicines are for sale at the Book Store of WM. ïl. PERRY, In Ann Arbor, Lower Village December 9, 1844. ly.1844. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. BOOKSELLER&HQ STATIOMER, SMART S BLOCK, 137 JEFFRRSOt AVENUE, DETROIT Keeps constnmly fbr sale a complete assortmen of Misccllaneous, School and Clafisical Books; Letterand Cap Paper, plain and ruled, QuillS; Ink. Sealing Wax, Cutlery, Wrapping Paper, Printing l'aper, oi a!l stzes; and JJook, News and Canister ink, ol various kinds. ( SLAMT2 BOQSS, . Fullnnd half bound. of every variety of Ruling MEMORANDUM BOOKS, &c. To Merchants, Teachers, nnü others. buying in quanthies. n rg discount mai!r. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 51-tf.FIHE' rÏREÜ FIREÜ! PROTECTÍON INSURANCE COMPANY. HARTFORD, CONN. MHOWARD, AGENT, the Protec tion Insurance Company, of Hartford Conn. , offers to insure Houses. Store3, Mills. Barns, and their contents, nnd all dcscnpion of insurable property against loss or daniage by fire. The rates of premium offered are as low as those of any other similar ínstiiution. snd evcry man has now an opporiunity f'or a trifling sum to protect himself against the ravages of this destrucüve element, which often. in a single hour. ssveeps away theearnings of many years. The course the office pursucs in rransacting their business., nnd ín adjusting any payment oí losses, ie prompt and liberal. For terms of insurance, application may be mnde to the above named agent, who is authorized to issue policies to applicunis without delay. D. C. CLARK, President. Wm. Conskr, Sec'y. Persons ut a disiance wishing to get propeity insinerl, by sending thoir applications by mail, will be prornptly atiended to. {EFOfilce direcily opposite the "Bank of Waah'.ena%v'" Building. M. HOWARD. Ann Arbor, Nov. 25, 1344. 33-3wReady Made Clothingü! THE LAilGEST and best assortment of ready made clothing 3 er before oflered n this State now opening, and for rale. Wholesale or Retail, at the Ctatbing Emporium of the subscribers. corcsisfing n part of plain and fancy Beaver, Pilot. Broad Cloiha and other eiyles of Over Coats. Tweed Cassimere. Beaver, Pilot, Domestic Cloth, Union Cassimere und Satineu Frock and Business Coats. Fine, Plain and Fnncy Casaimere, Blue and Black Broad Cloth. Tweeds and other styles of Pantaloons. Plain and fancy Silk nnd Silk Velvet, Woolen Velvet Merino, Satín and Cassimere Vests, &c. &c. &c. together with a very large stock of conimon low priced Over Coats, Business Coatsr Pantaloons and Vesis. stich as blue nnd black Flushing, Satinet, Kentticky Jeans, Comnion Tweeds, &c. &c. Also, an eS'ensive assortment ol lJosiery, Stocks, Scarfs, Handkerchtefe. Collars. Lanib's Wool and Merino Drawers nnd Sbiris, Comfoners, Gloveá, &c. &c. all of which will be sold very low for Cash. Thcy vvould reepectfully invite all in want of rendy made garmebts to cali and examine thcir stock before purchasing elsewhere, ae it has beert selected wit'-i great care in the Éastcrn markcis, nnimanafac tured m tFie Iutest styles and moíi durable nianner. HALLOCK & RAYAIOND, Corner of Jeflerson and Avenues Detroit. Oct. 10. 18-14. 3m25R. & J. Ij. BAVIBSON, TTAVE now on hand a complete assortrnent of F ALL AJVD fVT.YTER DRY GOODS, GROCEHIES, SHELF-HARDIV ARE, $-C. pC. whieh they will prII rheap for ready pny The highest mnrket price pnid at all tiincs ior Pork nnd all othcr kinds of produce. Ann Árbor, L#er Town. Nov. 20. 1S44. 31 ANN ARBOR OIL iÏÏLlT THE subscribers would giv: hotice that they nre engaged in nianiïfactufrvng LINSEED OIL. anÜ are prepnred 10 furnjsh oil of the best quality to merhants and s;iiiuerp. cheap as it enn bé obtnined from the Enst. Oil exchaiiKed for Flax seisd at ihc-raie of a gollon of oil for a bushei of flax seed. CaAh at all times paid for Flax seed. PULCIPIlFJi et JUD3ON. .Ann Albor, (Lower Vilhigc,) Sept. fi, 1844. 20-ly. Ijibcrfy AIuiaiiac8 ior 1 813, FOa sale by BECKLEY & IJICKS. Oet. 4. 1844. 24-4 w. luLORED CARPET WAR?, white Carpet _J Warp. und Cotion Yarn. t'roni No. 5 to Óá. forsaleat ' RAYMQND'S CASH STORE, &í-tí I43 Jellerson Ave.f DetroitNew Goods ! New Goods ! ! THK undp.rsigneil has just receíved Iiis supply of Fall Goode frojn N. Y. City. Besule u iirst rat assorunent uf Shcctings, Coiton Yarrt, Fiilled Cloihs, Jiroad Clotlis, and otlier Stuple Gooda. he is just opcningr a splcndid lot of' Itich, Woostcil Dnmask Shnuls,Jst (jnaliiy, 13ruc!ia,dl do Kahyl, do do do' Fashionable Crnvats. iircïi Bonnet RiLbone Faehionable liead trimmings, Vel vet li ALSO. A BKAUTIFUL ASSORT.MEÍtT OV HRESS STUFKS SUCH .1 Cashincre D'Ecossc. Muslin DeLaim?, Parissennea. llobroy Plnid,Prints ot' every description, Plain, black Alnpacn, figurcd, black AlnparrjJPlain, colorcd Alapaca, figurud. col'd Alapncn, Plaid, and Changeable Alnpaca! The undenrigned hos in addition to a firsi raie assortnient of' Staple and Fanöy Dry Gooda,a choice lot of Teas ana Coffbo, for fatiul'y uac. AIsp, a large lot of G-ee&e Feathera, Paper Hangings and Travelling Baskets. Hts Stock is well suiied to toth city and coun-' try irade. Country people are invit'ed to cali and look and satiafy themselvcs tliat liis stock will' ear coTharison either in quality or price with any otlier in the western country. W. A. RAYMOND ï'48 JeiFerson Avenue, Detroit. Oct. 14, 18141. tfCrnardiait's Sale. PURSUANT to a liecnse írom the Horii George Scdgwick. Judgc of Probate for thor county of Washtcnnw, in the State of Michigan;' hearing dnte the twenty-cighth day of Novfetnber, A. l). 1844, authorising the sale ol certairr real estáte helonging to the heir6 ol John Eaman,laie of Bnid county. decoascd, J sh.ll sell'a't public auction. on the premisas, on the second day df', January next, at one o'clock in the afternoon of ihm day, the following described real estáte, to wit: Being part of fractional lot No. thirteen} (13) in block No. one (1) in the village öf l3exter, county and etate afo.esaid, conunencing at n atake oh the south line of said lot eighty-four 84) fcet eastcrly from the west corner ofsaid lot street: thence north 26 degrees oast thirty "(L0) feet on the eost side of land deedcd by O. P. Cowden to 11 ram Baker: thenco norih 64 dogrecs west 3 feet: tlicnce north 2fi' degrees cast thirty (30)leet, to ihe north east' corner of said Uakcr's land: thence 64 degreee" west fifty and a half (5G) fcet on the north line said Baker's and Henry Vinkle's land to land' deeded byC. P. Cewden to Clnrk S. Sill: ihence north 26 degrees caat eighteen feet óhUheeasv' fine of said Sill's lnnd, to the south lwie of land' deeded to Charles Kingsley: thence south 64 de-grcea eaöt on said Kingsley's south line ábout' 10 feet: theñce norih 31 degrees 20 minnteson said Kingsley's cast line seventy-eight ond: a half (76) ieet to the enst line of land deeded by B. Yail to Cowíícn Sc Derby: thenre south 25 degreea cast on said line one bundred and two' (102) feet to land' deeded to Eanmn & Smith: thence söuüj 26 degrees west, on ihe line of Eaman & Sniith, about ninety-eight (98) feetto the' street to a etake thirty-nine (:!9) feet from the south-east corner of said lot No. 13: thence ortsaid street north 64 degrees west to the place of' beginning, it beins on the souih side oftsaid lot ■ DANIEL COOK, Guardian. Dexter, Dec. 6th, 1844. 33-3wAtWAYS Otf HAND. jS HTHE subscriber has r"tí- gSST __ ■- moved liis Shop tb Moiif .5c Skii treet PP'o6Íié H. Beck(tr $&&& trs rick Store, whera Vf "Hoffi hc may be foöftil ready ft ÍX.í 1 cS vva'1 "Pon a" Öftt niay 6v aiVi S Havingjust recöivad" cf reet from Nevv York an elegant stock of JEWELRY, and Fancy Anieles, which he i mende td self Zojccr thnn has ever been soi'd west of BufiaJtf f'or Ready Pay Only. Among wlrch muf &é found a good assoriment of Gold and Coriirhofi Watch Keys, Gold Finger Rings and Bogom Pins, Guard Cliains. Silver Tea and Table Spoons, Sngor Tongs, Butter Knives. Silver Pencil cases, Silver nnd Comnïón Silver Spobtaclés. Gérmnn, do. Steel, dol Hair Brushes, Clothetf, dó. Tooth. do. Lnilier, do. Fine Razora and Pocket Knives, Fine Shears and Sci6sors, Lather Boxea. Razor StrbpV, Walletts, Pursc8. Violins and Bon-s. FlutesV Vioün and Bn8s ViolSt:ings, Chironet Reedi; Percussion Caps, Pocket Pistóls. Brittánnia Cundlestick8. Watches. Letter StnmpB, Steel:Pens nnd Tweezcrs, Snuif nnd Tobnceo BoXes Fine Combs, Dressing, do. Side, do. Back. do', Shell, do. Needies and Cases, Wattír Paints, Tof Watches, Kid Dolls. a preaí vnriety of Toys too numerous to niemiún,Bead3, Neiklacës, Fancy Boxes, fcc. &c. CLoep and Watches of every description repairedandwarrantcd; also, Jewelry'repaired on short notice. ■ CALVIN BLÍSS. N. B. Cash taw fr OLD GOLD AiSD SILVER. c. B. Ann Arbor, Oct. 24. ]844. 2S-tf.C AN'T 55E BEAT ! NEW BOOT, SHOEAJYÈ LEATHER STORE, Arm Arfar, Loicer Town SQ FELCtthaa removed - O his establishment irom the Upper lo the Lower Villoge, No: 4-, Mu ron Block, g53&sy readinesa to 'Iress ihe "tm derslitiufings" ofevery Man, ik. Woman and Child wlio will ?S5 givehim a the ncatcst, and bost oiarrner that cnn be done in Michiöon1. LEATHER and FINDJNS of ail .&d# constantly on hand. WANT KD, Crtand Hidi, ïfi any quantities. tor whicli ihe liighcst prices will be given. DüTLót none purch.nse until ihey have called at Felch's. No. 4, Huron Block. Ann Arbor. May 4, 1814. 3-ly GRAND R1VER "ITTILL probably be navrgtible witliin five TT years, as far eomh as J. T. PRATTSS STORE, whcre the' inñabituntsoi Mlchigaii' can now be supplied wiih. Dry-Goods, G'roceries, Medicines, Bootst Shoes, Hats, Cabinet Ware, MïlU Stones, BoJHvg-Clothi Palent Smut Machines, BristoVs SarsapariUa. 20,00Öboxes ofi'rati's Pille, single box 2' riiií. lings, Life Bittere, 50 ets. per Bottlè,n choicc lot o'CHEESE.made in Western New York. Thö nitopriètof pledges hiniself to eell as high as any Merchan n tpwu Ñ. - All kitods of Conntry Prodiice, lumber, briék", lime, wond, b'ooght or evlii justas willsuit customers best. A good farm mld'forty acres ol vi-iuriand fjr finle. Adniittnnce No. 1, Bkin's blík, ncar tli River. Jnckson,. Mich. Nov. 21, 184-1. 3'2-tf WesSeyan Bookst THE Subscrilieis have jtist reoöiierf ri" pobíí enpply of Wtslcyan lk.ka fton rtië Depository at New Vork. THose wishiYic 'tb pur- chnse wiü picase atl and eJCRihirie Tor ihcni'scJvee. BTCKLoY & HK'KS. 1 Ann Arbor, Lower TWa; Dec. 6. JS44, 33 Svr


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