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OEiOTBEBIlS ! JUSV reccivcd at the General Depot, lor th sale of Clo'.híers Stock, Machiiiory, Dl Btufe, &c. &C;, No. 139, JtinorAv.W Dotroit, tho (ollowing largo, weil asdtcd, and jarefully so!ec:erl stock, viz: 100 bbl St. Domingo Logwood, dit, 5 toüs - - inSnck, 150 bbls. Cubu Fustic, Cut, , &:Tona 's " , "StIck' 50 bbiá Nic. Wood, Clupped, 50 " Lima Wood, 30 " Red Wood. tl 12 J " Grouml Cainwood, 10 " Quorcuron Bark, 600 lbs. Nutgails, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 300 lbs. Lnc Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanish Indigo, 390 Iba. Sumnc Sicily, 3 Casks Mudder, é- 3 Casks Blue Vitriol, 5 .i ska Al urn, 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Bárrela Cream Turtnr, 3 Cnrboys Aqna Fortis, 5 . 0:1 Vllriol, 3 " Muriatic Acid, 500 hs. Virdigria, 50 " Block Tin, . Teaáels. Twinc, Copper Kottlea, all siza, Pafson's Shearing Machines, Curtía' ScrcW3 and Press Plates, Crnnkai, Press Paper, Steel RerJ?, Worsted ííarness, Tenter Hooks, KinervvaüNö's., CHtveOil, Clothi'cra' Jacks, Sattinett Warp, Clothier3' Brushes, Shuttles, Pieker?, Card Clcaners, &c. c The above. with n variety of other nrticles beIouk'ui" to the trade, have been purchased this surnmer bv tho subscribers f rom Mnnuiactureranl First Hands in tho New York, rhiladelphia: and Boston Markets, and every thing having res ceived his personal inspection. he can with the utmost conli.lence offer themto purchasers as thv beft and most complete stock n tbe country; and as it is his fixed determinaron (!y the low rates a' whicíi he will sell) to nrevent tbe necessity ol cxir Clothiers and MnnuiV'urers Iea-ving the Sxata to mnke their purchases, he wouid mereh eay to the trade, CALL, examine tho goods and ancertaiir pricos before you say you can buy cheaper nny icliere else. ..nnvP Ho is also prepared to contract for CAttuttj MACHINES madeinsJtoEag. Sign ofthe Golden Mortar, 139-, Jeiferson Avenue, [ 1 7 -tí : J J)etrou. "ÏO THE VÍCTOR BE LONG THE SPOILS" ALTHOUGH many preparation in the form. öt 'POPULAR MEDICINES," haye been before the public, claitning to give reliel and even cure the most nveierate diieasee, vet nona havn so well anssvered the ptirpoee fls Dr BflER-MAN'S MED1CATED LOZENGES Dr. Shermaa's COUGH LOZENGES" euro tho mostobeiinate cases of Cough in a few hóurs. They have curec! a larpe number of persona who have been given up bv tlieir physicianf and friends, and many who have been redueed to theverge of the grave by epittmg blood cjnsumption and Hectic Fever, by their use hive had the rose of heahh restored to the hag gard cheek. and now live to spcak forth the pnisesof this invaluablo medicine. Dr. Slier"WORM LOZE1SGES" hnvobeen provedin more than 400,000 cases to be infallible, in fact. the only certain Worm deatroying medicine ever discovered. Children will eat them when they cannot be iorced to take any oiher medicine, and the beneñt den ved (rom the administration of medicine to them in thie form is great beyond conception. They havs növer been k ïown to fail. Dr. Sherman's 'CAMPHOR LOZENGES." relieve He.ndache, Nerveus Sick-headjiche, Pal pitation of the Hean. and sickness in á very few minutes. Dr. Sherrnan's "POOR BÏAN'S PLASTER" is nckDowleded by all who have ever used it to be the bes: strengthening Piaster in the world. and a sovereign remedy for painsand weakness in the back, loms, side, breast. neck, limbs. joints, rhcumatism, lumbago, &c. Be careful to procure the above and all other medicines of Maynard's, and you will be snre there will be no mistake in quantity or charge. W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor. February 5. 1844. 41To Clothicrs, Hfonuffecturcrs and UIerchaiits. THE subsuriber isnow reociving ai his stores, 183 and 190 Jeffjrsou Avenue, Detroit, tin; following carfuüy and well selected stock oí Dye VVoods, Dyk Stuffs end VVooles Mas vrxcrvRRR's Machisery. 55 tons Fusiic. Cuba, Tobasco, Tampicojand Canhagena. 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair, Coro, Hache and Lima, 3 lons Camwood, very choice, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, ]3J " Fustic, " " 100 " RedWoods, u " 120 " Camwood, " 'i 10 " Qnerecitron Bark, 45 " AHuni, 42 " Copperas, 30 " Blue Yitriol, 28 " Bladder. Ombre, and Dutch erop, 3 " Crenm Tarter, 2 " Nutgalls. 3 caaes Indigo, Bengal, Manilla and Gua timala, 2 u Lac-Dyc, 20 " ext. Logwood, 2 ' Grain Tin, 300 pounds Verdigris, 15 Carhoys Oil Vifriol, Spirits Sea-Saltaand Nitric Acid. ALSO, Copper Kettles and Clothiere' Screws, Tenter üooks. Jacka and Brushes, Press Papera, Card Cleaners, Weavers' Shears, Nippers and Burling Iron8, Comb-plates, Pickers and Bobbins: wTre. Worsled and Cotton Harneas, Steel and Cane Reeds, Broad Power. Hand Looms and Fly Shuttles, Steel and Copper Mails, Emery. &c. Pasons' Shetiring Machines, 4, 6, and 9 blades. Allen's doublé and single Carding Machines. Machine Cards, Lcicester, The above goods have been recently purchas ed direci'y from the importers and manufneturers, r.xc.Viivy.LY for cash, and will be sold ai the New York jobbers' prices, adding transportaron only; and in consequence of the decline on many of the American manufactured anieles. will. in many cases, be sold al fifteen peb cext LESS i han FORMER PR1CE3. Thirteen years experience in the Dye Wood business enables the 8ubscriber to say to his customers ihat he is prepared at all times to warrant hts goods of superior quality. TIJEO. H. EATON.Dye Wood and Dye Stuff Warehouse 183 and 190 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. Tho Ain Arbor Journal, Ypsilanti Sentinel P omiac Gazette, Flint Democrat, Adrián Exf osi'or, Marshall Statesman, Niles Courier anc hcan, Gazelte, Michigan City (I5.) and ih'í Knquirer, London, (Cañado,) will ench pub' lish ihe abave notice insidc, to the amount of Uree doilars? nnd send copy of notice with bilis to sub8criber for payment. 17-tf. JEROME M. TREADWELL, ATTOKNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WILL attend to the sale and exchange of Lands, payment of Taxes, and redemp tion of L,nda aold for Taxes in ,'ackson and adjolning couniies, examination of Tilles, Conveyancing. and all business pertaining to Real Eetatfi. Office in the Court Houso. Jackson, Michigan. 17-tf.CHARLES H. STEWART, 7TQRNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND aOLIClTOR IN CHANCERY. JBFFEKSOI AVEiUrB DKTROIT. 49-JDR. SMITH'S univbbsit ir wölii ! É TrVT jj ;iMEsrL .m. -ïïoXïï;rïïi : , Jd. Star? nd nhorm in he ivl L .,.am - - . L He would say thá '' '13 'S n,clicinal .ubsmm, and Ibeir adaptaii.n lo .he re.novnl thol,By o. d.seaso, . 'hg LL L ' rcsuh of labo.,, hc s now éblê .o give to thé their nioney refundod. ,---!, "'3 TESTIMONIAL IN FAVOR OF DR. WM. M. SMITH'S UNIVERSITY PILLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LANDON. Monroe, Michigan, June 12, 1844. Dr Smith- Dcar Sir,- ï tnke much pleasure in givinff my testimotiy ir favor of your vRlnable UNIVERSITY PILLS. I most cheerfnlly recommend them lo the pub'ic as n safe, easy, and efficiënt ca.hnrtic fur most of the disoases incident lo this región of country. I have made extensivo use of them for four years m my prachce am I believe ihem to be the BEST Ant.biliousCathar.c or Aperient medicine fifi$$ eral use' testTmoSial of dr. teller. Masillo-, Ohio, May lst, 1844. Dr. SMiTH-Sir,-I take raucb pleasure in hearing testimony to the efficacy of your Piiïs in retnovii.gbile.from tbe .te.n.cb, delerging the Lver and In ail complniengna. Uügfromthatsource. MQNIAL ÜF. F. L. WELLS.' ' ' VVaterkoo, Mich., March 10, 18-14. To Dr Smitk- Sir- For upards of sixmanthB I was crueüy afflicted with Fever and Aauo, and during that t,rne could find notliing ihat gave me permanent relief; at length howevlr vour ünivef-itv Pilis were lecoinmended to me by one of the best Physicions in these and I om happy in bcin? able to say, that frotn the use of one box I wns permanenlly cured of my ague; since then a nuniber of my family have been as signally benefitted. Yours, Reppeclfu'ly, L. VVbLLif. TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL G00DN0W. Monroe, Mich., June 1, 1844. I hereby certifv that Dr. Wm. RL Smith has been my Family Physician for fon r years last ihathe'has used liis Universíty Pilis in his pracüce m my family with unparalleled ; euccess: and I think them preferible (o nnv pill for bihous offection iii Ihe world. ie ' DANIEL G00DN0W. Innkeeper, Macomb-St. House. TESTIMONIAL 'OF D. S. PARSHALL. Flit, Mich., June 5, 1344. Dr. Smtth-I am hoppy lo giVB you my cordial npproval of your üniversity Pilis. I am able to k'cêö off Fever end Aue, nd Fevers to wlnch nll of us are subject :n ibis VV estern Country, by the timely use of your Üniversity Puls, Send an Apent t.,ss way as sooii fcSSSL OP Si! NOBLE ANO A We certifv that we are and havo heen pereonally acqnainted with Wm. M. bmitii, M. D., and know that he is a man of emirunce in his profession-and Ibat .for four years be filied the cháfr of Materia Medica nnd Pharmocy iri the Willoughby Umversify of Lake Erie. with honor to himselfand satiffaction to tbe Trustees and Facnity, as well as to the Studenls of the above üniversily. As for his Puls, they are 'par exlenee. fif-j Monroe, Micb., g 0F RfAL gï? F' f J Tbis I certsfy, that in the month of September lasí, I was attacked with B.lhous Fever (while awav from home at Cwasso to build a water wheel) and with one dose of Smith dUniversity Pi'll-, Ibroke it up; and as many others were sick at the timo, I admimstered these Pilis to them, and in all cases it btoke up iheir fevers. I have used them many times smee, ud wUI, greut succe... T„ey are tl bes. pills I ever „ g g Sbki. SbUÓFMRS. ABÍGA.I, C. WRIGHT. ' This ma v certifv, that three years ayo I was attacked with Liver Complaint so severely thatl "ould warcely turn mvself in bed; lued many specifica and remedies, snch as Brandrcth's, RcFurrsction, Oriental, and othcr PU1?? but with little orno effect. One year ago, my friend Or. Smith called on mo on his way to Boston, when he gave me a box of his (Jniversitv Pille, vhich perfectly restured me, and rny bealth has not affain surfered fromükecauk ■ '■' ABIGAIL C. WRIGHT. Rochestcr N Y.. No. 13, Franklin Street, June 2a, 1844. Kocnestcr, x.. i „ QF J0HN w MÏLLER. Dkar Doctor- Justice requires me to state, tiiat I have old your Üniversity Pilis for one and a hslf years last past, and that I can sell no others while I have thern on hand. 1 ney have superseded the sale of all others-their effect is g WËÊt H.nLÜN! Lower Town, and WM. S. fc J. W. MAYNARD, Uppe, Town. Ann Arbor. 13-ly.■■Uil I MBBMMfcMBHBBWWWW'''' ■"' ' '"- " ■ Z1 2 O 'o 5T 7, ra O ö S s" 'fi.i-51 #, S S S-fs-ti Sí # 2. í:"e:?í 3. Sc gsi Z2 s !jW? 2 1 & L SJ pi 2 1ZLjjmli j g S g g g- 5 r &&1 g ' g Jlf S g O s' %# g = s s, c i fe W m B ::-Pl?IS ? N S H s 1ÜII ? aO O ■sS--sr S: h tut " ie o 5 2 01 i sf,J:i JIVotice to ï?Ierchant rllF. Siibscribers encouraged by the patronage they huve hiiherto received in the vliuicealo dopartinentof tlieir businefas, wijl the Irst day of Mny next. open the store now occulied by Ceo. Grenville. fronting on Hurón ireet, nnd connecting witfi their present atore u the renr. e.clii3vely fr a WÏÏOLB SALES ROOM!, .vhere they will keep ut all times a Juli assortneru of Dry Goods. Bools, Sf Shoes Carpclinr Has, Caps, Paper &airgkngs, Bon mis, Crockery bij the Crale, Hardware and Groceries, 8fC; 4'c. se. i!l of which will bo soltl on ;is good tenns osnt iny point this sidcofNew York Cuy. G. D. H1LL & CO. Ann Arbor. Mnrch 26, 1844. 48tf. Til E foilowing indispensable tariiily remedies may be fouud at Mav.vakd's Druggisi Store, in Ann Albor, where nono will be sold unle.S8 ki own to be of the best kind ;md no counterfeit nrticie ever offered, patent medicine nvíiiiably procured oí the origin 1 inventor or hie regular successor: O ;Vo faviilj should bc a weck, without these remedies, j BALDNESS. Balvi of Co'utnfiia, for the Huir, which wil stop it if fnlling out, or restore iton biild places: ïnd on children ninke it grow rapidly, or on ihose who havo lost the hnir froin nny' cause. ALL VERMhVthatinfestthe hénds of children in schools, aie prevented or killed by it a' once. Fiiid t!í6 name of COMSTOCK on 'n or rievér iry it. [iememher tiis always. PILES, &c. are wholly prevented, or governed if the attnek has come on, ií you use the only true Hays' JLix_dient, from Comstock fc Co. All SORES, and every thing relieved by it that admits of nn ontward application. It actslike a chojnr. Use 'rHEUMATÏSM AND LAMKNESSpositivelycured; all shrivdled niuscls and limhsare restorcd, in the oidor yoimg, by the Indien Vegetable Eliiirand Ncrre and Bove Lmiviert - bin ncver without the ïame of Comstock Si Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE -.villeradi. cate all WORMS in children or adulis with o certainty anite nstnishing. TOOT H DROPS. Kuitks- cures eflectually Ann Arbor, Feh. 5, 1844. 41WRIGHT'S Jfiedirated JPlaster, spread for immediate use. PRICE ONLY ONE SHILLING, IN ORDER TO PLACE THEM WITHIN THE MEANS OP ALL. IN slight ilments, or wherethe pntient prelers a less expensive article toftn tlie "Anti-infinmatory and Rheuviotic Piaster," these will bc found highly beneficial. Being already spread for immediate applicaiion, they will be found very convenier.t for WEAK BACKS, Pain or Weakness in the Side. Breast. Stotnach, between the Shoulders, or wherever there is Pain, r where a Piaster is needed. They may berendereel more serviceablo by pasting a piece oí cloth on the back of them belbre they are opplied. Multitudcs'havebeen relievedol'pain and suffering by these CheapPinsters. For bale nt Mosely's Bookstore. and by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. ]6-ly L.. b. ivax.kbh7s patent SMÜT MACHINE. r I HE Subscnbers take this rncthod of informJL ing all sueh as are cngiiged in the Milling l)usiness in the State of Michigan, that they are now manufacturing n Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, L. B. Walker's Patent Smut Machine, which they would recommeiul to tnkc the Smu; off oi whent as vvell or better than any other machine. This machine is a horizental machine - itretains all the fnetion of the wheat, and uniting 8implicity with durnbility, it combines the beating, scouring, and blowing principies, dis charging the dnst and sniut as fast as separated Trom the wheat. This machinéis perfectly securo from fire, and runs mtc't lighter than any other machnie in use. For f.irther informmion. see large bilis. S!iop in Lower Town. Pricet 10 agree with the times. All orders for Machines will be promptly attended to. Address. E. O. & A. CRITTENDEN. Ann Arbor. Washtenaw Co., Mich. July 8.1844. M6mThe Bïrney Portraits. r ■ 1 H E Subscribers haveon hand a quantity of JL these Iarge and splcndid engravings.beautiully executed on steel an excellent artist. 'rom a paincingby E. W. GoomviN E6q.,of Al)any, N. Y. Thcy are a striking likenessof tht. Man, and make an elegant ornament for the oarlor. For snle. wholesale and retail, at $8 per dozen, jr $1,00 eíich, by A. McFarren. Bookseller. Detroit, and by BECKLEY & FOSTER. AnnArbor, Nov. ). 1844. 28 tf WOOX.! WOOE.! CJLOTH! CLOTHÜ TIHE Subscribers would inform the Public _L thnt they vvill continue to manufacture good it their Manufactory, two and a half miles weet jfAnn Arbor, on. ihe Huron, on the foltowin TERMS. Until the first doy oí November, A. D. 1844. ;he price will be 37 cents per yard, or half ihe cloihthe wool will make. From the Jst of November to the lóth of May, 1845, the price will be 33 cenia per yard, or nine tweniietks of the cloih the woul will make, thnt is, 45 yards outof 1Ü0 rnanufactured. The wool wil! be manufaclured in turn na il may come into the iaclory, as near os may bo w'fin reforence to the difieren t qualities. Any person who wül fuinish one oi more pareéis of wool frorn 80 to 1U0 pounds pi one qnality can have it manufactured by iisiïlf. Vool vvill be rece ved at Scb. Wooï seni by Railroad willbe attended toin the same manner os iftheowner were to come with it - ii should be carelully niarked. We have manufactured clulh during the past year for a very Iarge number of cuatomers, to whom we believe we have given very general satisfaction Witb these fncts and the advantages oflered by the low price nt which we offer to manufacture cloth, we hope for a Iarge sliare ol patronige. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, VVashtenav Co., July 25r 1844. 3-ti SIew Hat Store. JAMES G. CRANE would respectfully inform the Public, that he has opened a fine stock of Hats, Caps, Stocks, Cravats, Scarfs, Coïïars, Umbrellas and Gïoves, at No. 105, Jefierson Avenue, Detroit, nearly opposite the U. S. Court Room and PostOfflce, whero he will be happy to see his friends and supply them with as good an article in his line as can be procured, eithcr heie or at theeast, and as chcap. Gentlemen in the interior, wishing a first rate fashionable orticle of Hats or Caps, can be supplied by sending their size or have any style furnished to order in a few hours, and warrantal to suit. Cali and see- it may save you a dollar. JAMES G. CRANE. Detroit,, July 12 184-1. J3-6.n DRABBROAD CLOTH for carriage trimitiing, Corda and Tasseis for window shadee, lor sale by W. A. RAYMOND, '2 tf 148 Jefierson Avenue, Detroit. WANTED, any quantity of DEKRSKÏNS by - BECKXEY &. HICKS. 1 Ann Aibor, Nov. S9, 1644. 3á-.tfFOOR KAKI'S FILIcS, An excellent, vegetable faniily Medicine, in cases of Indigestión. Oyspepsia, Liver Coii - plnints or Jnundiuo, Ague nnd Fever. Oonted Tongue, Sickr.ees nt the Stomach. Sick Fleadiche, Remittaninndlnierniiitent Fevers. Coughs, Colds, Cntarrh. &c. &c. Entirely vegetable, thcy nre empliaiicnlh' 'jrjËTWrRJE'S FiStEJYM, cóntjubjng t" hcnlth nnd coiwiterncting disense lv purifying tlio blüod, cleunsing the syslem of vitiated humors, removing cbstruetions, stimunting the orgnns of secretion, niinuhntr w;t, )ie f'ood nnd acting every way ia harrnony with llie system. For Inflnmmory disensos used in ennnection whh ihe '-Ulieurnutie Piaster" they wil] be found giciiily to aiil in the removal of disensos for which the Piaster is nbove recommended, and poiücularly ars ihey calrnhicd for all dernncmentsof the ütgesl.vs nnd Biliary Organs, lbo primnry onin of a ni-.iltitucïe of diseaces. Price- 25 cents and 50 cents n Box For sale at Mosely'e Booksfore. nnd by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent for Michignn. Certificates. WuotsrocK. Lenawkf. Co., Aug. 20? 184.1 l For twelve yenrs I hnve been froubJed wiih a rhe. matic oflection n my bnck. so that 1 have hardy ever been iree from pain during the whole timt and wïrhTn twdve liours nfter I bnd appliet somc of Wright's Rheiimniic Piaster. I was :tly easy, and havo had no pain nee. STEPHEN CARY. Jackson Co., Columria, t „, 2i), J844. S This rrtay certify thnt I kavo ueed Wright's Pilis in my fnmily in violent aliacks of chilfnnd ïbllious fever, hikI have ibund them to be the beet Pilis thnt I ever used. and would recommend every lamily to keep tliem on hnnd. JAAIFS AVVARTOUT. THOiirsoN, GEAroA Co.. Ohio, l April 28th, 1844. This may certify thnt f have used Wrights' PoorMnn's Pilis and Rheumntic Piaster in' my practice, and would say to the public thnt they can rely upon their recommendaiion with the utmost confidence; in short, they only need trying to recommend themsciver. REV. R. R. SCOTT, M. D. Loraine Co., Green, May 16, 1843. Thiá may ceitify th;n 1 have used Wriglu's Poor Man's Pilis in my practice, and flnd them to be one of, if not entii eh the best pills now n use; and would recommend every family to keep them on hand, especially those who live near low, marshy land, or inill ponds, or n an unhealthy climate. JOSHUA BASCÓME, M. D. Without adding more testimony of tiie effiency of the above inentioned medicine, we do not hesitate to eay that we are not afraid to have its virtues tesied by the sido of any othcr of the kind that ever has been offered to an American public, and we wtll let it stand upon itsown merits. For8a!e at Moeley's Bookstore, Ann Aibor. By Kellogg & Brothers. White Pigeon. R. Willian.s, Jr.. &. Co., Sturges Prairie Simeón Gagot, Quincy, Branch councy. A. K. Hall, W. A. Bliss, Jamestown, Ind. Elisha Steer. Angola, " Chester Moss. Albion. Michigan. A. P. Mann.&R. Sibley, Marehall, Mich. A. Callender. " 't E. Packer, Battle Creek, " C. W. Vining. Galesüurgh, " Cnpt. Brown, PrnirieviHe, " D. H. Medwood, Adrinn, Quackenboss. & More, Tecumseh " S. A. Rowley. Jonesville, " H. Oilbert. Manchester, " W. H. Patierson, Saline, M Harmon fe Cook, Brooklyn, " Pierre Teller, Wholesale Agent lor Detroit. Geo. P. Wright & Co., sole proprietors.for the United States, and Upper and Lower Crnada. All orders and business letters for the present, may be directed to Geo. P. Wright, Columbio P. O., Jackson Co., Micli. It is for sale also at Monroe, Mt. Clemens. Utica. Pontiac, and hy Dubois & Wright, Jeffersott; Agents for ihe State of Michigan. KiLcoitK. Carrol Co., O., Jan. 25, 1841. Ten yenrs since, I was luken with theScroiula. so that I had no relief day or niglvt, my limbs beingmuchswelled and covercd wilh Ulcess, my breast and hack in great pain, and nerves much shattered. I applied to Physicians, all of whom said thete was no help for me, and all the remedies I tried preved unavaiüng until ] made use of Wright's Anti Inflaui. and Rheum. Piaster, which reduced the inflamation, ie;i!ed the ulccrs, brought the skin lo its natural color, and relieved the pain. I would recommend it to all similarly afrlicted, and am they will be satisfíen after giving it a fair ria'. CATHARINE ALLENSWORTU.THojirsoN. Geauga Co.. Ohio, ? April 20, Í843. ï certify that my littlc boy put hls arms wiling water, nearly o the elboA, o ihc.t when the dress waa tnken ofl' the skin came with it; ilter applying severnl remedies to no purposr - the arm becoming mucli swollen and the c! ild in great pain, I applied ''VVriglu's Anti Iriflrmmatory and Rheumátic Piaster." and with in two hours hc was perfectly eusy, and went to sleep. After to or three duys I removed the piasier, and ipphed another, and when thni was removed the irm was healed, exeept a place the size of a shilling which was soon well. I believe it to be the best article fora burn that can be produced. and would recommend all to keep it on hand in case of accidenta. ELTZABETH BROUGHTON. NERVOUS DISEASES are greatly benefit ted by the use of these pills; - asNervous Head ache, Tic Doloroux, St. Vitus' Dance. &-c. thcir tendency being to soothe the irritt-bility or the system, allay jurin, and induce quiet and repose. Tho8e nfflicted with Coughs, Coldp, ínrluenza, &c, wül l;nd relief from the use of hese pills. Exposure to cold doses the pores of the heskin, checks perspiration, retards the circulation, and produces varions inílammatory dis eases. Does any one percetve a cold coming upon him? Let him on going'to bed, take suiri cient to opérate sniartly, and then every niht. take enough to produce a. mild operation till the Jiöease abates. In cose of Worms. let a tea ol Pink be laken freely for 12 hours. and then administer Pilis sufficient to produce a brisk cathartic operation. 20-ly. DR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOLAGCGUE. A MOjNG the most valunble qualities ot thïe 2. medicine, is its restoiivg injluence upon consiitutions mpaired and injured by previous attacks ot billious fever, or fever and aguc; or by a longresidence in those climates which produce tliem. Tliere are many constitutions whith becomc gradually undertnined by a mlasmal influence, without even a day's actual conlinement. In such cases, the Cholagogue acts like a charm - the 8allow complexión, loss of appetitc, languor, weariness and depression of spirits, with other unpleasant symptoms which render life a burden, a yield to this remedy when faithfully used according to the directions of theaccompanyingpamphlet. It is ontirely a vegetuble prep aration, and may be taken wuh perfect stfetyunder all circmsinnces of the systeni. For sale by ' 3G W. S. Sz J. W. MAYNARD. solé Agent, for A-nn Arbor and vicinity.SINCLAIR & CHASE, ATTORNEYS AJYD COUJYSELLORS AT LAW, (OFFICE LOWEIt TOWN, ANN ARBOB,) VVill ttend ío all business in thcir proessíon with afidelity and dcspatch. Paricular attentiou wül be givcn to collecting. ROBERTP. 8ICr.AIR, KDWARD R. CH VSE March20, 1844. 48-1 y. MRS. C. BÜFFÍNGTON would respectlully inform the Laclics of Ann Arbor and ts vicinity that she has received the foll and winter fashions. MRS. C. BUFFINGTON. Nov. 14, 1844. 30tf. 1SOO lbs. Geese Featliers! O F first rate qualíty for sale by the pound or hundred weight in qttautities to euit purcbaeers. may be found nt "IIAYMOND'S CASH STORE. 32-(f 148 Jeffereon, Ave. Detroit.THE MISSES CLARKS' Ifoung Ladics' Seminary, ANN AKBOR, MICHIGAN. MARYÍI. CLARK, Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal, üf. L. W ALTER, Teacher of Music 911 the PÍ0ÜO. EMMY BEURMANN, Teacher of Germán and the Guitar. UlüUYE. CLARK, of Juvenilo Department. t. MA HS M, Teacher of Mathematica and Vocal Muí-ic I. F. SCHOFF, Teacher of French and Classics. THÏS Institu'.inn liüs been in operation since November lö, 1839. Thescholastic ycar jmbracing forty-eight weeks, two terms. compriing tvo quarters each- iwelve weeeks in a quar;er- - n, general examination at the close of' each .erm - in February and August. The last quarier of the present term com ■nenceel November 25. oy Tuition. - For the English branch ;s, $"-,50 to $5 per quarter. . io reduction ma'Je for absence, except in case of sickness, and no pupil te Ken for lessthan a quarter. Extra chsrgca are made for music on the Piano, with the use o' the instrument, $8.00 French, ,(JU Latin, 3,00 Drawing and Palnting, 5,00 Fancv Work, ÍÍ.00 Board, inclucling washing, lights, &c, $1,75 per week f paid in ad vanee, or $2,00 per week if p:iid at tbc close of the quartor. Parents nnd guardians are invited to visit the school every Friday, when the studies of the week are reviewed - a'so semi-mqnthly on WednesHny nfternoon, at readingof the weekly composilions. Having purchaeeda heahhy and commodious building in a pleasant and convenient part of the village, no pains or expense shall be spa red to facilítate the studies and reuder the situation ol the voung ladie.s profïtable and ngreeabie. Youngladies desirous of entering the school and pursuing the regular course of study, would do well to commence at tho begining of the qunrter. Belonging to the school are a Libraryofberween threc and four hundred volumes, and Phiosophicul Apparatu?. Eiectrical Machine, Globes, &c. Scieniific lectures nre deüvcred before the school at proper intervals. The Misses Clm-k will endenvor. nof only to promote the intcllectu?! culture of tlieir pupüs but will attend strictly to their moral deportment. With adeepeenseof religious rcsponsibiliiy. thcy would give snch a tone to diameter, as shall renderit prnctically fmed for every slation - yielding to duty but firm lo principie. Among the books used in the school are, Abercrombie on the Intelectual and Moral Powcrs - Kane's EJemems of Cri:icism - Wayland's Moral Science - Newman's Rhetoric - Hedgt's Logic - Poley's Natural Theology and Evidenccs of Chnstianity - Comstock's Cheirsistry and Natural Philosophy - Combe's Physiolocy - Mrs. Lincoln's Botany - Eaton's Manual of BotanyBurritt's Geography of the fleavens- First. Sec ond and Third Books of History- Mrs. Wil üard's Republic of America - Phel)s' Legol Classics - Playlair's Euclic], and Davie's Algebra and Ariihmetic - Parker's Natural Philosophy. The Misses Clark have taught a Young Ladies School for severnl years in the Ciiy of New York. and are furnished with testimoniáis from Rt. Rev. Benjamin Onderdorik. D. D., and John M. Grit-con, M. D.} of New Ycrk, Rev. J. L. Bláke, of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Emnm Willnrd, oi Troy, N. Y. ; also, reference is made, by permission, to the foilowing gentlemen : Rt. Rev. S. A. MoCoskiy. D. D., Robert Rums:-y nrd L. B. Misncr. Esqrs., Detroit' Rev. ls;inc ñ. Ketchnm. Cenireville ; Rev. J. fJudson, White Pigeon , Rev. J. P. Cleveland, and Geo. Ketchum, Marshall ; Hon. Wm. R. üeland. Jnckson; Paul B. Ring, Michigan Centre; E. H. Winan, Adrián: Daniel Ilixson, Clinton: Gardine. Wheeler. M. D.. Howell: Rev. F. H. Cuming, Grand Rapids; Rev. H. Cololazer. Rev. A. M. Fitch, S. Denion, M. D.. P. Bngham. M. D., Hon. Wm. A. Fletchcr, P.on. Wá. P. Thompson, E. Mundy, Esq., John Aller, Esq., Geo. W. Jewett, Esq., Col. Thomas Mosely, Cpt. J. Perkins, Thomas M. Ladd, F. Snv.yer, Jr., Esq. . late Supeiintendent of Public Instruction, Professors Whiting. Williams and Houghton. of the Univeisity of Michigan, Ann Arhor : James Biidsall nnd Rev, John Bcach, Flint; Amos Mead, Esq., Farniington. The foilowing geniiemen, Rev Tl. Colclnzer' Rev. O. C. Comstock, Rev A. M. Fit h. Pvev. Mr. Curtiss, Professors Whjtmg und Willinins. of the University of Michig.'tn. nnd F. Sawyer, Jr., w.ite Superintendent of Public Instnicuon. have consenied to act asa visiiing commilteo ol the school to be present vvhen the weekly siudies are reviewed; but especially to attend during tin semi-nnr.ual examinations. August9. 1844. 3-ltfWRIGHT'S ANTI-INFLAMMATORY" AND i MATIC PLARTER, AN efncient remedy lor Ri'ieumotisrn, Fevci Sores, White Swellings, Felons. Pain 01 weakness in the Back, Brcast. Side or L;mbs. Burns. Bruises, Crnmps, Clulbiains. Liyer and Lung aflèctions. Indolent Tumors. Spinal nfTectiosn. Infiamed Eyes, &c &. It ia unsuspossed n all Inflammatory discases, either Chiotác o Acute, asit operatesby counferucting and rcdiic ing Inflarrintion, allaying Pain, Sweating the parta afíected, and by its strengihening nnd Ano dynepropcrtie8 givingspcedy relief. Ano inval uable as an anti-mercurial plnster. Price ?5 cenis per Box. - For further particuInrs, see circtiHting Pamphlel.) For sn!c si Moseley's Bookstore, Ann Albor, and J. T. Stocking, travelling agent for Michigen. 16-1 y TFIE TRUE PAIN EXTRACTOR SAE.VI7 Wf-JICH cureslikea charm all BURNS by fireorwaier, nnd every externsl SORF, PAÍN. IKFLAJft.MATION, ACHE or ITCHING ever yet found upon the human family. 10 whichit has been applied, must alwoysbesoughi genuinefrom Comstock and Co., of New Yotk. or their auihomed ogents. Al! a:e cautioned against any spurious articles, wliich may alwcys bc avoided by knowing the one you buy cornet from Comstock & Co , who are now the only proprietors and manufacturéis. Inquire forCcnnel'8, which is warranied to do ail ii ever vvonh: when.called ly any pther nunie, or the pricosl.a!) be refundcd in any case if it does not please. To place it wilhin reach of all, the price ha;been redticed more ihan four fo!d, and is now sold for 25 cents, the formerprico being too exorbitant. The 50 cent sie now coniains foiu times ns niüch as the iormer. and the $1 size near ten times as mucii. No tamily that has any title to humanity, will fail to have Connei.'s Pain Extractor Ointmen always at hand, to save life, alUcars. and leducr all agony from nny burn in five minutes, provided thcy have seen it used, or will believe thoswho have usedit. COMSTOCK & CO., 21, Courtlniul Street. CT Bc sure. therefore. and ask foi Conneis as ourphte wiih Dalley's nan.e on u hrsbeer, stolen, nnd the npurious may oppenr wiih tlint name on it. Know, therefore: thatit comes direcilv from Comstock & Co., or shuii it. ree v WM. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, 36 Aent for Ann Arbor.Estray. TAKEN up by 'he subscriber, on the 25ih oí September last, in the town ol Northfield. a er.iall chesnut colored mare, of the poney breed, with a sur in the forehead, supposed to benbout 8 or 9 yearsold, branded A. C. on the shouldcr. The owner 9 requested 10 prove property, pay charges and tukf. her oway. NATHANiEL SMITH, Northfield, Nov. 1, 1841. 29-8w Black &Us, WAN TE D by BECKLEY & IliCKS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. 26 WOOD' WOO30M WE want urne fvom subicnberBimmediatcly.SÜGAR COATED, OR 'Improved Indian Vegetable" PILLS. Porlntermittcnt,Remiuont, Bilious and fnflam. nmiory Fevers; Hendadle; Indigestión; Dyj. pesia; Henrtburn;_Pervcned Appetite, Costivi-ness: Dianhcsa; Dyeemery; Bilious Colics Worms; Pain in the Head, Side, Bnck; Foul Stomoch: Scrofula, Scurvy, or nny Impuritie of ïlie Blood; Cbsiruciiona, and Female Com. phinls generally. rpHKRE hns never oppeared a medicino JL which, wli, Ie it enn do no liarm.'scalculated to do so much good. They excite a heolthful nr spiration, nnd open all the nutuiiil drains of th systcni. The obstruction of Insensible Pxrsm ration is the cause of a great proyortion of hu" man suíTerin?. These pills pessess the povitr in an exïraordinary degree. ot removing all ob.' siructions, nnd restoring n healthful circulation They must undoubtedly supercede al) other purgative medicines, as they have a fourfold aciion-I viz: n discharge by the bowels, lungs, kidncvs and skin . Chii.driïn wilt not hesitato to lakeihem; and they may be relied on, Leyond any other rernedy as an efiectunl nnd safe medicine for WOftiVJs and all complainis incidrnt to children. Mor-T' chihlren have been cured in New York the picaent yefir, by the use of Dr. Smith's Pjlls, than all oiher medicines combined - as ihere ia no need oi forcing t.em doten, like other medicines. One uuponnnt advamage tn taking thew pille is, they do not gri( e, nor produce nausea nor any o her impleasant seneation. Pill8 have' in thor.PTnda ot instances, produced Pilks, snd1 otler conscquencoR Jar norse than the diseasa for which they were administered. This is var licularly guarded ogainst 'm the combination of the many ingrediente of wbich Dr. Swiith'e pill nrc coinposed - thus rendering them UARM LESS. . ■ These pills are made of the türest materiale; and we havo the satiefaction of having proved to the Medical Facnlty, they poseesp uncommon virtues. The directions and treatment of disenses, accempanying evt-ry box, in a circular of four pages. No "SUGAR COATED PJLLS" can b genuine without ihe signnture of the soie inventor -G BENJAMIN SflfllTH, M. D., President of the N. Y. College of Health," upon every box. Office devoted cxdvsivoly ',o the 8o!e of this medicine, ]?9 Grenwich streel, New York, and No. 2, Water street, Boston. CERTIFIC ATES. We are not in wnbt of cerlificates of a high chnracter, coming from tbe most respectabiO sources. [From a Nepïiew of the late Judge Thompson,] Niw York, May 15, 1844. Dr. Smitii's 'Improved Indiiin Vegetable Pills have proven ii valuable to my6elf and family, ia the cure of violent headache. pain in (he sido and stomach. For ehilihen. no better medicine can be prodtioed. In the case of our linie girl, two years old, the most happy eflecishave rcsiilted from their ise. 1 have never known a medicine which 1 cüuld so contideullv recommeiid as iheee pills. R. THOMPSON, 56 Northmore St. The iollowing lady is too wel! known in New York for her intelügence and philanthropy to be doubteel: [From the Matrok of the U. S Naval Hosritai.:] Accustomed as I am lo administer tn the eick, I can appreciate a valmibie nic'icine. Iflhercba a medicine adnptcd to the nr.rnérous aümonts of mankind, it is Dr. Smith's Sugnr Pills. I havo used them and seen tbem used viih the most astonishing resnlts. in several instances withi-n tny knowledjje. leatoring the pat.ent from extrema lowness and 6UÍÍering to sirengih and health. - For lsdies during pregnancy. theee pilln are a soverñgn balín. 1 recomniend them to all as a valuable family medicim;. SARAH A. GOULD, Mnt ron of the U. S. Naval Hospital. B'rooklyn, June lOth, 1644. [From the Deputy Sheriff of New York.] Dr. Swiih's "Sugnred Indian Vegetable Pille" have been used in tho Eldrigde-St. Debtors' Prison with uncommon satisfaction. I have never heard a medicine ppoken of with more interest by the siclt who have taken theee pills. JAS. J. BEVINS, Depntr Sheni1[AJÍ EXTRAORDINARY CURE.] I Fvüvé to record an insiance of unpnralleldd su1 üimg. wim-h must have terminated my cxist ence. liad nat Dr. Ssiith's "ugared Indin Vepetnlile Pilis"' come to my rebcue. In the fal' jf;l-.S43l I haii a sciofulous afleclior, which nenr! joVered my body wfilj sores, and rendered me uniii rir hfft. Jn the romee of iwo months I was ittackccí with 'ever, whii-h ragcd ssiih gient violence. I U'ok many prescriptíoiiB, but without relief. M7 tiuffering vvaa great. Mrs. Gould (whom í shfill ever remcnibcr wiih esteeni) ndvised me to use these Sngared pills, which J took in Urge doses a lew doy a. wheii ihe fever and )iin aliare''. í conrinucí ihcie pille ir. sninl! dosií8, about five weeks, when ti y íever v.nd screfula were cttred. tny Mood coinpleieiy purifitdr and tny genernl heniih improved. 1 'am ceitoit I ov.t my life, under Providcnce, to the vte of these pills. E. M. PARK, New York. [From Jas. M. Turner, Esq., late of the U. S. Navy.] I havo heen fïïic!ed severol yenrs withn wekness in the bieast, cosiivenees and a difiiculiy of breáthing. I wn? Inteíy more ilinn ever tronbled, ihoih I hfid tiikpn nutny presciibcd remedifs-- Throucli the advice oí a ricrid, I procured DrSwith' Paient Sugnrcd Pili?, which I sed. and íhey' have not onlT rdieved.. but entirely curfd my complaintB. My wiíe has also used them with the mosi hnppy effécts. ' I believe them the best medicine in the world. JAMES M. TURNER. 5S1 Greenwich St.. N. Y. Refers to Hon. Silus Wright, U. S. Senate. PERFECT CURE OF WORMS. Cur little girl, 6 years oíd, hns suffeied all th worst stages of worms; and we have never found an tffbctnal cure, until we administered Doet. Smith's Sugar Pilis, which our little girl took without the least resistanre, in doses of two at a time; and wo nevrr witnessed such ta change m so short a time. The pills biought away a mataof worms, and she at once improved. She t nuw injoyous health. We hnvo also found the' (irenies! b'oncfit from tutir use. JACOB CARLOCK, SStaple st., N. Y.. We have many certificates of cures in cate L WORMS.[From a lady well krov.-n in New York.] I have been troubled for years wiihfdizzincs. and pain in the head, at.ended wifh depresaion dimneesofaight, &c, which have been entirdjf ciirecl liy Sjiith'b "Sugared Indian Vegetahif PilU " I prize this medicine aboveoll othera. bie nu. f SARAH DOUGLASS, Coner ol Ludlow r.nd Walker-St. [The foüowing is irom one of the oldest and moet re6pectable larmers in Madison Co., N. Y.J Cazf.novia- , July 28th. J844. I hnve used 40 boxes Brandreth's Pilis, ana as many nmre of different kinds, and I havo never i'o'und that benefit from the use of th wholc, iliat I have Trom the use of two boxee o Dr. Smith's "IairKovED Ikdian Vkgetabl l'll.LS. f They scem to strike at the foundation 01 my disease, which is of a bilious charocter. IRA ALVORD. [Mr. Álvord rna. with another. the fualeetiler of the beautiful rillago of Cozeno, nbout 50 years ogo.] OLD MEN nnd YOUNG MEN have, without number. given their tMiimonw s foi t heeo excellent faraily pilla. And MOTHERS l e wish we could lay beforc the world all theexpresBions of opprobotion which we Uve from them in New York. They would alone M th f. page. The fact is, there ncver was such n meacjne for the complaints of Childbxn. For sale by G. & J. G. ÖiHDTbc. May, Jr., Plymouih: Perrin & Hall, Northville, Lund & McCollum, F. J. B. Crane, and W. ö. & J. W. Maynnrd,f.nd G. Greuville, Ann ArDor, nlso in Ypsilanti, Dexter, "d throughout tfcj United States. Office devoled oxcluwvely these Pilis, 179 Orcenwich-Sc, NcwliorK. CÁUTION.- Beware of iruitfltions. r


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