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Will bepubliehod evcry Monday niorning, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLEY &c FOSTER, Fü tui Michigan Statk Ahti-Slavery SofctKTT. TEKMS. 'One Dollar a year, in advancc: if not pnid, inadvance, Tw Doi.i.aiis will b hivariably requirvd. D" Oíd ubscribors can have tbeir papors at On Dollar a ycar. by forwarding that amount, hnd ptjing nrrtarage?. AU lubecribers will be oxpectcd to pny within the year. TERMS OF ADVERTÍ SING. For each line of brevier, (the smallest type,) tbr tho first insertion, 3 centa. For each subsequent inscrtion, 1 cent. For three months, 7 cents. For six months, 10 cents. For one year, 15 cent. Orders by mail will be promptly attended to. Legal Advert8ini; by the iolio. ífcr Manufacturare, Bookscllers. Machinists. Wholetale Merclmnta, and all oihers doing an txtcnnct busincia, who vribh to advertise, will find tha Signal the best possible tnediuui of communication in tlie State. O" AH RemilUnces and Communications ■hould be addresied, Post paid, (CrSiGKAï. or Libiutt; Ann Arbor, Mich-XD


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