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The Law In Relation To Mobs

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-ChWUBtice Gribson, of the Supremo Court of Peau - ylvania in (is charge tothe in-PhHaelphni,- lbo cnee of Dönoboe agairwt tbe ountv, Veclared thnt the firing upon a motr was perfectly that niob wad srailing a tnan's house. He said, in refbfnee to that particular oaao, "If the asaailants iad been shot duu-n, it would hato ben a caBe of jurtifinble homieide;" Anj attempl to commit arson justifie homicida ín iefence, espccially in' tho night time. A man ïas a to keep whottrver arme he pfe-o u hia house, and to inlrodmce mmn to ne hem. Ánd he can take them u?en he plear, whether he apprehendc danger r not.- Thia is a FreemarCi privilege. Jbj ai vho cannst arrest snother in the perpetration of a jelony haa right fo tato u Rs, aa neasure of nece8itY,'r The Chwf Jutice vas partwvriatly severe in his animadverttovA ïpon mobs, and obeerved thal if it were ftreason to nppose a mob," as he' had heard it said ately, "he had lived qiiile long enough, #d did not care to pcíofij biilife another da) ;.'' -Fret Prest. Tï "Detroit Rêgistir" is the name of a rtevtr the first number of which ïas ute, to b& pablishedi tpi'-wsk" y and weekíy, by Harsha 6c WilcOK„ ït is to be neutral in politica. It Tb neatly Price $4 Tri-weefcly, qr $1 ia ad vanee for tlve Weeklyr o therwfr S2,00. It is d'oubtful if a neutraf pspe can live in tfcat vicinify, uWe glory in the deed [repend of th 25th rulelas atpue Whig triunöph. - Ff Bcdjord Mercury, Do youí Then answer us this qtjeb tion. Will the triumphant Whigs gránt thepraycr the anti-slavery pethione, in regard to sïavery under tlW, jrisdíctíon of the federal sroveri.menf! Yea of nay?


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