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ï,m;imsis ti i:im mim; a '1HESE MEDICINES A RE effecting suchastonishing curea in roulXjL titudes of oíd cásea long since abnndone.d by Physícians and Suryeonsas uttcrly bopeless. thai no medicines, where ihese nre knowii, smnd so deservedly high. They consist of THE BLACK, ORALLEBASI'8 SALVE, PRICE b CENTis. g Which cures almost universally, Fever Sores, of % ihe most mal gnant kind, Felons, Ulcers, Z scesses, Tumors, Fractures, Cuts, Punctures, Lurns, Scalds, Sore Throat, Chilblains. I sey.Dropsey. Inflnmmat'try Rheumntism, I mntions and swellings of every description, Sculd Hend, Agüe in the Face, Nervous Tooth Ache, Agüe in the Breast, Broken B eosts, írc. &,c. T A LLEBASI'S HE A LTH PILLS, 25 Cents. These Pi Is have acquired a populnrity wiihin J ihe last year or tvvo, which no other Pilis q sess. The reasons are obvions to all who use them, and may be learned Trom the pnmphlet ihat accompanies them. Tiiey cure Bilious. Scarlef and other Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsy. Dropsy, Acid Stomach, Disordered Bowels, or Stomach, Jaundice, Head Achc, Dizzinesa in the Head, Wornis, Liver Complaint, Heart Burns. Cholic, Bowel complaint, General Debility, Cos tivcness, fee. &c. They purify the entire ,i te nn, lenve the bowels in a vigorous and healihy condition, &c. See pamphlet. ALLEBASI'S TOOTH ACHE DROPS, PRICE 20 CENTS, Will cure an ordinary case of Tooth Ache in from three to ten minutes. For Nervous and other kinds of Tooth Ache, tee pamphlei. ALLEBASI'S POOR MAN S PLASTER. ri PRICE 12 CENTS, Arewarranted to be superior to any other Plas ters in this or any other country, for pain or Í weakness in the Back, Side, Chest. Bowels. Loins, Muscles, and for Rheumatism, Lungand Liver Complaims, Coughs. Colds, Asthma, &c. t Sec pamphlet. , N. B. Please to ask the agent for a pamphlet which gives all the informaiion nccessary a ing the uses of the medicines, the virtues they possess, etc. Please to follow directions in the use of the medicines, and you tnay rely upon all tliat is promised. A liberal discount made to merchants and others, who buy to sell a?ain. LYMAN VV. GILBERT, Proprietor. Wholesale Druggist, 2] 4 Fulton st. N. Y. OU" For sale by the subscriber, who hns been appointed general agent for the City of Detroii nnd as vicinity. Country dealers suppiied on liberal terina. C. MORSE, Michigan Book Store. The above medicines are for sale at the Book Store of WM. R. PERRY, In Ann Arbor, Lower Village. December 9, 1844. 34-ly. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. A. M'FAHRAJY, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, SMART' S BLOCK, 137 JEFFKRSOU AVENUK, DETROIT , Koeps constantly for sale a complete assortmer of Misccllaneous, School and Classical Books; Letterand Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quills. Ink, Sealing Wax, Cuilery, Wrapping Paper, Print, ing Paper, ol all stzes; and Book, News and Can3 ster Ink. of va, rious kinds. r BLAKZ EOOZS, t Fulland half bound. ofevery variety o Ruling 1 MEMORANDUM BOOKS, &c. f To Merchan's, Teachers, and others, buying 1 in qunntities. n lnrtre discount nnrifi. 1 SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 51-tf. FIRE! F1REU F1REÜ! PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY. HARTFORD, CONN. MHOWARD. AGENT, the Protec tion Insurance Company, of Hartford Conn. , offers to insure Houses. Stores, Mills. Barns, and their contents, and all descnp'ion of :nsurable property against loss or damage by fire. The rate8 of premium offered íire as low at= ihose of any other similar institutinn. and every man hns now nn opportunity for a trifling sum to protect him8el f against the ravages of this destructivo element, which often, in a single hour. swcep8 away theearnings of many years. The course the office pursues in transacting ■ their business, and in adjusting any payment ol losses, is prompt and liberal. For terms of insurance, application may be made to the above = named agent, who is authorized to issue policies yto applicants without delny. D. C. CLARK, President. T W. Conner, Sec'y. jf Persons ata distance wishing to get propeity insured, hy sending their applicatiuns by mail, w will be promptly attended to. [EFOfTice direcily opposüe the ;Bank of Washtenaw'" Building. 5 M. HOWARD. Ann Arbor, Nov. 25, l?4i. 33-3w Ready IVEade Clotbingü! ?6 j-HE LARGtST and best assortment ol'reaA dy made clothing 5 er before oflered in thif State now opening, and for fale, Wholesale.oi " Retail, at the Clothing ErnpoWum of the sub v scribers, consisting in' part oí plain and fancj n' Beaver, Pilot, Broad Cloths and othcr styles o 1Over Coats. n' Tweed Cassimere, Beaver, Pilot, Doinestü P" Cloth, Union Cassimere end Satinen Frock anc rj Business Coats. " Fine, Plain and Fnnc Cassimere, Blue ant ie Black Broad Cloth, Tweeds and other styles o r Pantaloons. lsi Plain and fnncy Silk and Silk Velvet, Woolei x" Velvet Merino, Satin and Cassimere Vests, &c ey &c. &c. together with a Vëry ïnrgè' stock o c. common low priced Over Coats. Business Coats ri' Pantaloons and Vesls, such as blue and blacl l8 Flushing, Satinet, Kentucky Jeans, Commot re Tweeds, &c. &c. Also, an exiensive assort s: ment ol Hosiery. Stocks, Scarfs, Handkerchiefs 8 Collars, Lamb'8 Wool and Meniïö Drawers ani e Shirts, Comforters, Gloves, &c. &c. all of whicl IC' will be 8old very low for Cash. They wouli u' respectfully invite all ín want of ready mad garments to cali and eïamine ttieir stock hefor a'' purcha8Íng elsewhere, as it has been selected wit' or great care in the Eastern markets, and manufac r lured in the latest styles aritTmost durable mannei 9 HALLOCK & RAYMOND, "' Corner of Jefferson and Avenues Detroit. on Oct. 10. J844. 3m25 , R. & J. I,. DAVÏDSON, TTAVE now on hand o complete assortment c F ALL AJVD WIJVTER DRY-GOODZ GROC3RIES, SHELF-HARDWARE, $C. &C. which they will sell cheap for ready pay. Th highest market price paid at all times ior Pork an en all other kinds of produce. „, Ann Arbor, Lower Town. Nov. 20. 1844. 3 " - AtfN AKBÖR OTL S1ILL. aI r ■ lHE subscribers would give notice that the JL are engaged in manufacturing LINSEE1 OIL. and are prepnred' to fürn:sh oil of the bes quality to mervhants and painters, cheap as i can be obtained from the Êast. Oil exchange for Flax seed at the.rate of a gallon of oil for bushei of Fl'ax seed. Cash at all linies paid fo Flax seed PULCIPHEK & JUDSON. i Ann Arbor, (Lower Village,) Sept. 6, 1844 - 20-ly. Liberty A Imanaos íor 1 8 1 Füll sale by BECKLEY & HICKS. Oct. 4. 1844. 24-4 w. he 1 f'iuLORËD CARPET WARP, white Carpí iV Warp, and Cottort Yarni from No. 5 to 2% i. for snle at R'AY MO Ñ D' S C A S II STOR E, I 35-1Í 148 Jefferson Ave., Detroi


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