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ATTENTIO CEiOTHIERS ! JUá 1' rocoivod nt th Cíunerni Üuput, lor tli sq!c oí Cioíhiers átock, Mnchuiery, Dyt Biu&, &o. &c.,. No. L3U. Jeffirm Avenue. Uütroií, folLvwing: largc, well Malled, atid yarofully solödail etoelc, vu: 100 bblsk St. Domingo Logwood, Gut, 5 Tona " " in.Snck, 150 bbls. Cuba Fuwio, Cuí. .... ■6 Tons " u infeliok, 50 bbl. Nic. Wood, Cbipped, 50 " Lima Wood, " 30 " Red Wood, " l1} Oround Camwood, 10 " Quiercitron Bark, 500 Ibs. Nutgalls, 10 Cásea Extract oí Logwood, 300 Dye, 2 Ceroons Spaniíh índigo, 200 Iba. Sumnc Sicily, a-OaskMndder, S B3ue Vitriol} 5 a eks Alum, 2 Red Tartar. S; Cream Tarar 3 Carboy&Aqua Forti, 6 Oil. Vitriol, 3. " Mhriatic Aoid,. 500' líw. Virdígris 53 " BJock Tin, Ténsela, Twine, Copper Kcttlos, nll siies, Parson's Shearing Machines, Curtía ' Screws and Press Platee, Eranfca. Presa Paper, Stoel Rieeds, Worsted' HarnesS, Tènter Hooks, Emery,.all No'e., Olive Oil, eiothiers' Jacks, Sattinett VVarp, Clothiers' Brushes, Shuttles, Pickers, Card Cleanere, &c. feo.. Tu above, with-a varietv.of other, ar.tioles belor. rr totfte trnd, ltóve Heii.-purohased thie bl ni r W the subscribcrs from Mamiíactureri,n ' Fi InuNin tlie New York, Philadelphia, B i ?n Markots, and every thiug having res -i i: ' personal inspection. he can with the -tconfidonce offor them to purchasersas tki. íird. vibst compl-U storkin the country; and ;' _ uit : id rrerniination (by the low rates :ch bo will si'll) to Drevent the neceesity ot ,',! ínl .M.inufV-'urerg leaving the ; , :,er pinchases, hf! would merely r ': .' -o the nade, CALL, examine the Jjoode and asee QÍn prices before you say you can buy cusap.u avij irRre elss. ría is nUo proparod toüontract for CARD1NG M -VCÍ'LNES mado in this State or Eaat. Cierre teller, Sign oí the Golden Mortar, 139, Jefferson Avonue, [17-tf.] Detroit. ♦'TO THE VrC5TR BELONG THE SPOILS" ALTHOUGH many pxeparation in the fonn, of 'POPULAR MEDICINES," have been before the public, claiming lo rívo relie n-í even cure the most invetérate dÍ6casei, yei i, ons have so well answered the purpose a? Di SHERMAN'S MEDICATL'D LOZENGES ' Dr. Sherman'fl ' "COUGH LOZENGES" i cure the rnost obstínate cases of Cough in a fen i hcurv Thy have cured a large nuniber of pereons who have been given up by their physicians and íriends, and many who have been ledueed ] to the verge of the grave by spitting blood cosjamplion and Hectic Fever, by their use have had the rose of health restored to the hag , gard cheek. and now live to 6pcak forth the prat8e of thia invuluable medicine. Dr. Sher "WORM LOZE GES" have been provedin more than 4W,000 cases to bo inallible,. in fuct, the o.nly certain Worm ' strojmg medicine ever discovcred. Children will at them when they cannot be torced to take any other medicine, and the benefit dertved trom i tha administration of medicine to them in thie ft;-m i great beyond conception. They havs neyer been kaown to fail. Dr. Sherman'f "CAMPHOR LOZENGES." relieve Headache, ervou? Sick-headache, Pal , pitation of the Hoart, and sickaesa in n very ] fw minutes. Dr. Sherrran's , POOR MAN'S PLASTER" by all who have ever used it to bo ïhe best trenghenig Piaster in the world. and ■ soveretgniremedy for paras and weakneps in the back, lom, side, breast. neck, limbs, jnintó, rheumatisni, lumbago, &c. Be careful to procure the oble and al! olher medicines of ' Maynard's, and you will be snre there will be no 1 mistake io quantity or charge. W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor. Februari' 5. 1844. 41 __ -. - ! f To Clothiers, JMLanuAïcturers and ülcrcltauts. THE subicriber is now receiving at hisitore, 168 and 190 Jefferaon Avenue, Detroit. Ihe following carffully and well selected tock of Dit Wods, Dte STurrs end Woolek Makwrcri-REr.'? 55 tons Fuitic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampicond Carthngena. 1-0 lone Logwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair, Coro, Hache and Limn, 3 tons Camwood", very choice, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, 13J 'J Fustic, " " 100 ' RedWooda, " " 120 " Comwood, " 4t 10 " Qnerecitron Bark, 45 " Allum, Ï2 " Copperas, 30 " Blue Vitriol, 28 " Madder, Ombre, and Dutch erop, 3, CtMn "Bar.tar, 51' " Nutgalls, 3 caies Indigo, Bengal, Manilla and Gua timala, 9 ' Lac-Dye, 20 u ext. Logwood, a ■ Grain Tin, 300 pounda Verdigris, j5 Carboys Oil Viiriol, Spirits Sca-Salta and Nithc Acid, ALSO, Copper Keitles and Clothiers' Screws, Tenter l'.ookB, Jacks and Brushés, Press Papers, Card CUwners, Weavers' Shears, Nippers and Burlin-x irons, Cornb-plates, Pieker and Bobbins, e. Worsted and Cotton Harness, Steel and ' na Reeds, Broad Power, Hand Looms and y Shatúes, Steel and Copper Mails, Emery, c. 2ason3heuring Machines, 4, 6. and 9blades, Aüsn's doublé and single Carding Machines. Machine Gard, Leicester, 'ie rbove Roods have been recently purchased oifcctly from ihe importers and manufacturera, rï cr.viJVEi.T for cash, and will be eoU at iho New York jobbers prices, adding transportaren oniy; and" in consequence of the decline on ir.any of the American manufactured articles. will, jran. cases, be sollfc at kifteen per ce"-t I.ESS TiKS foumt.k PRICE&. Tliirtcen year exierience 'in the Dye Woodbusiness enables tile subscriber to say to his customers that he is preared at aii times to wakiunt hia goodsol superior quality. THEOiH'. EATON. Dye Wood and Dyo Stuff Warehouse 1J6&aTd 190 Jefferson Avenue. Detroit. The Aitv Arbor Jonrnnl, Ypsilami Sentine P ontiac Gazotte, Flint Democrat, Adrián Expo- pi'or, Mnrshnll Siatesman, Niles Courier am Rjopublican, GazettP, Michigan City (la.) ant vhe Khquirer, Lorulonk (Canada,.) will ench pub ;he ihsidb, to theamount n liree dollars, and send copy of notice with billf to subscriber for pay ment. 17-tf. jeroSIe m. treadwell, ATTORNEY AXü COUNSELLOR AT LAVT, And General Land Agent, WILL attend to the sale and exVhnnge o Lnndsv payment of Taxes, nnd redemp lion of hands sold for Taxe&ihJaokso.nand ad jolning counties,.examination of Titlts, ('onvey ancing. and all business pertaining to Real Es Ute. Office in thcourt House. Jnckson, Michigffn. ■ r lT-tï. -GfiARLES H. STEVART,. ÏTURNEY AND COUNSEll'OR AT iAWAN SOlipOft IN CHANCERY.. EVFHÉÜiOy At'BMIB DBTHOIiTu. 40 -ií


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