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IVotice lo UI e re li a 11 ts. THE Subaeribers encouraged by the patronage thèy hnve hitherto received in the who.esale depuntiient of thdr business, will the J t'rBi Iy of May next. opon the store now oocup pied by (ieo. Grenville. fronting oh JJuron 1 street, und connecting with thetr present store a in the renr. excfusively fr n C WHOLB SALES aOOHÏ, ll wliere tlicy will keep at all times a i uil c ment of b Dry Goods. Boots, tif Shoes v itg NatS) Cnpii, Paper Hangings, iiormctSyCrockery b Mie Crale, s Hardware avd Groceries, $&. 4-c. Sic. l all of which will be soldon na good terma as at v any point tilia sido of New York City. „ G. D. 1IILL&. CO. 1, Ann Arbor. Marcli 2(!, 1844. 4Rtf. p THE followingindispensable tnmily remedies rtiay be found at Mayvahis Druggisi g Store, in Ann Ai hor, wliere none will be 6old ünless known to be of the bc6t kind and no counterfeit article ever ofTered, potent medicine mvnriably procured ol the original inventor or his regular suceessor: (LP No fa mil j shouldhe a week without these r remedies, rj) ] RALDNESS. Jiulm of Co'tunbin, for the 11 air. whicli wil ' stop it if falling out, or reetore iton bnld places: F and on children make it grow rapidly, or on those who hare lost thehair from hny cause. ALL VERMIN thatinfest the hënds of children in schools, ate prevetued or killed by it at once. Find ïkc name of COMSTOCK on it ) or never try it. Itcmcmber this always. PILES, &c. , are wholly prevented, or governcd ifthe aUack has come on. if vou ubc the owl.y true Hays' Linimknt, froni Comstock & Co. All SORES, and evcry thing relieved by it that admits of nn outwardapplication. It octslikea cbaim. Use I i!F RHEUMATISM AND LAMENFSS c tively .'iired; all 'V-i muecles and lirfibsare c teèton&i in the old ■ - y int,-, by ibe '"'.' i rtible Elixir and Nfirf e aúe ö."w Lm'.v n - ut ncver without tiio :i.:ri!? or" Cor stock SL Co. on it. KOLMSTOOK'S V - ento all WORMS ín chililStt oï adu!' certainty ;wo ijtonisljinf . TOOTH DROPS. KliSes- cures eiTíct ni ";■ ! .: Ann Arbor, FcU. H, 1844. ii Medir.ated JPlasZer-, spread for immè&iatc use. : PRICE ONLY ONE SHILL1XG. IN" OUDER TO , PLACE THE.M WITHIN Tin; RÍEANS OF ALL. IN slight .vilmente, or wliere the pntient preiers a less expensive article tluin the "Anti-inflamatory and Rhcumalic Piaster," these will be found highly benedcinl. Being already spread for iinniediate npplioaiion, tlicy will be found very convenient foi WEAK BACKS, Pnin or Weakness in the Side. Brea6t, Stomach, betweon the Shoulders, or wherever thcre is Pain, ir wliere a Piasier ia necded. They may be renlercd more serviccable by pasting a piece of ;loth on the back of theni before they are npjlied. Multitudcs-linve been relieved of pain and suflerins by tlicee Cheap Piasters. For 8ale at Mot-ely's Bookstore, and by J. T. Slocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. 16-1y L. B. WALKER'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. f I iHE Subscribers take this method of informJL ing all such as are engaged in the Milling t Ijusiness in the State of Michigan, that they are l now manufacturing in Ann Arbor, Waahtenaw r County, Michigan, L. B. Walker'e 1 Patent Sumí IVIaeliinc, L which they would recommend to take the Stnut 8 ofl ot wheat as well or better than any other machine. This machine is a horizental machine - itretains all the friet ion of the wheot, and uní ting simplicity with durnlility, it combines the j beating, scouring, and blowing principies, dis charging the dust and emut as fast as separated , Irom the wheat. This machine is perfectly se, euro from fire, and runs inuc'i lighter than any oiher madinie in use. For farther information. , sec large bilis. Shop in Lower Town. Prieel ; ro ágree with the times. All orders for Ma;, chines will be promptly attended to. Addrss, E. O. & A. CRITTENDEN. , Ann Arbor. Washtenaw Co., Mich i July 8,1844. ' 116m The Birney Portraits. THE Subscribcrs have on hand a quantity of these large and splendid I fully executed on sieel pintes. by an excellent oftisl. fro n o païntmeby E. W. Goonvvis E6q..of bany. N. Y. They are a striking likeness of the i Mak, and make an elegant ornament for the i parlo rFor snle. wholesale and retail, at $8 per dozen, I or.$1.00 each. by A. McFarren. Bookseller, Detroit, and ly BECKLEY &, FOSTER. Ann Arbor, Ñov. í, 1H44. 28 tf WOOL! WOOjLI CJLOTH! CLOTHÜ rnHE 'Subscriber8 would inform the Public i JL that they will continue to manufacture good at iheir Manufactory. two and a half miles wed of Ann Arbor, on the liaron, on the following TER MS. Until the firet dny of November. A. D. 1844. the price will be o7L cents per yard.or half the cloththe 'ooi will make. From the Ist of November to the J5th of May. 1845, the price will be 3.) cents per yard. or nine twentieths of the cloth the wool will inakc, that is, 4ÍS yards out of 100 mauufacturcd. The wool will be manufactured in turn us it may come into the factory, as near as may be with reference to the difieren! qualities. Any pereon wl:a will furnish one oi more pareéis of wool from 80 to JOO pounds of one qóaliiy can have it menufactured by itself. V.'tH'l v ]' !'e rece ved at Sci ). Wool sent '■ 'V ÓaUróad w":i .? atiende ! toin tho same mr, p: ; "tho '■'■!.;: '.verc !o COir - witil it - il srtoúld be. pas meikfid. "W'fl 'ïavc n. ïiijtacturcd c'.xt'! .'.ji . p:.-- ■ f-n avcv large tuimix eaftl i '■ "-1 bei v v:c fxiiyc ;': Li n I [llene facía and ■: oPja. '. y -.t price fft wi'.rífi ' i ( -i'.h. hopeior ii Ifjrg'fl : 'T Scio, Vas!,iri;,vs ... ', ew Hat Store. JAMES CJ, OÍÍ.AAB wmild reKpectfully inl'orni the Public, ihm In; has oponed a fine stock ut Hats, Cujjs, Stocks, Cravats, Pcarfa, Collars, Umbrcllas and. Glovcs, nt No. 105. JefTerson Avenue, Detroit, nearly oppositc the U. S. Court Room and Po6tOirlce. whero lie will be happy to see his friends and I supply them with as good an article in his line as can be procured, eiíhcr hcie or at theeast, and us cheap. Gentlemen in the interior, wÍ6híng a first rate fa9hionable article of Ilats or Caps, can be supi olied by 8cnding theirsize or have any style furnished to order in a few hours. and icarrantcd to suit. Cali and see - it may save yon a dollar. I JAMES G. CRANE. Detroit,. July 12 1844. J3-6;n M ; - TR-AÜBROAD Í:LOTÍI forcarriage trim J ming. Cords and Tassels for window shudes (r sale by W. A. R'AYMOND, 32 if 148 Jefiereon Avenue, Detroit. WANTED, any quantity of DEERSKINS by RECKLEY HICKS. Ann Arbor, Nov. 291, 1844. 32-tf


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