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WRiCUHT'S FOOR MAN'S FIILS, ) A n excellent vegetable family Medicine, in ca 5 JTjL ees oí Indigestión, Dyspepsin, Li ver Com- plainta or Jaundice, Aguc nnd Fever. Coated i Tongue, Sickness at the Stomach, Sick Heads ache, Remiltaiuandlnterniittent Fevere.Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, &c. &c. Entirely vegetable, they areemphaiifiMlIv conducing to health nnd counteracting oisease by purifying the blood, cleansïng the sysiem of vitiated humors, removing cbstructions, stimuating the orgons of secretion, mingling with the food and acling every way in harmony with the system . For Inilnmntory diseases used in connection with the "llheumatic PJaster" they wil] be fe-und greatly to aid in the removal óf diseases for 1 which. the Piaster is above recomniendcd, and particularly are tbey calculated for allderangemenisoftlie Digesbve nnd Biliary Organs, the pnmary origin of a mnlfitude of diseaoes. Price- 25 cents and 50 cents a Box. f „ at Mosely's Bookstore. and by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. 16-1 y ! Certificaten VVooisiocK. Lkn.-.wkf. Co., ( Aug. 20. 14.1. 5 lor twelve years I have been trouhletl wïtK n ' rhe. matic affection in my bnck. so that ] have haruly ever been f ree froin pain duringthe wholr timt and within twelve hours nfter I had apI phec some of Wright's Rheumatic Piaster. I was . perii itly easy, and have had no pain nee. i STEPHEN CARY. Jackson Co.. Coi.umbia, m, . Aug. 20, 1844. S i n., my cer[ify f1}1 i knve used Wriglu's i Pills in my family in violent altacks of chili and ibllious rever, and have found (hem to be the best PiIIb that I ever used. and would recommend every iamily to keep thein on hand. JAMES AWARTOUT. Thobifson, Gkauga Co.. Ohio. ? _, April 28th. 7844. ' This may certify that ] have used Wrights' ! Poor Man's Pilis and Rheumatic Piaster in my practice, and would say to the public thnt they can rely upon their recommendation with the i utmost confidence; in short, they only need trying to recommend tliemselve?. REV. R. R. SCOTT, M. D. : Loraine Co., Green, May 16, 1843. ( This may certify thnt I have used Wright's ' Poor Man's Pilis in my practice, and find' the m ! to be one of, iï not entirely. the best pills now in use; and would recommend every family to ! keep them on hand, especially those who live near low. marshy land, or mili ponds, or in an ' unhealthy climate. JOSHUA BASGOMB, M. D. l Without adding more testimony of the efficacy f of the above mentioned medicine, we do not ' itate to say that we are notafraid to have its virtues tesied by the sïde of any other of the kind c that ever has been oflered to an American " lic. and we will let i i stand upon itsown merits. Forsaie at Mosley's Bookstore, Ann Albor. By Kellogg & Brothers. White Pigeon. c. R. Williams. Jr.. Sr. Có.. Siurges Prairie i Simeón Gaget, Quincy, Branch councv. A. K. Hall, ' ■-.■ wy I W. A. BÜS8, Jamestown, Ind. Elisha Steer. Angola. i( Chcster Mos's. Albiori. Michigan. s A. P. Mann & R. Sibloy. Marshall. Mich. Á A. Callender. " ' E. Packer, Battle Creelt,. " 2 C. W. Vining, Galesburgh, " Capt. Brown, Prairievillc, tl ' D. H. Medwood, Adrián, Quackenboss, &. More. Tecumseh ft Í S. A. Rowley. Jonesville, " H. OUbert. Manchester. " W. H. Pauergon. Saline, " Harmon fc Cook. Brooklyn, L i Pierre Teller, Wholesale Agent for Detroit. Í Geo. P. Wright & Co., sole proprietors for the United States, nnd Upper and Lower Crnada. - All orders and b:isiness letters for the present, may be directed to Geo. P. Wright, Columbia P, O., Jackson Co., Mich. ; It is for sale also at Monroe, Mt. Clemcns. t Utica. Pontiac, and by Dubois & Wright. Jeflcr, son, Agents for the State of Michigan. Kilgorb. Carrol Co., O., Jan. 25. 1841 . f Ten years since, I was taken with the Scrofu■, Ia, so that I had no relief dny or night, my limbs bcing much swelled and covered with Ulcess. my breast and back in greatpain, and nerves much , shattered. I applied to different Physicians, all r of whom said there was no help for me. and all i the remedies I tried proved unavaiüng umil ] made use of Wright's Anti Infiam. and Rheum. r Plasten which reduced the inflamalion. iealed the ulcers. brought the skin to its natural cplpp, and relieved the pain. I would recommend it to all similarly afïlicted. and am eure they will j be satisfien after giving it a fair iría!. :, CATHARINE ALLENSWORTH. Thompson. Geauga Co.. Ohio. ? April 20, Í843. ' S' I certify that my little boy put hls arma into boiling water, nearly to the elboA, so that when the dress wem taken off the skin came with it; after applying several remedies to no purposn - the arm becoming much swollen and the child in great pain. 1 applied "Wright's Anti Inflammatory and Rheumatic Piaster." and within two hours bc wa perfectly easy, and went to sleep. J A fier to or three diys I removed the piaster, and v applied anothcr, and when ;hni was removed the E arm was healed, except a place the size of ashilL hng which was soon well. I believe it to be the 'i best article fora burn that can be pro'duced, and ' would. recommend all to keep i t on hand in case í of accidents. h ELTZABETH BROUGHTON. P NERVOUS DISEASES arö greatly benefit d ted by the use of these pills; - asNervous Head . u ache, Tic Doloroux. St. Vitus' Dance. &c. thcir tendency being to sooihe the irritübility of '! the System, allay pain, and induce quiet and re5 ■pose. Those afflicted with Coughs, Colde, InS fluenza, &c, wi!l find relief from the use of these pills. Exposure to cold doses the pores of the ' the skin, check s perspi ration, retards the circulation, and produces varions inüammatory dis ■ eases. Does any one percetve a cold coming J upon him? Let him on going to bed, take suffi cient to opérate smartly, and then every niht. take enough lo produce a .mild operation ti II the F disease abates. In case of Worms Jeta tea oí I Pink be laken ffeëiy for 12 hours. and then odv minister Pills sufficient to produce a'brisk catharg tic operation. . 20-ly. o JDR. OSGOOD'S b INDia CHOZ.AGO&UX7. , AMOiNG the most valuable qualities of thie medicine, is its restoring influence upon w constilutions impaired and injured by previous t, attacks of billious fever, or fever and aguc; or by a longresidence in those climates which } duce them. There are many constitutions which g becomc gradually undermined by a miasmal () fluence. without even u day'e actual confinement. .j Fn such enses, the Cholagogue acts like a charm n - thesaliow complexión, loss of appetitc, languor, weariness and depression of spirits, with p other unpleasant symptoms which render lifc a burden, all yield to this remedy when faithfully used according to the directions-of a, nyingpamphlet. It is entirely a vegetable prep l aration, and may be taken wüh perfect sfifetyunder all circumstnnces of the system. For sale by 36 W. S. k J. W. MAYNARD, sole Agent, for Ann Arborand vicinity sinclair&chasë; ) JTTOIVYEYS AJYD COUJYSELL0R8 Jlt LJ1JV, (OFFICE LOWER TOWN, ANN AIU5OR,) Will ttend to all business in their profession with afidelity and despatch. ' Paricular attention will be given lo coJlecting. ? ROBERTP. SINCT.AIR, EDVVARO R. L March20, 1844. 48-1 y. _ _- - - - - - - - - -. - e MRS. C. BUFFÏNGTÖN would ( ly inform the Ladiosof Ann Ai hor nnd its vicinity that she has received the fall and win-, ter fashions. MRS. C. BUFFINGTON. Nov. 14. 1844. 30tf. 12OO Ibs. ecsc Featltersf OF first rate quality for eale by the pound or hundred weight inquantities to suit purchagers, may bc found at RAYMOND'S CASH STORE. 32-tf 148 Jcfferson, Ave Detroit.


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